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Open thread 9/13/2024

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  • Casey Klahn September 13, 2024, 12:15 PM

    My wife says I’m arrogant about being right. Here I go again.

    I know many of you watched the debate and aftermath punditry. Right after the debate, I was as disappointed and confused as the next guy. I did not think that KH won on points, but I also did not see the knock-out punch I wanted to see. That evening and for the next few days the conservative punditry said that Trump had lost and basically that we’re screwed. I had a different point of view and felt that Americans could see that the ABC simps had given us a remarkably unabashed and biased performance.

    Yesterday late, I watched Hugh Hewitt declaring that the analysis has changed and that people are waking up to the reality that Trump did win, and that ABC is the worst debate platform in the history of debates.

    I just want to say to the conservative news commentators: eat my crusty nose boogers. You actually get paid for the shit you do? I could see it a day after the debate, and it took you at least 3.

    HH says that the polling cycle will show Trump’s win in 9 days or so, as is the usual thing. Watch:

    • ghostsniper September 13, 2024, 2:45 PM

      I reject the whole “win/lose” narrative attributed to this thing.

      First, there was no “debate” in the traditional sense.
      What you seen was like a TV advertisement, a commercial that pops up in the middle of a show you’re watching just to piss you off.

      However, a TV commercial is much more polished, refined, all the bugs worked out, and has a specific purpose to show the product in the best possible light.

      This shitty “debate” did none of that, though that was what it was supposed to do.

      Let’s cut the shit. There are no “middle of the roaders” or “fence sitters” at this point. If you don’t know by now who either of these 2 culprits are you are comatose and don’t matter.

      Before this “debate” ever started the battle lines were already drawn. There will be no crossovers or changing of minds because of this shit show.

      So who was this shit show meant for?

      Since it was media sponsored, there can be only one answer to that question.
      The shit show was meant to show Trump in the worst light possible.
      To give the communist criminals something to gloat over, to humiliate Trump supporters, to make themselves feel good.

      At the end of the day there is NOTHING either trump or harris can do that will immediately effect my life in any meaningful way.

      Will either reduce the amount of tyranny the gov’t at large has over my life?
      Will either reduce the cost of the criminal gov’t to my wallet?

      Absent those 2 things, there is NOTHING this rotten assed gov’t can do for me.
      Nor is there anything it can do to piss me off more.

      In summation, no matter who the next president is I am expecting more criminal intent and potential danger from all aspects of this rotten assed gov’t at all levels.

      Now, it’s almost 6pm, it’s warm out, but overcast, and I have spent the past almost 12 hours wrangling with a situation on an island habitated by millionaires so I’m calling enough is enough and I’m gonna go plop my old ass down on the porch, pop a top on a can of suds, and observe some wild animals and a little later I will pound out some burgers for the grill.

  • Casey Klahn September 13, 2024, 4:08 PM

    Yeah, I’m making burgers on the grill tonight; it’s late in the grilling season.

    Much of your rant is true, but as a former debate geek in high school and college, it could be scored the same way. I followed that. I’m am a debater, but do NOT call me a master at it.

    I told the story before, but will repeat it here. I was teaching my workshop in Denver and during a dinner party this young asshole said that he had just worked on the Trump (and I think Clinton) debate and his job was to make Trump look fukt by cold poor lighting, and to make Hillary look like fukn Judy Garland in Wizard of Oz. I had seen the debate, and I was very aware of the lighting cheat, and here before me and in person was the meathead who done it. That was also the one where they tuned the mic so DJT had a whistlenose.

    Every cruddy debate with Trump is sabotaged by the media criminals. But, this was the worst one. Still Trump debates. He’s wheels his nads on stage in a wheelbarrow.

    It’s newsworthy. It’s way more interesting than Nixon’s 5 o’clock shadow in the Kennedy debate.

  • Snakepit Kansas September 13, 2024, 5:52 PM

    It is always grilling season, man.

    Phuc ABC.

    Sitting in the airport on Phoenix. People watching. Gobs of young, overweight people with bad tattoos.

    • ghostsniper September 14, 2024, 6:49 AM

      Chicken Breasts on the grill tonight
      Kroger was running a deal on Tyson bone-in, Monsanto sized, chicken breats.
      Buy 1 pack of 3 breasts and get the 2nd pack of 3 free.
      In hindsight, I should have cleaned up, emptied the case, but I just got the 2.
      Pulled 1 pack from the freezer last night and let it thaw on the counter for a couple hours then into the fridge overnight.

      This morning I dumped a 1/2 cup of peanut oil in a 1 gallon zip lock and about 1/2 a jar of McCormack’s Monterrey Chicken spice. If you have’t tried that stuff yet you should.
      Then I threw them 3 breasts on the block and cleaned them up, rinsed them off and cut each into 3 pieces. 9 pieces total. Then into the bag, squished them around in that concoction for a bit then back into the fridge. Now and then today I’ll resquish em and work them spices in. Oh, forgot. Before I cut them into pieces I score cut every 1/2″ from 2 different directions about 1/8″ deep to let the concoction get down in there and not just slide off the surface.

      At 6pm the grill will be cranked wide open for about 15 mins to get the entire machine up to speed then I’ll back all the burners down to med-low and scatter them chunx all over the grid and shut that lid. Then me and Mr Hamm16 will sit down close by and have a conversation. Every 15 mins or so, everytime I get another Hamm, I’ll use the tongz to move them chunx around, get all sides cooked uniformly.

      A dozn red potatoes will boil to completion on the stove, then they too will get rolled around on that grill. My wife is making a batch of her amazing pineapple-red grape cole slaw. DAWG! My tongue is getting stern wood after writing all that!

      We’ll shovel that stuff onto plates and sit down and watch a cowboy movie from the 50’s, maybe a Duke.

      • Snakepit Kansas September 14, 2024, 3:46 PM

        Ooooh!!! Too bad it would be a 12 hour drive, or I’d be right over (Hamm’s tallboy 6 in hand)!

  • ghostsniper September 14, 2024, 8:16 AM

    Go to the link at the bottom and read the rest, and don’t forget to check out the comment section.

    Published By
    U.S. Secret Service Media Relations
    Published Date
    WASHINGTON – The 2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral Votes in Washington, DC on Jan. 6, 2025, has been designated a National Special Security Event by the Secretary of Homeland Security.
    This marks the first time a National Special Security Event designation has been granted for a Certification of Electoral Votes and follows a request made by the DC Mayor to designate this event a National Special Security Event. Various reports including from the House Select January 6 Committee and the Government Accountability Office also called for the DHS Secretary to consider a National Special Security Event designation for future Certification of Electoral Votes.

    “National Special Security Events are events of the highest national significance,” said Eric Ranaghan, the Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Secret Service’s Dignitary Protective Division. “The U.S. Secret Service, in collaboration with our federal, state, and local partners are committed to developing and implementing a comprehensive and integrated security plan to ensure the safety and security of this event and its participants.”

    The formal planning process is underway with the formation of an Executive Steering Committee. The Executive Steering Committee is made up of senior representatives from federal, state and local law enforcement and public safety partners and will begin convening in the coming weeks.

    In addition to the 2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral Votes on Jan. 6, the 2025 Presidential Inauguration on Jan. 20 was previously designated a National Special Security Event and planning has been ongoing for several months.

    This designation allows for significant resources from the federal government, as well as from state and local partners, to be utilized in a comprehensive security plan. When an event is designated a National Special Security Event, the U.S. Secret Service assumes its mandated role as the lead agency for the design and implementation of the operational security plan.


  • ghostsniper September 15, 2024, 6:39 AM

    Karl sez:

    That Counted As a ‘Debate’?

    Good Lord we’re screwed.
    Who lost? The American people.

    Harris didn’t answer anything. She took questions and then immediately pivoted to going after Trump, throwing chum in the water. Trump, for his part, hit the hook in the chum and thus negated his capacity to point out actual policy — and that she had evaded and didn’t answer the question.

    The moderators were wildly biased and failed to enforce the rules, specifically related to any sort of containment of the two of them going back and forth and the alleged muting of the mics.

    None of what Harris proposed she had a way to pay for. Zero. $25,000 for a house sounds nice, but it will simply make the price of houses go up — by $25,000. The problem isn’t down payments its that prices are too high. You can’t wish supply into existence which means dealing with demand is the only option. How do you deal with demand? Well I can tell you what you don’t do: Put 10,000 new people you fly into the United States into a town of 60,000 all of whom have $1,000 a month government checks and will live 10 to an apartment, which is what’s happening in Ohio and elsewhere! All that does is force the existing residents out because they can’t afford that escalation in cost — and thus makes the problem worse.

    Did Trump key up on this? No, and if he had he could have mopped the floor with Harris since that is explicitly her position that these Haitians are “good” and in fact she supported bringing 100,000 of them in directly, in her own words. Leave the cat situation alone because you don’t have to go there — you can win on pure economics and its irrefutable.

    Trump was right about foreign policy; nobody attacked anyone when he was President. When Biden and Harris came into office both the Ukraine and Israeli conflicts occurred. These are facts and may I remind you that Reagan, for all of his flaws, did get “caught” on an open mic during a mic check saying “I’ve just signed legislation to eliminate the USSR; the bombing starts in 10 minutes.” No, it wasn’t policy but if you think the Kremlin didn’t know about that within 30 seconds you’re not very smart and like it or not there is real value in Foreign Policy with having the other guys out there who have designs on things you don’t want to happen wondering if you might be just crazy enough to push the button. There’s an art to that; you never want them to be convinced you’re nuts because then they have to shoot but at the same time the last thing you want is for them to believe you’ll send money, guns, ammunition and planes in drips and drabs to someone fighting but under no circumstances will you personally blow them up.

    That, by the way, is why we have two wars going on right now that we’re funding and arming. Both sides of both conflicts are utterly convinced we will not come and blow anyone up — while at the same time we keep demonstrating that perhaps we can’t even if we changed our mind to the degree we’ve put forward through bravado for oh so long (and not without cause, until the last 20 or so years.) May I remind you that we can’t even manage to build a pier that will withstand utterly common weather conditions to offload supplies anymore — and we proved it at Gaza.

    There was much more but this was more than enough.
    We had two unserious people on stage and a pair of “moderators” who weren’t.
    I could spend an hour or more on a 20 page analysis but honestly its not worth the digital ink to do so.


  • Casey Klahn September 15, 2024, 12:37 PM

    Thank God today’s golf course shooter used an AK. Damn thing shoots itself to pieces and won’t hit a thing.

  • ghostsniper September 15, 2024, 12:41 PM


    A slight digression: On the intertunnel, it’s fairly common to find numerous writers who make a hobbyhorse out of disliking Baby Boomers. I suspect that it’s mostly because their parents would rather go on cruises than do the decent thing and die suddenly, in order to leave enough money for them to buy more Lego sets and Star Wars action figures than the other middle-aged guys that work in their cubicle farm. I can’t say I blame them. Technically, I’m a Boomer, and I don’t like Abba or flared pants or Hamburger Helper or mustaches or ‘vettes or shag carpeting or hot tubs or avocado and harvest gold appliances. But a word of caution to my friends who hate me and my cohort over nothing more than the calendar: When the Boomers croak, the last architect who could use a T-square and pencil will be gone, and all you have left is people who learned architecture from Minecraft:


  • Anne September 15, 2024, 8:33 PM

    Dear Ghost:

    You got that so right! Not only will the next generation not be able to use a TSquare–they won’t even understand the need!

  • Casey Klahn September 16, 2024, 5:16 AM

    I think Boomers are good for some criticism. We didn’t ruin the economy but we did make the culture suffer, in spite of having some powerfully talented cultural figures. Our parents were the Greatest, so that’s a long shadow to compare yourself to. The next generations? Pffft.

    No discussion of assassination games number 2?

    Some are shitn on Ryan Routh as a bush league (actually) would-be assassin, but he never got to fully show his stuff. Well, maybe he did squeeze off a shot. Nobody has proven otherwise yet, and I see it as a possibility. I’d much rather talk about the gang who couldn’t shoot straight, the USSS. If the one agent walking point on the golf course popped off 4 rounds at the perp, where did they go? To the street; to the public area right behind Routh. No hits? Is there just one hit on the two plate carrier bags?

    In my mind, I’m trying to imagine the ROE for gunman ahead of Trump but not ready to shoot yet. Wouldn’t you try to apprehend him? What would cause our agent (call it “Pat the Agent”) to begin a firefight? Did Routh fire a shot? In my experience, neither a deer nor a human will tolerate any presence of an armed man anywhere in sight, and so I’m imagining that AK gun barrel pointing out of the bushes and being discovered. It’s reasonable to ask: “was he sighted in on DJT and therefore flagging his own position?” If I were Pat T. Agent, I’d put some serious forethought into pumping 4 rounds of 9mm into a hedge when the backdrop is an open public street! Especially if I tend to miss every fukn shot!

    Hanging at dawn this morning I expect to see Routh and next to him, one Pat T. Agent, the DEI hire. Because if there are 1 or 2 DEI hires, all of them are in essence DEI hires.

    Do I have to grab a flight to Fla to protect Trump now? How many others are thinking this? Trump is completely uncovered and has a target painted on his back. If he makes it to November, now, it’ll be a miracle. Which literally seems to be the case so far.

    • ghostsniper September 16, 2024, 7:38 AM

      Another wind up toy turned loose.
      They may tell you some lies to appease the softheaded, but you’ll never know the complete truth.

  • W walker September 16, 2024, 3:52 PM

    3rd time is enemy action

    • ghostsniper September 16, 2024, 5:22 PM

      3rd time lucky?

    • Casey Klahn September 17, 2024, 4:03 AM

      What is it about the Left and firearms accuracy?

      At first, I strained to admit that a CIA asset would be so absolutely bad at firearms craft. But, I guess they ain’t very James Bond-e anymore. Soon, being a CIA director will be a portfolio lead weight.

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