DNC Convention
Here’s what I noticed.
I watched about 5 mins on 2 diff nights.
When the cameras were focused on crowd shots they were only a few seconds long, maybe 2-3 seconds.
On the up close crowd shots the camera was always down at waist level so that the view of the crowd was upward and therefore it was not possible to see beyond the first 1 or 2 people. And, because it was an up close view, the camera could only show about 2 or 3 people on either side of the person in the center of the screen.
Every up close shot of the crowd was like that and lasted only 2-3 seconds.
Behind the people in the up close shots were thousands of these things, don’t know what they’re called, but vertically oriented “posters?” about maybe 8-10″ wide by about 5-6′ tall, red white and blue, and said Democrats, or Harris-Wallz, etc. Thousands. In the camera views where the view was slightly higher than head height, and lasted only 2-3 seconds, it was not possible to see any people, only those thousands of posters.
On the 2-3 second long shots that were meant to show the larger view of the “crowd” the view was very brief and the only discernable things were those thousands of “posters”.
The first time I watched a few mins was when that, that supposedly female obama, (if you’ve seen that “Ellen” video that been out there for years you know there is no female under that disguise) was introducing it’s so called husband.
The female one had a very long fake hairpiece that was braided up into a dense and stiff weapon that hung down to it’s ass. The male obama came on the scene sauntering and swaying as only an arrogant, elevated slave could. The applause was thunderous and probably canned and a few camera shots showed middle aged white ho’s in the crowd swooning, needing a .357 headache pill to put them out of their misery. At that point I had to turn it off.
My overall impression was that the whole thing was an urban block party of the type we all read about everyday with the only missing element of the gangsta crew with sideways glox with switches lighting the place up. (see arthur sido’s place for reference) https://www.arthursido.com/
All that shuckin’ and jivin’ was more than I could bear. Ever since I was a little kid living on the outskirts of little Gettysburg I’ve heard about certain “parts of town” where decent white folks did not go. No matter where I’ve lived since every place had had “parts of town” like that. And in the many times I’ve had to deal with gov’t intrusion into my life and I had to actually go to their buildings, that for unknown reason are always located near those “parts of town”, I have witnessed first hand the mandatory squalor, despair, criminal element, and waste of human capital. What a depressing thing to behold.
And now, it seems, the overwhelming identity of all things gov’t in the US is the same as those “parts of town”. Have we yet reached the bottom of the barrel?
If a US citizen were wanting to visit a large north asian country, how much would a Passport cost and how long does it take to get?
AnonymousAugust 23, 2024, 1:58 PM
“…If a US citizen were wanting to visit a large north asian country, how much would a Passport cost and how long does it take to get?”
If you’re talking about China, you can start here…..
When I was working, it was not uncommon for me to fly to China, however we were required to keep a “Crew” visa. The process to get, or to renew, a Chinese visa is a giant PITA. If you look at that COVA form, at step 8 they ask for your travel history. If I recall right, they wanted all your travel in the previous 5 years. As you might imagine, an airline pilot who primarily flies international routes has quite a travel history, and in our case, the Chinese wanted all of it. Three-to-four trips per month for the previous 60 months.
I’m glad to be able to say that I’ve been to China, but I’m happier to say that I’m never going back.
ghostsniperAugust 23, 2024, 2:52 PM
But thanks for the input.
ghostsniperAugust 24, 2024, 3:24 AM
Trump – Vance – RFKJr?
Casey KlahnAugust 24, 2024, 5:12 AM
I keep logging into rcp (Real Clear Politics) to see the polls aggregated there. Feels like I’m going to the methadone clinic, but the bumps I keep getting are becoming less and less effective. I’ve seen enough polling/prezzy elections in my (almost) 66 years to understand that, at best, the major polling is handicapped to favor the demzes, by at least 3%. They may tighten up on the truth the week or just days before election day. Pollsters are worse than lawyers, politicians, city councilmen, quack doctors. Always pissin down your leg, but at least it’s warm, I mean y’know?
This morning rcp has the betting odds Harris/Trump at .5 better for Harris, which means it’s a dead heat. Betting odds are for money, and so they cheat a bit less than the scare polls.
RFK Jr going to the Trump side. I predicted just to my fam that Trump will receive maybe half of Kennedy’s whatever percentage of votes. He’s polled at best 15%, then 10% and now somewhere between 5-6% (lying polls will admit 3%). Jesse Waters said yesterday he feels Trump gets 60% of Kennedy voter’s votes, so I feel that I’m at least thinking somewhat clearly. Thinking clearly in this political and news environment is GD hard (presses the Pez Dispenser at the meth clinic).
There have been ground shaking change events in this campaign so far and it’s fascinating, if also very disorienting. Biden loses the debate hugely, Trump gets shot in the ear and has the epic photo (Americans lose their shipt over the deep corruption, incompetence and continued apparent evil of an ineffective and maybe even nefarious set of govt. agencies), Biden gets couped-out by dem backroom dungeon dwellers, Harris has an apparent sweet honeymoon with inflated numbers while hiding her policies, and now RFK defects to the Trump party. Each of these plot twists is destabilizing and each one swings the voter mood dramatically.
I can’t predict anything in this sea of terrible weather, and I feel seasick from the news. Ghost, you got the dem convention right and it’s interesting how the vertical banners look like crowd amplifiers. The American people must see through the fakey dopey love and joy shit and the total lack of policy at the demcon. I bet they didn’t even vote on the platform, and the roll call vote was all theatrics. Voting is the least-important part of the demz’ agenda.
I feel at the present moment (time will tell and changes will occur) that Trump with some of the Kennedy voters, plus the dems who will also flow towards Trump through the same door of change, is up significantly in real numbers. Like Reagan, he will now have “Trump Democrats”. Some of Kennedy’s brain space is reserved for marbles, but in spite of that he says some very clear-headed stuff. Remember the days when the parties would compromise and we called that governance? It feels like a rush of cool wind just blew through.
Maybe I’ll skip the methadone tomorrow. Puts on his sweatshirt, and pours a cup of very black coffee.
DTAugust 25, 2024, 4:46 PM
“it’s interesting how the vertical banners look like crowd amplifiers”
But but but … they’re voters too.
Snakepit KansasAugust 24, 2024, 5:39 AM
Price controls, punish suppliers for price gouging, wealth tax, granting citizenship to 10 million illegals, continued wide open border, soft on crime, fentanly crisis completely ignored, crippling inflation. We will be Cuba in short order. I cannot get my mind around the fact that much of this country will want the above. Punish the successful with more and more taxes. That is as logical as taking financial advice from a poor man. What world do they live in? Also, they are asking us the same question but I cannot logically understand their position that is so crazy.
Mowing for my kids this week who went on a cruise to Dominican Republic. Eight lawns in the past two days. Last Sunday I mowed one and a Mexican dood from across the street came over to ask if I would mow for him. His mower is busted. I spoke to him completely in the best Spanish I could and I think he appreciated it. Six of the eight were yesterday and I was in David Goggins mode. Go push six lawns in mid-August and that will put you into Goggins mode. Who is David Goggins? He wrote a book called CAN’T HURT ME. Go YOUTUB him and watch 10 minutes of one of his videos, you will not regret it.
Been using a bag and a rolled up pair of sox.
Time to get a little more pro.
After studying a bunch I threw that one on my wish list, which is really my think about it list, for a few days. And I’mma bout done thinkin’.
If I order it today I’ll get in 2 or 3 (prime) and set it up and figure out the bugs. Then maybe on Wed I’ll load some long guns up and head for Atterbury. They have a nice paying facility but I haven’t been there for 5-6 years or so. https://atterburyshootingcomplex.com/
Yeah, I need to get a few hundred rounds down range – clear the stink out.
Does wonders for the soul.
Thinking about gettin a disk flinger too….for some 12ga action.
Got one on my list….
Helper MikeAugust 30, 2024, 8:20 PM
Did’ja get one? I did, on your recommendation, and it took an hour to assemble, and it seems great. I’ll finally be able to zero my camera, in a near-scientific, repeatable way. I used bean bags and rolled up socks for a lots of years. Next week, I’ll be testing it, getting my scopes in line, punching holes in just paper, for now. Thanks for the lead. I’ve never been one to comment much, because I didn’t really have much to say, but I’m sure going to miss this place, and you people when Gerald’s deadline arrives. You’re good friends, who I’ll probably never get to meet. -Helper Mike
Real World Address for Donations, Mash Notes and Hate Mail
Gerard Van der Leun
APT 379
Chico, Ca 95926
Green Pants Interior by Klahn
Who Am I? by Carl Sandburg
My head knocks against the stars.
My feet are on the hilltops.
My finger-tips are in the valleys and shores of universal life.
Down in the sounding foam of primal things I reach my hands and play with pebbles of destiny.
I have been to hell and back many times.
I know all about heaven, for I have talked with God.
I dabble in the blood and guts of the terrible.
I know the passionate seizure of beauty
And the marvelous rebellion of man at all signs reading “Keep Off.”
My name is Truth and I am the most elusive captive in the universe.
Duty, Beauty, Liberty, Country, Honor, Family, Faith — Plus a few simple easy to follow rules for guys
Men saw the stars at the edge of the sea
They thought great thoughts about liberty
Poets wrote down words that did fit
Writers wrote books
Thinkers thought about it
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Many’s the road I have walked upon
Many’s the hour between dusk and dawn
Many’s the time
Many’s the mile
I see it all now
Through the eyes of a child
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Lost dreams and found dreams
In America
In America
In America
Lost dreams and found dreams
In America
In America
In America
And close your eyes
Leave it all for a while
Leave the world
And your worries behind
You will build on whatever is real
And wake up each day
To a new waking dream
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Change, change come over
Change come over
Talkin’ about a change
Change, change
Change come over, now
Change, change, change come over
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I see my light
See my light
See my shining light
I see my light
See my light
See my shining light
Comments on this entry are closed.
DNC Convention
Here’s what I noticed.
I watched about 5 mins on 2 diff nights.
When the cameras were focused on crowd shots they were only a few seconds long, maybe 2-3 seconds.
On the up close crowd shots the camera was always down at waist level so that the view of the crowd was upward and therefore it was not possible to see beyond the first 1 or 2 people. And, because it was an up close view, the camera could only show about 2 or 3 people on either side of the person in the center of the screen.
Every up close shot of the crowd was like that and lasted only 2-3 seconds.
Behind the people in the up close shots were thousands of these things, don’t know what they’re called, but vertically oriented “posters?” about maybe 8-10″ wide by about 5-6′ tall, red white and blue, and said Democrats, or Harris-Wallz, etc. Thousands. In the camera views where the view was slightly higher than head height, and lasted only 2-3 seconds, it was not possible to see any people, only those thousands of posters.
On the 2-3 second long shots that were meant to show the larger view of the “crowd” the view was very brief and the only discernable things were those thousands of “posters”.
The first time I watched a few mins was when that, that supposedly female obama, (if you’ve seen that “Ellen” video that been out there for years you know there is no female under that disguise) was introducing it’s so called husband.
The female one had a very long fake hairpiece that was braided up into a dense and stiff weapon that hung down to it’s ass. The male obama came on the scene sauntering and swaying as only an arrogant, elevated slave could. The applause was thunderous and probably canned and a few camera shots showed middle aged white ho’s in the crowd swooning, needing a .357 headache pill to put them out of their misery. At that point I had to turn it off.
My overall impression was that the whole thing was an urban block party of the type we all read about everyday with the only missing element of the gangsta crew with sideways glox with switches lighting the place up. (see arthur sido’s place for reference) https://www.arthursido.com/
All that shuckin’ and jivin’ was more than I could bear. Ever since I was a little kid living on the outskirts of little Gettysburg I’ve heard about certain “parts of town” where decent white folks did not go. No matter where I’ve lived since every place had had “parts of town” like that. And in the many times I’ve had to deal with gov’t intrusion into my life and I had to actually go to their buildings, that for unknown reason are always located near those “parts of town”, I have witnessed first hand the mandatory squalor, despair, criminal element, and waste of human capital. What a depressing thing to behold.
And now, it seems, the overwhelming identity of all things gov’t in the US is the same as those “parts of town”. Have we yet reached the bottom of the barrel?
If a US citizen were wanting to visit a large north asian country, how much would a Passport cost and how long does it take to get?
“…If a US citizen were wanting to visit a large north asian country, how much would a Passport cost and how long does it take to get?”
If you’re talking about China, you can start here…..
After you’ve reviewed that (pay attention to the relevant annexes), the application for a visa to visit China is called the “China Online Visa Application (COVA)”, which can be found here….
When I was working, it was not uncommon for me to fly to China, however we were required to keep a “Crew” visa. The process to get, or to renew, a Chinese visa is a giant PITA. If you look at that COVA form, at step 8 they ask for your travel history. If I recall right, they wanted all your travel in the previous 5 years. As you might imagine, an airline pilot who primarily flies international routes has quite a travel history, and in our case, the Chinese wanted all of it. Three-to-four trips per month for the previous 60 months.
I’m glad to be able to say that I’ve been to China, but I’m happier to say that I’m never going back.
But thanks for the input.
Trump – Vance – RFKJr?
I keep logging into rcp (Real Clear Politics) to see the polls aggregated there. Feels like I’m going to the methadone clinic, but the bumps I keep getting are becoming less and less effective. I’ve seen enough polling/prezzy elections in my (almost) 66 years to understand that, at best, the major polling is handicapped to favor the demzes, by at least 3%. They may tighten up on the truth the week or just days before election day. Pollsters are worse than lawyers, politicians, city councilmen, quack doctors. Always pissin down your leg, but at least it’s warm, I mean y’know?
This morning rcp has the betting odds Harris/Trump at .5 better for Harris, which means it’s a dead heat. Betting odds are for money, and so they cheat a bit less than the scare polls.
RFK Jr going to the Trump side. I predicted just to my fam that Trump will receive maybe half of Kennedy’s whatever percentage of votes. He’s polled at best 15%, then 10% and now somewhere between 5-6% (lying polls will admit 3%). Jesse Waters said yesterday he feels Trump gets 60% of Kennedy voter’s votes, so I feel that I’m at least thinking somewhat clearly. Thinking clearly in this political and news environment is GD hard (presses the Pez Dispenser at the meth clinic).
There have been ground shaking change events in this campaign so far and it’s fascinating, if also very disorienting. Biden loses the debate hugely, Trump gets shot in the ear and has the epic photo (Americans lose their shipt over the deep corruption, incompetence and continued apparent evil of an ineffective and maybe even nefarious set of govt. agencies), Biden gets couped-out by dem backroom dungeon dwellers, Harris has an apparent sweet honeymoon with inflated numbers while hiding her policies, and now RFK defects to the Trump party. Each of these plot twists is destabilizing and each one swings the voter mood dramatically.
I can’t predict anything in this sea of terrible weather, and I feel seasick from the news. Ghost, you got the dem convention right and it’s interesting how the vertical banners look like crowd amplifiers. The American people must see through the fakey dopey love and joy shit and the total lack of policy at the demcon. I bet they didn’t even vote on the platform, and the roll call vote was all theatrics. Voting is the least-important part of the demz’ agenda.
I feel at the present moment (time will tell and changes will occur) that Trump with some of the Kennedy voters, plus the dems who will also flow towards Trump through the same door of change, is up significantly in real numbers. Like Reagan, he will now have “Trump Democrats”. Some of Kennedy’s brain space is reserved for marbles, but in spite of that he says some very clear-headed stuff. Remember the days when the parties would compromise and we called that governance? It feels like a rush of cool wind just blew through.
Maybe I’ll skip the methadone tomorrow. Puts on his sweatshirt, and pours a cup of very black coffee.
“it’s interesting how the vertical banners look like crowd amplifiers”
But but but … they’re voters too.
Price controls, punish suppliers for price gouging, wealth tax, granting citizenship to 10 million illegals, continued wide open border, soft on crime, fentanly crisis completely ignored, crippling inflation. We will be Cuba in short order. I cannot get my mind around the fact that much of this country will want the above. Punish the successful with more and more taxes. That is as logical as taking financial advice from a poor man. What world do they live in? Also, they are asking us the same question but I cannot logically understand their position that is so crazy.
Mowing for my kids this week who went on a cruise to Dominican Republic. Eight lawns in the past two days. Last Sunday I mowed one and a Mexican dood from across the street came over to ask if I would mow for him. His mower is busted. I spoke to him completely in the best Spanish I could and I think he appreciated it. Six of the eight were yesterday and I was in David Goggins mode. Go push six lawns in mid-August and that will put you into Goggins mode. Who is David Goggins? He wrote a book called CAN’T HURT ME. Go YOUTUB him and watch 10 minutes of one of his videos, you will not regret it.
Shooting Rest
Gonna get one, probably this one:
Been using a bag and a rolled up pair of sox.
Time to get a little more pro.
After studying a bunch I threw that one on my wish list, which is really my think about it list, for a few days. And I’mma bout done thinkin’.
If I order it today I’ll get in 2 or 3 (prime) and set it up and figure out the bugs. Then maybe on Wed I’ll load some long guns up and head for Atterbury. They have a nice paying facility but I haven’t been there for 5-6 years or so. https://atterburyshootingcomplex.com/
Yeah, I need to get a few hundred rounds down range – clear the stink out.
Does wonders for the soul.
Thinking about gettin a disk flinger too….for some 12ga action.
Got one on my list….
Did’ja get one? I did, on your recommendation, and it took an hour to assemble, and it seems great. I’ll finally be able to zero my camera, in a near-scientific, repeatable way. I used bean bags and rolled up socks for a lots of years. Next week, I’ll be testing it, getting my scopes in line, punching holes in just paper, for now. Thanks for the lead. I’ve never been one to comment much, because I didn’t really have much to say, but I’m sure going to miss this place, and you people when Gerald’s deadline arrives. You’re good friends, who I’ll probably never get to meet. -Helper Mike
“Democracy is the dictatorship of stupid people.”
The Carousel
“Teddy told me that, in Greek, nostalgia literally means the pain from an old wound, the twinge in your heart, far more powerful than memory alone.”