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Open thread 8/26/24

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  • ghostsniper August 26, 2024, 8:09 AM
  • ghostsniper August 26, 2024, 1:08 PM

    Deep Purple (November 1963)
    Who remembers this’n?


    “Oh oh oh whoah oh uh whoah oh oh
    When the deep purple falls over sleepy garden walls
    And the stars begin to twinkle in the night
    In the mist of a memory, you wander on back to me
    Breathing my name with a sigh-igh-yigh

    In the still of the night once again I hold you tight
    Though you’re gone, your love lives on when moonlight beams
    And as long as my heart will beat, sweet lover, we’ll always meet
    Here in my deep purple dreams

    When the deep purple falls over sleepy garden walls
    And the stars begin to twinkle in the night
    In the mist of a memory, you wander back to me
    Breathing my name with a sigh-igh-yigh

    In the still of the night once again I hold you tight
    Though you’re gone, your love lives on when moonlight beams
    And as long as my heart will beat, sweet lover, we’ll always meet
    Here in my deep purple dreams

    And as long as my heart will beat, sweet lover, we’ll always meet
    Here in my deep purple dreams”

    • Snakepit Kansas August 27, 2024, 4:36 AM

      Cute little nymph. Back before young people got comfortable with being fatties.

      • ghostsniper August 27, 2024, 4:43 AM

        Yes she was. Died 2 years ago age 93.
        The dood was her brother.

  • ghostsniper August 26, 2024, 1:24 PM

    ‘I started off with nothing, and still got most of it left’.

  • Snakepit Kansas August 27, 2024, 4:51 AM

    House was getting warm Sunday night and I checked the thermostat 76F. Oh shit. Room temp air coming out of the vents. Went outside and the unit was humming only and the fan not running. This is commonly the result of a running capacitor inside the unit giving up the magic smoke. Turned off the power to the AC unit. I can call the local AC guy in the morning…….but it is going to be 100F for the next few days. When can they get here? 1-2 days? We can stuff the window unit in downstairs and live down there until the unit is fixed – OR – fix it myself, man. Got up at 5:19AM yesterday with a flashlight, nut driver set screw driver and a bucket to sit on. Took the cover off in the dark and got the running capacitor out. Got on-line and saw that Washer Specialties opens at 7:30AM. They have EVERYTHING! I drive down town and am out front of that business with a large coffee at 7:15AM. They open the doors at 7:25. Very nice young woman behind the counter tests my capacitor and says it is DOA. For a $28 exchange including tax I am out the door with a replacement. Get home and realize all the terminals are the same size and the four wires to connect could fit any terminal. Schematic printed on the inside of the sheet metal I took off shows the running capacitor and names where they go to. The wiring diagram identifies wire colors which I can then connect to the capacitor markings. All wires connected, power turned on and the compressor kicks on. Ice cold air again. YAHTZEE!!!

    • ghostsniper August 27, 2024, 6:31 AM

      lukky fukker – everything lining up like that in your favor
      Next time take piks of the thing from various angles for future reference, just in case.

      There’s an HVAC dood on Utoob that has a lot of inneresting info and he says everyone should have an extra cap or 2 on hand cause they frequently go out. Guess I’ve been lucky cause I never had one go out. But, we put in a new $4k furnace last year (AC unit was OK) so that right there wipes out 40 years savings of not replacing caps.

      Oh, BTW, reward yourself with a 12pk of Hamm’s. lol

  • Anne August 27, 2024, 6:34 AM

    Great work Snakepit!

    I am offering this link: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2/#inbox/WhctKLbFcFBhfvLZjvHdBRRjcPFcWpfgTgWlptvVchlJJhRtHbCMgbQJpcsKZGPXwrzKDTL?projector=1
    to any of the artists here (Casey?) who would like to enjoy a good conversation about color, etc.

  • Anne August 27, 2024, 6:36 AM

    I just posted a comment with a link and I have tried to remove it–if you see it show up, please take it down ASAP! Thankyou.

  • ghostsniper August 27, 2024, 7:26 AM

    Who knows what a Deco drain is?

    • azlibertarian August 27, 2024, 6:27 PM

      I do. We had them on the cool deck at our previous house. Like a rain gutter, you have to make sure that they don’t build up with junk, but if you can manage that, they work fine.

      Deck-o drain.

      • ghostsniper August 28, 2024, 4:47 AM

        Give that hoon a ceegar!

        Our current pool is not connected to the house and has an 8′ wide concrete deck around the perimeter so no drain needed.

        All 3 of our previous Florida cribs had pools with deco drains, never had an issue with any of them.

        Current custom home design I am working on has a pool and deco drains. The plan just came back from the building dept and one of the rejections was that the deco drains are NOT connected to the septic-sewer system as required.

        Say what??? 3 months ago this wasn’t the case as I sent one through and that wasn’t an issue.

        So, any and all plumbing fixtures connected to the waste lines MUST have proper provisions in order to prevent gas from escaping. I had to email a plumbing contractor I know down there to send me the pertinent details I need to indicate on the plans. My first question was, “How much is the homeowner going to have to pay for this new improvement that improves nothing?”

        My 2nd question is, over time, and say, 10,000 new pools, how much chlorine and other pool related chemicals will be introduced to the sewer system and underground aquifers? When those chemicals lay in the deco they disperse into the atmosphere.

  • Anonymous August 27, 2024, 7:31 AM

    McMaster just had his new book published–clearly demonstrates he has no character.

    • ghostsniper August 27, 2024, 7:52 AM

      When you look at McMaster’s words…

      “You know what President Trump was driven by is actually, I think, what President Obama was driven by and President George W. Bush was driven by when they were early in their administrations with Putin,” McMaster said. “Putin is a great liar. He’s a great deceiver.” He offers each new president flattery and the prospect of global cooperation. “So I would alert the president to this. He often didn’t want to hear it.”

      ….you can’t help but see that he has a childlike aversion to shaping reality to where it suits him better. He wants to be the top dawg but lacks the intellectual horsepower to muster that level, that’s why Trump and others back burnered his ass. I’ll hazard the guess that long term military employment stunts ones metal growth and capacity.

      The ‘cons likes them some boogymans don’t they?

    • Casey Klahn August 27, 2024, 8:22 AM

      He should’ve retired after the Gulf War and enjoyed everlasting military glory and fame.

      What a dick.

    • Casey Klahn August 27, 2024, 8:55 AM

      Here is today’s army. Have a barf bag handy.


      • ghostsniper August 27, 2024, 11:31 AM

        I guess I’m glad I seen that.

    • azlibertarian August 27, 2024, 7:26 PM

      McMaster. Ptooey.

      • ghostsniper August 28, 2024, 4:49 AM

        You spelled Hawk Tuah wrong.

  • Casey Klahn August 27, 2024, 8:45 AM

    The wife & I have been watching the sky activity, which we do as a sort of barometer for telling international tensions of the kinetic sort. It’s been buzzing the past 2 or three days, and I guess I haven’t been examining every bit on news, and so I wondered what’s happening (I won’t say much detail because it is sensitive stuff, after all).

    Turns out the Xhinese are troubling the Philippine navy and did I also hear they were occupying shoals and little chunks of PI land? The US response has been to flood the zone with ships and USAF planes. Yep. This on the heels of news that the US is unable to man all of its active ships and berthing, was it 20? Biden is a fat whale on the beach on vacation, and Harris is hiding out, so who is running this war? Surely not the SecDef?? That’s not his feckin job. DC and all its criminals denizens could care less, and the media won’t ask. The Deep State bureaucratic machine is in charge, and so everything seems normal to them. I’d be happier knowing anyone was properly in charge and at least interested in avoiding a world war.

    I’m reading that the dumbs (dembs) are worried behind closed doors because they know that if you apply Trump’s polling variance between the poll numbers and what he actually got in ’16 and ’20, you get Trump in the winning lead.

    I hate to say it, because I’ve been trying to stay mentally clean and not conspiratorial, but the USSS and the CIA or FBI are looking mighty shitty right now after the fallout from the Butler, PA event. Did Crooks shoot at a range with FBI for several months? Was that coincidence? You wouldn’t hire Crooks to deliver pizza, much less sling bullets around in a crowd, would you? America: this is your corrupt govt in all its ignominy.

    Walz is for sure shady and probably the Manchurian Candidate. I’ve written it before but I want your opinions on this. Lots of time in Xhina. Disappears through an invisible veil from the national guard, and reappears as the leftiest governor during the Coof.

    On the good side, are we watching an actual unifying alliance between Trump republicans and Kennedy democrats? It’s a miracle if so, and I’ve always wondered how Trump would be able to unify the country. That’s been his Achille’s Heel up til now. Reagan had virulent detractors, but they didn’t ruin the unity Americans felt under the Reagan Era. Reagan was brilliant at that. Now maybe Trump has found a unifying path forward. I certainly hope so.

    • DT August 27, 2024, 4:19 PM

      Hard to believe some stray 20yo had all those contacts etc. I think his middle name was “Patsy”.

      Brother in Philippines. Doesn’t think China is an actual danger. I suspect he’s wrong.

      Interesting thought exercise as to what role RFK2 would play. AG? DIR: FBI/CIA? DHS?

      It’s a sure sign how far left the country has moved when a Kennedy is considered “right-wing”

      Halloween should be fun this year

      • azlibertarian August 27, 2024, 7:53 PM

        “…Brother in Philippines. Doesn’t think China is an actual danger. I suspect he’s wrong….

        I kinda agree with your brother. The Chinese have an enormous inferiority complex and don’t believe that the world considers them with the respect that they’re due. They’re aggressively acting out….Belt & Road Initiative, South China Seas, and of course, Taiwan. But they’re also in deep trouble. Their banking sector is in “severe crisis“. Their property development sector is defaulting one-after-another. There are 48 million unbuilt, but paid-for Chinese homes. The Chinese population has stopped growing. A child born today (anywhere), with a life expectancy of 75 years, will live to see the Chinese population drop in half.

        I see China as an 800 pound gorilla. Big, strong, and capable of causing great damage if angered.

        But the gorilla is sick. Very sick.

      • Anonymous August 28, 2024, 5:43 AM

        If your brother in the PI is not concerned with China then he has been drinking too much of the local Red Horse.

    • azlibertarian August 27, 2024, 6:58 PM

      …Walz is for sure shady….”

      The thing about Walz that most sticks out to me is this: How is it that a middle-to-upper-middle-class guy in America can get to 60 years old without having any investments in the markets?

      And I get it….he was a teacher then a Congressman then a Governor (while serving as an enlisted guy in the National Guard), and none of those positions are Top 1% income jobs. His Governor salary is very modest–$127,629. And maybe with the cost of living, etc., etc., etc., he just couldn’t find an extra $50 or $100 a month to throw in to a retirement plan. But geez….all the way till he’s 60?

      I’m telling you, folks, if you haven’t already figured it out, for all the rosy stories you’ve been told, you cannot rely on a pension. Private sector, public sector–it doesn’t matter. A defined benefit pension plan is doomed to failure. The only question is: “When?”. They will go bust, and when they do, you’ll be left standing there as the guy selling pencils out of your tin cup. I mean, just an episode or 2 of Dave Ramsay’s radio show would do Walz wonders.

      “…According to Walz’s financial disclosure for the state of Minneosta, last updated January 2024, he has no securities. Per his 2019 congressional financial disclosure, he has state and teacher pension plans, a 529 college plan for his kids, and a whole life insurance policy….

      The other thing that an absence of investments in the markets tells me is that he may have a suspicion of capitalism. When you put your hard-earned money into a company, you’re saying that you believe that that company will deliver for you. Walz’s reliance on public-sector pensions tells me that he’s relying on the .gov (read: “The taxpayers”) to provide for him. Bad juju.

      • Casey Klahn August 28, 2024, 5:19 AM

        Of course Xhina is an obvious threat. Can they win a war? Probably not. Can they achieve some significant strategic goals though kinetics? That’s the trillion dollar question and we don’t wanna find out.

        Thanks, DT and AZ for the input. Another very troubling thing I read yesterday is that the navy got caught with its pants down: no carrier group in the WestPac when this ship bumping and etc. crisis went down. ! Excuse me, but that is unacceptable. No wonder the wife and I saw a huge aerial deployment that had us scratching our heads.

        That failure goes above the theater commander (Pacific commander) and goes right to the top. Does the navy not have enough carriers? I think they do, and the navy brass just decided the rotation having a hole in it was not going to be noticed. Fire the CNO. This is exactly the sort of bullshit we’re worried about from DC and it is unacceptable.

        • azlibertarian August 28, 2024, 9:49 AM

          “…That failure goes…right to the top….

          If the experience of the last 6 weeks has taught me just one thing, that one thing is that if there is a “top”, then no one is there.

          …Fire the CNO….

          Nope. No way. That’s not going to happen. The CNO’s name is Adm. Lisa Franchetti. She’s bulletproof.

          • ghostsniper August 28, 2024, 1:52 PM

            A tranny nigress could replace her in a nanny second – and be promoted to a 12 star general of the world.

  • ghostsniper August 27, 2024, 1:11 PM

    If you could have one, and only one, painting to adorn the wall in your domain, and cost was not an issue, which would it be, and why?

    And the first MF that tries to play a word game with anything that I have written here, will get a boat paddle upside the skall. lol

    • DT August 27, 2024, 4:27 PM

      I don’t know the names of most of the paintings I enjoy – hate to have to pick just one: there are several in the Detroit Institute of Arts where I was first exposed to such things.
      My wife’s favorite would be Algerian Girl” currently in the Boston Museum of Fine Art.

      Didn’t even play a word game

    • azlibertarian August 27, 2024, 7:17 PM

      One of Daughter#1’s degrees is in Fine Arts…painting primarily. She has developed into a wonderful landscape artist and we have several of her paintings on our walls. The work we have is primarily of her college days, and her work has matured as she has aged. The paintings she has on the walls of her home are fabulous. But the thing about painting (and other art as well) is that it takes a looooong time to finish something. And being the mother of 2 young kids is a more important role for her now, so she doesn’t paint much.

      But if I were to choose something from someone else, and money were no object, I think I’d choose Emanuel Leutz’s Washington Crossing the Delaware. Of course, this is an enormous painting–12’x21′–so I’d need a new house in which to display it. But you said that money wasn’t an object, didn’t you? 😉

    • Casey Klahn August 28, 2024, 5:53 AM

      No brainer: it’d be anything I could get my hands on by Henri Matisse. HM is museum exhibition gold; so much Elvis he is that they’ll have like one small print in an exhibition but name the whole exhibition after him. The French govt. is secretly buying up any Matisse paintings that come to market, and they almost never come to market.

      Here’s one example. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/489223

      Picasso had one peer, and it was his frenemy Henri Matisse. When the older Matisse died, Picasso quit painting for a month. “There is only Matisse,” he said one time.

      I happen to own a authorized limited edition lithograph, from the 1930s, from the old keener. It was a gift from a patron of mine. The hell of it is, it sits inside of a copy of verve No. 1, which is even more rare than just the art inside. So, I can’t hang it on the wall. The litho is of a nude standing in front of a fireplace.

      I also have a limited edition authorized litho of an Edgar Degas, also a gift from a patron. I can’t afford this shit myself. If I win the lotto, I’ll buy a signed drawing or numbered monoprint from Matisse, and/or Degas.

    • Kerry August 28, 2024, 11:29 AM

      Any Rembrandt self portrait.
      Or any of his Dutch or Flemish contemporary’s landscape paintings.

  • ghostsniper August 27, 2024, 2:52 PM

    They fought the DOJ, and the DOJ won
    You’ve no doubt heard of this, but you haven’t heard of THIS.


  • John A. Fleming August 27, 2024, 9:22 PM

    That upcoming Prez debate is likely to be weird. The moderators are going to have to work very hard to throw fluffy non-substantive softballs at Harris, and fling knuckleballs at Trump. Harris doesn’t have anything non-marxist substantive to say, so if she states any commitments about anything it will be throw-away lines that commit her to nothing at all, Lord Dorwin style. What goes big-time in Commiefornia doesn’t sell in the battlegrounds.

    When it comes to it, all she really has is to attack Trump. It’s one kind of dynamic when chicks throw heat at each other, as Gabbard did. Can Trump do it like that? I don’t think that will work. Chicks fight dirty, by that I mean escalate without limits, when they are going up against a guy, and guys have no defense against that.

    Trump had to go against the Clinton harridan in 2016 and held his own. He should be able to handle the much-duller shed tool Harris.

    Ever seen a guy absorbing punches from a chick? He sort of just stands there with a bemused look as the flurry of love taps hits him. And then at some point the bemused look disappears and he either warns “stop” or walks away.

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