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Open thread 6/28/24

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  • ghostsniper June 28, 2024, 8:27 AM

    1956 Buick Special, 4 door, 322 V8, Dynaflow automatic transmission, non-stock rims.

  • ghostsniper June 28, 2024, 8:29 AM


    Maybe ninety-seconds into last night’s long-awaited debate spectacle, the consensus must have jelled among the woke-and-broken news media mavens that their champion, “Joe Biden,” was not quite killing it out there at the podium. CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash acted like witnesses at a ritual sacrifice. And afterward, the CNN post-mortem panel seemed genuinely shocked that months of playing pretend had skidded to such an ignominious finish.

    Which raises a great many questions, starting with: why on earth did the Democratic Party and its media handmaidens persist in pretending month-after-month that “Joe Biden” was a fit candidate for another four-year term? Last night, he didn’t appear capable of even finishing the current term. Why did they usher him so jauntily into the nomination? And what are they going to do about that now? And what were their motives for all that pretending? “Joe Biden” circulates among scores of astute officials every day. Did they all fail to notice his incapacity? Or has the whole thing been a sham and a lie all along? Was this just the culminating hoax by the Party of Hoaxes of a long string of hoaxes against the nation going back to 2015?

    To the question of motives, the answer is obvious: the news networks have worked tirelessly (and with stunning dishonor) to hide their collusion with the government in gaslighting the public. More to the point, they’ve concealed the appalling truth that the CIA, DARPA, and their many intel blob subsidiaries conducted a silent coup over the USA and have been running our country’s affairs disastrously behind the “Joe Biden” façade — and that the coup actually started well before Mr. Trump’s 2016 inauguration. You know it, and they know that you know it.

    More acutely, now that “Joe Biden” has been revealed as a hoax president, whole legions of public officials appear liable to criminal charges of the most serious degree: sedition, treason, mass murder, fraud, malfeasance, and in the case of the president himself, influence peddling and bribery. They must be desperate to avoid accounting for all that, losing their accrued fortunes to legal fees and going to prison (or worse). For example, outed just this week: news that then-CIA Director in 2020, Gina Haspel, knew about and participated in the infamous operation using 51 former Intel officers to cover up the veracity of Hunter Biden’s laptop days before the election.

    They knew the laptop was real. Their colleagues over at the FBI knew it was real. They all knew it was stuffed with deal memos, legal memoranda, and emails that clearly laid out a long-running bribery operation among Biden family members and their lawyers. They knew it in 2019 when the Democratic Party moved to impeach Mr. Trump for inquiring about the Biden family’s money-grubbing activities in Ukraine — where, by the way, we may have fomented the war with Russia in part to cover up the culpability of all involved, including especially the State Department and their embassy staff in Kiev. The FBI and its bosses in the DOJ also withheld the laptop from Mr. Trump’s defense lawyers during the 2020 impeachment, though it contained massive exculpatory evidence to explain just why he made that fateful phone call to the newly elected Zelensky.

    It’s obvious that the ruling blob now has to deep-six “Joe Biden.” The problem is they must induce him to renounce the nomination of his own will. The party’s nominating process is so bizarrely complex that it would very difficult to just shove him out. Another problem is that the party had to peremptorily declare “JB” their legal nominee before the August convention in order to keep him on the ballot in Ohio with its 17 electoral votes (due to some arcane machinery in the state’s election laws).

    As per above, the debate fiasco calls into serious question whether “Joe Biden” is competent to even serve out this term. He (or shadowy figures pulling strings behind him) are making profoundly hazardous decisions right now, such as last week’s missile attack that killed and wounded civilians on the beach in Crimea. Are you seeing how easily “Joe Biden” might start World War Three? All of which is to say that pressure will soon rise to use the 25th amendment to relieve him of duty, leaving you-know-who in the oval office. If Joe Biden actually has to resign as president, he also loses the ability to pardon his son, Hunter, and peremptorily his other family members who shared bribery money received from China, Ukraine, and elsewhere.

    If he won’t resign, and the party can’t force him off the ticket, the blob could have no choice except to bump him off. I imagine they would get it done humanely, say late at night sometime, in bed, using the same method as for putting down an old dog who has peed on the carpet one too many times. Or, if that can’t be managed and he clings to his position, maybe the party could cobble up some new nominating rules impromptu. And then, who could they slot in from the bench?

    The usual suspects are like the cast of a freak show, each one displaying one grotesque deformity after another. Gavin Newsom we understand: the party’s base of batshit-crazy women may all want to bear his child, but that limbic instinct to mate with a six-foot-three haircut-in-search-of-a-brain might not work with any other voter demographic — and Newsom has the failed state of California hanging around his neck. All Mr. Trump would have to do is broadcast the scene from a San Francisco street-cam on “X” (Twitter) 24/7.

    Hillary has been stealthily flapping her leathery wings overhead for weeks as this debacle approached. She may still own the actual machinery of the Democratic Party — having purchased it through the Clinton Foundation some years back when the party was broke and needed a bailout. She could just command the nomination by screeching “Caw Caw” from the convention rostrum. Whatever happens, it will look terrible.

    Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan? An inveterate and notorious intel blob tool, Whitmer has allowed herself to be used repeatedly by the FBI to frame and persecute conservatives in her state as well as using her state AG Dana Nessel to go after political enemies there, especially poll workers who cried fraud in the sketchiest Michigan voting districts.

    Illinois Governor JB Pritzker. Like Dreamboat Newsom in California, Mr. Pritzker is busily running Illinois (and especially Chicago) into bankruptcy and chaos. Looks aren’t everything, but if Dreamboat gives the vapors to Karens across the land, the Illinois governor will get them shrieking in terror as from the sight of King Kong on Skull Island

    Who else is there? Michelle O, of course, who will be instantly branded as a catspaw for her husband seeking a fifth term — as Barack himself has averred in so many words: just hanging out in the background, managing things in his jogging suit. That would be the ultimate Banana Republic set-up for us and I don’t think the voters will go for it. It all boils down to the Party of Chaos being thrust into chaos. Can it even survive “Joe Biden?”

    Then there is Mr. Trump himself. He remains the object of widespread rabid loathing, yet more and more Americans are coming to appreciate his opposition to Woke Marxist chaos and intel blobbery-gone-wild in our land. His performance last night featured his usual jumpy locutions and incomplete sentences, but in contrast to the current president, he looked neither senile nor an agent of sinister forces dedicated to bringing our country to its knees. Had Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. been present both of the others would have been badly outclassed verbally and intellectually. If Mr. Trump survives the blob’s efforts to delete him before November, I’m sure Mr. Kennedy will play a prominent role in another Trump administration. He knows exactly where the rot is and how to roust it out.


  • azlibertarian June 28, 2024, 9:48 AM

    Overall, a great article, but I’ve got one nit to pick. Specifically, with this paragraph…..

    “…They knew the laptop was real. Their colleagues over at the FBI knew it was real. They all knew it was stuffed with deal memos, legal memoranda, and emails that clearly laid out a long-running bribery operation among Biden family members and their lawyers. They knew it in 2019 when the Democratic Party moved to impeach Mr. Trump for inquiring about the Biden family’s money-grubbing activities in Ukraine — where, by the way, we may have fomented the war with Russia in part to cover up the culpability of all involved, including especially the State Department and their embassy staff in Kiev. The FBI and its bosses in the DOJ also withheld the laptop from Mr. Trump’s defense lawyers during the 2020 impeachment, though it contained massive exculpatory evidence to explain just why he made that fateful phone call to the newly elected Zelensky….”

    It is beyond question for me that the Biden family has been dirty with regard to Ukraine (but not just Ukraine). And Biden, Inc., in collusion with the Deep State, have probably had it out for Trump because he’s called them out on that. I can accept all that as certain.

    However, Russia has attacked Ukraine not just because Biden and the D’s have corrupted it, or because the Rand Paul/Tucker Carlson/Trump Isolationist camp wants to believe that “Ukraine-is-none-of-our-business”, but because Russia believes that Ukraine belongs to Russia. Putin has produced maps, hundreds of years old, showing this. And, not coincidentally, Putin believes the same of the Baltic countries, and much of Poland.

    This war is not a Black and White thing. It is a grey somewhere between the two extremes. Yes–Ukraine may have been (and may still be) corrupt. Yes–the Democrats may have been (and perhaps still are) using Ukraine to funnel money back to corrupt D pol’s personal pockets, or at least to their political coffers. But saying that is not to deny that Russia is acting as an aggressor here, and that if not stopped, or deterred, the future of Europe is at stake. If America “fomented” this war, it was by holding Ukraine at arm’s length and not giving them the support they needed dating back to 1994.

    When I look at the world….obviously Russia’s imperial advances towards Ukraine and Eastern Europe, Hamas aggression towards Israel (and perhaps Hezbollah from the north), the Chinese aggression in the Western Pacific, I can only conclude that like it or not (and I don’t), we are on the brink of WWIII. The question for me is: What should America do about it?

    • ghostsniper June 28, 2024, 10:14 AM

      In your last paragraph, what is the common denominator in all 3 scenarios?
      None of those places directly effect the US.
      But there the US is, right in the middle of all 3, stirring like hell.
      Don’t give me any of this “allies” nonsense.
      Casey tried that in yesterdays comment about friends and barfights.
      If your friend starts a fight in a bar, expecting you to help out, he isn’t your friend.
      And, what of your own wife and kids while this bar fight is going on?
      The MIC doesn’t give a shit about YOUR kids.

      • azlibertarian June 28, 2024, 11:48 AM

        I think that your analogy falls here…..

        …If your friend starts a fight in a bar, expecting you to help out, he isn’t your friend….

        If my “friend” is Ukraine, or Israel or either Taiwan or the Philippines, have they started a “bar fight” with Russia, Israel or China? Was it Ukraine who annexed Russian lands? Was it Israel who murdered, raped and kidnapped Gazans and then live-streamed these crimes for all to see? Has either Taiwan or the Philippines dredged up the seabed to create and claim areas of the seas as their own?

        The Russians, Hamas (and the wider Islamic world), and the Chinese believe that they’re the aggrieved ones and are right to aggressively pursue their aims against the West. While not defending everything that America or the West has done, I believe that we are more right than wrong and that the status quo is worth defending.

        • ghostsniper June 28, 2024, 12:57 PM

          OK, guess I have to break out the BIG red crayon.
          The essential part was this:
          “And, what of your own wife and kids while this bar fight is going on?”

          If the US politicians were as concerned with what happens right inside it’s own borders, as it seems to be outside it’s borders, it would quickly find that in order to run a country properly it simply does not have the time nor resources to go dabbling around with imaginary “friends” and allies.

          Shall I cite the top 100 MAJOR areas that the US politicians have been neglecting in this country for many decades while it dallies in distant lands? AND that the US is $30+ trillion in debt, which taxpayers are feeling at the grocery store and gas station?

          Fer instance, if US politicians were doing the business they were hired to do, and held directly and legally accountable for, that criminal currently soiling the oval rug would never have gotten within 100 miles of that once noble rug.

          A month ago a dood I know wanted me to help him rip out and replace a 1000 sf deck at his sisters house. Said he’d pay me $50/hr cash money and I can work when I feel like it. Turned him down because I have a full plate right here at the estancia.

          • azlibertarian June 28, 2024, 3:04 PM

            …“And, what of your own wife and kids while this bar fight is going on?”….

            Like you, I too am a veteran, so my wife and kids (who are all now adults) know the sacrifice required of military service. Moreover, I have a son-in-law who is within eye-shot of his military retirement from a special ops field. He has been in those “bar fights” and has gone places and done things which he can’t speak of. I personally see the toll that this has placed on my daughter and grandkids, and in this, the out-of-uniform (and often forgotten) service that they too are performing for our country.

      • Casey Klahn June 28, 2024, 3:23 PM

        Extending an analogy doesn’t serve anything.

        We are rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell. The more I learn it, live it, and (don’t) love it, the more I feel the need to dispense with politics and policy. Politics and policy aren’t military reality at least in-theater. I’m imagining the nightmare scenario of Russia pivoting to a broader fight in Eastern and Central Europe, and no amount of “Biden’s corruption” or defend at the oceans works when the SHTF. I’m convinced that somebody in NATO will have to occupy Belarus first thing. That isn’t ethics, or politics: it’s military necessity. By the same token, NATO will have to take full control of the Baltic Sea. There are a number of things in maneuver war that have zero to do with what’s right in the newspapers (websites) or the capitals.

        Biden’s corrupt. So what? Next slide.

  • ghostsniper June 28, 2024, 1:44 PM

    Next time you do dawgz on the grill try these 2 things.

    Don’t nagasaki they asses.

    Crank the grill to high at first and get them steel rods screamin hot.

    Then, right before slamming the dawgz on it, turn the heat down to about 1/3.

    Low and slow, and turn the dawgz 1/4 turn frequently.

    Keep the lid shut!!!

    2nd, before putting them on the fire, use a pointy knife to carefully cut (4) long, shallow (1/8″ deep) slits down the length of each dawg t0 avert blow-out.

    And, when doing burgers on the grill do this:

    After slamming the burgers on the fire, instead of standing around yappin’ and guzzlin’, fold the corners on your cheese to where it’s shaped like a stop sign.

    That way more of the cheese stays on the burger and less on the grill rods, that you will have to clean off the next time you use it.

    You’re welcome and happy grilling.

    FWIW, I’m doing 1/4lb Smithfield dawgz on the grill this evening after I sip a few ounces of Fireball.

    If you’re in the neighborhood before ignition, stop by and I’ll dig some more out of the cold box.

    Bring yer own drinkin material, mine is all accounted for. 😉

    • Casey Klahn June 28, 2024, 3:35 PM

      All good advice. Burgers: hand patted. Grill: hot enough to sizzle when the meat hits the grill. You’re only going to turn them once, so after they’ve been introduced to the grill, break them free one time with your flipper. I found after using that comedy big flipper that the thin diner flipper works best.

      If you’re not cooking on low or medium low, you’re not cooking. When I was a young man, back when dinosaurs were on the menu, I thought high heat was the only setting ever and for everything. Now I knows better.

      I do lower the grill hood, but only for the first couple of minutes, to send some heat inside the patties. Prime them, so to speak. Then, it’s hood up. Salt and pepper and none of that gay seasoning. Garnish is king. Over easy egg, bacon, cheese (good thinking on the cheese corner idea), lots of good things to add.

      Enjoy. Finish that first beer during prep and cooking/ pro tip.

      • DT June 28, 2024, 3:58 PM

        You can’t mean that Schumer thing was wrong? Tell me it ain’t so!

  • Snakepit Kansas June 28, 2024, 3:30 PM

    I would think the easiest thing to get the Dirty Bidens on will be income tax evasion. Get all of those dirty POS.

    Man’s natural state is war, and if he can get the upper hand on somebody, he’s eventually going to put the screws to them. The American Indians did it to each other until whitey did it to them. The Japanese did it to the Chinese but now the Chinese have an upper hand and will probably start with Taiwan and then the Philippines. Japan may be last on the list, but they’re on the list. I have many family and friends in the Philippines, and that country has been a good ally. I would not be happy about seeing them get rolled over like they did the japs in World War Il.

    • Casey Klahn June 28, 2024, 3:46 PM

      Yeah, it was a good peace while it lasted. I see your thinking on the WestPac, but I feel that Japan is very strategic as far as sea, air, and land forces for the fight and location. The PI is also critically close and they fight like beasts when you poke them. Korea has kind of a bad flanking problem and so I almost see them as a liability, from a maneuver standpoint.

      Look for the area South and West of the Taiwan Straights to be the focus of naval surface battle. It’s a tight area, like a box canyon.

      Really, with no bosom allies, Xhina is royally fukt and would be ill advised to go to war at all. But if they do, they’ll need to get er done fast, because the navies of the world will invest the whole South Xhina Sea, the WestPac, and all that stuff around Singapore/Malaysia.

  • Anne June 28, 2024, 9:17 PM

    I will agree that the reason the Democrats let this bizarre event take place was to encourage the money lenders that they had to let go of Biden. The people who have been making the decisions about our country on the international stage–the east coast mobsters–had to back off before the party could work Biden out of the picture. Now all we have to do is to figure out who the REAL leaders are in the east coast mobster world and then we might have a chance of restoring our country. Meanwhile the mobsters get to choose who walks out of Chicago as the winner and next president.

    • azlibertarian June 29, 2024, 7:21 AM

      “…the east coast mobsters….”

      Here’s a flashback to recent Arizona political history regarding these same East Coast mobsters.

      • Anne June 29, 2024, 9:36 AM

        Thanks for that video–I was completely unaware of this event.

  • Anne June 28, 2024, 9:17 PM

    I will agree that the reason the Democrats let this bizarre event take place was to encourage the money lenders that they had to let go of Biden. The people who have been making the decisions about our country on the international stage–the east coast mobsters–had to back off before the party could work Biden out of the picture. Now all we have to do is to figure out who the REAL leaders are in the east coast mobster world and then we might have a chance of restoring our country. Meanwhile the mobsters get to choose who walks out of Chicago as the winner and probably the next president.

    • Anonymous June 29, 2024, 2:43 PM

      Anne, They do not live in America.

  • ghostsniper June 29, 2024, 6:05 PM

    Just an Idea
    A nasty parasite got on my vehicle last year and I haven’t gotten around to getting it fixed yet. The parasite drains the battery in just a couple days.
    But I do have a repair appt this coming wed.
    Anyway, last year I installed “Battery Tenders” on both of our rides because the battery tends to go dead quickly in the winter (2-3 days) if they haven’t been driven for awhile.

    Yesterday I had to go to a VA appt and afterward my battery was dead.
    2 weeks ago I had purchased this thing:

    and it was charged and in my ride though I had never tested it.
    Hooked the very short cables to the battery, pushed the On switch, turned the key and it started instantly, no questions asked.

    Unhooked it, put it in my ride (2001 Blazer 4×4 2dr) and went to Kroger.
    When I came out of Kroger, same thing, dead.
    NOCO to the rescue again.

    I have good cables in the back of my ride, but it was pretty hot today and frankly, I’m past the idea of begging people to give my ass a jump. I don’t even like the idea of popping the hood in a parking lot. My wife was an hour away and waiting in that heat would be murder. So with all things considered I’m glad I bought this little device. Today I bought one for my wife’s ride, and she’s going to learn how to use it, and I bought another one for our son in Florida. My successful experience with this device means I can recommend it.

    If you buy one, charge it completely and immediately try to connect it to your battery. The included cable is very short but an industrious soul can probably figure out how to make it work.

    Believe it or not, in another lifetime I jumped a friends battery by touching our bumpers together and connecting the positives with a wire coat hanger that I held with 2 rags. Yeah, shit was krazy back in the old daze…

  • ghostsniper June 29, 2024, 6:48 PM

    Or they can carry your fat ass out in a bucket.
    I only watch it for the fight scenes, which are way over the top.


  • Anne June 29, 2024, 11:38 PM

    Never before and not like this. Universities explore (research) human beings and their cultures. That is not unusual. What is unusual is when they begin the research with a preconceived outcome. I have been watching as both of our universities are conducting “ethnographic studies” into rural communities. Here in MT that means they are gathering data to help design their strategies for taking over the independent communities of rural MT. Here is one example:
    You can find out more about this research by typing “rural communities+research+politics”

    • ghostsniper June 30, 2024, 11:25 AM

      Paywall! Can’t get in.

  • ghostsniper June 30, 2024, 4:47 AM

    Just think….

    Today there are less days TIL Christmas (177)
    than there are FROM Christmas (188).

    …they flyin’!

  • Snakepit Kansas June 30, 2024, 2:29 PM

    My son found my late Dad’s old guitar in the storage room. He asked me a few questions and I showed him how to tune it. He’s been banging around on it and learning a Metallica intro. I picked Alice in Chains’ Nutshell acoustic to mimic. You encouraged me some years ago. Taking another stab at it now. Fingers hurt. Callouses soon….

  • DT June 30, 2024, 3:59 PM

    Hm-m-m …
    I’ve nothing to say so I’ll say it anyway.

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