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Open thread 4/10/23

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  • ghostsniper April 10, 2023, 11:44 AM

    @Casey, we’re on the same page regarding the last 2 sentences in the last thread.
    If it must happen, then win!
    Living in the soviet state we are.

    Frankly, I just don’t think the winning part is available any more, nor has it been for a long time.
    I believe the over bearing hand of the US communist state has taken its toll on the militarys as it has done with the civilians.

    Funny thing about the army, when I was stationed in europe, is that if you are not in then you don’t know what’s going on in there. And when you’re in you don’t know what’s going on out here. Some kind of barrier bewteen the 2 lifestyles. The barrier was a little lower but not much when I PCS’d back to Ft Campbell for my last 7 months.

    This rotten assed gov’t has fukked up so much stuff everywhere that it may never get sorted out. The best any of us can do, I guess, is to keep our leads low and on a swivel and prepare for self sufficiency the best we can. Even trying to gather a tribe is fraught with suspicion these days as there is no way to know who you can trust and who you have to gut. When trust is gone it is almost impossible to regain.

    • azlibertarian April 10, 2023, 12:23 PM

      “…Even trying to gather a tribe is fraught with suspicion these days as there is no way to know who you can trust and who you have to gut….”

      I know exactly what you mean. We’re in a gated HOA neighborhood, and I’ve met maybe 25% of the neighbors, most of them being the more active. Its a upper-crust neighborhood, and there is a lot of diverse talent only a matter of a door or two down the street. But the question of who to trust is difficult. There’s a retired Army Sgt Maj who left the Army for a career (and another retirement) from the US Marshals. Great guy, and I like him a lot. But if the SHTF, would I trust him? No way. Not intially, that is. What kind of kit does everyone have (weapons, ammo, food, medicine, comms, etc.)? What kind of heart do they have? If things go all sideways, how willing are they to participate in helping ourselves vs dropping a dime to whatever local authorities remain? The problem at this economic strata is that almost all of us are (or were, in the case of those of us who are now retired) the “smart kids in the room” in whatever field they’re in. How willing are those guys to cede their viewpoints to someone else….the “tribe” can’t have all chiefs and no indians.

      • John Venlet April 10, 2023, 2:09 PM

        I do not think I could muster a dependable tribe in my neighborhood. Most are enthrall to the state. My tribe would be my brothers, their sons or in-law sons, and my sons. We can field a squad.

      • ghostsniper April 10, 2023, 2:16 PM

        For me, retired gov’t employees are a definite “stay away”.
        First, their minds have been shaped a certain way over a long period of time.
        Second, they get a sizable monthly income from the gov’t (and that is probably their only income) and will do whatever they have to to protect it.

        The best you can do I suppose is to ne nice and friendly to all and observe closely how they act and react to anything and everything. Over time you may be able to discover their real mindset. In any case, never, Never, NEVER reveal all of your cards to anybody, not even your lifemate.

        I remember part of a sermon a very long time ago. The pastor said (talking to the congregation from the pulpit), “There are things about me that you do not know. There are things about me my children do not know. There are things about me my wife of 20 years does not know. But God knows everything about me.”

        • Anonymous April 11, 2023, 3:52 PM

          Don’t be quite so quick to judge on “retrd govt employee”. Lots of x-military (retired govt employees) round these parts. Make me look left wing. Actually I’d be hard-put to avoid “retired govt employees”.

          Casey needs to pull stakes before that’s illegal as well. Not sure where you are – maybe you need to pull stakes too.

          • ghostsniper April 12, 2023, 4:47 AM

            Tread at your own peril.
            I don’t need the baggage.

  • ghostsniper April 10, 2023, 2:27 PM

    Mafia “protection” racket, 21st century style.

    First, read this.

    Then take a look at this:

    Which seem “normal” to you, or, put another way, un-brain-damaged?

  • Casey Klahn April 10, 2023, 8:08 PM

    WA senate sent the gun infringement bill back to the House, with changes, and so it’s expected on the gov’s desk after that horse-trading occurs. I went to the place where they sell pew pew, tonight, and got a bit more knowledge of potential fuckery in this new law. It is the worst ever in America, and makes California look like the goddamned Wild West by comparison. Hopes (hope is not a course of action) are that it’ll hang up in court like the Oregon law did, ut if we do actually have this shit sandwich come into law, Gov. Insmlee will get his statue cast next to Hetler, Che, Mao, and Lenin. It’s bad.

    How bad? Subjects of the state will need to become licensed to buy ammunition, but this may not be as big a harm as it sounds, because there won’t BE any fukn ammunition for the firearms in the ban. No magazines, either. At this point in time it appears that if you want a scope, a bipod, a cleaning kit, a Mickey Mouse sticker…if it goes with an AR or a long list of band weapons, then it won’t be for sale here. How about a revolver, cowboy? Oh contraire, mon frere…you may THINK a revolver is not subject to the semi auto ban, and yet it does have that detachable cylinder magazine, doesn’t it, comrade? No detachable anything for you, Opie. And, them bullets for your ranch .22 pistol? Not getting them, either, poopy pants.

    I reached down deep in my moth-eaten wallet, and bought pew pew pills til it hurt. Somehow, though, they all got lost getting them home, so I can’t seem to win for losing.

    Reporting from the Soviet of Washington. Second Amendment? Pshhh – that old saw.

    • Richard G. April 12, 2023, 4:27 PM

      Sounds like an entrepreneurial opportunity for Black Markets Matter. Remember, Washingstone exists next to a state that looks like a gun. (Vewy Scawy). Remember that the power of the marketplace is dispersed.

  • anonymous April 10, 2023, 9:25 PM

    WA State has been corrupt from the beginning. I do not believe they have ever had “clean” elections. One of the former governors–Christine Gregoire–once said when being questioned about election process: what difference does the election process make? An election is just a way of seeing how the people are feeling”

  • anonymous April 10, 2023, 9:28 PM

    WA State has been corrupt from the beginning. I do not believe they have ever had “clean” elections. One of the former governors–Christine Gregoire–once said when being questioned about the election process: what difference does the election process make? An election is just a way of seeing how the people are feeling” It is the base for the most corrupt and wealthier women in the world. These are the women who planned to destroy the Episcopal church–done. These are the women who planned to have a black man in the white house–done. These are the women who orchestrated the current takeover of this country, and our freedoms–almost done. We have to learn to stand up to the leaders of the women’s movement today. Not to lose any ground for equality which they have gained and which we all have a right to, but rather to help our sisters fight against this horrible next step of tyranny! To encourage women to protest the corruption of other women just in the same way we should protest men.

  • John A. Fleming April 10, 2023, 10:40 PM

    Well, it looks like the Kentucky bank shooter was another mid-20’s incel. This one seemed to be a garden-variety leftoid who got radicalized and depressed about the no-account state of his life, and decided to go out in a blaze of stochastic terrorism glory and take a bunch of innocents with him. 25 yrs old, on the bottom rung at a local bank, nothing much to show for it so far. It’s hard to imagine what he thought he deserved and wasn’t getting, or ever going to get. I guess he didn’t listen to Bill Munny: “Hell of a thing, killin’ a man. Take away all he’s got and all he’s ever gonna have.”

    There’s a sickness afoot in the land, a sickness of the mind, and its spreading. In olden days they would have called it a demonic plague. Today they call it ideation and radicalization. It’s a weird form of nihilism, where there is no meaning or morals value to life, only action, and all actions are equally justified. These young men (and now women), their life sucks by their own choices and their lack of self control and the utter filthy ideas pushed into their skulls by the schools and the culture, they have no faith and they lose all hope.

    They don’t even have the courage to just off themselves like they ought to if they had any honor. If a person does away with himself it means nothing beyond fading sorrow and loss to the family. But, if the loser drags a bunch of innocents with him, then he or she has given their life a (demonic) Purpose. It’s better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

    All my life I have been a firearms owner and user, along with my friends. We had them even in our dorm rooms. In no possible universe this side of all the possible infinitudes of the cosmogony, would we have ever considered that if we had brought a heap of trouble upon ourselves, that surely was a license to go out and shoot up the place. Back in them days, nobody thought like that. There were only two choices: fight on to the end and make the best of your life as it happens, or be done with it. Honor meant something then. There wasn’t ever a third choice: go out in a blaze of gory and take a bunch of innocents with you. As I said, we have allowed demons to plague us.

    In the pioneer days, a young man couldn’t get married until he had established himself. And that took about 15 years of labor, from 15-30 years of age. No respectable woman would accept a marriage proposal from a no-account, and neither would her parents. That meant the young men had to frequent the bordellos and bawdy houses, where they consorted with the unfortunate women who were either truly unfortunate or had made too many bad choices in their lives. And if that young man got mean drunk and tried to shoot up the town, they hung him right quick. So 30-year old men married 20-year old women.

    Having just a career and a passion for politics, where a person can hate the opponents, is a demonic false promise. And that is where we are: for too many, they have no faith, no desire to not just do well, but to do good, be good, be honorable always, be a credit to your family and community. And at the far tail of that distribution are the shooters. A mind-virus plague, getting more virulent by the day.

    • Anonymous April 11, 2023, 3:54 PM

      Notice the 2nd shooting fell out of the news before it really got put in? Must have been a black tranny killing a straight white male. No news there.

    • Richard G. April 12, 2023, 4:59 PM

      ” No respectable woman would accept a marriage proposal from a no-account, and neither would her parents. That meant the young men had to frequent the bordellos and bawdy houses, where they consorted with the unfortunate women who were either truly unfortunate or had made too many bad choices in their lives.”

      No respectable woman would risk contracting syphilis from a dissipated no-account syphilitic.
      In the ‘Olden Days’ fear of syphilis scared people straight. There was no cure. Why do you think that a requirement for a marriage license required a blood test?

      Have you ever heard of the term “syphilitics’ gait”? This of course refers to a time before antibiotics.
      A doctor could spot/diagnose syphilitics just by looking at how they walked.

      “Tabes dorsalis (TD) (caused by Treponema pallidum) is now a rare disorder in the western world (Conde-Sendin et al., 2004; Timmermann and Carr, 2004). TD affects primarily the posterior columns and sensory roots of the spinal cord, causing large-fiber sensory loss. Lower extremity pain and sensory ataxia result. On examination, patients have loss of vibratory and proprioception sensibilities with loss of myotatic reflexes. Diagnosis is confirmed with Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) testing of the cerebrospinal fluid. Sensory nerve conduction studies are usually normal. However, H-reflexes and SSEPs tend to be abnormal.”

      • Richard G. April 12, 2023, 5:15 PM

        I will try again. Public health departments arose from this. Cat houses spread horrible diseases.
        Just to bring home the point:

        “Tabes Dorsalis
        Tabes dorsalis is a slowly progressive parenchymatous degenerative disease involving the posterior columns (ie, demyelination) and posterior roots (ie, inflammatory change with fibrosis) of the spinal cord. Thus, the neurologic presentation is one of ongoing loss of pain sensation, loss of peripheral reflexes, impairment of vibration and position senses, and progressive ataxia.

        Bladder incontinence and loss of sexual function are common. Lancinating pain (ie, lightning-like, appearing suddenly, spreading rapidly, and disappearing) often is an early symptom and requires treatment.”

  • ghostsniper April 11, 2023, 3:38 AM

    That LooVull shooter:
    Two now-defunct Twitter accounts that appear to belong to Sturgeon included tagged photos of him on the athletics track and the basketball court as a 6’5’’ junior on Floyd Central’s basketball team. More recently, he hosted a basketball-focused podcast with two buddies and tweeted about the NBA in between posts in support of the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, as well as some criticism of police violence and of then-President Donald Trump.

    Here we go again, another anti-maga lost the last screw holding it’s brain housing group together, and went out and destroyed things.

    He brought shame to his family.
    The very idea of such a thing, causing shame to my parents, shaped who I became and prevented me from doing things I might have otherwise done. What was different in this persons upbringing that resulted in that not being a compelling barrier?

  • Casey Klahn April 11, 2023, 5:22 AM

    I was so busy yesterday, scrambling to be well regulated, that I totally missed the Kentucky news. I still don’t have a braincell to waste on that.

    Brothers, from where should I order magazines, today? I will have them shipped overnight because they otherwise would arrive after the outlawing of same, and I’d have to ship them back, and take photographic evidence that I did. I can buy it legally, and fall down the ATF hole after receiving them. KY is not reality to me, but the nightmare here in Washington is very real.

    • ghostsniper April 11, 2023, 6:41 AM


      I bought a dozen mags at this place a few months ago for an S&W M+P, and I have bought for other guns from them too. I try to find the best price and I almost always buy NAME BRAND mags.

      I’ve purchased from Palmetto Arms, ATI Outdoors, MidwayUSA, FinFeatherFur Outfitters, Magpul, Target Sports USA, SGAmmo, Beretta and many others. Use AmmoSeek.com to find the best prices on ammo.

      • Anonymous April 12, 2023, 4:20 PM

        best price I found on S&W M&P is to stop by my local Sportsmans Warehouse, pay a couple bucks more than GunMag ($40.99 vs $37.99) and not have to pay shipping. But that’s because I can stop by my local Sportsmans Warehouse. Different if I couldn’t.

    • anonymous April 12, 2023, 9:38 AM

      drive over to Idaho or Montana!

  • ghostsniper April 11, 2023, 6:56 AM

    “While the Chinese are still wary of the power of the US military, particularly the sea power of the US Navy, it is evident that the Chinese are aware of the way in which US diplomacy is no longer in line with actual US military capabilities, as well as the fact that no agreement with the USA is worth the paper on which it is written.”

    The US gov’t has had a lying default probably from the very beginning, because there is no built-in accountability laws with real repercussions, and has escalated dramatically across the board both domestically and internationally over recent years. The time may be fast approaching where the US gov’t gets it’s much needed and well deserved come uppence and my own personal goal is to stay out of the way.

    • Casey Klahn April 11, 2023, 9:44 AM

      That’s an interesting thing: the gap between our military prowess, and the suckfest we call government. No wonder when I was in the army, I always resented politicians.

      Biden could short-circuit the Chineez war program with just three little words. But, he won’t.

      We. Recognize. Taiwan. BoOmM! Say it. Mr. President. Say the words!

      thx for the links. Yes, I have to use SA mags because of the peculiar fit.

  • jwm April 11, 2023, 9:25 AM

    So, the news of the day continues its never ending journey from bad to worse. I’m wondering when “worse” runs out, and what kind of awful thing follows. The morning tour through the bookmarks gets depressing as hell. But just like in the newspaper of yesteryear there is still the comics section. Say what you will about Vox Day, he’s got a darn good comics page going:

    Here are links to some of my favorites:

    Avalon: On going drama with super-powered “specials”.

    Something Big: (my favorite of all these) The UFO’s have landed. Earth is in ruins. A former bank robber, and a gang of feral kids plan a heist on the aliens.

    Vegfolk Tales: A fun, quirky fantasy, laced with satire. Young mushroom finds himself in an alternate story universe.

    There is a lot more over there. Check Rebel Dead Revenge for over-the-top weird, The Saga of Evil Monkey Man for wacky, crazy fun.
    And I just put a new project on the shelf:
    Have a great day, y’all.

  • jwm April 11, 2023, 9:41 AM

    Comment in moderation. 🙁 Maybe the links…
    All the links were good clean fun. No dirty pichers or nuthin’. Maybe we’ll see ’em later…


  • Joe Krill April 11, 2023, 1:20 PM

    “It is not the duty of a patriotic American to listen to the government’s lies. It is the duty of a patriotic American to listen to the government’s lies, and shout ‘BULLSHIT’ at the top of their lungs!” — Michael Rivero

  • John A. Fleming April 12, 2023, 1:21 AM

    The news out of the big city ****holes is starting to come fast and furious: Weirdland, SF, Chi-town. The crazy politicos have quite gone insane, and are trapped by their own fever dreams. Let’s see, I wouldn’t put it past the new mayor of Chicongo to take one of the empty Walmarts and make of it an open-air market, where all the boosted merchandise from the remaining stores can be sold for a discount. SF spends $1B a year on homeless, the homeless industry there in true Marxist fashion says “the worse, the better”. Gotta wonder when Musk will finally pull the plug, probably as soon as his lease is up. He doesn’t have to worry, he’s chauffeured and shadowed everywhere by professionals, but everybody else who values their life has gotta be looking to leave.

    That tech-lord Lee who got knifed, what the heck was he doing out and about at 2:30 AM in SF, “by himself”? Nothing good ever happens after 2AM in the big city. Nothing. Everybody knows that. There’s more to the story than is being reported, it’s quite obvious the family man who “wanted to stay another day”, wanted to take a walk on the wild side, he missed the “vibrancy” of the city.

    The insanity in Weirdland is epic. All the people in the surrounding suburbs are 100% in agreement with the proggro values, they just have their heads up their ****** if they think the feral cockroaches won’t come for them in their “safe” enclaves when the urban core finally collapses.

    It’s so strange to be living in a time where the signs of collapse are all about, and there’s no way out but through. When I was a boy I thought the 21Cen was gonna be epic: flying cars, Moon and Mars bases, jetpacks. Man, instead the 21Cen is driving people insane, causing them to engage in all forms of obvious and heedless destructive behaviors. And then double down.

    It really will be a question for future historians, if any are still alive, the sources of this crazy gestalt and the consequences willingly suffered before it burned itself out and the survivors recovered to sanity.

    • azlibertarian April 13, 2023, 1:28 PM


      I take it that your reference to “Weirdland” is to Portland, OR.

      And isn’t it strange that the abundant problems now so obvious in Portland can be traced back to that cute marketing program of 15-ish years ago. “Keep Portland Weird” began as a statement that Portland wasn’t stodgy, was welcoming to all comers, was moving ahead on it’s progressive (sic) agenda. They exist today without ever looking back to see why the drug addicts and homeless encampments are chasing out anyone pursuing a decent life.