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Open thread 9/11/23

RIP. 22 years.

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  • ghostsniper September 11, 2023, 8:25 AM

    Looks kinda white dudn’t it?

    White privilege didn’t give us an advantage over others.
    White achievement did.
    That’s the part that drives them insane.

    The cool thing about white is that it makes a good base to build anything else off of.
    Colors for example.
    Using white as a base, if you want orange just add some red and some yellow, adjust each to the required tone or hue.
    Try doing that with any other color as a base.
    You probably can but you’ll expend a lot more effort.

    Vanilla ice cream is another.
    Slam a coupla scoops in a bowl then slather it with any other flavor you want, chocolate syrup for example, stir like a maniac and “violin” you got something else.
    It looks like chocolate.
    It tastes like chocolate.
    To passersby it will look like you’re enjoying chocolate ice cream.
    But in your conniving and dastardly heart you know the truth.

    When you think about it, the foundation for all diversity starts with white.
    Where it ends is irrelevant, because we all know where it starts.

  • John the River September 11, 2023, 9:55 AM

    With twenty years of hindsight I can say that it would have been better if a Democrat had been President when that happened, or anyone but George Bush and the Ne0-Cons.
    I doubt any Democrat would have dug us in as deep, bled us out in such lengthy foreign wars, gotten away with undercutting our rights as badly.
    A certain Muslim midwest congresswoman would probably still be tending her fathers goat herd.
    And the Taliban would still be armed with single shot bolt action rifles.

    • jwm September 11, 2023, 3:33 PM

      That would have been Al Gore.


  • John the River September 11, 2023, 11:13 AM

    An FYI. Recently I received a notice of a new charge from American Digest for $100. It was on my Chase credit card.
    I’ve just spent a long time on the phone with Chase. Bottom line they can’t tell me anything about the charge except that it was a recurring charge (they can’t say if it’s yearly or monthly) and since, obviously, Gerard didn’t submit my credit card again, the transaction is being treated as fraudulent by Chase.
    So they are cancelling that card and issuing me a new one. And now I must change all the recurring monthly charges, mostly streaming.
    Don’t know if this is going to happen to anyone else that subscribed to Gerard’s new blog and there isn’t much you can do except closely check your credit card statements ASAP.

    • ghostsniper September 11, 2023, 11:39 AM

      Paying for stuff online is convenient, until it’s not.
      About 12 years ago ebay tried to use paypal to steal $900+ out of my account.
      I told the bank manager I want paypal and ebay OUT of my account and do you know that asshole had the unmitigated gall to stand there and tell me ebay and paypal had MORE access to my account than I myself and there was nothing I could do except beg both of them to stop stealing from me. FT!

      I told him I want to close my account right now, and I want a sealed document stating such.
      Then I walked across the street and opened an account with a competitor.
      I sent ebay and paypal a nasty email and told them I’ll never use there websites again.

      Twice since then my bank account has been hijacked some how and my bank notified me and I had to get a new debit card each time. PITA but necessary when using plastic online. Neither time did the bank charge me any money. Banks….one of these days I’m gonna kick all of em to the curb….and sit my hermit ass on the porch.

    • neo September 11, 2023, 2:07 PM

      I’m so sorry that’s happened. Before I let the newer site lapse, I tried several times to communicate – using Gerard’s email – with the people in charge, in order to make sure that any outstanding contributions would be canceled. They never replied, and I finally had to give up. I have been telling people to challenge the payments if they are still being billed – there are only a few, and I don’t know why those people are still being billed but unfortunately I have no access to any part of the process. I think you’re the first person who’s had the misfortune of having a credit card cancelled. Again, very sorry.

      • John the River September 11, 2023, 3:59 PM

        Don’t sweat it. It’s not your fault or Gerards. The credit card fraud department feels it was fraud. Either Gerard’s accounts or my account got hacked and there is a lot of that going around.
        The timing of the charge was significant, I just received the monthly statement so it would have been an entire month before I could have seen this if I didn’t get online warnings.
        The only reason I commented was to warn people to check your card activity.
        I guess if no one else here got hit then it was my credit card number that got compromised.

      • Daniel K Day September 19, 2023, 9:25 AM

        I just found a charge against my credit card as well. The bank’s fraud department is going to handle it. FYI. Thank you.

  • Trooper John Smith September 11, 2023, 1:10 PM

    If you don’t know the story of Rick Rescorla, give it a read. We lost him on 9/11, but almost 3,000 people survived due to his actions on that day.


  • ghostsniper September 11, 2023, 5:52 PM

    Little crib I designed half a lifetime ago.
    Sort of.
    It’s an historic restoration to the oldest house on Pine Island, FL.
    Yeah, the hysterical society got involved.
    My brother in law and I talked about buying this place when it was little more than a bunch of sticks leaning together in the sand, for $499,000.

    Note the giant WHITE shark under the stairway.
    And that stainless steel kitchen. Did you ever see so much steel?
    All the wood, long leaf pine flooring, door and window casing, stair treads and risers, windows and doors, had to be rebuilt and reinstalled. Pretty expensive stuff.

    Early on a crawled under this place with camera in hand to discover what existed structurally. Believe it or not the entire structure was sitting on tree stumps and stacked rocks. All of that stuff was excavated and new concrete footings installed and the finish floor was raised to 10′ above mean sea level. shwew. This project took 2 years to complete and they threw a giant island party when it was done.

    If you look at pik 20 you’ll see 2 windows with 2 pictures between them. The bottom pik is a water color by Dave Belling of the original house in the past. That one is a copy. I have the original watercolor painting professional triple matted and framed on our living room wall.

    This place faces north out onto Charlotte Harbor. What a view from the 2nd floor porch. And if you get the notion to drop a hook you can just walk right across the skreet and throw it in and very possibly catch some of the finest eating in the world – Grouper. DAWG!


    • Alex G September 12, 2023, 5:50 AM

      Good to see that house in Bokeelia survived Ian. We had a place in St James City that we sold in July just prior to Ian. Wasn’t so good for them. We rode Ian out in our condo between the bridges further up the harbor. Never again.

      • ghostsniper September 12, 2023, 6:39 AM

        That place was built in 1907 so it’s been surviving for a long time.
        When I redesigned it in 1996 all the structural elements exceeded the building codes, and the finished floor was raised to 10.00′ above sea level. The (rebuilt) existing windows (bullseye glass) were left as is but protected by hurricane shutters. Was your condo in Punta Gorda?

        Directly to the right, and behind this house is SeaGull Bay, the largest condominium project on the island. I designed it in 1992. In St James City the largest condominium project is St James Place and I designed it in 1990. About 80% of my work has been on the islands.

        My wife and I rode out the big 3 back in 2004 starting with Charley. But it wasn’t the hurricanes that drove us out, it was the massive amounts of people. And the heat. I don’t like being trapped inside all day in the AC.

  • Svein Oslo September 12, 2023, 6:54 AM

    Yesterday, five years ago, God took my sweet Christina home to be with Him.
    Remembering her.
    Gerard, too. About 20 years now.

  • ghostsniper September 12, 2023, 7:10 AM

    If the Dems win in 2024, you lose your kids. It’s just that simple. The Dem Party is all-in on the idea that the State owns your children and can indoctrinate, or even physically modify, them as it sees fit, without your consent or even knowledge. The Party is very clear on this.


  • ghostsniper September 12, 2023, 11:04 AM

    I’m a pureblood.

    Jaw-Dropping Discovery: CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men’s Lives!

    The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised…

    A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show (see below).

    Meanwhile, the latest Cleveland Clinic Data and the latest US data analysed by Josh Stirling, founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Livess and former #1 ranked Insurance Analyst, shows a really really disturbing trend.

    The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time. It continues indefinitely.

    In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data show that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in year 2021.

    So if you have had 5 doses then you were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.


  • ghostsniper September 12, 2023, 1:17 PM

    Seriously, there was no other choice than to hire this deranged piece of shit?
    What in the world is this country coming to?
    Pix of the mental misfit and the woman that hired him at the link.

    A controversial hiring decision by an Oklahoma elementary school has sparked outrage due to the employment of Principal Shane Murnan, who faced child pornography charges over two decades ago but was never convicted.

    Prosecutors from that time struggled to establish that the images in question depicted minors.

    In June, the Western Heights School District (WHSD) appointed Murnan as the principal of John Glenn Elementary School, causing a significant uproar as historical reports resurfaced regarding his prior legal troubles.

    Murnan, who was also known for his involvement in drag performance under the name “Shantel Mandalay,” had faced charges related to child pornography in 2002.

    Despite the charges, Murnan’s case was ultimately dismissed by a Payne County judge who found insufficient evidence to establish his possession of child pornography.

    The Oklahoman reported on Murnan’s exoneration, noting that he was a fifth-grade teacher in a different school district at the time.

    Notably, these charges were expunged from Murnan’s record, and he went on to serve as an educator for 25 years. However, his recent appointment as principal has ignited controversy, leading to widespread criticism and mounting demands for his removal in recent weeks.


  • ghostsniper September 12, 2023, 1:27 PM

    Sign on door of gun shop:

    This is a GUN SHOP, we shoot people wearing masks.
    …just sayin’

  • Anne September 13, 2023, 6:27 AM

    So, what are your thoughts about the traditional “flu shot”, the one nearly every senior citizen in the country is encouraged to take yearly? How does that figure into this conversation?

    • ghostsniper September 13, 2023, 7:28 AM

      Encouraged by whom?
      Entities that are proven liars (the medical establishment)?
      Never took one, never will.

      I stay away from people, known spreaders of diseases.
      I have on hand an arsenal of generic medications meant to kick most things to the curb asap.
      Been this way for a long time and it seems to be working well.

    • DT September 14, 2023, 3:51 PM

      I’d rather take my chances with the actual flu than trust a shot anymore

  • Richard G. September 14, 2023, 9:44 PM

    This story is for Casey’s collection:

    There is a good book with the title Citizen Soldiers written by Stephen Ambrose. It is derived from countless interviews he conducted with American Army Veterans of the Second World War and their experiences following D-Day through to the end of the war. His focus was on the front line soldiers and their daily encounters with the shocking violence of combat.

    There is a chapter, about the mid point of the book, where he recounts the experiences of the nurses, medics and doctors in the front echelon as they dealt with the desperate human carnage that is the main product of war. He speaks briefly of a wounded soldier who was received by the field hospital, suffering from a bullet wound in his groin. There was an entry wound with no exit wound. The Doctor x-rayed the site of the wound in search of the bullet so it could be extracted. There was no bullet. The search was expanded to the chest. The bullet was found located in the lower right chamber of the heart. The patient was stabilized and sent up the chain of evacuation to a better equipped hospital for further care. This is where Ambrose leaves the tale dangling with no resolution for the reader…

    This brings me to a story my father used to tell of his experiences serving as a surgeon with the rank of captain assigned to the 42nd General Hospital in England, then Normandy, and finally Paris. General hospitals were the receiving hospitals equipped to treat cases that required specialized surgeries and convalescent care to help with the healing of the broken bodies of the severely wounded.

    He would speak of a case, a soldier who had been hit in the groin by a spent bullet that had enough energy to make an entry wound with no exit wound. The orders written on the tag attached to the patient described his condition as having a loose bullet in the right ventricle of his heart. The patient was to lie only on his left side to prevent the bullet from escaping the right side of the heart through the pulmonary artery thusly becoming a pulmonary embolism, blocking the blood flow to the lungs resulting in the death of the patient.

    The deduction was that the bullet had penetrated and lodged in the large abdominal vein where it had been swept by the blood flow up the vein and into the right atrium. It then cascaded down into the right ventricle where it was loose inside the beating heart. This posed the eventual outcome, if left untreated, of the bullet tumbling inside the beating heart, eroding a hole in the heart, killing the patient.

    Bear in mind that this was before open heart surgery was a thing. The invention of the heart/lung machine was still in the future. Imagine being the thoracic surgeon confronted with this patient. If you do nothing the man will die. How on earth can the bullet be extracted without the surgery killing the patient on the table? If the heart is opened surely the man will bleed to death in minutes!

    The chest surgeon assigned to the case spent days thinking about a strategy and mentally rehearsing the choreography of what he would be doing with his hands deep an a man’s chest working on the always beating heart. All while the patient lay in bed on his left side.

    Necessity is the mother of invention. The surgeon devised a plan. He took a metal sewing thimble and soldered a length of wire to it, forming a handle. He had it autoclaved and placed with all the other instruments in the surgical tray. He summoned his courage.

    He and his team opened the man’s chest at the sternum exposing the beating heart. He placed a running stitch that formed a circle on the top of the pulmonary artery where it exited the heart, around the spot where he would cut into the artery. He left the thread with long ends that his assisting surgeon could pull. He placed the thimble on his finger. Timed with the pause between beats of the heart He plunged his scalpel into the center of the circle. He plunged his thimble clad finger into the incision. His assistant pulled the thread tight around his finger, like a purse string, stopping the blood from gushing with the next heart beat. He pushed his finger up the artery through the heart valve into the beating heart. He pushed the thimble off the end of his finger, and groped around for the bullet. He pushed the bullet into the thimble. He pulled the thimble back onto his finger. He pulled his finger/bullet/thimble out of the beating heart. With exquisite timing He pulled his finger out of the incision in the artery and his assistant pulled the purse stitch tight.
    He sutured the pulmonary artery closed.
    The team closed up the patient’s chest.

    Behold, an almost bloodless surgery. Short and sweet. He saved that man’s life. My father never mentioned their names, the surgeon or the patient. Just profound awe and respect for the skill and the courage of these unnamed heroes. There were millions of them.

    As Paul Harvey would say:
    “And now you know the rest of the story. Good day.”

    I think this is a story that deserves to be remembered.

    • Mike Seyle September 15, 2023, 5:27 AM

      Fascinating read, Richard. Thanks for adding it.

    • Casey Klahn September 19, 2023, 6:17 PM

      There was a lot of unifying stuff in those days. Hell, even in my youth I remember that attitude of being willing to do anything to help or save a buddy in the service, if somehow it was needed.

      I re-watched A Bridge Too Far, the scene where James Caan saves his C.O. by putting a gun to the head of the field surgeon, and demanding he operate on the wounded Cpt., whose triage outcome was as good as zero to the doctor. The surgeon proceeds to save the guy, in a miraculous surgery. The surgeon has him arrested, for a verbal count of ten, and released.

      Now, a bit closer to home, and I was in Italy with 10th Mountain Division veterans. One told me of how he was wounded by a German 155 (that’s very large caliber round) air burst straight over his head. Actually, it burst in a tree trunk. His two buddies on either side were kilt instantly, and he was evacuated to the battalion aid station. He was conscious of hearing the medic say to the triage surgeon, or whoever, that “this one is still moving on the dead pile”. The reply was that they all do that for awhile.

      Our protagonist somehow does receive field surgery and lives into his 90s. He told me several stories and they are with me for life. Especially the one about how the greatest amount of freedom from army fuckery was to be had the closer to the front you were, and double-that when you were behind enemy lines.

      Richard, your father’s memoirs need to be written down, or recorded, and even if you have to tell the tales second-hand. It’s a shitty job for you but it’s required.

      • Richard G. September 19, 2023, 8:58 PM

        I was hoping you would see this post.
        Although my father never served in combat, he definitely saw his share of trauma and was in his own way traumatized. Most of his stories were on the lighter side of dealing with the “hide bound” army and war time conditions.
        For example, the hospital staff always dreaded releasing flyboys (pilots) from the hospital because the pilots would inevitably locate the hospital and give the place a good window rattling low buzz to say hello and thanks.
        There was one B-17 pilot who, while recuperating in Paris, measured the Eifel tower plaza and figured that his plane would fit under the structure. So of course when he was discharge from the hospital and declared fit to fly, returned to Paris and flew his B-17 UNDER the Eifel tower. I always wonder what the tail gunner was thinking!!!

        • Casey Klahn September 19, 2023, 9:52 PM

          Your father had some funny stories. The true mark of a soldier.

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