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Open thread 5/31/24

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  • ghostsniper May 31, 2024, 10:00 AM

    Trump was “guilty” on all charges, yet the DOJ still can’t find anything with which to charge hunter biden.

    In a sane world I’d be watching video of that judge being stripped naked, doused with diesel, one leg tied to the hitch with a 100′ rope, set afire and dragged screaming at 100 mph til there was nothing left but a charred, frayed end of a rope.

    • Snakepit Kansas May 31, 2024, 3:16 PM

      Biden’s sold us out to the Chinese and Ukranians. The Biden name is crooked forevermore, in my opinion. They will not be able to spend that money in hell.

    • DT May 31, 2024, 4:42 PM

      In a sane world, you’d have never heard of this judge; there’d have been no trial.

      I find it amazing the number of people that at least imply they were surprised by this verdict. My right-wing ex-Navy next door neighbor – only today – put his flag up upside down. This verdict (and the need for the distress signal) was pre-ordained before the paperwork was even filed. Pretty much as soon as Pence decided there was no need to question the validity of the vote.

      All to now has been like the cartoons and trailers before the show begins. This was merely the opening overture. Let the symphony begin.

      Get your popcorn and enjoy the show. All you can do is try to avoid the shrapnel.

      I’d like to see any other politician go through the years of biased investigation DJT has and find so much nothing that they have to make up laws in order to be charged with something, anything.

      • ghostsniper May 31, 2024, 5:24 PM

        Ann Coulter (remember, she’s the one that predicted Trump would win back in 2015 when no one else did) predicts that shit eating judge will give Trump the death penalty.

        Shit is so unreal, and over the top now I can’t discount what she said.

        • Snakepit Kansas May 31, 2024, 6:11 PM

          My guess is that the judge will give him 30 days of house arrest, or more, to keep him off the campaign trail.

          Molan Labe

  • ghostsniper May 31, 2024, 10:57 AM

    My radio controlled hoon can beat your radio controlled hoon’s ASS!

  • G706 June 1, 2024, 7:40 AM

    I mail out about 100 statments for my business every month. Since November 2020 I always put the flag stamps upside down. Doesn’t make any difference, but I feel better doing it. On a personal note, my mother-in-law died in hospital yesterday so my wife and I and 3 sons will be headed to Indiana. Five adults and 36 hours in a 25 year old Tahoe.

    • ghostsniper June 1, 2024, 7:51 AM

      Sounds like you’re about 1500 miles from hoosierville.
      Good luck on your trip.
      I’m contemplating a 2500 mile trip (one way) in my 23 year old Blazer.
      The cost of a rental vehicle is on the moon.

      • DT June 1, 2024, 4:37 PM

        Headed to Oregon, eh? Don’t forget your Trump flag for loads of fun.

        Myself? August. Cross-country then back 3 days later in a 70s pickup. But not with 5 adults and certainly not with 5 children.

        Did anyone ever sing: “They say the east is nice this time of year …”

        I begin to notice that such a trip is not as exciting (in a good way) as it once was. Not that I seek excitement anymore but somehow, there it is.

    • G706 June 1, 2024, 7:25 PM

      My amazing wife found airline tickets to Ft. Wayne for a good price so the road trip is off. 2276 miles we don’t have to drive.

      • ghostsniper June 3, 2024, 2:59 AM

        Hopefully it’s NOT a Boeing!

  • ghostsniper June 1, 2024, 7:49 AM

    Fun facts to do with what you will:
    USSR Leaves Afghanistan: 02/15/89
    USSR Collapses: 12/26/91
    Days elapsed: 1044

    US Leaves Afghanistan: 08/30/21
    US date + 1044 days: 07/09/24
    Days until that date: 40

    • DT June 1, 2024, 4:43 PM

      It helps to remember for the most part, the Russian people carried on with their lives. We will as well.

      Mike & Mechanics – Silent Running
      Swear allegiance to the flag
      Whatever flag they offer
      Never hint at what you really feel
      Teach the children quietly
      For some day sons and daughters
      Will rise up and fight while we stood still


      • ghostsniper June 2, 2024, 9:11 AM

        spooky toon

  • ghostsniper June 1, 2024, 1:00 PM

    Wanna get pissed?
    Wanna ball your fists or grab your pistols?
    See this:

    • Anonymous June 1, 2024, 1:48 PM

      In conclusion be strong—not in yourselves but in the Lord, in the power of his boundless resource. Put on God’s complete armour so that you can successfully resist all the devil’s methods of attack. For our fight is not against any physical enemy: it is against organisations and powers that are spiritual. We are up against the unseen power that controls this dark world, and spiritual agents from the very headquarters of evil. Therefore you must wear the whole armour of God that you may be able to resist evil in its day of power, and that even when you have fought to a standstill you may still stand your ground. Take your stand then with truth as your belt, righteousness your breastplate, the Gospel of peace firmly on your feet, salvation as your helmet and in your hand the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Above all be sure you take faith as your shield, for it can quench every burning missile the enemy hurls at you. Pray at all times with every kind of spiritual prayer, keeping alert and persistent as you pray for all Christ’s men and women.

  • Snakepit Kansas June 2, 2024, 4:50 AM


  • Joe Krill June 2, 2024, 6:51 AM

    This is one powerful sentence. “Take your stand then with truth as your belt, righteousness your breastplate, the Gospel of peace firmly on your feet, salvation as your helmet and in your hand the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God”. Thanks to whoever published this.

    • John A. Fleming June 2, 2024, 8:52 PM

      It is an excerpt of the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians, Chapter 6, v10-18, the “Put on the full Armor of God” passage. The whole letter is an admonition to live as a Christian should. Paul’s Letter’s are quite rich with memorable and poetic passages on how to live as a Christian, they are as relevant to us today as ever. Elsewhere in this passage he says “For we wrestle not against flesh, and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

      • DT June 3, 2024, 4:47 PM

        Matt 10:24: “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.”
        Luke 12:51 is almost identical

  • ghostsniper June 2, 2024, 1:36 PM

    Question & Answer
    Here’s the question:

    “Okay. I’ll play your game.
    After “it” hits the fan and things start to collapse, then what? Are you gonna be a “lone wolf” and the “alpha” in charge? I’ll give you the supposition that you’ve put away all the bullets, beans, and bandages for a small army and have trained on all of your weapons and you have done everything necessary to prepare your AO. How long do you think that’s gonna last? Even if you had a group of friends, say 100-200 hard corp, well trained, all in, tough as nails MFers that don’t have bad backs, knees, necks, or shoulders from their time in the military. Let’s even say that none of your merry band of men or their families have a need of any type of prescription meds for their high blood pressure, PTSD, hypo/hyper thyroid or any other number of ailments. Then what? Do you think you’re going to take on the world, the neighborhood, own the block? Oh… you were smart and got out of the cities while the getting was good. Okay. So, is your merry band of men going to all come out to the farm with their families and are all of you are going to live happily ever after on the farm? Are you gonna grow a few potatoes, milk a few cows, hunt for dove, pheasant, deer or whatever wild game there is in the sticks? How long do you think that’s gonna last? Are you planning on creating your own form of government, maybe start your own little country within the ruins of what was once the USofA? Or, are you gonna just hunker down and wait a few years and hope that some other George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin is going to pick up where the old USofA was meant to be and start afresh? What’s your plan?
    I hear a lot about how we need to get this Civil War started and how politicians need to be swinging from the lamp posts or introduced to the guillotine. I hear about how we all need to buckle up because we’re in for a rough ride. I hear all of that noise, but nobody seems to have thought beyond that. Who do we rally behind in the aftermath that’s ready to lead this once great country into a new era? I can’t think of a single soul that I would trust or want to start a new government. Can you?
    Do we really want a Civil War? Do we storm the government buildings and hunt down the good with the bad? Do we hang them all because they just happen to be in a government building when we happened to show up for the war? Do we actually hunt down the 3 letter agents that we know are living in our neighborhoods and hang them and their families because they just wanted to put food on their table and into the mouths of their children? Do you want to be both judge and jury? Do you have evidence that these people are corrupt or are you just lumping them all together because they still work for the govt. and if they’re still working for the govt. at this point then they’re all bad? Is that how you want to do this?
    You talk big. You talk sedition. However, I have noticed that nobody seems to have a plan other than immediate violence. Great! Then what? Does everyone become a war lord? How does this work?
    I know that what we have isn’t perfect. I know what we have has been corrupted. Changes need to happen and they cannot happen soon enough. However, until there is a plan on how to progress from war to peace and someone that knows how to lead in both war and peace, you’re just spitting into the wind and if you’re lucky, you’re stacking up bodies. That’s about one of the dumbest plan, non plans, I have ever heard of. Call me a coward or whatever name you want. Tease me about voting moar harder. Warn me again about how we will all be fed into box cars and taken to the prison camps to be shot or burned. If that’s what you think is going to happen, you really don’t have a clue about what a Civil War is. What you have ain’t a plan. It’s a wish and a hope and tough talk. You have no clear vision of where you’re going and you want everyone to follow.
    Hard Pass “General”.

    Here’s the answer (in part):


  • John A. Fleming June 2, 2024, 9:00 PM

    The Sunday evening music post. Here’s a mesmerizing video on the “Evolution of Classical Music”.

    The video shows a waterfall of notes, that then burst alive as they are played. I almost hate to make the connection, but we saw similar waterfall symbolism in the Matrix movies.

    As I watched, I looked at the waterfall and tried to anticipate the music. If I had less to do, I would have watched it non-stop.

    Very entertaining.

  • John A. Fleming June 2, 2024, 9:49 PM

    Today at Church Service was chosen “The Watchful’s Song” by Ralph Vaughan Williams for the Solo. I had never heard this. From the first notes I thought it was different, something special, I first guessed Benjamin Britten as it had the sound of his opera “Billy Budd”. It is quite the song of faith, the singer putting his faith in The Lord.

    I looked it up on the inter tubes. It is one of the songs of Vaughan Williams’s opera The Pilgrim’s Progress, rarely performed today. I also noticed that another of the songs, The Pilgrim’s Psalm, is adapted from David’s Psalms and Paul’s Epistles. Another seemingly martial admonition.

    So this weekend the lesson for me has been to put on the armor of God and be strong in faith for the days ahead.

  • Anne June 3, 2024, 7:49 AM

    Something new for you to consider. I found this in the City Journal:
    “The union representing line prosecutors endorsed Vasquez in January; six police and firefighters’ unions followed suit in February. Last week, the prosecutors’ union board members expressed deep concern . . .”

    In other words, the state of Oregon has a union representing Prosecuting attorneys (state/city employees). The question then becomes who protects the defense attorneys from that union? What power does that “UNION” have over the way things play out in court? Are defense attorneys threatened by this state union? WTH happens to the defendant–either guilty or innocent?

    • DT June 3, 2024, 4:50 PM

      Western Oregon – home of the capital – is a prime example of beauty covering over evil. Eastern Oregon sees this but doesn’t have the population to have any say. Hence, Greater Idaho.
      (No – form a new state like WV)

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