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Open thread 8/30/24

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  • ghostsniper August 30, 2024, 8:26 AM

    I could live out the rest of my days in an environ like that.

  • Anonymous August 30, 2024, 12:32 PM

    “To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.” — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  • ghostsniper August 30, 2024, 2:07 PM

    “To destroy a people’s roots, you must first tourniquet their *cerebellums*.”
    –gs, 2099

    **This is done through the state mandated public programming system.

  • Casey Klahn August 30, 2024, 4:31 PM

    Last week Trump toldjoo that the Latin American’s an Souf Americans done emptied up they prisons, and gave them felons to the the United States of America. Now, the Venezuelan Armed gangs have started real troubles in Colorado, and somebody has also started some shit in Cali. Let’s get into this.

    The Venz’ses who’ve taken over apartment complexes in Aurora. The Denver mayor says no the havzent! Not in Denver, baby. Any troubles we havin’ are just the few non-compliant and there’s nothing to see. ICE has told the police there they can’t police the im’grunts and stop being ray-cists. Has you ever been to Aurora? You’re driving in Denver, you blink an eye, and you’re in Aurora! The people complaining are the problem. Put down that AR, citizen. That’s for state authoriteez.

    School bus attempted hijackings in Cali. Illegal gangs. If I were a parent on that route, the bus administration, the school district, the LEO and the mayors would get an earful from me. I’d be driving my kids myself, and charging the school district for missed hours at work. Open carry.

    Listen, if I gottas be the military and the LEO now, there’s somethings we need to get straight. I have a shaky grip on what’s legal, and I have an anger management problem. I. Am. A. Veteran.

    OK, I may be very funny, but this lady actually speaks for me. Have a listen.

    • ghostsniper August 30, 2024, 5:39 PM


    • Snakepit Kansas August 31, 2024, 5:10 AM

      We have an armed HOA here. Even nice matching polo shirts with a logo on the chest that someone’s wife made up of a dude holding a 9 iron and a 9mm Glox. We drive around on patrol in golf carts with shotguns. A few of us have ARs. We do IDPA type drills at the local pistol range once/month and have been to the outdoor rifle range a number of times with our deer rifles. Learned to know distances for long range shooting and for example: the flag on the 16th hole is 330 yards from my deck. Same distance that I killed that elk back in 2019. Our portion of the golf course community has only one entrance and no other outlet. It is a peninsula of long straight parallel stretch of the 15th and 16th holes. Our houses are on the outside and fenced. We can block that up and make a checkpoint pretty quick with a golf course zamboni and the wood from a neighbor’s decorative split rail fence. It is a party mix of races here, not all white. Mostly older retired dudes and their wife and there are more than a few TRUMP2024 flags normally on display here. Some of us prefer Bourbon and some Scotch, but we don’t let such contrasting differences get in the way of protecting our way of life. Steal here, die here. Rob someone else or we will drop you in our pond and let the snapping turtles work you over.

      Just kidding.

      • ghostsniper August 31, 2024, 6:57 AM

        Do you guys have the strategically located yard gnomes packed with Tannerite and drywall screws?

  • Anonymous August 30, 2024, 6:40 PM
  • ghostsniper August 31, 2024, 2:16 PM

    Looming Calamity
    Do you think it will happen
    A: BEFORE 05 Nov 2024?
    B: BETWEEN 05 Nov 2024 and 20 Jan 2025?
    C: AFTER 20 Jan 2025?
    D: Not at all – peaceful transfer?
    E: None of the above? (explain please)

    • Casey Klahn August 31, 2024, 3:19 PM

      I’ll give it some thought, but it does raise the following.

      I’m not much for reading news that hasn’t happened yet, but Laura Loomer poses an interesting might could. Late September Trump is to be sentenced in court. The NYPD might stage a sick out that day in support of the ex-pres, and is it possible the city and state have a contingency plan to arrest DJT using guard and possibly army personnel? They’d hustle his sad ass over to Ryker’s Island (and then what? Form ramparts to defend against the riots?)

      Another wit on X chimes in: how about if the troops turn on the judge and arrest his silly ass instead? That’s a long-odds probability, but it’s not a zero percent possibility.

      I guess if I had money on your poll, I’d choose A, because the demz are scared of losing and need an October Surprise. They keep fukn they own shit and I’d expect them to go large this time. ANTIFA/BLM next-level guys on lil’ James Bond motor-wings descending from skyscrapers and mowing down citizens, a la Gaza. A phalanx of illegal gang types, even cartel gunmen, march through New Rochelle and raze suburban homes. Same shit in Orange County at the same time. They blame Whitey the Christo-Fascist.

    • DT August 31, 2024, 3:39 PM

      D) if they pull off the fix. By force if necessary.

      A/B/C: I’m already surprised we made it to Sept (how did it get to be Sep already?)

  • DT August 31, 2024, 3:37 PM

    What if Kamaltoes has an “accident” between now and the election?

    • ghostsniper August 31, 2024, 5:48 PM

      you spelled cumala whorris wrong, but you do pose an interesting angle.

      • DT September 1, 2024, 4:11 PM

        Kumalong? Kamealot? Kameleon? Something like that; I’ll get it eventually.

  • Anne August 31, 2024, 8:31 PM

    It is the hard work that gets the job done.That is what my grandma and grandpa used to tell me. So now I am going to suggest that it will be the hard persistent never ending and well organized hard work that maybe will save this country. Here it is. We hire attorneys and start to file legal cases against any official we would like to challenge. Then every person in your neighborhood, or your community shows up at the courthouse. Dress nicely. Don’t make any noise or be defiant in any way. Just be there to observe and make your presence felt en masse. On and on and on . . . that is the way we have to organize our communities and neighborhoods and plan to proceed. We must always plan to have at least 25 or 30 people sitting in the audience in the courthouse. Silent. Silent. Watching. Watching. Reporting at the end of the day on any website they feel comfortable using.

    • ghostsniper September 1, 2024, 6:45 AM

      Give an example of “any official we would like to challenge”, cause I’m not catching your drift.

  • Anne September 1, 2024, 9:17 PM

    Sorry Ghost:
    I was thinking of city council members, or state legislators, or government administrators. The decision makers who have authority over our daily lives. Also, if any individual is harassed by tax authority, or zoning authority, or whatever authority. We should show up for the hearing.

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