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Open thread 8/19/24

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  • azlibertarian August 19, 2024, 8:25 AM

    I’ve prolly mentioned this before, but a group of hummingbirds is called a “charm”. I think that’s perfect.

    • ghostsniper August 19, 2024, 10:47 AM

      We have a lovely little charm of 12-15 hummers vying for a double feeder in our front yard.
      We watch them every evening for an hour or so – better’n TV.

      • azlibertarian August 19, 2024, 3:57 PM

        We’ve got 4 feeders in our backyard….2 at the east fence and another 2 near the pool. We have 5, maybe 6 regular hummingbirds who frequent our feeders, but try as I might, I’ve been unable to find any nests in our foliage. They’re here somewhere nearby, but probably at one of the neighbor’s places.

        I agree that they are very entertaining. This time of year the wife and I will float in the pool just after dinner and watch them hit the feeders before they head off for the night. We have a desert willow near the pool (which drops too many damned blooms into the pool, but that’s another story), and if we’re lucky we can see baby hummingbirds feeding on the willow blooms.

  • ghostsniper August 19, 2024, 12:04 PM

    Prominent Republicans supporting Harris will speak at the Democratic National Convention

    Now, among the speakers at the Democratic National Convention on Monday will be Rich Logis, a conservative commentator from Florida who describes himself as an “ex-MAGA activist” and now leads a group for former Trump supporters like himself.

    In a video scheduled to be broadcast at the convention Monday, Logis will tell his story of breaking with former President Donald Trump about two years ago, according to a campaign official. In a transcript of a video viewed by NPR, Logis says Trump failed to provide “leadership” during the COVID pandemic.

    “We were given almost nothing. It was a major betrayal to the country,” Logis says.

    Logis goes on to say that he eventually “realized [Trump] had been lying about pretty much everything” and makes a pitch to “people like me who voted for and believed in Trump” to join him.

    “I made a grave mistake. But it’s never too late to change your mind,” Logis says, before endorsing Harris.

    Logis represents the kind of major pivot on Trump that Democrats are hoping to see more Republicans and conservative-leaning independents make by November.



    That’s it?
    That’s their “prominent republican”?
    I never even heard of this easily bought, traitorous motherfucker.
    The right is better off without this dead waste.

    Now, I suppose the ploy is meant to cause other republicans to self reflect then of course, vote for the ho.
    All because this “prominent republican” that no one ever heard of claims Trump failed to provide leadership, in his never-heard-before opinion.
    Little gurlz, pissin’ over who has the prettiest nails.

    • azlibertarian August 19, 2024, 3:45 PM

      So an article is published telling us that “prominent Republicans” are defecting away from Trump and MAGA and are now supporting Harris.

      This article comes to us via National Public Radio.

      I really need to sit down and write a formal definition of my “60% Rule”, but just off the top of my head, 60% of the information I see as I cruise through the internet is either premature, incomplete, slanted, biased, an outright lie, or some combination of the above. There are no sources who will explain a story clearly, fully and from all sides. Maybe there was a day when you could find such a thing, but today, we’re long past that. Every story is colored somehow. Sorry to put my cynicism on full display, but I gotta tell it like it is.

      Now, ghost, I fully understand that you’re just the messenger here, and moreover, I sincerely appreciate you taking a moment to show us something from NPR on whatever these “prominent” (sic) republicans are saying. It is a good thing to see things from different viewpoints.

      But I maintain that the very best of what I read on the internet is 60% clouded by some form of BS. NPR is completely covered by my 60% Rule.

      • ghostsniper August 19, 2024, 5:47 PM

        I hit google news every morning and this morning one whole category with about 6 articles from different sources ALL said basically the same thing the NPR one did. In my lizard brain I took that as a ploy by the left.

        Another one going on now is the word “joy” and apparently is being used to death by the left.
        See this collection over at WRSA.

        There’s a saying out there that, “The left can’t meme”, and the rights memes irritate them something fierce. It’s like they have never gotten beyond the adolescent stage in childhood development. Like their infatuation with genitalia, that all kids go through around age 4-5. The left never grew up and keep starting new childish ploys.

    • Snakepit Kansas August 20, 2024, 7:20 PM

      Logis. What a pussy.

  • Anonymous August 19, 2024, 8:55 PM


  • ghostsniper August 20, 2024, 8:50 AM

    Bob Ross
    When Bob Ross starts a new painting about 90% of the time he starts with the color blue, because of the nature of what he paints, I guess.

    The best part of a Bob Ross show is when he cleans the brush and “beats the devil out of it” on the leg of the easel.

    When our son was about 5 him and me used to watch Bob Ross and when he beat the devil out of it we would over-laugh like idiots to the point my wife would come in the room to see what was going on.

    Once, on a whim, I contacted Bob Ross’s company and ordered his entire painting rig, paints, brushes, pallet knives, giant pallet, canvases, etc., etc., several hundred dollars worth of stuff.

    I set up a canvas, coated it in “Liquid White”, dipped the 2″ brush in the blue paint and immediately fucked the whole thing all up. I used too much blue paint and couldn’t figure out how to lessen it. Everything I tried made it worse. I almost cried like a little gurl. Then I got irritated and threw the shit in the corner and walked off.

    That was back in the early 90’s in my 2nd office. I moved out of that office into another one and just left all that Bob Ross stuff laying there. Dam that security deposit!

    • Snakepit Kansas August 20, 2024, 7:22 PM

      Damm that is funny!

  • Anne August 20, 2024, 9:22 AM

    Hi Ghost: sorry to hear about your painting misadventure. If it will make you feel any better I do the same thing sometimes, only not with paint–with fabric! I see the beautiful picture on the pattern package and become convinced I could sew something that looks just like that–then of course, I have very frustrating skills challenges. The fabric ends up wadded in a basket under my sewing table!

    I have a question for you today. When I try to open this site–I cannot . I can open the article and the items attached, but I keep getting a 500 when I try to just type in the site: http://www.westernmt.news.

    Thanks again for your help.

    • ghostsniper August 20, 2024, 9:55 AM

      Anne, clear your cache and try it again.
      Both links above open fine on my end.

      If you’re using Chrome, click the 3 dots in the top right corner of the browser page, scroll down to: Delete browsing data. Pay attention to what you delete.


      how to fix a 500 error
      Refreshing the page, clearing browser cache, or trying again later can sometimes resolve the issue from the user’s end. However, if the error persists, it typically requires intervention from the website’s technical team to diagnose and fix the underlying problem.


  • DT August 20, 2024, 4:05 PM

    Off topic (but then, since when is there a “topic”?)

    It’s been consistently above 90 since June. It’s above 90 as I write this (this weather I like: 90s with dew point in the 30s)

    I feel fall already – I feel winter coming.
    No – back up a month or two – I’m about ready for Memorial Day … (last Memorial Day … don’t want to throw away how many ever days I have left.)

    • azlibertarian August 20, 2024, 5:02 PM

      109° as I write here at 5pm. It’ll start to cool off tomorrow though….the forecast says 102°. The water in the pool sits right at 90°, which is an improvement, as it was 93-94° a couple of weeks ago. Bathwater hot. We’ll swim later tonight right before a shower and then bed.

      But it is August and this is Arizona. These temperatures neither bother nor surprize me.

      • ghostsniper August 20, 2024, 5:23 PM

        About 66 right now at 8:15pm.
        Been a little bit “chilly” all day, at a high of 69.
        Was 56 at 6 am this morning.
        Next week it’s supposed to be in the 90’s and I’ll be back in the pool again.

        Yes, fall is coming on fast.
        There is a 26 foot (6’wide) bridge between my office/workshop and the house.
        The bridge is flanked by 2 big sycamore trees, a large tulipwood and 4 redbuds.
        All are sloughing their leaves like I never seen before.
        Every evening for the past week I have had to break out the BIG blower (not the battery one) to clear the bridge. Maybe we’ll have an early winter?

        • Snakepit Kansas August 20, 2024, 7:35 PM

          Crabgrass knows fall is coming. It is trying to produce seed on minimal vegetation. I spend 30-45 minutes in the early morning pacing in front of my house, getting in my prayer time, sucking down a half gallon of coffee then do reconnaissance in my yard for any tales of outliers. Outliers being crab grass, foxtail, God forbid, Bermuda grass, and I pluck it out manually. I want to maintain an all fescue lawn. Yes, I live on a golf course and have created a perimeter around the back yard with a four foot demilitarized zone between the course and my beloved fescue. The DMZ is a heavy ground cover material to keep anything with chlorophyll from growing. I have it covered in brown mulch. A very heavy mix of Roundup, Salt and Ornamec gets sprayed on anything that tries to venture into my mecca of pure fescue.

          • G706 August 21, 2024, 7:52 AM

            I have 40 acres all worked and ready to plant tall fescue, but the seed price is below the cost of production and no one is buying so it’s going to be a field of timothy hay instead.

            • Snakepit Kansas August 22, 2024, 4:46 AM

              Good for you then. You can have the hay cut, bailed and sell it. Sounds like you should be able to categorize the property as farm land then and pay less in property tax. Do I have that right?

              • G706 August 22, 2024, 8:03 AM

                It doesn’t affect the property taxes because it is a farm. The challenge is to find crops that can be grown for profit. Hay has lower input costs for fertilizer and chemical than seed crops. As long as there are cows and horses to be fed there is a demand for quality hay.

                • Snakepit Kansas August 22, 2024, 3:42 PM

                  Already a farm. Got it sir!

  • ghostsniper August 20, 2024, 5:55 PM

    “Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies,
    and feminine democracies give way to tyranny.”

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