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Macbeth: Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased, pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow, raze out the written troubles of the brain, and with some sweet oblivious antidote cleanse the stuffed bosom of that perilous stuff which weighs upon her heart.
Doctor: Therein the patient must minister to himself.”
― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

Secret Amazon Meeting to Ban Conservative Children’s Book –   Walsh wrote a book satirizing the transgender cult, and it became a best-seller on Amazon. The woke crew who runs Amazon isn’t about to let that continue. A leaked Zoom call has surfaced in which Amazon employees discuss plans to take the book off the recommended list and stunt its sales potential … essentially banning Johnny the Walrus.

Libs of TikTok has the video. In it, an employee of Amazon calls the satire “problematic” and says it’s been “a very traumatic experience for transgender Amazonians and our transgender customers.” The employee vows that “there are things in the space that are happening” to deal with this trauma. “It’s one hell of a problem,” the employee says about the book, before bringing a “customer” onto the stream who lies about what is in it.

Listen to these depraved and mentally ill high-level employees of Amazon plotting to “burn” a book. The ideological rot in our enemies’ minds is deep and is metastisizing.

During my “career” in publishing, I edited and published more than 200 books for Houghton Mifflin in all areas from fiction to science fiction to Tolkein to history to science to politics to social concerns… all subjects. Never once in all those years did I think or hear anything remotely like the sheer malicious mendacity and calm fascist drivel oozing out of the mouths of these moral cretins. It simply didn’t occur in the editorial meetings, the corridor chats, or private encounters with one’s superiors behind closed doors. It didn’t occur because of some secret agreement on publishing from a stiff set of ideological principles. It didn’t occur because we simply didn’t have that kind of structure in our brains.

It wasn’t that I bought and edited books to be published that were darlings of the left/liberalism mindset dominant in publishing in those years. I brought in a number of titles that were not. In fact, one of the reasons I was hired as Senior Editor and Director of Trade Paperback Publishing was that I came from magazines — Penthouse Magazine — and would bring in books others would not. (And no that does not mean “Porn,” laddies.)

Before and after Houghton Mifflin I worked in magazines. They were, in order, Organ Magazine (founding editor), Earth Magazine, City Magazine (Founding editor), Penthouse Magazine USA (Senior Editor), Omni Magazine, Penthouse UK and Penthouse Europe (Publisher and Managing Director), Penthouse.com (Vice-President). In magazine publishing, I edited thousands of articles on every imaginable subject and — as a quick study and star-class bullshitter — wrote thousands under my name and others.

From 1972 until 2002 I worked all over American publishing, attend conventions and tradeshows and supervised at printing plants for 6 million copy runs. In all this time and space, I never once — no not never — had or heard of any conversation remotely like those above.

In the early 1990s, I became Employee #3 of The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) as their Director of Communications. Founded by Mitch Kapor (Lotus 1-2-3) and John Perry Barlow (Grateful Dead) I worked closely with Mike Godwin (Godwin’s Law). The original purpose of the EFF was to make sure the protections of the Bill of Rights were extended to cyberspace. At this remove, I have no idea what the EFF is up to but I’m fairly sure it’s Woke-Infested. Godwin’s gone Woke Squared and Kapor is Woke Cubed. Barlow would still probably be for the initial idealistic purposes of the EFF, but he’s dead. Nevertheless, this was another organization I joined in which I never heard the whisper of fascist speech suppression. It had nice ideals. Today it is mainly a sponge for tech millionaire donations.

What those self-inflated Amazon bags of flatulence are bluttering about should be deeply shameful to any person who believes in the principles of free speech. Yet these diseased minds seem to be both shameless and clueless. This tells me that the rot is deep and broad. This tells me the tumors cannot be cured with anything less than a hot wire cauterization deep inside the skull. 

Once again I am reminded how the woke virus has infested untold millions of hosts so deeply that although they might once have been our political opponents, they are now our enemies and need to be treated as such wherever we meet them. The only intervention that can possibly save them at this point is a spiritual awakening they are unlikely to receive outside of the sheer Grace of God.

Oh, did I mention that at age 18 I was on the steering committee of the UC Davis branch of The Free Speech Moment and was at Sproul Hall on December 3, 1964; the day that we invented the people that became, two generations later, the insects above? Well, I just did. And those bugs above were not what we meant; they were not what we meant at all.


Well, it seems that Tumblr (shunned platform) has something to say about that: [continue reading…]


“To the moon, Alice. The MOON!”

RECOMMENDO: Regarding the Apollo launch item below — For those who are doubters (We NEVER went to the moon) or denigrators (It was all just a STUNT!) I recommend their very close attention to Apollo 11 by Bill Whittle. It is a stunning 5-HOUR series and will, as we used to say in the 60s allow “the Baby Jesus to open your mind and shut your mouth.”

This is the trailer for the series:

All the episodes are here: Apollo 11 – Bill Whittle


Noted In Passing: Galileo, the Finger

Museo Galileo – Enlarged image – Middle finger of Galileo’s right hand (Inv. 2432)

Some people always have to have the last word.

“E pur si muove”


Something Wonderful: A Blast from the Past

Saturn V rocket launch with enhanced and remastered footage.

“Commander Alan Shepard, Command Module Pilot Stuart Roosa, and Lunar Module Pilot Edgar Mitchell launched on their nine-day mission on Sunday, January 31, 1971, at 4:03:02 p.m. EST. En route to the lunar landing, the crew overcame malfunctions that might have resulted in a second consecutive aborted mission, and possibly, the premature end of the Apollo program.”

“Shepard and Mitchell made their lunar landing on February 5 in the Fra Mauro formation – originally the target of Apollo 13. During the two walks on the surface, they collected 94.35 pounds (42.80 kg) of Moon rocks and deployed several scientific experiments. To the dismay of some geologists, Shepard and Mitchell did not reach the rim of Cone crater as had been planned, though they came close. In Apollo 14’s most famous incident, Shepard hit two golf balls he had brought with him with a makeshift club.”


At Twitter, those working daily to infect the world with Twitterspeak were part of… wait for it… “The Health Division”

Twitter workers face a reality they’ve long feared: Elon Musk as owner “I don’t know any non-engineer who works on health issues who sees how this helps,” said a Twitter employee in an interview in response to questions about Musk’s ownership, referring to the company’s health division that enforces rules against harmful content such as hate speech and misinformation. “Most find it dispiriting.”

“Dispiriting”? They should all be burned at their desks to prevent the brain-eating Woke Virus from infecting others.

[HT: DeWitt]

Very creepy how this “executive” compulsively refers to censorship as “health.” One imagines this is an example of the whopping internal lies Twitter corporate culture tells itself in order to stand itself.

Leslie Berland is the CMO at Twitter, and she said: “Elon made it clear in public that a large part of the reason he bought the platform was because of our moderation policies and disagreements in how we deal with health. This puts Twitter service and Trust and Safety as well as anybody who cares about health on the platform in a very difficult position.”


The Aztec City in the Lake by JWM and Austin

Far-called, our navies melt away;
On dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
— Kipling

JWM says in Strange Daze: Saturday Review: Noting the picture of the Aztec sacrifice- A thing that occurs to me is what the Spaniards did not find in the new world: technology. They came upon Indian civilizations living in these amazing megalithic structures, people who reportedly had sophisticated mathematics, and astronomy, but practiced one of the most barbaric religions the planet has ever seen. Yet, as far as I know, the Conquistadors never saw anything in the process of being built. If the Spanish had seen machines capable of doing that work they’d have written about it. They’d have brought that technology to the old world. Think of what Europe could have done if the Europeans had the machines to shape, and move materials on the scale of Chichinitza or Machu Pichu. My guess is the Indians who lived in the jungles of Mexico, and Central/ South America were not the ones who built. But that raises the question: Who was it, then?

Mike Austin replies:
I spent 40 years of my life researching, among many other things, the Indigenous civilizations of Latin America. For 14 years of those 40 I lived, worked, and traveled in Latin America, visiting every nation but Surinam and French Guiana. I backpacked alone to many of the Mayan, Incan, and Chachapoyan ruins that proliferate the lands below the Rio Grande. I have more than likely explored more of these ruins than any man alive. So…

The technology possessed by the Aztec was sufficient to build their capital of Tenochtitlan. This city was one of the largest on earth at the time (1519) and was one of the marvels of the world. The civil engineering talents of the Aztec enabled them to construct the city in the middle of Lake Texcoco—it seemed to be literally floating on water—and be connected to land by a system of causeways. Those conquistadors with Cortez were stupefied at what the Indians had done, thinking they were seeing a fantasy right out of their dream tales of “Amadis of Gaul”. Those who later wrote accounts of the conquest, such as conquistador Bernal Diaz who was with Cortez, said Tenochtitlan was the most astounding city they had ever seen.

“When we saw so many cities and villages built in the water and other great towns on dry land we were amazed and said that it was like the enchantments…on account of the great towers and cues and buildings rising from the water, and all built of masonry. And some of our soldiers even asked whether the things that we saw were not a dream?… I do not know how to describe it, seeing things as we did that had never been heard of or seen before, not even dreamed about.”


This was no “megalithic structure”.

It was well-known at the time by those Indians living around the lake how Tenochtitlan was built. After all, these people had helped in its construction. They themselves were no second-raters. In fact, the largest pyramid on earth was built 63 miles from Tenochtitlan by the people of Cholula, a people contemporary to the Aztec. The total volume of that pyramid holds twice the volume of the Pyramid of Khufu. Like that pyramid, the Cholula pyramid was built by human labor, as was every single structure built in pre-Colombian America.

You wrote that the Spanish never saw machines used in building any Indian structure. But the Conquistadors did not venture to the New World to write books on civil engineering; they were there to conquer the New World. Once that was done the Spanish built their own cities in the same way the Aztec did theirs—with human labor.

You wrote that the Indians “reportedly had sophisticated mathematics and astronomy…” Reportedly? The Mayan calendar is more accurate than our own, and these people came up with the mathematical concept of zero hundreds of years before Europeans did. Their cities were built with astronomical and mathematical precision. Their ruins in Mexico and in the jungles of Guatemala and Honduras have survived more or less intact for 1000 years. How long would Paris survive if left untouched for a millennium?

The Inca are the only people in History to construct a civilization across almost every known
geographical environment. Their roads are still in use today, 500 years after their construction. I know. I have walked alone upon them with pack and tent for weeks. When Pizarro conquered Cuzco (1533), he built a Spanish city on top of the Inca city. After each earthquake, the Spanish city would be destroyed yet the Inca structures remained unfazed.

It is a common conceit of we Moderns to hold the ancients—especially the New World Indigenous—in disdain. But with all of our wiz-bang technology could we build anything like a Tenochtitlan? Or a Teotihuacan (500 AD)?

Compare that with Nineveh in Mesopotamia (612 BC):

As a reminder the Assyrians who built Nineveh and once controlled half of the known world were some of the most violent people in History. Extreme violence and magnificent works of engineering to do necessarily cancel each other out. Witness the Italian Renaissance.

Tenochtitlan, Teotihuacan and Nineveh were built with human labor, as was the Great Pyramid at Giza, and in the same way. Recall that we could not figure out how that Egyptian structure was built until relatively recently. There is no need at all to wonder how and by whom the Indigenous civilizations were built. The people themselves did so. These vanished peoples were neither stupid nor lazy.


Winter is what you make it. Hint: Full screen.


For those that don’t know, Monkey Werx US is a site that analyzes what is happening in the air, the land, and the sea around the globe by tracking flight paths, maritime navigation, land movements and volcano alerts. A fascinating and VERY REALITY BASED report. Does a bang-up job of tracking doom packing and future imploding disasters. (Krakatoa alert for those tracking super-volcanos is at 5:10, and no it’s not good news, but what is?)

Monkey himself is an admirable man as revealed in About — MonkeyWerx [continue reading…]


For the present moment, anyway.


Remain? I want my account back! I was kicked off three years back when it was still unfashionable. How else am I going to be able to insult the LeftTweeters at will with all the respect they so deeply deserve?

IN THE PREDICATBLE “WE BE GOIN’ OFF TO THAT THAR CANADA” REACTION: Still, it’s hilarious to see the reactions coming to Musk’s possible acquisition of the social media giant.

Leftwing accounts big and small are pledging to leave the platform because of the grave threat of there possibly being less censorship of mainstream political opinions. I add that qualifier because contrary to the hysterical proclamations, I do think Musk will keep a base-level TOS in place regarding speech on the platform. The difference will be that it will be applied equally.

Really? All I can say is:





Officer Not-So-Friendly by Dirk

When I was a chitlin starting around 4 to 13 ish, we would go to the Roseville Auction. Went early every Sat. My Great Grandmother’s Chevy station wagon, Baby Blue. Got my first ever Ticket in it at 12. Was delivering my Paper route papers, when the local popo, drove by.

We were right in front of my great-grandmother’s driveway, I quickly drove down the driveway, parking in the garage, great-grandma shut the garage door. I lived across the field, behind the garage, I ran home. My great went in and watched channel 3 news.

The cop showed up at my house, demanding to see my driver’s license. I’m 12. Turns out he raced to the next street and turned around. Was confused when we were gone. He didn’t know great grandma lived right there.

I admit to nothing. Ken demands to confront great-grandma. Are you sure? Yes. I rode with the nice policeman to my great grandma’s house. I drag the cop, “Ken Easter”, into my great grandma’s TV room. She looks at him and turns back to watch Lawerence Welk or the news.

Don’t say a word. The cop starts to chastise my great-grandmother and threatens to write her a ticket for allowing a minor to drive. My great grandmother laughs, says “Son you best get to writing then.”

While he’s writing both me and my great-grandma, she makes a phone call. My great-grandma says “Hey, they want to talk to you.” Who? Your boss. After we hear him say Yes sir, yes sir, yes sir. He hangs up. Says, “You’re lucky today, I’ll catch the two of you soon enough.” Like we’re Bonney and Clyde!

My great-grandma laughs, and says “Ok, I’ll just call the judge and let him explain it to you next time.” Ken Easter storms out. Great-grandma says “He’s gonna get you.” [continue reading…]


Satan’s Marinade

The public has been marinated in false narratives and disinformation spread by our elite ruling class and echoed by the dominant media. For example, climate change (more), green energy and its consequences, and Putin inflation.  Then there’s the COVID-19 origin and authoritarian mandates fostered by the spurious meme follow the science, the Russian collusion narrative, there was no election fraud in the 2020 Election, voter suppression, wokeism, and equity-speak.  Don’t forget gender fluidity/grooming, the mask mandates by woke schoolboards supported by teachers’ unions,  cops shooting Black men, and Critical Race Theory, including the divisive memes of White Supremacy/domestic terrorism/systemic racism and many other crises de jour. 



Boomer Anthems: “Makin’ Thunderbirds”

The big line moved one mile an hour
So loud it really hurt
The big line moved so loud
It really hurt
Back in ’55
We were makin’ thunderbirds

We filled conveyors
We met production
Foremen didn’t waste words
We met production
Foremen didn’t waste words
We were young and proud
We were makin’ thunderbirds
[continue reading…]


The Traditional Tranquility of the Wrath of Gnon

What was once a sublime Tumblr has metamorphosed into that rarest of all tweetstreams, a sublime tweetstream found daily at (1) Wrath Of Gnon (@wrathofgnon) / Twitter. ⬅RECOMMENDO.

Here’s a selection of what has been on offer for over ten years.

[continue reading…]


American Farmworkers, 1942

February 1942. Woodville, Calif. “FSA farm workers’ community. Agricultural worker and his family in their garden house.
[continue reading…]


Strange Daze: Saturday Review

Xi will persist against the virus, just as Putin will continue to batter against Ukraine, not in the hopes of actually solving the stated problem but because in ideological totalitarianism, fallibility is not an option. Because they are in violation of the First Law of Holes (“if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging”) the problem unsurprisingly gets bigger. Russia has threatened to deploy nuclear weapons to the Baltics if Finland and Sweden join NATO — which Putin’s invasion impels them to do. China’s COVID controls may fail to control the virus but still succeed in damaging its economy and stirring up political unrest. But no matter, gods cannot err.

Southern Africa, 1 million years BP: Children play in the mouth of the ancient cave. They’re hunting bison, one on each side, just as we’ve shown them in the shadows by the fire. From here, the entire valley can be seen. Below, a woolly rhino crosses the river. Up here, each relative helps when they can in looking at the horizon and screening the neighbourhood. With great care, we keep advancing in the stonework, which shuns the hooves and attracts the claws. That’s why even in the day the fire lives. But it’s when the sun dies that it really grows. At the fire circle, relatives tell us about the flights they take at night. I want to learn to fly without fear of the harpy or the lioness. Last night my closed eyes saw the great fire. It was particularly beautiful, very strong and very beautiful, but then suddenly a gust of wind came in and the fire went out. The hyenas came and advanced to the entrance of the cave. The children ran inside and, when it was all about to end, my dead grandfather suddenly appeared. He yelled in a voice of thunder and lit the fire again. The hyenas burned their backs and disappeared into the night. I woke up and they were gone, and so was my grandfather. Only the fire was there.

How the Azovstal steel plant turned into the last bastion of Ukrainian resistance in Mariupol | International | The plant is an industrial complex in the southeast of the city, near the port, which extends for 11 square kilometers. It is made up of an intricate network of warehouses, rail tracks and subterranean tunnels, where Ukrainian troops and civilian defense teams are taking cover to survive the incessant bombings. According to Ukrainian authorities, there are close to 1,000 civilians at the plant, including women and children. [continue reading…]