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Open thread 9/18/23

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  • Anne September 18, 2023, 10:11 AM

    And ?

  • ghostsniper September 18, 2023, 10:57 AM

    downward into the miasma

  • Joe Krill September 18, 2023, 11:53 AM

    I wonder what is on the pedestal at the bottom of the stair case?

    • ghostsniper September 18, 2023, 12:15 PM

      In our Florida house there is a half high wall that separates the living room from the dining room and at the end of that wall is a large finial post that I built. This post is 16″ x 16″ square, 54″ high, and has a pineapple shaped hand carved finial on top.

      I used hidden closures to secure the top to the shaft of the column. To the average person this half high column appears to be what it is, but I and I alone (and my wife) know it’s secret.

      If you take the pineapple and it’s support trim work off, inside is an 8″ diameter x 42″ long PVC pipe with glued endcaps.

      Inside that pipe are the original 20 sheets of CAD drawings that were used to get the building permits and to construct the home. There is also a CD with all of the CAD files burned to them, as well as over 600 (jpg) picture files taken during and after construction.

      Also included, all of the documentation from purchasing the property up through permitting and building documents. The last picture in the series shows me drinking a brew while sitting on the tailgate of my truck in the driveway after mowing that yard the first time.

      You can get just a hint of a glimpse of that half column here:

      Maybe the column in the above pik holds something even more sinister! Maybe the pistol Al Capone used to kill Pretty Boy Floyd!!! Only Geraldo knows for sure….

  • Casey Klahn September 18, 2023, 3:51 PM

    Lauren Boebert, US Senator, can get a little in private if she likes. Once she figures out where all the cctv’s are she’ll be a whole lot smarter.

    My question is, what democrat congresswoman would you want to..? That’s what I thought. None of them.

    • ghostsniper September 18, 2023, 5:58 PM

      Her date, 46-year-old Quinn Gallagher, was a Democrat-supporting owner of a bar that hosts LGBTQ+ and drag events in the ski town of Aspen, Colorado. The events included a women’s party for Aspen Gay Ski Week and a Winter Wonderland Burlesque & Drag Show.

      • Casey Klahn September 19, 2023, 4:49 PM

        Hmmm. Sounds like a hatchet job piece of info that you’d read, but I’ll keep my eyes open for Boebert’s news, no matter how tittilating.

        I haven’t got specific complaints about the Senate GOPe leadership because I know they’re making some huge waves in the face of huge opposition. I hold as suspect any hit piece against them, but will keep my mind open, of course.

  • ghostsniper September 19, 2023, 3:47 AM

    “Bring me a grog wench afore I keelhaul ye.”


  • Snakepit Kansas September 19, 2023, 4:59 AM

    I flew through Malaysia earlier this summer to go scuba dive in the Maldives. Both Muslim countries and booze is illegal. Surprisingly, there was free drinking water in the Kuala Lumpur airport. Fill up your water bottle, no problem. Once on the boat outside Male, booze flowed legally. I drank my share of Tiger beer in the evenings.

  • Anne September 19, 2023, 10:46 AM

    I am forwarding this link because I know there are people here who can suss out the important info in this article: https://montanafreepress.org/2023/09/18/what-a-28-year-old-from-dc-wants-for-montanas-mental-health-system/?utm_medium=email and I would like to have your thoughts.

    We had 16 (+/-) years of democratic rule, so all of our agencies are staffed by obedient Dems with lifetime employment contracts. All of our judges are very liberal and I know one for sure who campaigned as a Democrat–it’s illegal to campaign as a judge with a party affiliation.

    I am hopeful for the things this governor could do. Last year was the first year we had control over both houses and governor.
    Every bill passed in opposition to the Dems at this year’s legislative session is now being held up by lawsuits filed by the Democrats. The Dems have a new game. Newly licensed local law school graduates eager to show their newly acquired skills are formed into small groups and funded from outside MT to become “nonprofit focused interest groups”, i.e. ACLU, Southern Poverty, etc. They are then focused to stop a bill and take it to a corrupt judge.

    Montana is the KEY state they want to regain and boy are we under siege. It will take a few minutes to do a focused read of this article, but I would like to have your thoughts and opinions. After all, we are facing two generations of obedients who have been trained by the Communist party–it’s gonna take a while to force this evil back into the bottle.
    You might be interested in reviewing the history of communism in China. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Zedong You can scroll down and start with 1929. I think it is important to review the Cultural Revolution–so we know the facts regarding sequence. The link is here
    You might also like more insight into Hillary Clinton. Check here for her involvement in a project regarding the development of early childhood brains. Shortly after she worked with an Oakland law firm two of the four partners were avowed communists. Her involvement with the development of children perhaps provides a greater insight into how our schools have “failed” during the last 50 years!
    Here is Hillary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Clinton

    • jwm September 19, 2023, 3:13 PM

      It is frightening stuff, Anne. We have to wrap our minds around the idea that this is not a political fight, but a Holy war. Politics is power is their religion. They are not idealists, but jihadists. They will not stop. They cannot be reasoned with. They have the media. They have the internet. They have the almost all of the government. The police answer to them, not us. Worse, they have the schools.
      This is a war. Lenin won it in Russia. Mao won it in China. I fear that we saw the penultimate battle during the last election.
      They want to seal their victory in 2024.
      There is only one thing that can stop them from winning it here.


  • Anne September 19, 2023, 5:05 PM

    All seems pretty familiar doesn’t it?

  • DT September 19, 2023, 7:48 PM

    Tick-Tock …

  • Anne September 19, 2023, 9:28 PM

    There is someone who comes to this site who used to work at Boeing. He can tell you that WA state hasn’t had a clean election in at least 60 years.

  • Anne September 19, 2023, 9:28 PM

    There is someone who comes to this site who used to work at Boeing. He can tell you that WA state hasn’t had a clean election in at least 60 years.

  • Anne September 19, 2023, 9:30 PM

    There is someone who comes to this site who used to work for Boeing, he can confirm what WA state has become. They have not had a clean election in 60+ years, if ever. The oligarchs, and the wives and daughters of oligarchs there are doing this to America because it makes them feel smart, feel so courageous, feel so enlightened.

    • John A. Fleming September 19, 2023, 10:16 PM

      1964, that’s about right, Reynolds vs. Sims, where the Warren Court decided that from now on the cities would have all the political power, and the hinterlands would be the helots. It’s much easier to run electoral fraud in the chaos of the big cities, where all the denizens are much more dependent on government largesse.

      • jwm September 20, 2023, 6:30 AM

        Consider the small number of precincts that “fortified” the last election with astounding numbers of last minute phantom votes. Think there might be a correlation with the proximity to MLKBlvd?
        Nah, that be r…..


  • Anne September 20, 2023, 7:14 AM

    I think making us afraid to speak about what we have seen or witnessed was the first great loss in the effort to destroy our democracy. I am not a r . . .t because I tell what I see, or think I have seen. What makes one a r . . .t is their personal and deliberate actions. We have to get over the fear of being called a name. That technique is tantamount to forcing someone to use their own weapon on themselves.

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