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Open thread 11/5/23

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  • Joe Krill November 5, 2023, 10:47 AM

    Young Roy Clark at his best.


  • Joe Krill November 5, 2023, 10:48 AM

    Young Roy Clark at his best.

  • ghostsniper November 5, 2023, 12:38 PM

    All I got to say is, break out the ‘sheen gunz!

    Author comes out as transgender man after his wife came out as trans woman – and pair, who have a trans daughter, now live in a four-way open relationship with their trans lovers

    Author Rowan Knox, formerly known as Amanda Jette Knox, has announced that he is now a trans man

    Knox had previously made headlines after his wife, who had been his husband for 19 years, came out as a trans woman

    The couple are now in a polyamorous relationship with a fellow trans couple, after their daughter also came out as transgender


  • ghostsniper November 5, 2023, 2:31 PM

    Beatles – Now and Then
    Seems like much of the lyrics, if not all of them, are comprised of bits from their songs from long ago.


  • Anne November 5, 2023, 3:58 PM

    Too bad that transgender foursome is in Britain. If they were in the US (Seattle probably) we could follow their employment. My guess is that after this they will all get better jobs–government, education, etc.

  • DT November 5, 2023, 7:33 PM
  • Casey Klahn November 6, 2023, 5:51 AM

    I love The Beatles and Roy Clark because they’re died into the wool of my lifetime. You can listen to them in your head without any music playing – they’re ingrained. It’s interesting how that the surviving Beatles have cobbled old scratchy recordings into new sound separated and remixed and reinforced. I like it a lot, and it’s a different and more authentic thing than AI revisions of Frank Sinatra or Michael Jackson singing Metal, or some BS like that.

    BUT the current thing in music, to my (tin) ear, is the rebel stuff coming from musicians like Jason Aldeen, Oliver Anthony, and BION Van Morrison, who chides the songwriters for falling for the Covidz and vax mania.

    Most people don’t want news. They want olds. Not new but old stuff.

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