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Open thread 9/27/23

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  • ghostsniper September 27, 2023, 8:17 AM

    Inside looking out view of a grill cover for a…..


    modern architecture

  • jwm September 27, 2023, 10:44 AM

    you know… er, mmm, welll-
    a cat…
    and not a very inviting cat either.

    • Trooper John Smith September 27, 2023, 1:56 PM

      Modular chastity belt? With MOLLE attachments, for your admin pouch?

  • ghostsniper September 27, 2023, 2:00 PM

    There was a time, not so long ago, when I thought four years was an eternity.
    In looking back, now, I realize it were but a blink of an eye.
    Funny that.

    To an 8 year old 4 years is half, 50% of his life.
    To a man of 80, 4 years is but 5% of his life, 1/10 that of the child.

    No I’m not 80, but I will be, faster than I’d like.

    • Trooper John Smith September 27, 2023, 2:22 PM

      We are 2 years further away in time from our entry into WWII than the boys in 1941 were from the Late Unpleasantness. “In the South, the past isn’t dead. It isn’t even past.” -Faulkner, in his shortest sentence ever.

  • ghostsniper September 27, 2023, 3:00 PM

    Go over to Ann’s place and see her ‘splain it all better than I can do, like I tried over here just a couple days ago: https://americandigest.org/open-thread-9-22-23/

    If you plan on living in the next 20-30 years you better have a game plan cause the “futures coming in now, ain’t no one gonna hold it back for long.”

    Ann’s place, https://www.barnhardt.biz/2023/09/27/toldya-these-kids-cant-read-they-cant-write-a-sentence-they-dont-what-state-they-live-in-no-math-skills-they-cant-even-attend-to-a-three-minute-video-clip-dont-say-you-werent-war/

    The link to my quote above:

    There’s a new sun
    Risin’ up angry in the sky
    And there’s a new voice
    Cryin’ we’re not afraid to die
    Let the old world make believe
    It’s blind and deaf and dumb
    But nothing can change the shape of things to come
    There are changes
    Lyin’ ahead in every road
    And there are new thoughts
    Ready and waiting to explode
    When tomorrow is today
    The bells may toll for some
    But nothing can change the shape of things to come
    The future’s comin’ in, now
    Sweet and strong
    Ain’t no-one gonna hold it back for long
    There are new dreams
    Crowdin’ out old realities
    There’s revolution
    Sweepin’ in like a fresh new breeze
    Let the old world make believe
    It’s blind and deaf and dumb
    But nothing can change the shape of things
    Nothing can change the shape of things
    Nothing can change the shape of things
    Nothing can change the shape of things
    To come

    • DT September 27, 2023, 4:12 PM

      Got to the point I was thinking I was the only one remembering that little piece of the 60s. Still have the 45 around here someplace. Words are still true but I think the sides have switched places.

  • jwm September 27, 2023, 4:07 PM

    I would simplify it thus:
    The “left,” however you choose to define it, has won the culture war. Like it or not they own the media, the internet, and the governments of Europe, Canada, and the once United States.
    To the left, Truth is not a value, but rather an expedient. If the Truth is useful to their ends, fine. If not, a lie will serve just as well, and probably better.
    The Truth is that the group in question is not capable of creating or maintaining civilization. We have the evidence of a continent, and unfortunately, our once great cities. They create nothing, they despoil everything they touch. Rather than admit to this truth, the left has substituted the palliative lie that the despoiling is *our* fault because reasonisms. That lie has become part of the social gospel of the left, and it is heresy punishable by cancellation and ostracism to say otherwise. Western civilization may well die upon that falsehood.


    • ghostsniper September 27, 2023, 5:09 PM

      “The Truth is that the group in question is not capable of creating or maintaining civilization.”
      But that’s not their game plan.
      They, the parasites, and the institutions you referenced, are expecting YOU and others like you to provide their sustenance. Just like you are doing right now.

  • ghostsniper September 28, 2023, 6:25 AM

    Dood Food
    Little coin, and you’re hongry?
    Pay attention.

    Dump a bag of Knorr noodles, a can of Great Value chicken, a cup of frozen mixed vegetables, and 2 cups of water in a pot.
    Bring the pot to a boil, then cut the fire and put a lid on it.
    Go take a ride on the bomber express for about 15 mins.

    Yank the lid off the pot, stir, sit down in front of the toob and gorge.
    Eat it right out of the pot, why soil a plate/bowl?
    The ol lady’s hongry too?
    Hand her a spoon and you 2 can rub foreheads over the pot. Luh iz blind. Yum!

    Lid the pot and sit it in the fridge, ready for tomorrow night.
    Tomorrow night, add half a cup of water, stir, heat up on the fire.

    That concoction is very basic and costs about $5.
    With diligence that $5 can be $3.
    There are hundreds of ways to change it up and enhance it.
    Change the chicken to Great Value tuna or Hormel canned ham or Keystone beef for example.
    Change the variety of Knorr noodles, change the type of vegetables, use milk instead of water.
    Scatter shredded cheese on top, or bread crumbs, or stir cheese all the way through it.

    You can also change the slant with the dried herbs and spices you have on hand.
    Mexican, Italian, Greek, Chinese….
    And the sauces, lordy, the sauces.

    With basic ingredients, basic tools, a curious mind, and the will to spend less on food, anything is possible.

    Remember, at the end of the day everything you eat lands in the septic tank no matter how much you spend on it.

    • Terry September 28, 2023, 9:21 AM

      Great meals there ghost.

      “use milk instead of water”

      Just what is milk we purchase at the grocery store really made of? When I was a kid the milk that was delivered to our front door every week was from cows. I know this because the dairy was owned by one om my fathers class mates all through elementary and high school. My brothers and I sometimes would hand milk some of the cows at Silva’s Dairy.

      “Milk” containers at the store we purchase food from currently, sell several brands of “milk”. No mention of “cows” on the containers. An image of a cow maybe, but no real description of the contents. Goat milk is excellent. No pictures of goats on the containers.

      This “milk” from the store is way more watery than what comes from an actual cow. One of my brothers raised a cow for 4-H and that cow produced real milk, not white water.

      One of my grand nieces family members owns a cow milk dairy. I may be able to find an answer to my query.

      • ghostsniper September 28, 2023, 10:55 AM

        When I was a child (age 0 -11) in rural Pennsylvania we had small acreage and the right property line was along a field with dairy cows. From our house we could see across the huge field to the dairy and barns. The diary was owned by the parents of a kid I went to school with. My parents struck a deal with the dairy people. Every day or 2 one of us older kids, my brother and me, would walk across that big field to the dairy carrying an empty glass 1 gallon jar that my mother had cleaned. We would put the empty jar on the counter and it had a piece of tape with our last name on it.

        There was of them old timey curved top fridges sitting there. We would open the door and on the shelf was a small glass jar and I would put 3 quarters in it and grab the filled jar with out name on it. It weighed about 8 lbs and that was kinda heavy for a 10 year old. Then I carried that 1 gallon glass jar filled with what would now be called raw, natural milk to our house. There was a milk delivery service in our area but I guess our parents preferred us kids to drink the raw kind.

        Sometimes while I was at the diary I would wander around and watch how everything worked. The milk flowed through glass pipes on the ceiling to a huge stainless steel container. I watched the farmer connect the big sucker cups to the cows udders. One time I was watching the farmer connect the udders and he said, “Come here and look at the star on this cows teat!”. I walked over there real close and he aimed the udder at me and dashed me in the mug with milk and he laffed and laffed and laffed. A lifetime ago.

        • Terry September 28, 2023, 7:50 PM

          I have the old curved top mounted motor and condenser ‘fridge’ my family used till the early fiftes. General Electric. And it still works. Power cord is rotten and needs replacement. It has legs like an old stove. I think the refridge was made in the thirties.

          It is electric and has never exploded like electric automobiles being sold today. Maybe that is because it was not designed to explode.

  • ghostsniper September 28, 2023, 6:30 AM

    Tree of Woe
    In an ordinary year in an ordinary decade in an ordinary nation, the likelihood of Trump’s victory would be so high that the opposition would have trouble even raising funds.

    But this is not an ordinary year, or an ordinary decade, or an ordinary nation, and so it’s not going to play out like that. We are the world’s leading empire and we’re near the end of our imperial lifespan. In 2025, the United States will mark the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II, and the 249th anniversary of our founding. That puts us simultaneously at the end of both the “short” 80-year Strauss-Howe generational cycle and the “long” 250-year Turchin secular cycle and Glubb imperial cycle.

    So how will the future go? I predict an American Eschaton: The end of America as we know it. It will be a Fourth Turning, but it will be a Fourth Turning that goes against us. The exact manner in which our eschaton will occur is much harder to predict. The end of America as we know it doesn’t necessarily mean nuclear apocalypse, government collapse, or secession. It could simply mean a transformation of America into something Unamerican.


  • ghostsniper September 28, 2023, 7:13 AM

    Warning Signs For White Supremacy
    1. Married with kids.
    2. Employed full time.
    3. No criminal record.
    4. Distrusts the gov’t.

  • Joe Krill September 28, 2023, 7:23 AM

    Holding cells on a Borg warship.

  • ghostsniper September 28, 2023, 8:38 AM

    Cool New Terms
    Jammin’ stuff you never heard before.

    “Emotionally Fragile”
    This means you are so intellectually challenged that words stronger than say, butterfly or marshmallow may insult you mostly vacant sensibilities and you could soil yourself spontaneously.
    See here for reference: (everybody wants a cure but nobody wants to be the cure)


    “Racial Discount”
    This is in reference to criminal activity.
    What it means is that because you and people in your community have a long established history of committing crimes you should be awarded a discount in the penalty phase of the justice system. In other words, the more you use the system the less useful the system should be, for all of society. You read that right. If you do 1 crime you get 5 years in the slammer but if you do 100 crimes you get house arrest, or maybe probation.


    • Terry September 28, 2023, 9:29 AM

      The new normal-

      Or *justice* based on race.

  • Snakepit Kansas September 29, 2023, 6:09 AM

    When I see the looting, largely by black folks, in large cities I wonder how they got there. Many of them grew up in the church and yet have no problem stealing. Possibly the stealing is justified in some way, as all of us are sinners and I suppose we all justify some of our sinful actions. Being so very ignorant and short sited though baffles me. How can one not see that once a business is looted a few times, they likely will not come back. Not simply a mom&pop store, but Target, Walmart, Walgreens etc. Where do you shop then? What about the jobs of those in their own community that go away? Casey said it more than a few times “Don’t shit in your mess kit”, yet this is so obvious as to what is happening. Anyone physically able can make money versus steal. No jobs around, well then move to where the jobs are. Don’t pay much? Anything is better than zero. Get two jobs and grind. Save and invest. My kids mowed again this summer with more than a dozen regular clients. They had to turn additional clients down simply due to not enough capacity once school started. There is not a gubmint solution. Midnight basketball money from the gubmint isn’t going to provide life long skills. Fat white kids sitting in their mom’s basement without a job or plan for self reliance isn’t a whole lot better. I am rambling now. Happy Friday.

    • ghostsniper September 29, 2023, 8:23 AM

      Imagine a neighborhood where everyone there would severely beat your ass if you tried to do any of the things you suggested? Remember, all of your thoughts are those of a successful white dood that has had privilege all of his life and every negro in the entire world has been treated like a slave in millions of ways.

      And then there’s the part where everything you wrote above is just not understandable by children less than 8 years old. Remember, we are talking about people that cannot even speak recognizable english.

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