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December 31, 2014

If I was a psychopath.

…and I was firmly ensconced in the halls of power within a massive enforcement regime; and if I hated the exercise of an inviolable right by the mundanes I rule over to the point where I thought the state should “brainwash” people against it; and if I knew I would be able to get away with treason to undermine that right by smuggling contraband into a foreign country to foment a crisis in order to pass laws that chip away at that right; and if hundreds of people in that foreign country died as a result of my treason; and if officers in the very agencies I oversee die as a result of my treason; and if I have zero empathy for any of said people; would I be OK with officers getting killed in my own country by people I motivate to create a crisis that can help me get the laws passed to chip away at the right I so despise?

Yeah, I probably would.

If I was a psychopath.

-- Ivy Mike Cafe

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:36 AM | Your Say (2)

Man of the Year: The Grand Jurors in Ferguson

The Man of the Year for the Don Surber blog are 12 people whose names should never be disclosed to the public, the 12 grand jurors in St. Louis County who exonerated Officer Darren Wilson in the justifiable homicide of Michael Brown.

Their anonymity is crucial to the criminal justice system in the United States of America. Only one other person did as much to protect our civil liberties, Steve Green of Hobby Lobby, but Glenn Beck already selected him -- and the 12 grand jurors had nothing to gain but nevertheless, they refused to cave in to political pressure, and indict Officer Wilson. Their refusal to do so exhibits the courage that our Founding Fathers believed average Americans have.
Don Surber: Man of the Year

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:41 AM | Your Say (3)

"We no longer believe in God so we keep inventing extremely poor imitations of him in our celebrity culture."

Once upon a time, a cornucopia of gossip columns,
movie magazines, and television programs covered so-called celebrities. These were film stars, sport stars, and café society playboys and playgirls. No longer. With the arrival of the most annoying and malevolent invention since television—the Internet—hype now has expanded from the upper regions of stardom down to include almost everyone: businessmen, publishers, pop musicians, cosmetic tycoons, fashion designers, fashion designers’ assistants, fashion designers’ bum boys, record executives, gay liberationists, transgender activists, porn stars, plastic surgeons, victims of plastic surgeons, fashion victims, celebrity criminals, gossip columnists, gossip columnists’ assistants, professional confessional autobiographers—you name it, hype has made it famous. Late night talk show hosts are now on any A-list of the White House, 10 Downing Street, and the Elysée Palace.
Hype'€™s Premier Task - Taki's Magazine

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:18 AM | Your Say (5)

Spaghetti Toes

Spaghetti Toes "things said to, and by a 2 year old" Illustrated.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:55 AM | Your Say (0)

December 30, 2014

"Ve haf wayz uf making you suffer"

Why Airlines Want to Make You Suffer

The necessity of degrading basic service provides a partial explanation for the fact that, in the past decade, the major airlines have done what they can to make flying basic economy, particularly on longer flights, an intolerable experience. For one thing, as the Wall Street Journal has documented, airlines have crammed more seats into the basic economy section of the airplane, even on long-haul flights. The seats, meanwhile, have gotten smaller—they are narrower and set closer together. Bill McGee, a contributing editor to Consumer Reports who worked in the airline industry for many years, studied seat sizes and summarized his findings this way: “The roomiest economy seats you can book on the nation’s four largest airlines are narrower than the tightest economy seats offered in the 1990s.”
[To read enter "new yorker why the airlines want to make you suffer" in Google search and click link.]

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:10 PM | Your Say (8)

Of course that's what our space alien overlords would tell them to say...

CIA admits: All those UFO sightings in 1950s? 'It was us'

"Consequently, once U-2s started flying at altitudes above 60,000 feet, air-traffic controllers began receiving increasing numbers of UFO reports." The CIA actually cross-checked the UFO reports with its flight records, it noted in the document, but in instances when it verified the UFO was really a U-2, it stayed mum.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:48 PM | Your Say (3)

What about you people, Mr. Wilson, what do you have?

Joseph Palmi: Let me ask you something... we Italians, we got our families, and we got the church; the Irish, they have the homeland, Jews their tradition; even the niggers, they got their music. What about you people, Mr. Wilson, what do you have? Edward Wilson: The United States of America. The rest of you are just visiting.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:40 PM | Your Say (2)

Bone Music: How Banned Western Music in the Soviet Union Was Printed on Repurposed X-Ray Records

Desperate times called for desperate measures.
With the aid of a special device, people started pressing banned jazz and rock n’ roll music on thick radiographs scavenged from the dumpsters of hospitals. X-rays were plentiful (not to mention cheap), and while the records could only be pressed on a single side, the music they produced using a standard turntable was passable. The recordings even had a catchy name: bone music. From an interview with author Anya von Bremzen via NPR:
“They would cut the X-ray into a crude circle with manicure scissors and use a cigarette to burn a hole. You’d have Elvis on the lungs, Duke Ellington on Aunt Masha’s brain scan—forbidden Western music captured on the interiors of Soviet citizens.” | Colossal

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:06 PM | Your Say (3)

This Just In: People Magazine's Last Minute Entry for "Headline of the Year"


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:30 PM | Your Say (0)

The Two Empires We Must Defeat

Like the more conventional imperial vision, the left's red Empire of Ideology depends on enlisting Muslims and Muslim countries into its ranks. T

his is the basis of the Red-Green alliance. These two types of imperialists are incapable of representing native workers or communities because they are transnationalists. Their vision is cosmopolitan, rather than representative. They are entranced with a byzantine international arrangement and uninterested in the lives of the people they are ruining. This Imperial blindness is why the West is falling so swiftly to Islam. It's why the pockets of resistance are coming from nations outside the imperial sphere.
Sultan Knish:

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:04 PM | Your Say (0)

The Future is Null

The fact that all of this was thought up by science fiction writers a long time ago is lost on all of these folks.

I guess when you have letters after your name, dreaming up crazy nonsense is grant worthy, even when it is someone else’s crazy nonsense. Regardless, the Borg was thought up when they rebooted the Star Trek series for TV. That was ripped off from the first Star Trek movie when Voyager returns after having acquired all knowledge in the universe. People who take a new spin on this bit are always heralded as futurists, people with grand imaginations that think up out-of-the-box scenarios. The reality is it takes little to no imagination or intelligence. What’s tough is imagining a world where we are are the dominant life form. That’s what pushes the envelope of imagination.
at The Z Blog

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:33 AM | Your Say (0)

The Future Of Broadcast News And Punditry

It dawned on me that within a decade or at most two,

there will be no room on the airwaves for the ill-informed or the deeply biased.  Information flows are too fast for the slow, too complicated for the dense.  Every cable channel will have to jettison their good-looking but dim-witted anchors and correspondents and find good-looking, smart people.  In this regard Fox News has led the way with Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier, CNN with Jake Tapper, and NBC with Chuck Todd, but look for more network execs to realize that the public is increasingly sophisticated about who is delivering the news.  Stupid or biased –or worse, both– don’t stand a chance against the new wave of hyper-smart, energetic anchors and commentators.
-- Hugh Hewitt

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:05 AM | Your Say (5)

Nobody Home

For more than 500 million years something has been making hexagonal burrows on the floor of the deep sea. Each network of tiny holes leads to a system of tunnels under the surface. The creature that makes them, known as Paleodictyon nodosum, has never been discovered. – Futility Closet

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:50 AM | Your Say (2)


One wouldn’t think that news of wreckage and multiple bodies being pulled from the sea could be classified as “good.” But given what we already very strongly suspected—which was that AirAsia Flight QZ8501 had crashed, and that the likelihood of survivors was very poor—and given the continued unknown whereabouts of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the news that the wreckage of QZ8501 has been found and that 40 bodies have been recovered so far can be considered “good” in the relative sense, despite its horrific nature. neo-neocon » Blog Archive » Found

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:43 AM | Your Say (5)

December 29, 2014

Caption writer is not impressed by the new Sherlock


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:00 PM | Your Say (10)

Moral: Don't Piss On Your Porch -- The Real Feud Between the Hatfields and McCoys

Harmon McCoy was ordered by his Union commander to fight Devil Anse,
due to the belief that he was a Confederate spy. Harmon lost the fight, but the Union troops went after Devil Anse anyway. Later, Harmon would shoot a friend of Devil Anse while stealing his horse. In turn, Devil Anse killed Harmon’s commanding officer, General Bill France, while he urinated off his front porch. In January 1865, there was a rumor circulating that Harmon was going to kill Devil Anse himself for killing General France. That rumored ended when Jim Vance, Devil Anse’s uncle and member of the Logan Wildcats, shot Harmon while he walked home to his family that he hadn’t seen in years.
- - TIFO

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 4:25 PM | Your Say (5)

The World’s Most Majestic Trees

Criss-crossing the world with stops on almost every continent, San Francisco-based photographer Beth Moon spent the last 14 years seeking out some of the largest, rarest, and oldest trees on Earth to capture with her camera. Colossal

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 4:07 PM | Your Say (2)

The Importance of Not Being Seen

First he took off his cap, and shoved it over the earthwork. Of course, Johnnie Reb let go at it, thinking to kill the careless man under it.
His bullet struck into the bank, and instantly our sharpshooter ran his ramrod down the hole made by the Johnnie’s ball, then lay down on his back and sighted along the ramrod. He accordingly perceived from the direction that his game was in the top of a thick bushy elm tree about one hundred yards in the front. It was then the work of less than a second to aim his long telescopic rifle at that tree and crack she went. Down tumbled Mr. Johnnie like a great crow out of his nest, and we had no more trouble from that source.
Two Can Play – Futility Closet

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 3:08 PM | Your Say (1)


Never Yet Melted: Mystery of Lost Colony Solved Archaeologists
excavating an early 17th century Native American village near the Enoree River in Laurens County, North Carolina, have discovered seven contemporary Christian sepultures holding the skeletons of six males and one female of European origins. The bones have been proven through comparative DNA testing, to have belonged to members of the lost colony of Roanoke, established in 1585 on Roanoke Island, which disappeared mysteriously. More at:
World News Daily

RATS!: Never Yet Melted » Mystery of Lost Colony Solved — BAD REPORT

This Roanoke story looked good and had a very plausible ring to it. There was no obvious giveaway.

But, one commenter, Gray, called the story out, and he is perfectly correct. There is no Professor William J. Monroe at Johns Hopkins or anywhere else.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:35 AM | Your Say (6)

This article appeared at HuffPo in 2008. It was written by Jackie Fuchs, a woman who went to law school with Obama

"The Barack with whom I went to school

wasn’t the Barack that debuted on the national stage at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, but the president suit was already on, even if it was still too big for him. In law school the only thing I would have voted for Obama to do would have been to shut up. When he made that speech almost exactly four years ago, I wanted to vote for him. For something, for anything."
neo-neocon Looking back: a portrait of Obama in law school

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:28 AM | Your Say (13)

December 28, 2014

The dominance of the media by blacks is impressive.

If a white shoots a black to defend himself,
it becomes national news for weeks, or months, and riots follow, but when blacks engage in their unending racial attacks on whites, the media demurely look the other way. The attackers are never black. They are “teens.” Reporters who say otherwise are likely to be fired. In effect, the thirteen percent censor the national press.
Fred On Everything

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:50 PM | Your Say (8)

That future will be sterile, dull and short.

The brevity will be entirely driven by the sterility and the dullness.

Declining fertility rates are a direct result of the dreary dullness of modern times. The decision of a people to stop reproducing is just another way of saying they wish they had never been born. After all, you bring children into the world because you expect them to stand upon your shoulders. Children are about optimism. People don’t bring children into a dangerous or violent world, unless they expect things to get better. It turns out that they don’t bring children into a dull, sterile world either. The leaden sky obscures any possibility of a brighter future, so having children makes less sense.
Boring Ourselves To Death at The Z Blog

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:26 PM | Your Say (2)

"Before this thing is over there will be a strongly worded report."

In Washington scandal news, the Internal Revenue Service,

responding to a subpoena, tells congressional investigators that it cannot produce 28 months of Lois Lerner’s emails because the hard drive they were stored on failed, and the hard drive was thrown away, and the backup tapes were erased, and no printed copies were saved — contrary to the IRS’s own record-keeping policy, which was eaten by the IRS’s dog. “It was just one crazy thing after another,” states the IRS, “and it got us to thinking: All these years we’ve been subjecting taxpayers to everything short of rectal probes if they can’t produce EVERY SINGLE DOCUMENT WE WANT, and here we lose YEARS worth of official records! So from now on, if taxpayers tell us they lost something, or just plain forgot to make a tax payment, we’ll be like, ‘Hey, whatever! Stuff happens!’ Because who are we to judge?”
Dave Barry's Year in Review 2014 [HT- Morgan]

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:06 AM | Your Say (1)

While democide is not really a new development,

it was never as big as it was in the 20th century.

The major offenders have been; USSR (61 million killed), Communist Chinese (38 million), Nazi Germany (20 million), Nationalist Chinese (10 million), Imperial Japan (six million), Cambodian communists (two million), Ottoman Turks (1.8 million), Vietnam (1.6), Polish communists (1.5 million), Pakistan (1.5 million), Yugoslav communists (one million.) There are a number of surprises on this list. Most people think the Nazis were the worst offenders, but they are really only number three. That's because the communists managed to hide their mass murders for most of the century, aided by the tendency of the free world media to believe a lot of the propaganda regarding the "Worker's Paradise".
Winning: Friendly Fire In The Name Of God

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:21 AM | Your Say (6)

December 27, 2014

I Was a Police Officer

Today I will not catch a rapist or a murderer or a car thief.

Today I will not answer the radio call that a man has a gun or tried to abduct a child or that someone has been stabbed or has been in a terrible accident.

Today I will not save your child that you locked in a car or the child you were to busy to watch who went outside and fell into the swimming pool, but that I revived.

No, today I will not do that.


Because Today I was killed by a drunk driver while I was helping push a disabled car off the highway.

Today I was shot and killed during a routine traffic stop to simply tell someone that they had a taillight out.

Today I was killed in a traffic accident rushing to help a citizen.


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:20 PM | Your Say (12)

Mike Rowe Notes

The vast majority of black Americans have never broken the law.

And yet, millions of lives are now entwined with the death of Brown and Garner. That’s not fair, but it’s hardly breaking news. Minorities are constantly stereotyped and the impression lingers. Looters and arsonists run amok, and Black America suffers the association. Now I’m trying to get my head around the fact that two cops are dead in Brooklyn, assassinated by a lunatic in “retaliation” for Ferguson and Staten Island. Unbelievable. How much worse can it get for the millions of law-abiding minorities, struggling to be seen as individuals?
– Glenn Beck

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:47 AM | Your Say (12)


Based in Hildesheim, Germany, Vogelsang is a professional photographer who mostly shoots portraits of people and pets, but in her spare time spends plenty of time with her trio of rescue dogs who frequently find themselves in front of the camera. Dog Portraits by Elke Vogelsang | Colossal

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:10 AM | Your Say (4)

271 Years Before Pantone, an Artist Mixed and Described Every Color Imaginable in an 800-Page Book

In 1692 an artist known only as “A. Boogert” sat down to write a book in Dutch about mixing watercolors.
Not only would he begin the book with a bit about the use of color in painting, but would go on to explain how to create certain hues and change the tone by adding one, two, or three parts of water. The premise sounds simple enough, but the final product is almost unfathomable in its detail and scope.
| Colossal

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:09 AM | Your Say (0)

What Wages Pay the Unpaid Apologists for Utter Evil?

None of the apologists for this evil seem to speak or act as if they fear the Jihadists.

Indeed, if anything, quite the opposite, as if they are utterly unaware of the danger, and regard anyone with a rational apprehension or caution toward the enemy to be the victim of a neurotic and irrational fear, namely, Islamophobia, or motivated by an irrational and contemptible hatred, namely, racism. These are not the words or actions of appeasers. The bespeak not fear, but a blindness to the danger nearly impossible to comprehend; and meanwhile, like Chicken Little, they take trembling steps under the sky, eyes wide and wet with unshed tears of fear, terrified of the weather, convinced the earth is about to be fried like an egg by Global Warming. (Or Global Cooling. Or Alar. Or DDT. Or arsenic in drinking water. Or a hole in the ozone layer. Or acid rain. Or radiated foods. Or…)
| John C. Wright's Journal

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:38 AM | Your Say (0)

The argument is the people want their cars ugly and dull and maybe so, but why has a vibrant enthusiastic people suddenly decided to live in a black and white movie?

The reason is that dreaded word “efficient.”

It is the universal excuse for sucking the fun out of everything. Safety is its traveling partner, wreaking havoc on mankind. This Randall Parker post on self-driving cars is a good example of how it works. Self-driving cars will be “better” in the sense they will be more efficient. Then they will be considered safer as the technology exceeds the driving ability of the typical teenage driver. That’s when they become mandatory. Driving, as a simple pleasure, will be banned.
Boring Ourselves To Death at The Z Blog

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:23 AM | Your Say (2)

December 26, 2014

One sincere year-end regret.

Andrew Malcolm

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:06 PM | Your Say (4)

December 25, 2014

“His hands,” Ms. Tyson said, “are very soft.”

Driver Wanted for Obama Motorcade. Novice Welcome.

Bringing up the rear were police cars with their lights flashing and a Secret Service ambulance that follows the president wherever he travels. And in between were several vans filled with White House staff members and journalists, being piloted by volunteers like Natalie Tyson, a 24-year-old Bay Area graduate student wearing fluorescent orange sunglasses.... “If the motorcade ever comes under fire, it’s going to be a problem,” he said. “There are so many non-law-enforcement vehicles that it’s going to be a goat rope. Everyone will be responding, police officers and the Secret Service, and it will be all these people running around in a panic like the last scene of the ‘Blues Brothers’ movie, when there’s the big police chase that ends in a wreck of 50 police cars.”
(Oh the country's in the very best of hands!)

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:33 PM | Your Say (7)

Statue of an Athlete

Bronze. Roman copy of Greek original of the 4th century BC from the school of Lysippos. Never Yet Melted サ


And what there is to conquer
By strength and submission, has already been discovered
Once or twice, or several times, by men whom one cannot hope
To emulate—but there is no competition—
There is only the fight to recover what has been lost
And found and lost again and again: and now, under conditions
That seem unpropitious. But perhaps neither gain nor loss.
For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business.
--T. S. Eliot: "East Coker"

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 3:54 PM | Your Say (1)

Georges de La Tour The Birth of Christ


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:59 PM | Your Say (0)

Who owns Chicken Tikka Masala?

In 2001, British Foreign Secretary hailed chicken tikka masala as a unique British innovation and the country’s true national dish.
That’s absolutely believable given that, by 2009 Brits were consuming 25 million portions (2.5 billion pounds) of chicken tikka masala per year and 65,000 people were employed cooking and serving it. And that was just one-seventh of all the curries served in the nation. Syed Belal Ahmed’s Taste of Britain Curry Festival, hosted in Kolkata, India, in 2010, showcased over 50 distinctly British Indian dishes. Now there’s a yearly National Curry Week in Britain, a musical number written about chicken tikka masala by a nightclub owner from Newport, Gwent in Wales, and even a tinned version sold by Heinz, everyone’s number one source for goopy baked beans that make up a good part of a Full English Breakfast.
| Roads & Kingdoms

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:54 PM | Your Say (5)

The Anonymous Publishing of "The Night Before Christmas,"

One interesting thing to note, however,

is that while the general appearance, in terms of the flowing beard, rosy cheeks, etc., of Santa Claus was popularized by this poem, the Santa we know today has had one very big change over Moore’s description- namely that Santa is now big. If you go back and read the actual poem, you’ll note that Moore described St. Nick, (who he never called Santa Clause) as “a little old driver,” with a “little round belly… chubby and plump.” He also described St. Nick riding a “miniature sleigh” with “eight tiny reindeer” that had little hooves. This, of course, explains how St. Nick was able to fit down a chimney without any magical means necessary- he was a tiny little elf.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:04 AM | Your Say (0)

Borderline Sociopathic Christmas Gift Buying Guide For Your Special Lady Friend

| The Borderline Sociopathic Blog For Boys

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:27 AM | Your Say (4)

The Internet in Real Time:

By the time

you finish reading this sentence, there will have been 219,000 new Facebook posts, 22,800 new tweets, 7,000 apps downloaded, and about $9,000 worth of items sold on Amazon… depending on your reading speed, of course.
More date HERE @ Web Usage Stats Per Second

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:55 AM | Your Say (1)

December 24, 2014


This is not very interesting
But if
You have read this far already
You will
Read as far as this:
And still
Not really accomplishing
Anything at all

You might
Even read on
Which brings you to
The line you are reading now
And after all that you are still
Probably dumb enough to keep
Right on making
A dope of yourself
By reading
As far down
The page as this.

— Anonymous, Princeton Tiger, 1949

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 4:04 PM | Your Say (6)

The Meat Prophet of Peru

A massive hunk of aged Wagyu caps off another eight-person dinner at Osso.
“With meat that has been aged for 21 to 60 days
there is a change, but it won’t blow you away,” he tells me. “At 150 days old it’s another story. At 200 days old it’s like the difference between a boxed wine and a 30-year-old Bordeaux. It’s so complex, so elegant to analyze....”
In the jungle, there’s zebu, the hump-backed tropical cow from Southeast Asia that some ranchers are trying to develop. They need some help from the government to be able to move their product to the coast, but it should happen eventually. In another part of the jungle another group is breeding a cattle that eats the upper part of sugarcane plants, which are usually just tossed out. “The fat has a lot of character. A lot of flavor,” he tells me. “It’s intense. Aggressive. Very cool. Salty.”
| Roads & Kingdoms

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:43 PM | Your Say (8)

Another wonderful Leyendecker Santa Claus

J.C. Leyendecker is most responsible for the contemporary version of Santa Claus we are familiar with today. | Lines and Colors

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:05 AM | Your Say (0)

December 23, 2014

What Kids Wish For: "I want a gun that kills bad thoughts"

"It would be a laser weapon that would kill all bad thoughts, intentions and all bad ideas." Artem Bulavin, 9, Yulia Romanova, 6 Dark Roasted Blend

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:57 PM | Your Say (5)

Could Germany be witnessing a rise in nationalism?

The swelling marches against the "Islamisation of the Western World" could indicate that that very miraculous feat is already a foot.

The German PEGIDA movement held its largest meeting yet last night to protest what they call the ‘Islamisation of the Western World’, despite stiff opposition from all sections of Germany’s elite including politicians, media, and the arts. PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against Islamisation of the West) has grown rapidly since its inception in October, a peaceful ‘strolling’ movement opposing the exceptional violence seen in street battles between Salafist Muslims and ethnic Kurds seen in many German cities this year and enormous immigration. Now on it’s tenth ‘evening stroll’, it has grown from a couple of hundred people, to 15,000 last week, to more than 17,500 last night.
Like The Roman: 'They Keep Growing' — RADIX JOURNAL

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 4:55 PM | Your Say (15)

All She Wants for Christmas is for Al Sharpton to STFU!

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:11 AM | Your Say (8)

Still Borderline and Still Sociopathic After All These Years

I would like to point out that he did indeed try his best,

he gave 110 percent, and he left it all out there for everyone to see -- but we live in the real world where leaving it all out there for everyone to see just gets you put on a list that says you can't go within 100 yards of a school or Chuck E. Cheese's.
| The Borderline Sociopathic Blog For Boys

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:40 AM | Your Say (3)

“Joe Cocker is dead, Rolling Stone! Gaia save you!”

Cocker was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that.

The register of his burial was signed by the barman, the A&R weasel, Google analytics, and the chief mourner. Rolling Stone signed it: and Rolling Stone's name was as good as a contract with Alan B. Klein, for anything he chose to put his hand to.... Rolling Stone Magazine knew he was dead? Of course they did. How could it be otherwise? Rolling Stone and he were partners for I don’t know how many years. Rolling Stone was his sole executor, his sole administrator, his sole assign, his sole residuary legatee, his sole friend, and sole mourner. And even Rolling Stone was not so dreadfully cut up by the sad event, but that they were excellent men of business on the very day of the funeral, and will solemnise it with an undoubted bargain reprint of a Mad Dogs and Englishman review from 1970 that said that "the album lacks stylistic variety."
Sippican Cottage: Death By Oklahoma

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:27 AM | Your Say (12)

December 22, 2014

The Oppressor Must Pay..... Or Else the Hamster Gets It!


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:32 PM | Your Say (3)

“It really means nothing, but I like the tradition.

That’s all I care about. I participate in the Eucharist even though I know that it is meaningless, and that it, and all of it, is just ritual, but it feels good. I enjoy it.”

We went back to her condo, unloaded and situated the perfect blue spruce into it’s Christmas tree stand. She was so excited. “I love Christmas.” She’d already pulled a dozen boxes of ornaments and decorations out of storage. “What can I help you with?” “No, no. You’ve done enough. I love decorating. I really look forward to doing this.” On Christmas Eve, her condo will be packed with friends, for her annual Christmas Eve party.
The Thinking Housewife › Hitching a Ride on Ship “Christmas”

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:42 AM | Your Say (3)

Field Guide to Birds

"Whose woods these are I think I know...." Image from a Photo Journal by Mars Adams and Jason Domogalla

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:41 AM | Your Say (1)

When the velocity of money is zero

I am barraged daily with references to Helicopter Ben running the Treasury printing presses day and night, and thereby causing inflation.

It's an insane idea. When the velocity of money sniffs zero, there is no inflation. The Fed makes money and gives it to the government, who lends it to itself, and none of it ever makes it into the wild where a car mechanic and his downstream brethren might get ahold of it. For productive people in today's American economy, the money might as well not exist. The bill for it will exist plenty in the future, of course. But when the velocity of money is zero, the future must be entirely discounted. It's a meaningless concept, like watching an unplugged clock.
Sippican Cottage: Damocles Had Nothing To Do With It. It Was Cassandra All The Way For Sippican

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:38 AM | Your Say (7)

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...."


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:23 AM | Your Say (1)

"The most wonderful time of the year...."


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:21 AM | Your Say (2)

December 21, 2014

Entry in My Mother's Datebook


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:36 PM | Your Say (3)

Ubi Caritas

Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor.
Exsultemus, et in ipso jucundemur.
Timeamus, et amemus Deum vivum.
Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero.
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
Simul ergo cum in unum congregamur:
Ne nos mente dividamur, caveamus.
Cessent iurgia maligna, cessent lites.
Et in medio nostri sit Christus Deus.
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
Simul quoque cum beatis videamus,
Glorianter vultum tuum, Christe Deus:
Gaudium quod est immensum, atque probum,
Saecula per infinita saeculorum. Amen.

Where charity and love are, God is there.
Christ's love has gathered us into one.
Let us rejoice and be pleased in Him.
Let us fear, and let us love the living God.
And may we love each other with a sincere heart.
Where charity and love are, God is there.
As we are gathered into one body,
Beware, lest we be divided in mind.
Let evil impulses stop, let controversy cease,
And may Christ our God be in our midst.
Where charity and love are, God is there.
And may we with the saints also,
See Thy face in glory, O Christ our God:
The joy that is immense and good,
Unto the ages through infinite ages. Amen.

[HT: jwm]

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:36 PM | Your Say (4)

Merry Christmas from the US Petroleum Industry


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:36 PM | Your Say (5)

"Ye are the salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted?

It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
He put the children to bed, to dream of the morning. His wife kissed him, said only "good night" to me, and went upstairs. We sat for a long moment by the fire, the soft gentle sucking sound of the logs being consumed audible now that the children were gone. The fire was reflected in the ornaments on the tree. The mantel clock banged through the seconds. Sippican Cottage: I Want The Old Testament

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:36 PM | Your Say (1)

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:20 PM | Your Say (2)

To ride in a car marks you as an official, but the model, color, and size will vary according to your importance.

At the bottom levels one finds Russian, Czech, and Chinese medium-size cars, cream-colored or gray; at the top, one has long black Hung-ch’i limousines, with tulle curtains that conceal the passengers from the crowds.

Peking is thick with these capacious hearses; their blinded windows have an aura of august mystery, suggesting at the same time the Coach of the Holy Sacrament and the limousines that Arab sheiks shuttle their harems around in. One of the favorite pastimes of Peking people—they do not have many—is to crowd around the entrance of the Peking Hotel or near the Great Hall of the People on gala nights to see the long processions of official cars go past with drawn curtains. Those people, one feels, have no envy or bitterness—they have the experience of three thousand years of despotism—but only the normal curiosity of gapers who try to glimpse, however fleetingly, the faraway magical world where their mysterious rulers live.
Chinese Shadows: Bureaucracy, Happiness, History | ChinaFile

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:17 AM | Your Say (2)

December 20, 2014

Do Elephants Have Souls?

The birth of an elephant is a spectacular occasion.
Grandmothers, aunts, sisters, and cousins crowd around the new arrival and its dazed mother, trumpeting and stamping and waving their trunks to welcome the floppy baby who has so recently arrived from out of the void, bursting through the border of existence to take its place in an unbroken line stretching back to the dawn of life. After almost two years in the womb and a few minutes to stretch its legs, the calf can begin to stumble around. But its trunk, an evolutionarily unique inheritance of up to 150,000 muscles with the dexterity to pick up a pin and the strength to uproot a tree, will be a mystery to it at first, with little apparent use except to sometimes suck upon like human babies do their thumbs.
Caitrin Nicol Keiper - The New Atlantis

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 3:38 PM | Your Say (7)

The kids, with their smartphones and sharing economy, are just a bunch of addled-minded commies, high on stupid.

Uber strikes me as one of the pet rock businesses of post-reality America.

By that, I mean it is is a fun fad that people get rich from, but otherwise is not a real business with staying power. The reason is they are basically making money by deception. Part of that deception is cost shifting. They shift the operating costs of a taxi company onto the drivers, cell phone carriers and general society.
Uber Rape at The Z Blog

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:30 PM | Your Say (6)

The magic of these pallets is the magic of abstraction.

Take any object you like, pile it onto a pallet, and it becomes, simply, a “unit load”

—standardized, cubical, and ideally suited to being scooped up by the tines of a forklift. This allows your Cheerios and your oysters to be whisked through the supply chain with great efficiency; the gains are so impressive, in fact, that many experts consider the pallet to be the most important materials-handling innovation of the twentieth century. Studies have estimated that pallets consume 12 to 15 percent of all lumber produced in the US, more than any other industry except home construction.
CABINET // Whitewood under Siege

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:24 AM | Your Say (5)

Grandma’s expertise in nutrition dates back to the 60s.

By the mid 70s, she had written several self-published mimeographed books on nutritional intake and vitamins.

Around then or possibly earlier, I think, she started to poison people..... At first, my mother was the only one who’d refuse to eat Grandma’s food, and I thought she was being paranoid. Then I started noticing that every time I went to Grandma’s, I’d pass out on the couch or on the train on the way back to the city.
What Do You Do When You Think You Have a Murderer in the Family? | VICE | United States

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:58 AM | Your Say (3)

The White Ghetto

Driving through these hills and hollows,
you aren’t in the Appalachia of Elmore Leonard’s Justified or squatting with Lyndon Johnson on Tom Fletcher’s front porch in Martin County, a scene famously photographed by Walter Bennett of Time, the image that launched the so-called War on Poverty. The music isn’t “Shady Grove,” it’s Kanye West. There is still coal mining — which, at $25 an hour or more, provides one of the more desirable occupations outside of government work — but the jobs are moving west, and Harlan County, like many coal-country communities, has lost nearly half of its population over the past 30 years.
There is here a strain of fervid and sometimes apocalyptic Christianity, and visions of the Rapture must have a certain appeal for people who already have been left behind. Like its black urban counterparts, the Big White Ghetto suffers from a whole trainload of social problems, but the most significant among them may be adverse selection: Those who have the required work skills, the academic ability, or the simple desperate native enterprising grit to do so get the hell out as fast as they can, and they have been doing that for decades. As they go, businesses disappear, institutions fall into decline, social networks erode, and there is little or nothing left over for those who remain. It’s a classic economic death spiral: The quality of the available jobs is not enough to keep good workers, and the quality of the available workers is not enough to attract good jobs. These little towns located at remote wide spots in helical mountain roads are hard enough to get to if you have a good reason to be here. If you don’t have a good reason, you aren’t going to think of one.
-- Kevin Williamson, National Review Online

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:34 AM | Your Say (3)

Normalizing relations with Cuba will not,

as Sen. Marco Rubio passionately put it in these pages, grant the Castro regime “legitimacy.”

Nothing can grant it legitimacy. Fidel Castro ruined his country for a dead ideology and the whole world knows it. It may be closer to the truth to see the Castro brothers’ eagerness for normalization as an admission that they’ve run out their string. They’ve lost everything that kept them alive, from the Soviet Union to once-oil-rich Venezuela. The Castro government is stuck. Their economy is nothing. They have no strength. They enjoy vestigial respect from certain quarters, but only vestigial. They’ve lost and they know it.
The Cuban Regime Is a Defeated Foe - WSJ

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:37 AM | Your Say (5)

Like a bearded nut in robes on the sidewalk

proclaiming the end of the world is near,

the media is just doing what makes it feel good, not reporting hard facts. We need to start seeing the media as a bearded nut on the sidewalk, shouting out false fears. It’s not sensible to listen to it … Personally, I think we need to start turning away from media, and the data shows that we are, at least from television news. I find that whenever I lack exposure to media I am much happier, and my life feels fresher.
The Gell-Mann Effect

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:22 AM | Your Say (4)

The Gell-Mann Amnesia effect

The Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows.

You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them.
In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.”
-- Michael Crichton

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:16 AM | Your Say (6)

December 19, 2014

What Do You Get for the Man Who Has Everything?

Hurt Locker (Fake Defusable Bomb) Kit After assembly, press the start button and then you will see two colors flicker in sequence. Do not forget them and quickly look up the third color with the color sheet in your hand. Remember you've got only 15 seconds!

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:01 AM | Your Say (2)

Stooges. Seriously.

The Tragic And Twisted Tale Of The Three Stooges The internal mechanism of The Three Stooges is deceptively simple.
It’s based on the premise that all of them are stupid, but some are more stupid than others. Moe, with his gravelly voice, permanent scowl and menacing helmet of bowl-cut hair, was the leader, invariably the under-boss entreated with overseeing whatever hopelessly doomed endeavour the Stooges found themselves pursuing (and whatever it was, you can bet it involved heavy objects and the potential for maximum mayhem; plumbing, not surprisingly, was a favourite Stooge profession).
Curly, his hulking frame bursting out of a too-small suit, was the irredeemably incompetent man-child, the knucklehead’s knucklehead and recipient of most of Moe’s abuse — a litany of punches, slaps and smacks, bonks on the head and, quintessential Moe, the twin-pronged poke in the eye. (Moe actually had his brother Shemp to thank for his signature move. Once, during a card game, Shemp became so convinced that Larry was cheating him he leapt up and poked him in both eyes. Moe made a note of it and duly incorporated it into the act.)
Larry, too often underestimated, was the all-important bridge between Moe’s authoritarian bully and Curly’s babyfaced clown. An easygoing simpleton, Larry was the essential, non-threatening intermediary, and he brought a special genius to the role. “As in Waiting For Godot,” writes Ted Levitt in his essay Larry: The Existential Stooge, “if Curly and Estragon are body, Vladimir and Moe are the intellect, then they are waiting for Larry in order to be complete, to have a sense of their own existence.” Of course, he also got hit in the head with a wrench now and then, too.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:59 AM | Your Say (2)

Close But No Cigar [Bumped]


Updated: Clinton with "Butterface" Catsimatidis , The Early Years

"Uncle Bubba"

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:28 AM | Your Say (19)

December 18, 2014

The Left hates the light because their deeds are evil.

The Jihad and the Soviets are utterly, absolutely, entirely, hysterically, insuperably and supremely devoted to falsehood.

Whereas I am truthful. All their bombs and guns and tanks, their money, their armies, their suicide bombers do not frighten the Left, because the Left literally cannot imagine physical danger, nor more than Veruca Salt can do, and for the same reason they cannot. They are spoiled brats. Brats always get their way. But telling Veruca Salt the truth about the state of her soul, and her conscience will prick her, and that is the one pain she cannot fight or tolerate. The Left hates the light because their deeds are evil.
What Wages Pay the Unpaid Apologists for Utter Evil? | John C. Wright's Journal

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:08 PM | Your Say (0)

“Do not underestimate,”

he instructs, “the pleasures of reading.
The satisfactions of the book, in the age of social media and proliferating cultural choices, are very singular.” The pleasures of reading morph into the aesthetic delights of print and paper. Reading a favourite novel on a screen is like tasting a vintage wine through a straw. The unintended consequence of the ebook, Daunt reports, has been to make many readers return to the hardback.
Whisper it quietly, the book is back … and here’s the man leading the revival

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:13 PM | Your Say (0)


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:07 PM | Your Say (2)

Have You Seen Me?


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:07 PM | Your Say (2)

"Each step was so small, so inconsequential..."


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:07 PM | Your Say (4)

Probably Means Nothing

Russian Food Suppliers Have Begun Halting Shipments | Zero Hedge Russia's Vedomosti reports, citing vegetable producer Belaya Dacha, juice maker Sady Pridoniya and others, Russian suppliers are suspending food shipments to stores because of unpredictable FX movements. And it is about to get worse: very soon Russians may have to live without imported alcohol because at least on supplier of offshore booze.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:19 AM | Your Say (2)

December 17, 2014

A Billionaire Dinosaur Forced Me Gay

The year is 2014 and dinosaurs have gained control of the world economy
due to exceptionally accurate stock predictions. After graduating from NYU with a business degree, John is hired to be the assistant for one of the largest trading firms on Wall Street. His boss, the CEO of the company is highly regarded as the best businessman of the century. Only difference is that he is a dinosaur!
- by Hunter Fox.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:37 PM | Your Say (1)

The Jew today is called on to forget.

To light the menorah on Chanukah is to pass on a signal fire that has been kept lit for thousands of years.
From the first holiday of Passover, after which the freed slaves kindled the first Menorah, to the final holiday of Chanukah, that light burns on. The historical cycle of Jewish holidays begins with Moshe confronting Pharaoh and demanding the freedom of the Jewish people. It ends with the Maccabees standing up to the tyranny of Antiochus and fighting for the right of the Jewish people to live under their own rule on their own land. The lights of the menorah embody the spirit of the Jewish people. A spirit that has outlived the atrocities of every tyrant. In the heart of the flame that has burned for a thousand years lives the soul of a people.
Sultan Knish: A Dangerous Holiday

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:16 PM | Your Say (0)


- an album on Flickr

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:05 PM | Your Say (0)

Conservative Republicans Take It In the Shorts. "But.... but.... we won!"

Van_der_Leun | Twitter

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:57 AM | Your Say (2)

The New Churchill

The house itself is like a woman grown old, missing a few teeth, gone thick and manly.

But you can tell the ruin used to be something. The old frame shows something of the heretofores. I heard tell a captain of local industry built it to prove to everybody that he had finally made it big in this old world. He said prove it to everybody, but really meant to himself, I'll bet. The bank took it from him the minute a dark cloud appeared on the horizon, and showed him that the world has no opinion.
Sippican Cottage

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:06 AM | Your Say (0)

Depravity will keep going as far as it will go.

Terrorism, like all perversions, needs stronger and stronger stimuli to achieve the same result. The door to hell is self-sealing. The damned vie with each other to burrow deeper into it. Upstairs, Downstairs | Belmont Club

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:22 AM | Your Say (2)

The blue ribbon in the “Self-Hating White Man” category has to be placed on the coffin of David Ruenzel

That’s because he made a living writing about “white privilege” for the inexplicably respectable Southern Poverty Law Center—and he was killed by two black dudes. ...While hiking, no less. Hit Me Harder, I’ve Been Bad! - Taki's Magazine

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:06 AM | Your Say (4)

Life On Mars

Our lives must be in some strange way — beyond any passing subjective enthusiasm — worth living. For, Someone went to a lot of trouble to put us here. Whether He also planted microbes on Mars for us to find, in our season, is an open question. I can’t see why He would, but then, I am not privy to all of His intentions; only the ones He has told us about. - - Star dust : Essays in Idleness

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:03 AM | Your Say (0)

Now Even Dieting Causes Global Warming

When you lose weight, where does the fat go? The most common misconception among doctors,
dieticians and personal trainers is that the missing mass has been converted into energy or heat. "There is surprising ignorance and confusion about the metabolic process of weight loss," says Professor Andrew Brown, head of the UNSW School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences. "The correct answer is that most of the mass is breathed out as carbon dioxide. It goes into thin air," says the study's lead author, Ruben Meerman, a physicist and Australian TV science presenter.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:35 AM | Your Say (8)

Anyone here ever been to Pakistan?

I have. Shithole doesn't even scratch the surface.

That place is beyond shithole, far in excess of any shithole the Western, Christian mind can conceive. Hell, it's not even a real country! It's just a name, stuck onto a cesspool full of human filth and the hapless creatures being pulled by that filth down to the bottom. Pakistan is a made-up country, you know; history knows no "Pakistan", and there is, was, and never will be any such thing as a "native Pakistani". There are only tribes, and money, and drugs, and misery, stuck together by Islam into a fetid mass that can never and will never endure. Call it Yugoslavia East.
One time in Karachi, a lady walked up to me with a baby in her arms, crying and begging me for money for the baby. At first I thought the "baby" was some sort of doll, but as she got closer I looked closer and that's when I realized she was carrying no doll but an actual, mummified dead human baby, its face painted with cosmetics.
I ran and am still running today.
I am a Catholic, and I believe in Jesus, but I have to tell you in all honesty that if by some miracle every Muslim on the planet dropped suddenly dead I wouldn't feel a thing, and that's wrong, but it's honestly how I feel. I wish I didn't, but I do. I'd like for one day to go by, just one day, without having to think about those lunatics and wonder what nightmare they're cooking up next.
"But you can't tar all Muslims with the same brush! What about nice Mr. Dirkadirka down at the Schwarma Hut?" Well, what about him? He's nice now, but what about tomorrow? Do you think he'd be nice if his kind were numerous enough to call the shots, or if someone in your town were to do something for which the Prophet demands death? That same nice, friendly guy at the schwarma stand today might slit your kid's throat tomorrow. We certainly didn't mind tarring the Japanese in America with the same brush -- and for far, far less than American Muslims have done.
"Nice" Muslims? Sure, there are nice Muslims. There were plenty of nice people in the Cheka, the NKVD, the SS and the Ustase, too. No, counting on the niceness of Muslims is like tiptoeing past the devil.
God help us. How can we fight an enemy that God won't allow us to hate?
Shibes Meadow Comment on Pakistini Taliban attack school, kill 140

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:14 AM | Your Say (12)

December 16, 2014

The Left loved the Communists killing countless millions of innocent people

both because they love the idea of corpses piled up so high that they blacken the sun,

and because the Communists were foes of Christianity and civilization. But the Reds were civilized themselves enough to want things like running water and food and life, and so were unwilling to ignite a nuke and bring about the final and utter semisexual craving of the Left, which is obliteration. The Jihad are far more attractive, because they are vile, violent, and dishonorable on every level.
What Wages Pay the Unpaid Apologists for Utter Evil? | John C. Wright's Journal

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:10 PM | Your Say (1)

The Task

All Europe contributed to the making of Kurtz; and by and by I learned that, most appropriately, the International Society for the Suppression of Savage Customs had entrusted him with the making of a report, for its future guidance.
And he had written it, too. I’ve seen it. I’ve read it. It was eloquent, vibrating with eloquence, but too high–strung, I think. Seventeen pages of close writing he had found time for! But this must have been before his—let us say—nerves, went wrong, and caused him to preside at certain midnight dances ending with unspeakable rites, which—as far as I reluctantly gathered from what I heard at various times—were offered up to him—do you understand?—to Mr. Kurtz himself. But it was a beautiful piece of writing. The opening paragraph, however, in the light of later information, strikes me now as ominous. He began with the argument that we whites, from the point of development we had arrived at, ‘must necessarily appear to them [savages] in the nature of supernatural beings—we approach them with the might of a deity,’ and so on, and so on. ‘By the simple exercise of our will we can exert a power for good practically unbounded,’ etc., etc. From that point he soared and took me with him. The peroration was magnificent, though difficult to remember, you know. It gave me the notion of an exotic Immensity ruled by an august Benevolence. It made me tingle with enthusiasm. This was the unbounded power of eloquence—of words—of burning noble words. There were no practical hints to interrupt the magic current of phrases, unless a kind of note at the foot of the last page, scrawled evidently much later, in an unsteady hand, may be regarded as the exposition of a method. It was very simple, and at the end of that moving appeal to every altruistic sentiment it blazed at you, luminous and terrifying, like a flash of lightning in a serene sky: ‘Exterminate all the brutes!’
-- Conrad, Heart of Darkness HT: Fatman

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:13 PM | Your Say (0)

Everyone knows something basic about government: if it gets too powerful, too big, and too all-encompassing, it becomes tyrannical and destructive.

Law enforcement is carrying out the will of an ever-increasing monster

with billions of tentacles reaching out further and further. If they go too far, often if not most of the time, its because they're being pressured and directed to by their bosses. For every "free speech zone" there's a cop arresting people for expressing their freedom of speech in the "wrong place." For every city ordinance against smoking, there's a cop writing someone up for smoking in the wrong place. For every regulation against trans fats, there's a law enforcement official reporting on a restaurant serving the wrong food.
Word Around the Net: GOOD COP/BAD COP

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:16 PM | Your Say (7)

“Backlash” is the Sasquatch of liberal journalism.

The sad fact of the matter is the whites never return fire.

Year after year the incidents of Muslim terrorism pile up and nothing is ever done about it. Maybe if Romper Stomper were true, there would be fewer Muslim’s to cause trouble in the civilized nations. Of course, that’s true everything else. Blacks riot and everyone worries about the white backlash that never comes. Whenever a group of lunatics gets out of hand, the first thing we see in the news is fear of a backlash from the normals, but it never comes.
-- Z Blog

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:14 PM | Your Say (3)

He said Mr Monis was “without a single blur” on his character and had been “preaching peace”.

“Without a single blur”. Sadly, questions about Mr. Monis’ character are likely to remain unresolved now that he’s dead.

But uppermost in the minds of many, especially those who have been in a jam, is the question of ‘how did you make bail for a rap sheet like that?’ How did Monis pay for all his lawyers? Were the lawyers public defenders? If so they must have been pretty good.
Belmont Club » Making Bail

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:45 AM | Your Say (2)

1,000 Hues

It has been called “part objet d’art, part meditative practice,” Clemens Habicht’s puzzle consists of 1000 pieces, all with an individual hue from the CMYK color gamut. -- Visual News

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:07 AM | Your Say (5)

RickRuns: Rick Perry's Statement On Australian Hostage Situation

"As a nation, we must be prepared to terminate ISIS with superior military power. We must work with our allies to build a grand coalition of civilized nations who will stand united against this evil and care for refugees of the conflict. We must be committed to the principles of freedom against evil ideologies around the world. By focusing on those three components, ISIS will one day be left on ‘the ash heap of history." | Truth Revolt

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:13 AM | Your Say (4)

66 years ago....

This is the story of a beaver named Geronimo and a simpler time of ingenuity, when the rodents parachuted into Idaho’s backcountry. - - KBOI 2

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:01 AM | Your Say (0)

The Real "Doc" Holliday

The violence only took thirty seconds,
left three men dead, and several men injured. While no one knows for sure who fired first, it was Doc’s bullet that first rendered a fatal shot. It is even written in some accounts that Clanton was not armed. But finding the truth about what happened in that gunfight is about as difficult as finding Bigfoot. In the end, Holliday, along with Earp, was put on trial for murder. He was exonerated, but several attempts were made on his life over the next few years. He eventually made his way to Colorado where he increasingly became dependent on alcohol and opium as his health deteriorated.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:33 AM | Your Say (4)

The Conned Can't Admit They've Been Conned [Bumped]

Social justice fanatics may be fanatical

because they are justifying to themselves the amount of money and time that they spent on getting a Marxist degree that sets them at odds with their surrounding society. They feel that, unless they join the class struggle, their expenditure has been wasted. This behavior tends to present itself frequently in victims of scams: the more that they have spent on getting into the scam, the more fervently that they want to believe in it.
Social Justice Warrioring As Justification for Student Loan Expenses | Henry Dampier

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:22 AM | Your Say (12)

Does Truth Matter to the Feminist Left?

Many of those who describe themselves as “journalists” these days are more interested in moral positioning

and the advancement of their agendas than in the attainment of objective truth. Where most of us are primarily concerned with whether a given claim is correct, others seem more attentive to how we react to that claim in the first place. Did you ask questions about Jackie’s story as it was reported? If so, you must hate women, work for the patriarchy, or hope to prove that nobody is ever raped. Did you believe Jackie uncritically and with a full-throated roar? Excellent, then you must be a good person who wants to help women, move the country forward, and do something concrete about the issue of sexual assault. It’s really that simple, my dear.
| National Review

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:16 AM | Your Say (1)

“Conservative Votes, Liberal Victories.”

Why, even when conservatives win elections, does the nation continue to move inexorably leftward? As a friend from that era wrote me recently, other than our victory in the Cold War, what do we conservatives have to show for all of our political victories? -- Jonathan Gruber: Honest Liberal

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:07 AM | Your Say (7)

Sydney Siege

I thought it odd to hear journalists wondering

about the gunman's motivations when he was forcing hostages to hold up a banner that read, "There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet," and demanding that the cops deliver to him a proper ISIS flag. Wonder what was his inspiration? Only a journalist or some other member of the progressive clan could and would pretend not to know.
The DiploMad 2.0

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:33 AM | Your Say (1)

December 15, 2014

The Bloop

Bloop is the name given to an ultra-low-frequency and extremely powerful underwater sound detected by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1997. The sound is consistent with the noises generated by icequakes in large icebergs, or large icebergs scraping the ocean floor. List of unexplained sounds

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:11 AM | Your Say (0)

December 14, 2014

Owning A Ferrari For A Year Was A Disappointment

it's a Point A to Point A car.
In other words: this isn't a car you use to go somewhere. It's a car you take out of your house, and drive around for a while, before you return to your house. You don't go to the mall in it. You don't take it to dinner. You can't pick up anything large, and you can't transport more than one person. It's not a vehicle you use. It's a toy to be played with.
- - Jalopnik

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:59 PM | Your Say (5)

One Day, I Will Die on Mars

CAT FOOD IS HERE, finally,

and it took all the energy I had not to slam the door in that child’s face after he handed it over. No tip for you. As for Squee, he is feasting. In other news, I have obtained, via serious research, the flush code for my toilet. What’s a few extra dollars in pursuit of an empty tank? And now I can recline in contemplation, friends—or rather I could if my sofa would arrive, which doubtless, someday, it will.
| Motherboard

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:56 PM | Your Say (4)

In the cold, animals can be attracted to the warmth of your car.

Always check before you drive away. Vanessa Woolf

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:36 AM | Your Say (5)

Misteaks Wur Maid

Corrections: December 14, 2014 - NYTimes.com The Strategies column last Sunday, about how holiday retail sales may have been affected by recent demonstrations against racial injustice, referred incorrectly to the death of Eric Garner after a confrontation with the police on Staten Island. He died after being placed in a chokehold; he did not die in a shooting.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:07 AM | Your Say (3)

"So let's have another cup of coffee...."

The Case for Drinking as Much Coffee as You Like: "Coffee and caffeine have been inexorably intertwined in our thinking,
but truth is coffee contains a whole lot of other stuff with biological benefits," said Martin. And most concerns about caffeine's negative effects on the heart have been dispelled. In June, a meta-analysis of ten years of research went so far as to find an inverse association between habitual, moderate consumption and risk of heart failure. The association peaked at four cups per day, and coffee didn't stop being beneficial until subjects had increased their daily consumption to beyond ten cups.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:17 AM | Your Say (2)

"Pork for Pigs"

U.S. spending bill includes money to fight pig virus Buried deep within the 1,603-page annual spending package expected to be approved this week in Congress is $2 million to address the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea, a virus that has ravaged the country's hog herd.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:08 AM | Your Say (3)

December 13, 2014

"One of the Kings Men"

That picture is as old as "civilization".
One of the King's Men, with the same expression reaching back ten thousand years, threatening mortal violence to the disarmed serfs. You don't get it, do you? It doesn't matter that this time the perp might actually be a scumbag. Men are not angels, and some day that man will gladly serve the Tyrant. If we give well-intentioned men the powers that a tyrant needs, we will get tyrants. "I don't think I'll let you arrest us today, Behan." Posted by: John A. Fleming
Commenting on : No way to delay that trouble coming every day:

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:48 AM | Your Say (12)

Why women are dyeing their armpit hair

“First, I had Rain wipe her pits down to remove any deodorant that might be lingering.

Then, I got right in there with my bleach and color brush, applying it thick in small sweeping strokes in all directions, making sure to fully cover every hair.”
- The Washington Post

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:41 AM | Your Say (8)

Shock diamonds

(also known as Mach diamonds, Mach disks, Mach rings, doughnut tails or thrust diamonds)
are a formation of standing wave patterns that appears in the supersonic exhaust plume of an aerospace propulsion system, such as a supersonic jet engine, rocket, ramjet, or scramjet, when it is operated in an atmosphere.
- - Wikipedia

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:02 AM | Your Say (0)

No one is too old any more to have a technological problem.

An old gentleman pushing a big shopping cart at the supermarket had a senior moment when it came time to enter his pin into the card reading device.

“I’ve forgotten my password,” he said. ”Why don’t you serve this gentleman,” he said pointing to me and stepping aside, “while I recollect it.” He went off a few steps and started at the ceiling. As I was leaving, I glimpsed him returning with a wide smile to the cashier. Evidently he had remembered what it was. By such threads does ordinary life hang in the balance. All the banks admonish their customers never to keep their PINs in their wallets for security reasons. But in peaceful Australia the main threat is forgetting your PIN just when you need the money.
Belmont Club » The Second Wave

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:43 AM | Your Say (1)

Of Ends and Means

Now, people will often slip into one of these

when caught up doing wrong or when accused of ill doing, to justify and defend themselves, even when they may not philosophically hold to that position. "Everyone else was doing it" is a fine Ethical Opportunist's answer - I gained peer approval and felt part of a group - and "well it got the job done" is something the Ethical Pragmatist would appreciate, but neither is necessarily what you really believe. We don't like being wrong, and we feel weak and endangered when justly accused of doing wrong, so we try to find a way to argue that it wasn't really all that bad.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:37 AM | Your Say (1)

Bill Whittle: Lena Dunham, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder and the New Barbarism

This case was manufactured from the ground up, by Holder, Obama, and other evil people, to hold political power.

Stealing a television set does not undo injustice – not even a trumped-up one; walking out of a looted store is not a civil rights act. It’s lawlessness, it’s violence, it’s chaos and it’s brutality, and that’s all it is. It’s Barbarism. None of those peaceful protestors on that bridge in Selma Alabama were caught doing this: shoving a small, innocent shopkeeper for having the impertinence to challenge Michael Brown’s casual barbarism, his theft of cigars; his wanton lawlessness. This isn’t Civil Rights. This is strong arm robbery.
| Truth Revolt

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:36 AM | Your Say (0)

From 1,000,000 to Graham's Number

Just going to a fifth arrow would have made my head explode,
but the number of arrows in g2 isn’t five—it’s far, far more than the number of Planck volumes that could fit in the universe, far, far more than a googolplex, and far, far more than INSANITY. And that’s the number of arrows. That’s the level of operation g2 uses. Graham’s number iterates on the concept of iterations. It bundles the hyperoperation sequence itself
. | Wait But Why

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:00 AM | Your Say (2)

December 12, 2014

Walking the Line [Bumped]

One of my favorite words is “mokita” which means the truth everyone knows but agrees not to discuss.

Every culture has things like that. In America, everyone knows one truth about race relations. That is, if blacks ever go to war with whites, they will lose everything. When you are 13% of the population, you always have to navigate around the other 87%. Given America’s race history, “navigating” means blacks can raise holy hell from time to time when they feel cheated, but they can never cross the line into full revolt.
An Ugly Turn at The Z Blog

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:22 PM | Your Say (33)

No way to delay that trouble coming every day:

A plain-clothes California Highway Patrol detective, who had been marching with anti-police demonstrators,
aims his gun at protesters after some in the crowd identified him and his partner during an arrest in Oakland, California, December 10, 2014. Chief Avery Browne, commander of the California Highway Patrol's Golden Gate Division, said two plainclothes CHP detectives were surrounded by up to 50 demonstrators who ignored orders to back off, despite one of the officers first taking out his baton and identifying himself as police.
- In Focus

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:40 PM | Your Say (10)

WALKER EVANS: Forty years ago when I was going around with a camera I was doing some things that I myself thought were too plain to be works of art.
I began to wonder – I knew I was an artist or wanted to be one – but I was wondering whether I really was an artist. I was doing such ordinary things that I could feel the difference. But I didn’t have any support. Most people would look at those things and say, “Well, that’s nothing. What did you do that for? That’s just a wreck of a car or a wreck of a man. That’s nothing. That isn’t art.” They don’t say that anymore.
Walker Evans on What Makes a ‘Good Photograph’

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:40 PM | Your Say (1)

Whitt’s preoccupation with “free will” is more central than it would seem at first glance.

Christianity’s most important assertion is that the infinite is not only “out there” (in God the Father to use older terminology)

but also incarnate in individual consciousness. None of this works without Free Will. This puts consciousness in an place more exalted than it has been since the Copernican revolution. The idea that consciousness somehow entangles many worlds through a kind of superposition restores liberty to the world.
Belmont Club サ Proof of Life

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:30 PM | Your Say (1)

December 11, 2014


One of the rarest animals on the planet, the black panther - - J.B. White

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:11 PM | Your Say (10)

December 10, 2014

If you sense a spiritual vacuum in life,

if you sense a secular, or an empty survival-oriented or self-oriented attitude towards life, then you can try believing first.
Willing suspension of disbelief. Give it a chance. Then see what happens. There is nothing to lose, and maybe a fresh new existence in a new world, a new reality, to gain. A rebirth, as they say. You can't think your way into it. If it does nothing, you can quit it anytime. If the baby in the manger is not ripe to be born in your heart today, you can wait as long as you want to. This kind of pregnancy can take many years, or never.
Tim Keller, Advent, etc. - Maggie's Farm

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:52 PM | Your Say (5)

The Winner and Still Champion


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:46 PM | Your Say (7)

I'd no more join the Republican Party or support their aims than I'd join HerbaLife.

Your use of the Revolutionary terms Left and Right betrays the fact that you still see the world through the lens of Politics As Usual.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Politics As Usual is over. This society is far past the point where elections, parties, voting, and daytime talk radio have any real meaning or potency in terms of public policy. When the wheels are coming off the car, it hardly manners if you turn the steering wheel to the right or to the left -- the Crash is coming no matter which direction you favor. The only thing one can do in such a case is to brace for impact. Left and Right, Republican and Democrat -- that stuff is all over. We are approaching the day when the only options are the ones Lenin wrote about: "Who, Whom?"
B Lewis comments on Walking the Line [Bumped]

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:44 PM | Your Say (10)


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:11 PM | Your Say (7)

Leftism is politicized envy.

You see, the Left are losers. They are stupid people who want to be thought smart; people with no taste who want to be thought cultured and artistic; selfish cowards who want the palm leaf of martyrdom and the gold medal of heroism; but who, in no case, can actually perform. Atheist Coffee and Feminist Envy | John C. Wright's Journal

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:10 AM | Your Say (2)

Base Camp

Each year, tens of thousands of tourists (called "trekkers")
journey into Nepal's Sagarmāthā National Park, making their way up to witness the madhouse that is Everest Base Camp. Most of those tourists fly into Lukla, lovingly known as "the most dangerous airport in the world." From Lukla, it's just a few days' hike into the Himalayas along a path that has been neatly cultivated to facilitate the hordes of visitors. It's Disneyland.
A Journey Through Forgotten Lands | Huckberry

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:38 AM | Your Say (1)

The Moron Known As Mark Morford in 2008

Remember the "lightworker" crap sandwich they were passing around in 2008? "Those were the days, my friend. We thought they'd...."
Is Obama an enlightened being? / Spiritual wise ones say: This sure ain't no ordinary politician. You buying it? - SFGate Don't buy any of it? Think that's all a bunch of tofu-sucking New Agey bulls-- and Obama is really a dangerously elitist political salesman whose inexperience will lead us further into darkness because, when you're talking national politics, nothing, really, ever changes? I understand. I get it. I often believe it myself. Not this time.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:51 AM | Your Say (5)

The Fermi Paradox

I have often quoted a friend’s joke maintaining that human folly was so great that the only way the continued survival of the species could be explained is through the operation of Providence or the guidance of Space Aliens. The Fermi Paradox says the same thing. Human life seems incredibly improbable, for our instruments can’t find anyone else. We must really be special to be here, otherwise as Fermi noted, then where is everyone? Belmont Club サ Proof of Life

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:24 AM | Your Say (2)

The Rise and Fall of Chris Hughes and Sean Eldridge, America's Worst Gay Couple

In their elitism and sense of entitlement, they represent much of what liberals are supposed to despise.

Most in the media and gay community were perfectly willing to ignore this imposture when the couple was throwing their money at the right causes and dispensing jobs to their journalist and political consultant friends. Hughes and Eldridge were beneficiaries of a corrupt and compliant media and political establishment that grasped at their filthy lucre. Only now that the fairy tale has come crashing down—a magazine destroyed, a devastating political loss suffered—is the herd willing to admit the obvious.
- The Daily Beast

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:04 AM | Your Say (1)

"And you'll find they you're in the rotogravure...."


“I just acquired an advertisement for rotogravures from 1924 in the ‘Saturday Evening Post,’ and it explains the entire process,” says Makkos.
“The rotogravure was actually an etched metal plate formed into a cylinder, so when the paper was sliding through the presses, the plate itself was the drum. This process created these super-clear photo images, way finer than a typical photo printed on newsprint. They even used different paper, and when you hold the gravures up to the light at the right angle, you can see this silvery shimmer. It has a satin finish to it, resembling silver gelatin prints.” Even in digital scans of the rotogravures, he says, the level of photographic detail is mesmerizing.
Cache of Historic Newspapers Unveils the Mysteries of Old New Orleans | Collectors Weekly

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:21 AM | Your Say (0)

December 9, 2014

December 7 A Comment at Ace's

116 During the 3-1/2 years of World War 2 that started with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941 and ended with the Surrender of Germany and Japan in 1945,
"We the People of the U.S.A." produced the following:
22 aircraft carriers,
8 battleships,
48 cruisers,
349 destroyers,
420 destroyer escorts,
203 submarines,
34 million tons of merchant ships,
100,000 fighter aircraft,
98,000 bombers,
24,000 transport aircraft,
58,000 training aircraft,
93,000 tanks,
257,000 artillery pieces,
105,000 mortars,
3,000,000 machine guns, and
2,500,000 military trucks.

We put 16.1 million men in uniform in the various armed services, invaded Africa, invaded Sicily and Italy, won the battle for the Atlantic, planned and executed D-Day, marched across the Pacific and Europe, developed the atomic bomb, and ultimately conquered Japan and Germany.

It's worth noting, that during the almost exact amount of time, the Obama Administration couldn't even build a web site that worked.Dec 7 1941

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:49 AM | Your Say (4)

I made a word!

"Cynicalag:" Trying daily to become more cynical about Obamerica but unable to keep up. (@Van_der_Leun)

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:36 AM | Your Say (1)

December 8, 2014

Signs of the Apocalypse: “A man was seen biting a Staffordshire Bull Terrier in Gloucester”

Man bites dog - Telegraph

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:21 AM | Your Say (4)

December 7, 2014

Conduct an experiment:

sit still for five straight minutes.

It’s longer than you think. Now add darkness, and six other people, and you’re all violently attacking a woman. No one is allowed to leave, no one comes in, screams can’t be heard, and the victim is cutting up her back on the remains of a glass table that smashed to the ground when she was tackled. At the end of this nightmare the victim staggers out into the street. This even as the party inside is still going on – a party where there are no witnesses that saw Jackie leave, no one in the party that Jackie sought out for help. Outside Jackie is then convinced by three friends not to go to the hospital. The police are not called.
Journalist Exposed #RollingStone Rape Fraud But No One Would Publish It - GotNews

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:58 PM | Your Say (7)

"I have on my hard drive the picture of a man long ago dead"

Our telescopes are turned outward seeking Dyson Spheres in the vast reaches of the cosmos for proof of life.
Yet I have on my hard drive the picture of a man long ago dead, part of a group of fliers who rose in Boeing P-26 Peashooters to challenge Zeros over Batangas province on December 12, 1941. The pilot did not survive the day. In some modern cosmology there is multiverse where he landed safely; just as there is one where all the battleships at Pearl Harbor rode out the day peacefully at anchor. There is a multiverse where America surrendered to Japan. But while those multiverses may exist in potential, the universe we have, through the operation of choice is the one where the flag flies, unvanquished to this day. But that particular today had its price. To purchase it the pilot could not land and the proud warships were forbidden to live out the day.
Belmont Club サ Proof of Life

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:33 PM | Your Say (1)

The Fermi paradox can be asked in two ways.

The first is, “Why are no aliens or their artifacts physically here?”

If interstellar travel is possible, even the “slow” kind nearly within the reach of Earth technology, then it would only take from 5 million to 50 million years to colonize the galaxy. This is a relatively small amount of time on a geological scale, let alone a cosmological one. Since there are many stars older than the Sun, or since intelligent life might have evolved earlier elsewhere, the question then becomes why the galaxy has not been colonized already. Even if colonization is impractical or undesirable to all alien civilizations, large-scale exploration of the galaxy is still possible using various means of exploration and theoretical probes. However, no signs of either colonization or exploration have been generally acknowledged.
Belmont Club » Proof of Life

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:26 PM | Your Say (17)

Travel arrangements soon to be a highly subscribed Kickstarter project.


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:42 AM | Your Say (9)

Roadkill wear

Petite Mort Fur ‹ Ethical Fur Accidental furs are loving resurrections of our fuzzy wild neighbors who have met with an untimely or natural death – it is sensible Yankee ethics at their best. Each luxurious piece is hand made, individually numbered, custom tailored to each owner’s specifications, befitting an heirloom investment. -- Knuckledraggin

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:39 AM | Your Say (4)

Protocols of the Young Men of the Frat House

The story was perfect. A young innocent girl, selected for dastardly despoliation by a two-faced Snidely Whiplash, seduced by the promise of romance, ravaged by seven savage rapists, rolling in agony on glass shards, penetrated not just by male penises but beer bottles, for endless hours.

The evil that was rich, white men had been dragged out of the shadows by Sabrina Rubin Erdely. The conspiracy of silence, the conspiracy of DENIAL was exposed for the entire world to see. And the feminists ate it up. And the media, herald of the feminists, reveled in the exposure of the conspiracy. The college administrators, Liberals to the bone condemned men individually and collectively. Politicians howled for blood. This was The Protocols of the Young Men of the Frat House and their evil was exposed for all to see. To become ‘brothers” men had to gang rape virgins. It was too good not to believe.
The Virginian: Protocols of the Young Men of the Frat House

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:52 AM | Your Say (8)

She Was Right

Never Yet Melted

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:38 AM | Your Say (0)

Again we see that about 13 percent of the population brings 90 percent of the butthurt.

Bobby Jindal celebrates Landrieu defeat; Epic butthurt ensues | Twitchy

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:34 AM | Your Say (4)

Slavoj Žižek, the Ideal Fraud

He is deliciously, archetypally intellectual; he incarnates the satirist’s idea of what an intellectual should be. His Central European accent is perfect: it would be impossible to say anything in it that was superficial.
"The second part takes up Žižek’s critique of Meillassoux, which solves the problem of self-reference by dialecticizing the principle of factiality, ending up with the thesis of the contingency of necessity. The third part is an elaboration of Žižek’s critique in which the main lacuna in Meillassoux’s philosophy, i.e. the lack of any account of the genesis of subjectivity, is seen to lead to a disavowal of ‘constitutive mythology’ as theorized by Markus Gabriel.
by Theodore Dalrymple/ Taki's Magazine

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:20 AM | Your Say (3)

December 6, 2014

Ever wonder what a "professional feminist" looks like? Voila!


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:24 PM | Your Say (16)

A Real Government Logo


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:24 PM | Your Say (1)

It's not police who make a police state

From Atlas Shrugged:

“Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with.” Exhibit A: Obama Sues Companies for Complying with Obamacare
Sense of Events

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:37 AM | Your Say (3)


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:24 AM | Your Say (2)

December 5, 2014

Noh Mo MiszSpelling Puhleaze!

Ancient Egyptian Handbook of Spells Deciphered Among other things, the "Handbook of Ritual Power,"

as researchers call the book, tells readers how to cast love spells, exorcise evil spirits and treat "black jaundice," a bacterial infection that is still around today and can be fatal. The book is about 1,300 years old, and is written in Coptic, an Egyptian language. It is made of bound pages of parchment — a type of book that researchers call a codex.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 4:03 PM | Your Say (1)

You can say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one....

I am dreaming of a U.S.A. that can do things: deport illegals, shoot looters, win wars. It’s pure nostalgia, of course. The Impotent Eagle

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 3:53 PM | Your Say (4)

Drudge Does the Numbers


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:30 AM | Your Say (5)




Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:17 AM | Your Say (2)

December 4, 2014

Here is what it is really about:

The progressive alliance of Mass Media elitists, Wall Street manipulators,

entitlement boosters, racial “equality” careerists, community organizers and socialist agitators that constitute the political hard-core of the Democratic party that brought Barak Obama to power is falling to pieces. All the baldfaced lies, prevarications, demagoguery, failures (both foreign and domestic) of the past six years have finally become unsupportable and a great disappointment has settled in amongst the believers. The American people have finally noticed and voted to reverse all of it.
Breath of the Beast: Burn This Bitch Down? No Thanks.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:29 PM | Your Say (3)

This divided America has become like a zombie power.

It’s disembodied head is still giving speeches on social justice at a Teleprompter, while its decapitated body is overpowering energy rivals, preparing to mine the asteroids and conjuring up one astounding technological innovation after the other. Belmont Club サ Da Doo Ron Ron

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:57 PM | Your Say (0)

But my tears started before anyone said a word.

As the service started, dozens choristers from around the world carried three things down the aisle and to the altar: pieces of dead coral bleached by hot ocean temperatures; stones uncovered by retreating glaciers; and small, shriveled ears of corn from drought-stricken parts of Africa. ‘Weepy’ Bill McKibben steps down as Chairman of 350.org | Watts Up With That?

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:12 AM | Your Say (4)

But did they arrest the little man in the boat?

"The Japanese... nuked too much or..."Vagina kayak artist arrested in Japan
Megumi Igarashi, who calls herself Rokude Nashiko—offensive slang which loosely translates as “reprobate child”—was arrested in July for trying to raise funds online to pay for the construction of a kayak, using a 3D printer, inspired by her genitals. She was released days later following a legal appeal and after thousands of people signed a petition demanding her freedom.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:55 AM | Your Say (5)

An Open Letter to Sniveling Negroes

I have decided to become an irascible asshole about this spate of black paranoia, because my sensitive friend Lester Spence has become infected by its cowardly poison.

It is ironic that this demonic possession of fear, I say again FEAR, has gobbled up whatever common sense, perseverance and motherwit we used to associate with the Negro race. But it is clear that the lot of you have lost your minds and now tremble like autumn leaves at the prospect some white man might lose his mind. And so your fear of his presumed fear of you has made you both into idiots ready to lash out like cornered animals. I'm disgusted. Thoroughly and totally disgusted at this shameful regressive display. The very idea that the sons of tenured professors "ain't goin' out like that" and are prepping themselves for suicide by cop in a blaze of retarded glory are the wet dreams of Willie Lynch.
- - Cobb

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:41 AM | Your Say (1)

December 3, 2014

Lion Man of Hohlenstein Stadel.

Carbon dating puts it at 32,000 years old, give or take.
If you take a close look at the pics in the link, you will see it is sort of a half cat and half man thing. The remarkable thing about it is the detail. The “caveman” who created that thing was highly skilled. It is carved from a mammoth tusk and was carved with a flint knife, most likely.
Lion Person at The Z Blog

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:20 PM | Your Say (3)

When Chou En Lai was asked what he thought of the French Revolution he allegedly replied “it’s too early to say”.

However others are willing to make a judgment on history.
Chinese artists Dai Dudu, Li Tiezi, and Zhang An painted a fascinating panorama of 103 persons in 2006 they considered famous. The selection reflects their point of view. It contains many more Chinese and Asian figures than might figure in an American choice. It is understandably a Sinocentric view of the world; where Hitler strikes an indifferent pose but it is Hideki Tojo who is singled out for torment. Movie stars and sports stars have more prominence than would be expected. It’s cavalcade of fame as seen from the international news pages.

Since the painting was done in 2006 there is one conspicuous omission. Is it a fatal shortcoming? And have the artists failed to anticipate the most significant historical figure of all?

Belmont Club » Three Portraits

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:17 PM | Your Say (5)


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:15 PM | Your Say (1)


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:15 PM | Your Say (0)

For a Brief Inglorious Moment, the U.S. Navy Had a Nuclear-Powered Wetsuit

In 1968 the AEC and its contractors developed a nuclear-powered wetsuit.
A small canister containing nearly a kilogram of plutonium-238 heated water through a heat exchanger. A battery-powered pump circulated through lots of tubes within a longjohn-like undergarment worn under a wetsuit.Engineers built and tested a prototype, but without enough Pu-238 for a full-up trial.
— War Is Boring — Medium

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:13 PM | Your Say (1)

December 2, 2014

I suspect that the popularity of Star Wars and the Potter series

arises from the generation of obese, pimply-faced young losers we are now raising, who know their real-life prospects to be miserable, and compensate by playing the hero in video games. Very few of them know how to code a computer, to be sure, and even fewer know how to build one. Spengler サ May the Farce Be With You

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:43 PM | Your Say (11)

And out of that space a voice came: “He will strengthen you to the end.”

I have become so used to looking into the mirror of myself that I have forgotten, I have forgotten the divine wormhole that breaks out into the eternal, that breaking out, "€œLo he comes with clouds descending, robed in dreadful majesty!"€  Who am I? I have forgotten who I am, confining myself to this world, a worm and no man.  The night is passed. The day is at hand.  RORATE CÆLI: The First Sunday in Advent: Forgetting the Divine

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:21 PM | Your Say (1)

A Bloodbath at the Bentota Fish Market

It’s an open-air massacre. Heaps of shiny, mutilated carcasses extend from me to the pier. The stench is unbelievable, as if two rubber-gloved fingers smeared with rotten fish paste were digging up my nostrils. But it’s not just the smell that turns my stomach. It’s the knives. Manoeuvred by expert hands, they slash off the fins, the most valuable part, leaving stark, bloodless holes in the dead creature’s lucid skin. | Roads & Kingdoms

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:16 PM | Your Say (1)

What we have here is a prime example of a fascinating Internet phenomenon:

the preemptive denunciation of a controversy that doesn’t exist.

People live to be outraged, and they’re so excited for things to be outraged about that they’ll more or less invent an outrage to get their dander up. We can see another example of this phenomenon here, in which a blogger denounces a raft of columns questioning the character of a football player who walked off the field before the game was over before a single column of that variety had even been written. The preemptive denunciation is a form of moral posturing, an effort to show that you’re a serious person who believes all the right things, unlike other, bad people who believe all the wrong things.
There Is No "Black Stormtrooper Controversy" | Washington Free Beacon

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:59 AM | Your Say (3)

A pattern has emerged over the years in which half-truths amplified by a barely literate media are reviving mob justice in America.

This is not spontaneous, but rather a deliberate effort to undermine our civil liberties.

Liberals hate the Constitution because it protects citizens from their government. Liberals want to abolish due process and a criminal justice system that is based on facts. Liberals want to replace this with show trials, which are based on the emotion of the moment; this would give them better control of society.
Don Surber: Dismantling the Bill of Rights

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:55 AM | Your Say (1)

At last!? "The Ugly Christmas Sweater Suit"

Do you remember all those Christmas parties
you went to last year dressed in your mom's baggy vintage '88 Christmas sweater complete with shoulder pads and shedding small trinkets from holidays past with each step you took? Do you remember going home to your sad, cold bed a little tipsy and utterly alone? Thought so. But what is there to do? You don't want to be the stiff who shows up dressed all "normal and boring" to a holiday party. Well luckily for you, daddy (that's us) went up North and got some of Ole man Nick's hobbit friends to whip up something a bit more... dapper.
| Shinesty

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:45 AM | Your Say (5)

You say tomato, I say potahtoe

An extraordinary plant that produces both tomatoes and potatoes has been developed in the UK. Just one of these bad boys can grow more than 500 sweet cherry tomatoes above the ground, and a decent crop of white potatoes below. Aptly named ‘TomTato’, the plant is actually 100 percent natural, and not genetically modified as one would expect.

TomTato, a.k.a ‘veg plot in a pot’, was developed through high-tech grafting by Thompson and Morgan, a horticultural firm based in the town of Ipswich, in Suffolk, England. Although similar plants have been created in the UK before, this is the first time someone has managed to produce a commercially viable version. The TomTato - A Plant That Grows Tomatoes above Ground and Potatoes Below | Oddity Central - Collecting Oddities

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:15 AM | Your Say (4)

December 1, 2014

“Democracy has terror for its means and totalitarianism for its end,”

Gómez Dávila once wrote.

In that single stroke an argument is initiated and ended. It is just one of thousands of sentences Gómez Dávila composed in his nearly 81-year life, but which very few have read. They covered every deep subject imaginable in the same terse, confident, clever, and intransigent manner, at only slightly varying lengths. These aphorisms, called escolios (“scholia” or “glosses”) by their author, stand on their own, ever at attention like a verbal infantry with bayonets armed, ready to return fire rather than to facilitate civil dialogue.
Don Colacho'€™s Epitaphs | The American Conservative

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:52 PM | Your Say (4)

Piece by Piece, The Blue Model Sickens and Dies

Over time the taxi system everywhere tended to become less effective

if only because of a tendency toward regulatory capture by crony capitalists—often, owners of companies who owned many of the artificially limited taxi medallions—who channeled campaign contributions and other sources of influence into focused efforts to limit the supply of medallions, raising prices for consumers and, often, leading to low incomes for the drivers who had to lease medallions at high prices from the handful of sources.
- The American Interest

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:16 PM | Your Say (0)

When it comes to race, it has been a long time since whites have spoke forthrightly about the subject in public.

On-line and on television I’m seeing some tough words about
black crime, black racism and the general dysfunction of black America. That used to be the sort of thing that got you banished to Steve Sailer’s basement. In private, I’m hearing white people speak in ways that would have made Archie Bunker blush. If blacks had the capacity to self-police, they would be wise to muffle their bomb-throwers now and let all this settle down.
Back To Blood at The Z Blog

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:14 PM | Your Say (9)

America at the end of 2014 is in the strange position of having strengths that no one had even counted on

Its oil industry has produced a cornucopia of energy in despite of administration obstruction.

It’s space industry and science are poised to lay the foundation for the commercial exploitation of space. It is, despite everything, in better shape than Europe and in far better condition than Japan.
A new American century may be in the works just when the intellectuals had written it off. The US may is led by unimaginative elites who have no idea what to do with these strengths except tax them. Yet that may be fortunate, almost as if God had blessed America with leaders who are too dumb to know they are.
Belmont Club サ Mining Engineers Led by Communications Studies Majors

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:03 PM | Your Say (1)

Odd zooks!

Thence with mighty content homeward, and in my way at the Stockes did buy a couple of lobsters,
and so home to dinner, where I find my wife and father had dined, and were going out to Hales’s to sit there, so Balty and I alone to dinner, and in the middle of my grace, praying for a blessing upon (these his good creatures), my mind fell upon my lobsters: upon which I cried, Odd zooks! and Balty looked upon me like a man at a losse what I meant, thinking at first that I meant only that I had said the grace after meat instead of that before meat. But then I cried, what is become of my lobsters? Whereupon he run out of doors to overtake the coach, but could not, so came back again, and mighty merry at dinner to thinke of my surprize. - Samuel Pepys, Wednesday, 13 June, 1666.
Lobsters in the Archive—Blog—The Appendix

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:24 PM | Your Say (1)

"I'll have the United Nations Special."

Was there some link betwixt international organizations and Hash we've lost, or some vernacular association that links Raisin Rice Custard to the idea of post-war concords? LILEKS (James) :: The Bleat 2014

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:37 PM | Your Say (2)

Office-speakers started to look busier and more important

and techy and numbersy. They thrived in meetings where there was absolutely nothing to say—and nothing that needed to be said—by powering out office words to fill the vacuum of insight.

They talked about "change agents" and "landscaping the competitive environment" and began to see themselves as negotiators—people who history will remember as the architects of modern times, successors to David Lloyd George, intellectual descendants of John D Rockefeller. And because they looked busier and looked more important and looked more techy and looked more numbersy, the early office-speakers were quickly promoted through the ranks. Because that's basically what office life was, is and will always be about.
Where Did Soul-Sucking Office-Speak Come From? | VICE | United States

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:30 PM | Your Say (1)

Neil (Pretentious Middle Name) Tyson: Getting dumber by the day.


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:57 PM | Your Say (5)

The media’s ability to define the narrative is so enormously powerful it almost distorts reality.

Take Ebola. Everybody knows that the epidemic is over because it’s no longer reported. But as Deutsche Welle notes, it isn’t. The apparent drop is an artifact of the way the disease has been reported. Belmont Club サ Left Out of the Narrative

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:19 AM | Your Say (3)

You know what we call people who go after someone who was acquitted/no billed?

A lynch mob. - - Mr. X on Twitter

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:36 AM | Your Say (1)

Do not rebuild in Ferguson

From a kid who survived the Hough Riots in Cleveland nearly a half century ago, some unsolicited advice to the business owners in Ferguson, Missouri:

Do not bother rebuilding. Your customers do not want you. They tore up your stores -- twice. And after one of them robbed a store. These are not protests. They are pogroms aimed at the middle class. Take the insurance money and run. Police officers, too, should leave. Why risk a criminal trial or worse for doing your job? Homeowners, too. Black, white, Asian, Hispanic -- it does not matter. You are middle class. They do not want you. Leave.
Don Surber:

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:32 AM | Your Say (3)

My point was always this: The cards are not innately wicked.

They only become so by misuse. I believe in Satan.
I believe he prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking souls to devour. That’s why we must be innocent as lambs, but also cunning as serpents. The pietistic Catholics have the lamb part down. The serpent part? Not so much. It was the devil who took a plaything created by Catholics and reflecting their faith, and turned it into a tool of evil.
Meditations on the Tarot

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:17 AM | Your Say (0)

Style, elegance and her mother's winning smile: How Malia Obama, 16, is turning into a Michelle Jr.

Well, here’s why - she comes by it naturally! Just look at this photo of Malia’s Mom (Princeton ‘85) and Grandma enjoying the Princeton women’s basketball game against American University last week:


Michelle Obama's Mirror: Heart of Darkness: From Georgetown to Ferguson

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:16 AM | Your Say (3)

Your moral and intellectual yadda yadda

Turnaround is fair play. I don’t wish harm on her, but I haven’t an ounce of sympathy.

The New York Times journalist who published Darren Wilson’s home address wants police protection and has been calling the police nonstop, Gotnews.com has learned. Julie Bosman “keeps calling the 020th District station complaining about people harassing and threatening her,” our source told us. She’s also “complaining about numerous food deliveries being sent to her residence.”
- - Blazing Cat Fur

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:13 AM | Your Say (3)

Dude, where's my hockey stick?

Of course there is no hockey stick.
Carbon dioxide does not cause the planet to warm up. A rise in carbon dioxide levels appears to be a lagging indicator for the world's temperature, not a leading indicator, but what do I know? I'm neither a historian nor a climatologist. But I do know junk when I see it, don't I? Politics aside, there are many decent, apolitical scientists who believe this junk. As Richard Feynman said: "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool." Computer models? As Richard Feynman said: "There is a computer disease that anybody who works with computers knows about. It's a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is that you 'play' with them!"
-- Don Surber: Global warming in two charts

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:38 AM | Your Say (0)

Rape Culture Myths: Is the Rolling Stone Story True?

The story of what happened to Jackie is similarly horrifying—and similarly incredible.

Having been raped for three hours while lying in shards of glass “digging into her back”—three hours of which Jackie remembers every detail, despite the fact of the room’s pitch-blackness—she passes out and wakes up at 3 AM in an empty room. Again: It’s possible. You can’t say it isn’t. But I am reminded of the urban myth about someone waking up in a bathtub full of ice in New Orleans. This story contains a lot of apocryphal tropes.
Shots in the Dark

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:32 AM | Your Say (2)


Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:14 AM | Your Say (1)

[Bumped] One of the reasons for being glad to be as old as I am is that I may be spared living to see a race war in America.

Race wars are often wars in which nobody wins

and everybody ends up much worse off than they were before. Initial skirmishes in that race war have already begun and have in fact been going on for some years. But public officials pretend that it is not happening, and the mainstream media seldom publish it at all, except in ways that conceal what is really taking place.
Thomas Sowell: Black mobs and the coming race war

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:08 AM | Your Say (16)

The Global Shakeout From Plunging Oil

New supply —rather than demand—is dominating the market, and OPEC has been caught by surprise.:
The world has experienced sudden supply gushers before. In the early 1930s, a flood of oil from East Texas drove prices down to 10 cents a barrel—and desperate gas station owners offered chickens as premiums to bring in customers. In the late 1950s, the rapidly swelling flow of Mideast oil led to price cuts that triggered the formation of OPEC. And in the first half of the 1980s, a surge in oil from the North Sea, Alaska’s North Slope and Mexico caused prices to plunge to $10 a barrel.
-- Daniel Yergin - WSJ

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:07 AM | Your Say (7)

Who wants to be Billy Joel when you can be Sting or Elvis Costello?

Russell Brand is — let’s get this out of the way up front — a dope,
a witless Hollywood poseur who having made himself a splendid fortune and having been cured of his various addictions now seeks new avenues of satisfaction. The progression is a common one among celebrities: To be paid handsomely is not enough, the sexual rewards are not enough, to be famous is not enough, to be celebrated is not enough — the hungry ego demands to be admired and respected, and the clown wants the world to know that underneath his makeup is the face of a Serious Man.
Brand Unawareness | National Review Online

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:03 AM | Your Say (5)

Carvey: Comics 'Afraid' to Joke About Obama

"If you live in New York or L.A. and you're liberal and you're playing to a liberal crowd, it's almost like a rally -- it's not edgy," Carvey said. | Truth Revolt

Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:27 AM | Your Say (5)