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December 27, 2014

What Wages Pay the Unpaid Apologists for Utter Evil?

None of the apologists for this evil seem to speak or act as if they fear the Jihadists.

Indeed, if anything, quite the opposite, as if they are utterly unaware of the danger, and regard anyone with a rational apprehension or caution toward the enemy to be the victim of a neurotic and irrational fear, namely, Islamophobia, or motivated by an irrational and contemptible hatred, namely, racism. These are not the words or actions of appeasers. The bespeak not fear, but a blindness to the danger nearly impossible to comprehend; and meanwhile, like Chicken Little, they take trembling steps under the sky, eyes wide and wet with unshed tears of fear, terrified of the weather, convinced the earth is about to be fried like an egg by Global Warming. (Or Global Cooling. Or Alar. Or DDT. Or arsenic in drinking water. Or a hole in the ozone layer. Or acid rain. Or radiated foods. Or…)
| John C. Wright's Journal

Posted by gerardvanderleun at December 27, 2014 9:38 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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