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Yahoo’s to start the day.
I was just reading On the Border With Crook, by John Bourke, a first-hand recollection of General Crook’s “howling adventures amongst the Indians, over in [Arizona, Wyoming, Montana]. I noticed the descriptions of the Wyoming/Montana prairies as being thick with prairie dog towns and buffalo. Interesting, it’s only anecdotal evidence, but I expect that if I were to go back there and retrace the route from Sheridan to Rosebud Creek, I’d probably not see many prairie dogs. I reckon people who travelled on horseback and used draft animals were highly sensitized to any threats to the health of their livestock.
When a boy, we visited my uncle on the family farm in the Dakotas, back in the 1970’s. One day we went out with our cousin to shoot prairie dogs with .22LR rifles. They may be cute and all, but the farmers had no use for them and wanted them gone. So we walked the fields, and when we saw a head pop up, it was crack, crack, got ‘im time. It was a simpler age, before I was much educated on the whole science of environment, web of life, ecosystems, and the ethics of not shooting animals I didn’t intend to eat.
I understand now, coexistence is better than extermination, and diverse ecosystems are more resilient in the long run, and habituated problem predators have to be (??) culled. Since I’m a strong libertarian though, is for the voters who vote for wolves and cougars to be re-introduced, those animals should be re-introduced into the counties that voted for them. Those wolves in Colorado should have been introduced into Boulder, Jefferson, Adams, and Arapahoe Counties first, not out in the Western Slope ranch lands. Along with laws that deny the Fish and Wildlife folks the power to cull the animals in the name of public safety. No, the homeowners, backpackers, hikers and hill runners, have to do that for themselves, same as the laws that govern the response of the public to protect themselves against any two-legged predator. If the wolves get your Fifi, well that’s tough luck for Fifi, he just did his part to contribute to ecosystem resilience.
It’s a thang of beauty.
Our next crib will have Manabloc systems.
It only makes sense.
And they will be professionally installed as in the pix at the links below.
No joints anywhere in between.
Just continuous PEX from manifold to fixture, as it should be.
Five states….
These states are going to be responsible for who the next president is.
How many of them do you live in or close to?
Battle lines are being drawn.
You may be a soldier but don’t realize it yet.
Trump’s Agenda
How many do you think he’ll get done?
Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion
Carry out the largest deportation operation in american history
End inflation, and make america affordable again
Make america the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!
Stop outsourcing, and turn the united states into manufacturing superpower
large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips!
Defend our constitution, our bill of rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms
Prevent world war three, restore peace in europe and in the middle east, and build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country — all made in america
End the weaponization of government against the american people
Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders
Rebuild our cities, including washington dc, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again.
Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without question, the strongest and most powerful in the world
Keep the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency
Fight for and protect social security and medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age
Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations
Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children
Keep men out of women’s sports
Deport pro-hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again
Secure our elections, including same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship
Unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success
More here:
Responding to how successful will Trump be in seeing his agenda enacted……
First of all, a candidate produces a platform to get elected. His platform while in office will certainly be less than that, and for good reason. Ideally, the Executive is constrained by his need to work with Congress and the Courts. This is a good thing….we do not want a King. In practice though, the President is also constrained by his administration, who may drag their feet or even obstruct his agenda. These things are true no matter the party.
But to specific responses….
* Immigration. Trump will find some success in easing illegal immigration. He can build a Wall, and triple or quadruple the Border Patrol (which we have to remember come at a cost) and he still wouldn’t be able to stop all of it….no one could. He will make a great show of deporting some, and that will deter some future illegal immigrants but again, the number of illegal immrants here now is simply too big to be deportable (and again, the deportation process itself is a cost that must be understood).
* Inflation. Inflation is a monetary and budgetary concern, and not something that the President can wave his hands and “fix”. The biggest influence on inflation comes from the Fed, but even they have less-than-complete control over it.
* Energy, Tax Policy (both personal and corporate). As with immigration, the best solutions to these problems come when Congress and the President work together. By definition, this means that he’ll get less than he wants. Trump can’t (or at least, shouldn’t) just write a bunch of Executive Orders to get what he wants. He has to expect that any Executive Order he signs will be undone the minute the President of another party is inaugurated.
* Prevent World War III. Nope. He has no power to do any such thing. Trump (no less than each of us) should recognize that we’re already in a soft WWIII. The war in Ukraine will end when one side has battered the other enough that they say “Uncle”. We should support Ukraine to the point that Russia is the one to say “Uncle”. In the end, both Ukraine and Russia will be losers….one having lost enough to quit, the other with only barely enough in their tank to continue. The war in Gaza will never end. The Palestinians have been born and bred into hating Israel and the Jews (everywhere). Nothing will stop their hatred, and so the Israelis have no choice but to continue their fight. There is no more clear example of an existential battle than what the Israelis face today. I don’t think that the Chinese are strong enough to take Taiwan, despite their long-held desire to do so. China is crumbling in front of us today. That being said, China is not to be dismissed.
* Rebuild the military/rebuild the cities/protect Social Security (and all the other entitlements). Sure, these are all great ideas, but the affect of all these programs on our budget is only driving us further into a debt that we already can’t afford. There are no magic bullets here….something will have to be cut, and no one will like it.
* “Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory….“. How about this? How about we cut the entire Department of Education and allow state and local governments to decide how their children should be educated?
* “[C]ut costly and burdensome regulations” and “End the weaponization of government against the american people“. Part and parcel of the same thing. The government exists to poke their noses into the lives of the people. I wish Trump well with this, and I hope that he will succeed, but the cynic in me sees the wisdom that Chuck Schumer offered at the beginning of his first term. Someone needs to take on the Administrative State, and Trump is the best that I’ve seen to try to do it, but it is a huge challenge and as we saw from 2016 to today, the Deep State will fight back and they’ll pull no punches along the way.
* Keep the Dollar as the world’s Reserve Currency. Yes, this will probably happen, but it won’t happen because the Dollar isn’t weakening. The Dollar is weakening, but less than all the other choices. The USD will remain the global Reserve Currency, but only because there are no other viable choices.
Psychiatric hospitals registering mental patients to vote
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
The deeper you dive the crazier it gets.
Many patients at the Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, an 89-bed facility affiliated with Pennsylvania State University, suffer from schizophrenia, substance abuse, depression, or bipolar disorder. They cannot complete the “activities of daily living,” the hospital’s inpatient clinic states. Some are “suicidal, aggressive, or dangerous to themselves or others.”
During their stay, which is often involuntary, patients participate in group counseling, learn strategies for stress management, have their medication adjusted, and interact with therapy animals.
They can also partake in a less orthodox therapeutic activity: registering to vote.
Located in a swing state that could decide the 2024 election, the hospital asks psychiatric inpatients, regardless of diagnosis, if they would be interested in “voter registration tools” that let them check their nearest polling station and register to vote online. Patients can also request a mail-in ballot with “assistance” from hospital staff, according to a pair of papers about the project, which began in 2020.
Since then, the hospital has continued registering patients—even those who are not near discharge and have not yet been stabilized—on the grounds that voting, as the institute puts it, is a “therapeutic tool” that “helps empower patients and makes them feel good.”
“Voting is an important part of the recovery process,” Julie Graziane, a geriatric psychiatrist who leads the hospital’s civic engagement efforts, said in a press release.
Debbie Does DC
It would be cool if that hurricane made a beeline for the poison on the potomac.
And stopped right there, for 21 days straight, after elevating to cat 5.
Maybe bobble around the immediate region a little bit.
Blowing the funk out of all the nooks and crannies, right out the cheasapeak bay and the ocean beyond.
The washington monument toppled, the dome of the capital completely gone, tidal surge of 20 feet throughout the region. 3 weeks of saltwater scouring of the topsoil down to bedrock.
All those underground burros and lairs – gone.
All those expensive stone columns – gone.
The surge would be so fast and massive people would not be able to escape.
95% of the beltway population disappeared, just like that.
Imagine a tick installed on your neck, on your jugular, the day you were born, and every single day since that nasty tick has grown and grown and grown. The tick is now bigger than you. That’s right, your 200 lb ass is lugging around a 250 lb backpack on your neck that is a massive parasite.
Then, suddenly, Debby does her unearthly justice and you are “Free, FREE, FREE AT LAST!”, the cancerous, criminal, parasitic poison is now buried under trillions of trillions of gallons of antiseptic saltwater never to be seen again. What a glorious time it would be to be alive.
Every spring we are inundated with these gophers. Every spring I play to win! 🙂
Say What????
To which I say, “Bring it ass plug.”
This morning I copied a referene to a file on Maggie’s Farm and now I can’t get it to open again. I know I must have done something stupid to my computer, because even if I use the search engine and pull up the reference to that site, when I click I still just get code! This has happened once before and do not remember how to fix it. Can someone here help please?
Right click the file and go to Properties.
There you will see the URL to the site.
Copy (Ctrl C) the URL and Paste (Ctrl V) it into a new tab.
Boeing Starliner
I found this kinda inneresting since I had lost intrest with everything space back in the 80’s.
Seems hard to believe that little thing weighs almost a million pounds.
Anyway, knowing what I know about everything even remotely associated with gov’t, and now Boeing too, they don’t have enough coin to get me to stuff my old ass inside that thing.
Take a look, maybe you’ll enjoy it.
I firmly believe that “food” is the only benefit of multiculturalism.
Not once at work has anyone gone “wow, thank goodness for our African/Latin/Whatever employee. Without his unique cultural perspective, we would never have solved X”.
Not a single time.
It only makes tasks harder.
The language barrier alone far outweighs any supposed benefits.
The only observable “benefits” in a work environment are the food and cultural after work events.
And those do nothing but waste company resources better spent actually improving things for customers.
But I guess doors falling off airplanes is a good bargain for “African food night”
Seen over here:
Walz is a Flatdik
First off, AR is NOT RA.
Army Reserve is NOT Regular Army.
Not by a long shot.
Regular Army = Soldiers, ready right now.
Army Reserve = Part Time Pisswillys.
Also, a master sergeant in the reserves is like a PFC in the regular army, maybe.
Regardless, the boy is a punk and he knows it, that’s why he lies his ass off.
He has NO core values and what he knows of himself is pathetic.
BTW: He looks like Don Rickles nutsak doesn’t he?
More here:
I thought he was Army National Guard. Not a full-timer, a one-weekend a month and one 2-week (4 week?) active each summer, and deployed if called up by either the Governor or the President. He was in heavy artillery. He spent 8 weeks in Italy, and bugged out right before his unit was deployed to Iraq. During those years he was also a high-school teacher/coach.
Seems like he was one of those guys who worked hard at collecting “fruit salad”. But when it came time to put on the big-boy pants and take his battalion into harms way overseas, he quit.
I’m sure the press is working hard to silence and not give a voice to anybody who worked with him during those years and was not impressed.
It was my experience that the quality of high school coach/teachers was … variable. We had some good ones, and some oddballs. Even we high-schoolers with our limited experience of the range of adult behaviors found some of our coaches to be odd. Even at this remove of years from my high-school days, Walz reminds me of the odd ones. He seems a little too enthusiastic about all this trans stuff and abortion up to and after birth, and was quite the coronavirus lockdown enthusiast. It isn’t politics, he’s just one of those creatures that want to climb the authority pole. Why does our politics attract and reward such creatures?
Ah crap, I said 8 weeks in Italy. That’s wrong, it was 9 months. Then he did the resume embellishment to imply he was over in the ‘stan. Not impressed.
That’s a lot of BS and you know it. NG (Nasty Girls or National Guard) excel over the Regulars in many ways. I’d love to see every regular service member working a part time job on weekends. Their annual vacation would be to work in an oil field or a logging camp. Then it’s back to their every day job of post duty roster, picking up cigarette butts, standing in line for personnel packets, ass inspections and AGI inspection scrubbing toilets.
When the Nasty Girls go to drill, they go to the field and train. The percentage of training to bullshit is the reverse of the regulars, who spend inordinate amounts of time maintaining the big green machine.
NG stormed the beaches of Normandy on D Day. More NG formations invaded Pacific island beaches than did the marines. And, lastly but not leastly, it was the Minuteman that started this whole military legacy by standing up at Concord and Lexington Green.
Two rounds to hit a target on a mortar hip shoot. Firing an Anti Tank missile (Dragon) through a dumpster door at 1,000 yards. Higher percentage of master gunner ratings among tankers. Often carrying more combat veterans on their rosters than regular units (isn’t that the gold standard for the army?).
Take your gay regular army shit back to the playground, bish.
When the Friday post drops, I’ll fill the readers in on some Walz information, and I’ll update on the Ukraine War, which has taken a remarkable turn in the last 4 days.
“….the Ukraine War, which has taken a remarkable turn in the last 4 days.”
Yes, it has. You’re probably going to add to this, but it appears that the Ukrainians are headed to a nuclear power plant just west of Kursk. My main man Suchomimus tells me that this power plant supplies the energy to producers of 48% of Russian iron ore, 13.5% of their steel, 19% of their ferrous metals, 9.6% of their meat and 19.5% of their sugar. Losing this power plant will hurt Russia hard.
Let us pray that it doesn’t become a Bridge Too Far.