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Open thread 8/23/23

Here’s a remembrance of Gerard written by a writer he befriended.

Gerard is sorely missed.

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  • ghostsniper August 23, 2023, 9:29 AM

    I put Joel on my list, thanks!

    Speaking of tipping:
    “You will earn a reputation as a good or bad tipper, and employees will treat you accordingly.”


    I’ve seen several mentions of tipping lately and I guess as things get tighter there may be even more.

    Good or bad tipper, huh?
    I thought tipping was for stellar performance?
    But some how it has morphed into a requirement even though the amount is still left up to the tipper.

    Everybody is screaming, “me, Me, ME!!!” these days except for the people who ain’t.
    If your child is standing their wailing and stamping their feets demanding that cookie the very last thing you should do is cave. If you cave you can now look forward to more of the same.

    My cure for tipping is…wait for it….to wear my “bad tipper” sign with pride.
    If I fraternized with establishments that play tipping games that is what I’d do.
    But I don’t, so I won’t.
    They can all pound sand as far as I’m concerned and I’ll stay at home practicing my best Scrooge McDuck impression. “It’s mine, Mine, MINE!!!”

  • Anne August 23, 2023, 10:07 AM

    I am a little confused. I tried to post a comment on Joe Hirst’s site, but wordpress came on with my email and told me that I had to re-do my personal password to my personal email. Which password where? Why does a hosting site demand that I rewrite my personal password?

    • jwm August 24, 2023, 7:04 PM

      Wordpress comments are notoriously wonky like that. Same with Discuss. Truth to tell, I hate them both. Blogger’s comments are only slightly less wonky. The comment section here has been slow lately, but it still beats the heck out of the other three.


  • neo August 23, 2023, 6:15 PM


    I have no idea why that would happen, but it sounds like some kind of virus or something of the sort.

  • ghostsniper August 23, 2023, 7:07 PM

    This guy is good at what he does.
    And funny too.

  • ghostsniper August 24, 2023, 7:27 AM

    Cyril Ramaphosa

    He has evil eyes.

  • Trooper John Smith August 24, 2023, 2:11 PM

    You can’t taste the love in a frozen biscuit. The world started going to hell when y’all started drinkin’ them seltzer beers. And, I like buttermilk. Full fat. With a little salt and pepper sprinkled on top. Fancy like.

    Oh, and put the phone back on the wall. With a cord on it.

  • ghostsniper August 24, 2023, 2:54 PM

    Is that what is called a debate these days?
    No I didn’t watch it, why would I, I’ve seen them before.
    They always look like 12 yo gurls throwing hissy fits (as my ol gray haired mammy would say).
    A fistfight where all of the contenders are wearing Volkswagen size boxing gloves.
    Blood cannot be drawn, nor is it intended to.

    In a debate back around 1812 the contenders would have been concerned somebody would pull a pistol, or throw a chair, and they would gage their behavior accordingly. Now, in pussified world, everything is about “feelings” and the person with the sharpest mind is a meany.

    The subject matter in a political debate is serious but the debaters have little vested interest. No matter the outcome they suffer no consequence. The taxpayers, however, get some cringe moments in the predicated views of how their lives might be effected in the not too distant future as the contenders fakely pummel each other for pussification position.

    Some perspective in the irrelevancy of the whole thing:

  • jd August 24, 2023, 6:20 PM

    If you go to Neo’s site (thenewneo.com) and scroll down to “Fires in Paradise”, you will read more about Gerard. There’s a lovely photograph too.

    Thank you, Neo.

  • Steve August 25, 2023, 3:28 PM

    For those of us wanting to once again live in the 1950s, just for a few hours or a couple days, check out this wonderful house for sale. You could live there the rest of your life.

  • Casey Klahn August 26, 2023, 8:06 AM

    G was a digital neighbor in many ways. He’d write you to check up on you, or give some advice or comment on what you were doing online. He did this for me, but not too often.

    Blogging sort of died, as a platform or genre, and yet it didn’t for Gerard. He excelled with blogging and it didn’t matter what the trends were. I just figured out why Facebook is go-to-hell, and it’s essentially what Gerard said to Joel: it’s woke and made to shut you out, not to advance you.

    I appreciate this blog being continued, Neo.

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