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Selected Shorts: Welcome to the Hotel Paranoia

Bill Maher’s Waking Up with a hangover about Woke Culture

Feminist Dating Advice is demented dating advice.

Bill Burr on canceling the dead by woke white folks.

[continue reading…]


Professor Filth, she keeps her world inside of a leather cup
But all her sexless patients, they’re trying to blow it up
Now her nurse, some local loser, she’s in charge of the cyanide hole
And she also keeps the cards that read, “Have Mercy on His Soul”


Above: “Some animals are more equal than others.” Putin sits at the top of the table away from others. I note that when the leader of a warring nation tells you why that nation is at war, you’d best listen to what he says.

Putin Speaks: Meeting with State Duma leaders and  faction heads with the President of Russia

[Official Translation — Bumpf deleted. Emphasis added.]

Putin: Good afternoon, colleagues, Mr Volodin.

The State Duma’s spring session ended yesterday, July 6, and all deputiesI want to emphasize thisall parties made a significant contribution to the overall results.

. . . .

This Duma session was rich in events and intense work and was very important given the scale and complexity of the tasks at hand. After February 24, when the special military operation began, all the country’s branches and levels of government needed to act decisively, as a team, and quickly.

Today, I want to thank you for working like that: in a collected and competent manner and at a fast pace. I believe all parties have confirmed their political viability and maturity and acted in a consolidated and cohesive manner like true statesmen and patriots of Russia, for whom inter-party disagreements fade into the background in difficult conditions. We have many parties, but one Motherland, and there is nothing more important and loftier than the fate of the Fatherland.

. . . . This was not just about the advanced indexation of pensions, which is important, an increase in the subsistence level and the minimum wage – all this was done without bureaucratic red tape and delays, in a clear and professional manner; but it was also about new measures on support for families with children, the extension and expansion of the mechanism for subsidized mortgage loans and additional guarantees for our heroic military personnel.  . . . .

I would like to acknowledge and thank every parliamentary party for the organized humanitarian support of the people of Donbass.  . . . .

I know that many deputies have taken an official holiday and gone to the zone of hostilities in order to provide help personally, often at the real risk of their lives. They went to help organize the distribution of food, medications, and basic necessities and quickly set up humanitarian aid centers. . . . . .

As a result, we have managed to preserve macroeconomic stability, which is crucial for the economy, to support employment, the normal rhythm of retail trade and economic life in the regions in general, the main transport and logistics chains, to expand the freedom of entrepreneurship, and enhance protection of businesses from excessive administrative pressure and unjustified criminal prosecution. . . . 

In a short time, as soon as in early March, several packages of anti-sanctions measures were introduced in close contact with the Government. Thanks to these packages, the consequences of the Western countries’ unfriendly and clearly hostile actions were minimized. Indeed, we understand and know this, we see that these illegal measures against Russia are clearly creating difficulties for us, but not as great as the initiators of this economic blitzkrieg against Russia were counting on.

Clearly, they tried to do more than just hit the Russian economy hard. Their goal was to sow discord and confusion in our society and to demoralize people. But here too, they failed since nothing came of it, and I am sure nothing ever will. [continue reading…]


Bill Burr Unloads on Feminists for ‘Failing’ the WNBA:

“If you could just support the WNBA the way you support a fat chick that’s proud of her body and is no longer a threat to you, that league would be doing better numbers than the NBA.

“I saw a woman a couple months back, professional soccer player, she goes onto one of these sports channels, and she starts bitching, going like, ‘I don’t understand, how come female athletes don’t make as much as male professional athletes?’ And all of these men had to sit there and act like they didn’t know what the answer was to that.

“I’m sitting at home, screaming at the TV: ‘Because you don’t sell any fucking tickets!’ Nobody is going to women’s soccer games. You’re playing in a 20,000-seat arena, 1,500 people show up, that’s not a good night. The promoter lost his fucking ass on that gig.

“Look at the WNBA. They’ve been playing in front of 300 to 400 people a night for a quarter of a century.

“None of you showed up. Where are all the feminists? That place should be packed with feminists — faces painted, wearing jerseys, going fucking nuts like the guys do. None of you went to the fucking games.”

“You failed them. Not me. Not men. Women failed the WNBA.

“Ladies, name your Top five WNBA players of all time. Name five WNBA teams. Name the WNBA team in your fucking city. You can’t do it. You don’t give a fuck about them.”

“Meanwhile, you look at the Kardashians, they’re making billions. You look at those Real Housewives shows, they’re making money hand over fist. Because that’s what women are watching, and the money listens.

“You’d rather watch that shit, Real Housewives, a bunch of women just tearing each other down.

“That’s the message you send: We’d rather watch that than a bunch of women come together as a team and try to achieve a common goal. We would rather watch them absolutely fucking destroy each other.

“And then, in the end, you come back, and you fucking yell at guys. So let me get this straight: I have to buy you a drink, stop the ax murderer from coming through the fucking window, and I have to watch WNBA games for you?”

Burr previously on the “epidemic of gold-digging whores.”



Noted in Passing: Biden’s going out feet first?

Suppose the plan is to ASSASSINATE Joe Biden, and blame it on a “far right” patsy. . . .

Alex Jones announced today what he understands the plan for Biden will be in the wake of the NYT editorial calling for his departure.

He said in the next 120 days the plan is to make him wet and blame the killing on a right wing extremist. Martial Law will cancel the fall elections and gun confiscation will be implemented.

That is the plan.


Strange Daze: Russia Cannot Be Cowed

By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes.

Total Destruction: Women Vandalize New York Bel-Fries Business, Injuring Employees | According to the employees, the women threatened them with death and were about to use a taser . “I wanted to defend myself, but I couldn’t find a way, because they are women. It only occurred to me to take out the phone as a defense, in case something happened to me, so that it would be recorded,” said Rafael Nunz. “I  thought about using a knife, or pouring hot oil on them, but none of that seemed appropriate. Then I felt a lot of impotence, anger. Don’t fear. Impotence because I wanted to get even, but I didn’t know how, ” he admitted. The women left the business and the police arrived. They managed to catch up and stop them. The New York Police Department confirmed the arrests of the three women: Pearl Ozaria , 27, Chitara Plasencia , 25, and Tatiyanna Johnson , 23.

Fourth of July – Searching Day Light||  As the grand finale winds up a few large drops begin in earnest. Quickly we fold our chairs and walk back toward the car. By the time we get there it is really starting to come down, a major summer rain storm. Lightning bolts light the sky, followed by the crack and roar of thunder. The thunder actually shakes the air. We load up quickly, already half soaked. The rain is coming down in sideways sheets, our wipers are full on and it’s still not enough. Low spots in the road are starting to flood and we slow to a crawl through the standing water.

Every car is inching along as we pass Walmart, and as more lightning illuminates the road, I am surprised to see one lone man, an older Latino gentleman on a bicycle, riding the sidewalk beside us. Bags of groceries hang from his handlebars as he peddles through the puddles, into the driving rain, toward home I assume. We lock eyes for a moment and he nods his head at me. I nod back through the glass, one American to another. Safe travels my friend.

The Dark Path to Increasing The Birth Rate Men Neutered, Women’s Nature Hijacked: The modern man is pathetic. Unfuckable. He spends a lot of time inside, watching regime propaganda, playing vidya, staring at the internet. He has a messy home, bad skin, and is either obese or skinnyfat. He has no idea how to put together a decent outfit. He can barely look a beautiful woman in the eye when he talks to her. He’s likely to be a male feminist. He’ll think and say exactly what the regime expects him to. Certainly no alpha, certainly no patriarch. Certainly not a man that women want to fuck. [continue reading…]


Sound familiar? “Don’t go outside until officials say it’s safe.” And her smug little smile on scene shifts inside the $10 million loft is a cute touch.

Advice from the Big Baked Apple. And, yes, this looks to be legit. Plan accordingly. Note that they want you to get back inside and start washing and cleaning yourself and everything around you. That includes the molten glass in your window frames.


Boomer Anthems: Paper In Fire

From back when folks sung a song about how to get along — how to take a glass of whisky neat, how to dance that swerve out into the street, how to smoke smoke smoke that cigarette, how to puff and huff that deep bong hit, where to grab an ice-cold beer, and rock it all down to the ground. Without a care. I been there.

I pity the fool who don’t have those moments to spare.

There’s a good life
Right across the green fields
And each generation
Stares at it from afar
But we keep no check
On our appetites
So the green fields turn to brown
Like paper in fire

Paper in fire
Stinking up the ashtrays
Paper in fire
Smoking up the alleyways
Who’s to say the way
A man should spend his days
Do you let them smolder
Like paper in fire


A River Runs Through It by Jack

Jack writes, in a comment to 6-12 Hours a Day,

Years ago….seems like every damned thing in my life today was “years ago”….I used to take an occasional canoe trip down the Illinois River in NE Oklahoma. It was always best to go during the middle of the week to stay away from the drunk and rowdy rednecks who swarmed that charming stream on the weekends.

That river winds through a lot of rock and outcroppings that look very much like that shown above and I remember remembering that I could feel the sacredness of that river when out there alone with my lunch, a paddle, and fly rod.

All of that beauty has changed now of course. Too damned many people, too many chicken houses whose effluent trickles off of hillsides and throws the river’s nitrogen levels into despair. And worst of all, there are just too many damned people who have no regard for anything, not even themselves.

I grew up in the Deep South behind good pointers and setters and there were lots of bobwhites. My grandfather taught me to shoot long before commercial farming ruined quail habit. He also taught me how to use a fly rod and how to clobber the bream and bass by slipping along quietly in a tiny aluminum flat bottom boat years before running up and down a lake in a high-speed “bass boat” became the way to “fish.

And, he taught me to understand and manage horses long before private ownership of huge tracts of land and individual mini-farms fenced off all of the property over which we used to ride. He taught me a lot of other things too, too many to list here.

It’s most important to inhale love and exhale gratitude and my hope, no matter how this site goes, is that you enjoy every minute of your time.

Eventually, all things merge into one. . .


Ukraine: 2015 and 2022

Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer

Russia Vs. Ukraine Or Civil War In The West? with Jordan Peterson

And yes I know it’s over 2 hours of being lectured,
but it’s 2+ hours of brilliant minds working on the most existential problem of civilization at the present moment. Besides, it’s the middle of the night and what else have you got going? Don’t answer that.


Fear Is the Mind-Killer

“Totalitarianism, if not fought against, could triumph anywhere.” —George Orwell

The noose is dangling gently around our necks. Every day, they cinch it tighter. By the time we realize it’s strangling us, it will be too late.

Those who gradually and gleefully sacrifice their freedoms, their autonomy, their individuality, their livelihoods, and their relationships on the altar of the “common good” have forgotten this is the pattern followed by every totalitarian regime in history.

Everyone wonders how ordinary Germans could have been manipulated to participate or stand dumbstruck while their government was transformed into a genocidal juggernaut. This is how. Read Sebastian Haffner’s Defying Hitler memoir to see how this can happen anywhere—including here.

Everyone wonders how Russians could have permitted and even zealously reported fellow citizens for imprisonment and execution under Article 58, the penal code invented to incarcerate anyone who expressed the slightest whisper of noncompliance under Stalin’s homicidal state. This is how. Read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s meticulously documented The Gulag Archipelago to witness this progression of authoritarian lunacy.

Everyone wonders how Hutus could have suddenly started axing their Tutsi neighbors to death after being inundated with waves of anti-Tutsi propaganda from Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines. Read Philip Gourevitch’s We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families: Stories from Rwanda.

The list goes on. And on. And on. From Machiavelli’s The Prince to Étienne de La Boétie’s The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude to Edward Herman’s and Noam Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent (and accompanying documentary) to BBC’s The Century of the Self, mechanisms of mass control have been chronicled for millennia. [continue reading…]


This lesson just in from Sri Lanka


“I know you guys are always excited to hear what I have to say.”


Thanks for coming by. See you tomorrow.




Vaya con Dios chiquitito


Noted in Passing: Nature Bats Last

… ‘Cause you had a bad day
You’re taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don’t know
You tell me don’t lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You see what you like
And how does it feel one more time?
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
… Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day


Noted in Passing: Go With It