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Jupiter Rising by Alexis Birkill

Photograph of Jupiter’s enormous Great Red Spot in 1879 from Agnes Clerke’s Book “A History of Astronomy in the 19th Century”. Captured by Andrew Ainslie Common in Ealing, London on 3 September 1879 using a 36″ reflector, this was the first clear photograph of another planet.

Captured on July 27, the 2022 infrared images — artificially colored to make specific features stand out — show fine filigree along the edges of the colored bands and around the Great Red Spot and also provide an unprecedented view of the auroras over the north and south poles.

One wide-field image presents a unique lineup of the planet, its faint rings and two of Jupiter’s smaller satellites — Amalthea and Adrastea — against a background of galaxies.

“We’ve never seen Jupiter like this. It’s all quite incredible,” said planetary astronomer Imke de Pater, professor emerita of the University of California, Berkeley, who led the scientific observations of the planet with Thierry Fouchet, a professor at the Paris Observatory. “We hadn’t really expected it to be this good, to be honest. It’s really remarkable that we can see details on Jupiter together with its rings, tiny satellites and even galaxies in one image.”

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At Lindbergh’s Grave

Charles Augustus Lindbergh was born on February 4, 1902 in Detroit, Michigan. On May 20, 1927, Lindbergh took off in the Spirit of St. Louis from Roosevelt Field, near New York City, at 7:52 A.M. He landed at Le Bourget Field, near Paris, on May 21 at 10:21 P.M. Paris time (5:21 P.M. New York time).

“If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.”

— Psalm 139

That long green swell that sears my eyes
As I drowse on this bed of black stones,
Is it the Irish coast rising in the dawn
Beyond the brushed silver of my cowling
Where, throughout the night, I trusted
Not in some desert God’s directions,
But, like all fools who dreamed my flight,
In the calibrated compasses of man?

That rushing sound, is it the crowd at Le Bourget,
Swarming past the barriers and lights
To scavenge my Spirit; to lift me up
Into the air that only heroes breathe?
Or is it the age-old sigh of sea on stones,
Known to those who pace the shingle
And the swirled black sands that wrap
These impossible islands in a shawl of waves? [continue reading…]


Back where the beginning arrives

CULTURAL OFFERING writes for me when he says: “Alan Parsons and Tommy Shaw. If you don’t like Alan Parsons, I’m afraid we can’t be friends anymore.”

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Strange Daze: Campers to Escape 2022

Weird 1966 Chevrolet Pickup Camper Doesn’t Even Have A Cab Instead of putting all of the living space in the bed area of the truck, this Chevy C10 removed the entire cab to add space and allow you to drive from the comfort of your own home.

How to Meow in Yiddish: A True Story Of The American West Now it happened that my father, the old man’s son-in-law was there that day also. My father had never shaved another man’s face in his whole life. But seeing Grampa Ted’s discomfort and perhaps shame, he gathered the tools of a shave and brought them out to the livingroom, soap, brush, razor, a wet towel. I don’t know, perhaps some aftershave. You can bet that it would have been Old Spice.

Great Barrier Reef coral bounces back, but global warming still a risk Among the 87 reefs surveyed for the latest report, average hard coral cover in the north increased to 36 percent, up from 27 percent in 2021, and to 33 percent in the central Great Barrier Reef from 26 percent last year. Average coral cover in the southern region decreased from 38 percent in 2021 to 34 percent this year. [continue reading…]


Citizens for Sanity: A Group On A Mission from God

Ponder the brilliant Citizens for Sanity which has taken the weaponizing of memes to a whole new level of lunacy. It’s taking the ProgPablum of Libs of TikTok and putting it on the street.

Their Mission [continue reading…]


“The demonization of Trump has divided the nation and in the process, it has set in motion its decline and fall.”

From the article “Bidenomics & Vilification of Trump” at Armstrong Economics  BY MARTIN ARMSTRONG

Spread the love


QUESTION: The general view is that Trump has turned the Republican Party into his Party – Trumpism. You seem to support Trump. Would respectfully explain why?


ANSWER: This is a very clever tactic by the Democrats to try to turn Republicans against the Republican Party and to vote for the Democrats while never explaining why they have become so WOKE, dividing the country and setting it up for its destruction. Adolf Hitler used the same tactic of demonizing any opposition as fascists or communists. The German False flag used by Hitler was known as the Reichstag Fire. Hitler had a problem. He won less than 35% of the vote. The Reichstag Fire was an arson attack on the German parliament in Berlin on February 27th, 1933 to polarize the nation.

To this very day, the Ukrainian Nazis hate Russians because of that very propaganda that they were all evil communists. The Roman Emperor Nero blamed the Christians for the Great Fire of Rome and began the Christian persecutions. That is why they had often called Nero the anti-Christ.

Vilification of political opponents has become standard practice yet it degrades the public discourse and undermines any hope of democracy. There will be people who have just been brainwashed and refuse to open their minds to the fact that both sides engage in propaganda. The most important factor here is seeking the truth for the demonization of Trump, a single man, which is then used to justify the hatred of all Republicans that is the necessary step to win an election or even support a cry to unleash the dogs of war. [continue reading…]


WARNING: Strong language stated under the sign of Sardonicus.

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


Ancient Daze: “Nothing like us ever was.”

Four Preludes on Playthings of the Wind by Carl Sandburg

The past is a bucket of ashes.


The woman named Tomorrow
sits with a hairpin in her teeth
and takes her time
and does her hair the way she wants it
and fastens at last the last braid and coil
and puts the hairpin where it belongs
and turns and drawls: Well, what of it?
My grandmother, Yesterday, is gone.
What of it? Let the dead be dead. [continue reading…]



From “Little Gidding” by T. S. Eliot

Since our concern was speech, and speech impelled us
            To purify the dialect of the tribe
            And urge the mind to aftersight and foresight,
Let me disclose the gifts reserved for age
            To set a crown upon your lifetime’s effort.
            First, the cold friction of expiring sense
Without enchantment, offering no promise
            But bitter tastelessness of shadow fruit
            As body and soul begin to fall asunder.
Second, the conscious impotence of rage
            At human folly, and the laceration
            Of laughter at what ceases to amuse.
And last, the rending pain of re-enactment
            Of all that you have done, and been; the shame
            Of motives late revealed, and the awareness
Of things ill done and done to others’ harm
            Which once you took for exercise of virtue.
            Then fools’ approval stings, and honour stains.
From wrong to wrong the exasperated spirit
            Proceeds, unless restored by that refining fire
            Where you must move in measure, like a dancer.’

— T. S. Eliot: Four Quartets – 4 Little Gidding


The Texas History Behind John Ford’s ‘The Searchers’ 

A nine-year-old girl is with her extended family, they’ve settled in central Eastern Texas on a fortified farm, and one day in May of 1836, a group of Kiowa and Comanches come along and attack. Five people are killed, including her father and her grandfather, and five young people are captured, including Cynthia Ann. She spends 24 years with the Comanches, she marries a Comanche, she has three Comanche children, and then one day in December 1860, another group of raiders come to the village she’s living in, only this time it’s the U.S. Cavalry and Texas Rangers. And the people around her, the dear ones, are killed again. She and her little daughter Prairie Flower, a baby, are captured. It seems like [the soldiers are] about to kill her–she looks like a Comanche woman–but then they notice she has blue eyes, and so they take her back to Camp Cooper [in present-day Throckmorton County]. They figure out along the way this must be Cynthia Ann Parker. She’s already sort of a known mythic figure in Texas history. They get in touch with her family, and she’s returned to them. The only problem is of course that she’s become a Comanche. She doesn’t want to be back with the Texans. She doesn’t want to be embraced in Christendom. She wants to be back with the Comanche family, with her sons, with her husband, with her village. And so it becomes a very tragic tale for the second time. She’s a traumatized victim of the Comanche-Texan wars.

[continue reading…]


Riding the Light Inside the Wave

water, water,
flesh-cord feeding
taut bundle
of woman’s belly.

the brow of the child
is first to form,
while gills still
pulse in the jostled quiet.

the long sleep
before birth hypnotizes
until a wave of light

the song of falling haze,
veins, translucent

breath, heartbeat
and hunger.
tears and a sometimes
return to the quiet

heart of stars in their cool
pond, bright blankness.
the depths
and the old remembering.

the wave
without the water.

Berkeley, California, 1966



Made by Jake Landsdowne

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


. . . and something that crystallized “at the last minute” around the inner heavy-metal core of the Earth… and again, the Moon. Join him in an excerpt from The Stratosphere Lounge | Episode 335.

“The degree of the miraculous is overwhelming.”

Yes, it runs for the 20 minutes that I’ve excerpted from his weekly 90-minute meeting with his members. Nevertheless, he explains some very mysterious events that enabled Earth to become a place that could evolve and sustain life; life with a soul that is. I found his presentation fascinating., and his mysterious events . . . highly suggestive. Draw your own conclusions. I’ve got mine. 


At some point our mind goes “It can’t be that ridiculous” and we start treating completely insane claims as though they made ANY sense. Or at least normal people do. It’s time not to let it.

It’s time to get out there and mock, mock, mock. We have our work cut out for us. BUT it must be done. Because when things get that ridiculous, mass death is just around the corner.

Evil is stupid. Invincibly stupid. So stupid that humans, normal humans, have trouble PROCESSING it.

But the stupid must be shown and mocked. If we are to save civilization.

Laugh them off the stage. It’s now or never.

[continue reading…]


Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for The Bee Boys!

Well, SF’s packed with feces,
You gotta watch your step up there,
And Los Angeles with all their homeless camps,
The tents and drugs are everywhere
In Napa Newsom drops some 15 thousand bucks on wine
But in the rest of the state with all the mask mandates,
They keep us all locked up real tight

I wish we all could leave California, now
I wish we all could leave California,
I wish we all could leave California, now

Well, Texas has more freedom,
And pistol grips out there aren’t banned
I’d dig a Florida place with no mask on my face,
And no income tax sounds grand
I been all around this Commie state,
And my time here’s about spent
Yeah, but I couldn’t spot even one U-Haul lot
That had a single truck left to rent

I wish we all could leave California, now
I wish we all could leave California,
I wish we all could leave California, now

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


Stop. Look. Listen.

What’s amazing to me is the number of people who just keep on walking. It seems to me that many of them are couples whose females take a glance and just keep guiding the male down the road.

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


Who says there’s no good News news?

Door. Ass. Bang.

Brian Stelter out at CNN as network cancels media show ‘Reliable Sources’ | Fox News

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926