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“You lookin’ at me?”
(looks around)
“Well you must be lookin’ at me, I’m the only one here.”
“Why don’t you take a pitcher, it’ll last longer!”
The best thing about shotguns is that they can’t do forensics on the projectiles.
If you use an autoloader put a bag on it.
Most people don’t realize how bad the situation is in medical schools, worse than in general higher ed
Just step into any VA hospital if you dare.
They are inundated with it – you’d think you stepped into a TV commercial.
Last time I saw a negro with my bare eyes was when I was in a VA hospital, about 2 years ago.
Lots of grab assin’, running around with styrofoam food containers, drink containers, etc. Like a giant playground for adult children funded with massive stolen money. The local (25 miles away) VA clinic I go to has only wypeepo – but I expect that to change at any moment and when it does I’m done with it.
Thank you for your service to our country….my ass.
Our database of medical schools has received widespread media attention, including this Fox Digital article in July 2023, after we completed documentation at all 156 U.S. based medical schools:
The “racialization of medical education” has created a “national emergency” because many of America’s future doctors are being inundated with critical race theory (CRT) and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), according to the founder of, which monitors CRT curricula and training in higher education, has expanded its Medical School Database to include all 155 accredited U.S. medical schools. Findings revealed a staggering 70 percent provide mandatory or voluntary CRT-related coursework or training for students.
“The extent to which CRT/DEI and related programming has worked its way into medical schools is truly shocking and worrisome. Racial and other activism should not be the focus of medical education,” William Jacobson told Fox News Digital….
“The ideological capture of over two-thirds of medical schools demonstrates that CRT/DEI has become a part of the fabric of medical education. We are training future doctors to look at patients through a racial lens, with potentially frightening consequences for society,” Jacobson said.
“It’s often said that collapse happens slowly, and then very suddenly. Medical school education is slowly collapsing, but it’s not too late,” he continued. “We need to stop the CRT/DEI medical agenda before that collapse becomes irreversible.” ….
A year before, in July 2022, I argued that “The national alarm should be sounding over the racialization of medical school education”
Ben Shapiro had an X (Twitter) thread today highlighting the DEI problem at several medical schools. Here is a portion of the thread.
More here:
I was reading last week about whitewash, and how hospitals of course used it liberally to disinfect everything. White became associated with medicine, hence the white cloting in hospitals. In no samll irony, to “whitewash” is to cover up lies.
White Supremacy Goes Back To “Early Church”: Oxford Professor
They are fixated on everything racial.
It can’t be helped.
That’s the built-in problem with people that are <80.
They lack the intellectual bandwidth to get past the commercial brainwashing.
The "(lazy) crabs in a bucket" phenom.
It's easier (for lazy people) to just lay on their asses and piss and moan about all the "privileges" other people have because they get off their asses and get it done. Their own problems are self made and cannot be corrected or helped by others.
I say, get the gov't and it's free money out of the racial business and let the achievers do so and the rest can rot on the vine. You know, kinda like the rest of have to do.
White supremacy remains so prevalent in Christianity today because it took root in the early church, theologian Anthony Reddie told a Baylor University conference this month.
Reddie, a professor of black theology at Oxford University in England, said in his Feb. 15 speech that white supremacy has “distorted” Christianity since the time of Jesus Christ, according to Baptist News Global.
The conference, hosted by Baylor’s Truett Seminary, focused on racism in the world church.
“The most egregious thing that we have to wrestle with is the normalization of white supremacy,” Reddie said.
Although Christianity “was created as a movement for those who are marginalized and oppressed,” he said white leaders quickly began using the religion as a weapon to seize land and oppress other cultures.
Reddie traced the distortion back to the early Christians who blamed the Jews for killing Jesus, instead of Roman leader Pontius Pilate, according to the report.
“Pilate represents white supremacy, and white supremacy now becomes normalized and effectively becomes the religion of Jesus, the religion of God,” the professor said.
As time went on, more and more people began to believe Jesus was a white European, like them, Reddie said.
Baptist News Global reports:
That’s why few white Christians flinched at the claim that Jesus called European and American Christians to travel the globe to oppress brown- and Black-skinned people, he said, explaining that a Christianity suffused with white supremacy enabled plantation owners in the American South to see no contradiction between their faith and owning other human beings. “They saw people who are other as inferior and that it was OK to kill or enslave them for their own good.”
Those attitudes clearly continue to exist and in the U.S. are evident in the rise of Trumpism, the British scholar said.
Because white supremacy has been connected with Christianity for so long, he said it has “distorted the very fabric of what we call Christianity and the nature of church.”
The Baylor conference is part of a “three-year sequences of programs on confronting racism in the white church and seeking God’s justice,” according to the event website. More than a dozen pastors, theologians, and Christian leaders participated. Baylor is a private, Protestant Christian university in Texas.
Last year, a Catholic university professor also linked white supremacy with the early Christian church in a new book, “Christian Supremacy.” The author, Fordham University Professor Magda Teter, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that white supremacists’ ideology “is rooted in Christian ideas of social and religious hierarchy.”
Righteous evangelicals is why I left the church.
We all have faults and my list is long. If your church is not feeding your spirit, then find another or bust open that Bible. Hang tough and feed your faith, keep your faith.
Faith is not an issue (and my list of faults is long as well), the corporate structure of a formal church is. I learned long ago to not trust preachers. Money, money, money.
Thank you for your support though.
California–this says it all.
Copco Lake, post dam removal. (Photo: Ray Haupt)
Klamath Dams Down: Will Ranches Survive?
Dam removal proponents claimed the project would help salmon, but steelhead trout are dead, and salmon spawning beds were destroyed
By California Globe, February 23, 2024 2:55 am
This is the second article in a series about the Klamath Dam Removal project in Siskiyou County.
By Theodora Johnson
The largest, most devastating dam removal experiment in modern history has reached the point of no return. As of January 23, 2024—despite opposition by a majority of local residents—the four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River have been officially breached.
Ironically, dam removal proponents claimed the project would help salmon, but now the Klamath River is being polluted with millions of cubic yards of decomposed algae, organic deposition, chemicals, and fine silt that has built up behind the dams. Dead steelhead trout and other species are floating to the banks. Any salmon spawning beds in the Klamath River were undoubtedly destroyed. At press time, conditions in the Klamath River were not likely survivable for the salmon juveniles that were beginning to emerge from
the tributary rivers and creeks on their way to the ocean.
There’s no way of knowing the survival rate of those juveniles until it’s time for them to return to their natal spawning grounds as adults (fall of 2025 for coho salmon; later for Chinook salmon). But there is cause for great concern: by one estimate 26 million cubic yards of sediment is stored behind the dams.1 No one knows how much of it will slough off into the river, or how long the river will remain in its turbid state, or how much of the sediment will settle on the river-bottom.
If 10 million cubic yards of sediment were to settle in the river, we’d see the equivalent of six lanes of freeway piled eight feet deep for nearly 100 miles. There are 192 river miles below the lowest dam, Iron Gate. In total, the river is approximately 250 miles long.
For most of February, turbidity levels in the Klamath River hovered around 500 to 1,000 units over a stretch of at least 100 miles, according to U.S. Geological Survey measurements.2 These turbidity levels are 10 to 20 times what juvenile salmon can survive, according to a 2001 research report by the University of Washington.3
Coho salmon (a “threatened” species under the Endangered Species Acts) juveniles will begin entering the Klamath in early March. Both coho and Chinook juveniles will continue to out- migrate to the ocean via the Klamath River until early June (timing varies depending on species and tributary).4 We can only hope water quality in the Klamath will have improved by then.
But of even greater concern is the “food web,” the millions of organisms in the river that all species rely upon for life. How much of it has been (and will be) destroyed in the Klamath? When will it recover? There may be no food web to support adult salmon returns for many years.
Meanwhile, the small family ranchers and farmers who live along the Scott and Shasta rivers—major tributaries to the mid- Klamath—have reason to be wary of what’s next for them, too.
Don’t misunderstand; the Klamath dams didn’t provide any flood protection or irrigation for farming in the Scott or Shasta valleys. But with the Klamath River transformed to a mudslide, it would be no surprise if government agencies started calling for agriculture in the tributary watersheds to give up water
to help flush out sediment and recover salmon and steelhead populations harmed by dam removal.
All it would take is a new special emergency declaration by the governor, and voilà—the state would have authority to revoke privately held water rights in the name of saving fish. It’s been done before.
The current and impending fish die-off—made possible in part by the State Water Resources Control Board and the California Department of Fish & Wildlife—is especially hard to stomach because these same agencies have been severely decreasing local farmers’ water for the past two-and-a-half years, all in the name of “saving” the same fish.
This has been made possible by Governor Newsom’s “emergency drought” proclamation of May 2021. As a result, the State Water Board, on the recommendation of the Department of Fish & Wildlife, slapped the Scott and Shasta valleys with unprecedented “emergency” regulations restricting both groundwater and surface water. They even limit how much livestock are allowed to drink. The stated reason: To increase streamflow to protect the Chinook salmon, steelhead, and ESA- listed coho salmon.
And the regulations continue into 2024—even though Siskiyou County is officially no longer in drought, and the agencies have produced no proof that the curtailments have done anything to actually help fish.
In 2022, Scott Valley farmers were forced to give up 30% of their irrigation water, allegedly to increase streamflow in the river, thereby (allegedly) helping salmon spawn in the fall/winter of 2022-23. The irrigation cuts, while causing no observable increase in streamflow, did cause extreme hardship in Scott Valley. Similar cuts forced several ranches out of business in Shasta Valley.
And now the progeny of the ’22-‘23 salmon spawners, for which farmers have sacrificed so much, may not survive conditions in the Klamath. Who will be held accountable when some or all of those salmon don’t return as adults? Will agriculture again take the blame, and again take cuts due to yet another “emergency”?
Decades before the curtailments, Scott and Shasta valley farmers installed fish screens, voluntarily conserved water, and fenced riparian areas. Whether or not these efforts contributed, the Scott River watershed’s coho population has become one of the largest natural runs in the state over the past 20 years.
Now, agriculture’s efforts have been thrown to the wind by the agencies’ irresponsible dam removal methods. Instead of dredging out sediment from behind the dams in advance (a costly endeavor), the agencies decided to “flush” it out via the Klamath River—the salmon’s lifeline.
In the interest of protecting agriculture from future scapegoating, we have some questions we want answered by the state agencies, the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (the entity created to remove the dams) and the governor. Publicly. Press releases would be great.
A few of those are:
• What are the effects of the added sediment on aquatic life, particularly coho and Chinook salmon? This should be monitored and reported up and down the Klamath, for as long as high turbidity and excess sediment deposits on the riverbed persist.
• What is the plan to reintroduce salmonids, if brood stocks are destroyed?
• How/where will you get the “flushing flows” needed to flush the remaining fine sediment deposited in the river channel? The Scott River watershed has no reservoirs; our only stored water is the natural snowpack and underground aquifer.
• What chemical constituents are being found in the water samples, and how are those affecting the ecosystem and river communities? How are you monitoring this over space and time?
When a government gives itself license to harm species and habitat that average citizens would be fined or jailed for harming, that government must be held accountable.
Theodora Johnson is a rancher and founding member of the grassroots communication group, Scott Valley Agriculture Water Alliance, formed in April, 2022. She recommends contacting the Berkeley-based dam removal entity, Klamath River Restoration Corporation, with your questions and concerns. (510) 560-5079 or County, which was opposed to dam removal, also has helpful info at https:// klamath-dam-decommissioning-project
Special to the Globe with permission of The CATTLE Mag, which originally published Theodora Johnson’s article.
1Gathard Engineering Consulting. Klamath River Dam and Sediment Investigation. Technical Report. November 2006.
2 U.S. Geological Survey. National Water Information System: Web Interface. February 19, 2024.
3 Bash, Jeff et al. Effects of Turbidity and Suspended Solids on Salmonids. Final Research Report. University of Washington. 2001.
4 California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Scott and Shasta River Juvenile Salmonid Outmigration Monitoring In-Season Update. June 17, 2022.
Nicely written, and well shared. Saving salmon gets a lot of talk but on the backside of the issue it’s food. Go figure. No, the dam removers just paid lip service to recovering salmon. These metro-denizens wouldn’t know salmon from psychosis.
In Washington, where we have beautiful large dams and lots of them, the commies wanted to remove dams. We also have salmon and I ain’t talking about that thing they serve in restaurants. I’m talking about the river and the ocean fish that we harvest and eat immediately. When Bush the Younger came into office, that movement pretty much died out. He did do that for us and I remember it well. The commies were saying that the potential recovery of salmon after removing dams would be, like 2%. It was a hedged but bullshit statement. 2% is an adverse weather event, or a rounding error.
The whole dam story is that of an heroic epoch of builders who built capitol projects so we could grow. It’s no wonder the communists want to destroy this. What will they build in their generation?
I’m seeing some ruffle about revolutionary communists forming a party, beginning in Brooklyn right now. What about commies killing people in the streets up until November? Like BLM/Antifa, only instead of marching they slaughter. It’s conceivable and I don’t like it. Pulls out his bingo card…starts writing…
Greenies don’t think, can’t think, don’t want to think.
The following was written by a mentally deranged 39 year old male politician in Virginia.
In her (his) 2022 memoir, Burn The Page, Roem wrote, “I’m pretty straight sexually for a (man pretending to be a) woman in that I physically prefer a masculine presentation but pansexual romantically in that someone’s gender doesn’t determine my ability to fall in love with that person.”
Imagine Thomas Jefferson saying that.
That this person is a US politician tells the whole story about the fraudulent american political body.
How can any sane person take it seriously?
Amazing how cold 35 is after a weeks worth of 60’s and 70’s.
“MAW! Trow ‘nother lawg on-da faah!”
Off topic but being less than a year until this site bites the dust, how about ghostsniper et al beginning work on a “New American Digest” or is there some other way to keep this merry band of reprobates together in e-space? A year may be enough time to plan and implement.
DT, I like that idea for sure.
Must be some See Eye Ayes and Naughtzees in Transnistria bothering the good Russian-speaking peoples there. Time for the next hybrid war. I mean, Poot it in has no choices left, he’s gotta go in their country. Not his fault, it’s NAy Toes’ fault.
Sudetenland. Czechoslovakia, Rhineland, Austria…Pole Land…
God what a mess. Thanks, Biden.
Sorry, Casey, and you know that I loves ya’, and while Biden has spent his life being wrong on just about everything, what is happening in Moldova and Transistria isn’t his fault.
Wiki tells me this about Moldova….
“….Most of Moldovan territory was a part of the Principality of Moldavia from the 14th century until 1812, when it was ceded to the Russian Empire by the Ottoman Empire (to which Moldavia was a vassal state) and became known as Bessarabia. In 1856, southern Bessarabia was returned to Moldavia, which three years later united with Wallachia to form Romania, but Russian rule was restored over the whole of the region in 1878. During the 1917 Russian Revolution, Bessarabia briefly became an autonomous state within the Russian Republic. In February 1918, it declared independence and then integrated into Romania later that year following a vote of its assembly. The decision was disputed by Soviet Russia, which in 1924 established, within the Ukrainian SSR, a so-called Moldavian autonomous republic on partially Moldovan-inhabited territories to the east of Bessarabia. In 1940, as a consequence of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Romania was compelled to cede Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina to the Soviet Union, leading to the creation of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic (Moldavian SSR).
On 27 August 1991, as the dissolution of the Soviet Union was underway, the Moldavian SSR declared independence and took the name Moldova….”
So. What we now know as Moldova was once a “Principality” of the Ottoman Empire, then of the Russian Empire, then back to being Moldova, then part of Romania, then autonomous but within the Russian Empire, then independent, then back to Romania, then ceded again to the Soviet Union, then a Moldovan Socialist Republic, then after the wall came down, independent again.
After reading that condensed history, if your head isn’t spinning, then I don’t know what to tell you. But to my simple mind, “Moldova” is, and always has been a hot mess. For Russia to claim that Transnistria is really meant to belong to Russia makes about as much sense as to claim that it belongs to the Ottoman’s. The Ottoman Empire doesn’t exist anymore. Neither does the Soviet Union. IMO, those identities are part of history and not of the present.
And with one exception, none of this has anything to do with Joe Biden….that exception being, as we all know, that Joe Biden was incapable of his office when he was “elected” (scare quotes, intentional) and since in office he has only further declined into dementia. Whatever might be happening in the world which would demand the attention of an American President, Joe Biden is incapable of delivering. But there is a consequence to his inability to act: Failing to act is an act unto itself.
Note: I am not arguing that we should put American or NATO troops into every far-off backwater where a conflict exists. I simply maintain that at a certain point, you have to recognize that Russia’s actions show that they are attempting to re-acquire an empire. Georgia, Crimea, the eastern parts of Ukraine, then the whole of the country, and now Transistria. Looking to the future, the Russians have their eyes on the three Baltic States, as well as eastern Poland. Each time they do this, they use the same logic: Those places used to be a part of Russia (by using maps and histories which are often centuries old), there are Russian-speaking peoples there, and those people deserve to be governed by the tender mercies of a Russian government.
I know that we’re financially stretched, and that the border has become a crisis. One way to look at this is to say that we should withdraw into ourselves and let global affairs go where they’ll go. I think that that’s a mistake. Europe is at stake here, and the Europeans are very concerned about what Russia is doing. I believe that America and Americans are bettered by maintaining our close ties to Europe. They need our help, and we should deliver it.
Analogies can sometimes be helpful.
“But there is a consequence to his inability to act: Failing to act is an act unto itself.”
Pappy’s dead at the wheel.
The krakked-out grandson in the backseat is leaning over the front seat and steering erratically with his left hand while the right hand maniacally holds the throttle to the floor with Pappy’s cane and the cliff edge approaches at 120 mph while all the other passengers on the bus scream in terror. Yeah, failing to act….
“They need our help, and we should deliver it.”
Your shark bitten life preserver has taken on water and is threatening to pull you down. Meanwhile your over-drunk buddy next to you in the bobbing whitecaps decided to not wear a life preserver and is going down. You got ahold on him but his dead weight is pulling you under. Yeah, you want to save him but if your both dead what’s the point?
As far as this rotten assed gov’t is concerned I will NEVER concert with it ever again. For decades it has acted secretly on a global scale of criminality and if any of us were aware of even 1% of it’s global crimes we’d be outraged. Think! That outrageous criminal H Klintin was the secretary of state for 4 years and got caught multiple times committing gross crimes and was never prosecuted. How in the world do you defend an institution that allows, condones, and encouraging such behavior?
Take a look at how this rotten gov’t has treated it’s own citizens and consider that it has treated foreigners all over the globe much worse. A devastating reckoning is way over due and a whole bunch of decent people need to get their heads around that fact.
I have a whole lot of cylindrical pieces of metal, purchased and stored, to be used in the potentially very near future in a radius of 100 miles or less from where I am right now. Threats being how they are, I don’t understand how any sane person can divert even 1 secton of their attention away from most terrifying reality that looms.
Analogy offered.
Knock heard at the door. Casey answers and it’s Ivan in full battle rattle. Hey, we’re your new neighbors! We just annexed Alaska because (silly story follows about how Putin demands Alaska sale be reversed, and Trudeau bent over backwards to Russianize Canada because he can’t screw it up fast enough to suit himself). Give us all yer guhns!
Meanwhile, I was just minding my own business. Gives him all my guns.
And if that happens you can bet your bottom dollar the rotten assed US gov’t sold it to them.
Yes, I’ll continue to mind my bidnit cause my firepower isn’t very effective over a mile away, and there’s little chance I’ll join a proven loser group to go there and physically try to do something about it.
In my past I’ve done many things and seldom do them twice.
Alaska and US Army are 2 of them.
Besides, I’m already a company commander in the “Raging Patriot Brigade”.
I should’ve put “/sarc” at the end of some of my statements. I was making fun of the extremist viewpoint that has the Russian invasion of Europe, presently occurring, as the fault of the CIA and NATO. That viewpoint is whole-cloth BS and straight from the fever-pits of the Kremlin propaganda offices. It’s as spurious as saying that there are Nazeez in Ukraine and so Putin must de-nazify it.
So, I believe from what you wrote, AZ, that we actually agree. BTW that is a good brief you linked and it shares some history with how the Ukraine traded around in history. In the hiccup that occurred right after the Revolution of 1917, the Soves lost track of, or administrative control of, lots of border states, Ukraine and Transnistria or Moldavia among them, and of big interest to me, at that time Finland was also out from under Ivan’s boot while he was busy fighting the White Army. Finland appealed to become independent, and in an administrative lapse of evil, the Soves gave it up! Moldavia and Ukraine: not so lucky and it cost them dearly.
It bears repeating that Finland was invaded in 1939 by the USSR, in the beginning phases of WWII, to recidivise that clerical error. Yes, Mr and Mrs Conservative America, the Soviets started WWII as sure as Germany, Japan, and Italy started it. Things resorted themselves, and we had to team up with Stalin to take down Hitler, but never forget that the USSR starts the war with invasions of Finland and Poland, straight up evil attacks, unjustified in any way but the presence of Russian people groups in those places was always a pretext. It’s a very old playbook and if you believe in it I really don’t know how to get through to you. What AZ is saying , I think, is how far back must we go with recidivist logic to give countries back to former owners? Let’s give Oklahoma back to the Indians, but while we’re at it let’s force them to re-organize back to their prior places of origin and just keep one small part of OK for the Lakotas (or whatever – you get the analogy). Make them retrace the trail of tears because it’s somehow just.
Giving Ukraine or possibly part of Moldavia back to Ivan…to do what? Starve millions of them like Stalin did?
I do enjoy reading about Moldavia, Romania, and Walachia, and the Ottomans. In my mind I go back to the literary and literal figure of Dracula himself, who tried his damndest (literally) to keep the Muslimz hordes out of the Christian lands. It’s a storied land of dark forests and granite escarpments, and from a military standpoint not the best place to plan a big war. Parts of Ukraine are school-book perfect for modern war, but the mountains will hand you back your white russin ass and humiliate you worse than you can humiliate yourself.
So, all this to say that when I wrote the end part of my comment about The Sudetenland and Poland, I meant that Putin is pulling Hitlerian moves by incrementally swallowing some border states, with the permission of the world (appeasement) in what is now known as Hybrid Warfare. All of a sudden, some little green men arrive at your airfields and naval bases, with their identity tapes and militaria removed, claiming to be non-state actors and there to help a faction of Russians trapped inside the wrong country. Look for this to occur in the little space between Poland and Lithuania that denies land access to Kaliningrad. If Putin can get NATO to pussify enough, it is in the plans. There’s already a huge wedge in the middle of NATO, and while it is growing stronger exponentially and its nutsack is descending, at the same time political forces are spending an unusual amount of ink shitting on NATOs milti-orbal head. Imagine the hubris of Putin when he tells NATO not to expand here or there. That dipstick fugged around trying to blame and control NATO as if it is his red-headed stepchild, and for his efforts he doubled his own borders with NATO!
I spoke about the pryrrhic victory of the USSR winning the Winter Wars with Finland in the 1940s. The Finns kicked Russia so hard in the teeth that Russia prevailed with sheer mass but only held onto a slice of Finland. Russia “takes half”. They defeated the Finns but in the memory opf history, the Finns stand tall and strong. Ukraine is about to go back into the offensive mode, and perhaps they won’t be Patton, but they damn sure might be like the Finns. Nothing puts the pyre in pyrrhic like a shitload of burning Russians as you approach the treaty table.
OK, the CIA is a bad outfit, and nobody wants to mess with them. But they didn’t pull the trigger on the invasion of Ukraine. NATO didn’t invite Russia into Ukraine (although Biden pretty much did!). Maybe Obama did, too, on that hot-mic moment.
The Right needs to stop with the glad-hand of Putin. It’s unseemly and illogical. I can argue circles around you and I’ve been told I’m arrogant when I do. Here I sit, in eastern WA, on a lonely farm with the internet, a pencil, and a cup of coffee, and I can read the stitches on a slow ball. I’m nobody, and this stuff is plainly evident. Moldavia and no part of it belong to Russia in any way, shape, or form. The CIA can do whatever they want – Trump’s got a plan for them, too. I can’t wait to see him fire the CIA director, then put another one in, and wait for him to write his objectives and decorate his desk, and then fire him, too. And the next one. And the next one. Hire him and then fire him before he leaves the room. Anyway, that’s what I;d do. But, I’m arrogant that way.
Cheers, azlibertarian. Sorry again for my sarcastic post.
Here come da judge!
The media is using that worn out ploy again.
Once again a negro “judge”, another diversity hire in Illinois, has thrown a stumbling block in Trumps path to the WH. There seems to be no shortage of female negro’s, elevated to positions of power in spite of their questionable capacity to support the position, has been utilized in the deep state effort to shackle Trump.
In this article ( ) the media has used once again that worn out method of “washing out” the judge in questions picture so that she appears to be white. As you are aware the media has used this middle school art class tactic many times and each time they get slapped down.
There seems to be no shortage of easily purchased female negro’s in this regard. A simple google search shows that she is indeed a negro but none the less Newsweek tried to pull the wool over your eyes. See here for the truth:
It will be a bright sunny day after the reckoning when the streets of justice are flanked with entire divisions of media criminals heads on pikes, set afire with diesel fuel, as freedom fighters shoot at them with black rifles.
She’s a lightweight compared to our local honey, Rachel Dolezal.
See me when she gots an OF page.
I remember her.
That she is earning income by any means other than gutter scrubbing a downtown ghetto while getting railed by a fleet of bull bucks is testament to the sad state of this country.
From that article:
“One told NBC Los Angeles that the financial struggle brought on by low teaching salaries left them with little choice.”
Uh, just no.
It’s NOT the income that causes “financial struggle”, it’s the habit of spending more than one should. Funny how people will sell their soul for a few shiny trinkets of east asian origin. Let em burn.
Quote of the Day
“This is a craze that will end when people realize much of the LGBTQ dogma preys on the weak and children. It’s no longer about supporting gay rights. And if society doesn’t take care of this problem, evolution certainly will.”
— Zzzhang24
Pertaining to this issue, which I happened to see the other night.
Joke of the Day
CDC panel says older adults should get another COVID vaccine shot now
Very few older adults in Georgia got the first dose of updated vaccine
They have long run out of ideas, and the ideas they have always had only work on the clinically brain dead. And the nasty criminals never get a clue. fuk-em-ded
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Mandy Cohen endorsed the recommendation soon afterward.
“An additional vaccine dose can provide added protection that may have decreased over time for those at highest risk,” said Cohen in a press release.
I’d pay good money to watch Mandy get dragged, on fire, at 100mph behind a big assed diesel Dodge 3500 4×4 dualie til there’s nothing left but a frayed and smoking rope…
Hey Casey!
I’m thinking about getting a drawing tablet, do you know anything about them or have any suggestions? What about software? Thanks. BTW, I’m not Howard Hughes or soiboi Gates.
My wife enjoys her large version iPad, and uses just the Procreate software. Pro cartoonists will have huge expensive SW on drawing-dedicated tablets, and the reason is more layers. Maybe they can animate with CAD or something. You might be attracted by stuff like that, yourself.
I did see a cool thing I may get her, which is a foam or lightweight stiff board that the iPad rests inside, creating a desk like area for you to rest your arms on, and keeps you focused on drawing and not holding that tablet. Shop these boards, there are now several brands of them.
I’m not conversant in the large program software since I do the caveman art where I draw with vine charcoal and paint with pastel. I do dabble in digital drawing but it’s on my mini iPad and I use my fingers because why not? That program is called INKredible, by some Vietnamese developer. If I need to color something drawn digitally, or modify a charcoal drawing, I actually use Photoshop. If I want just a bit more utility, I borrow my wife’s Procreate.
Hope that helps.
It did help a little.
The part about the software, gave me some signals on what to look for.
Turns out I already have a tablet that will work, but probably very slow about it.
It’s a 10″ Samsung A6 that I bought a couple years ago and quickly got bored with it.
It’s in a fold up cradle and came with a keyboard.
I turned it on this afternoon for the first time in about a year.
Looking around on the Samsung site they have a trade-in policy if I want to buy a tablet better suited for my purpose. I’ll have to think about it.
What I found interesting is this person did a utoob competing an ipad against a samsung by doing a drawing of that dood that played Roland in The Dark Tower. I think the Samsung looked better but what do I know?
While we are on the subject of computers–does anyone have any thoughts about what program or company to use to upload and store large videos (1/2 hour long videos)?
I use Video DownloadHelper as an extension on Firefox. Downloaded Tucker’s recent 3-hour video with no problems. Even captures TwitX videos. Storage? Large capacity hard drive/thumb drive. I use mp4 format.
Anne, if you already have a domain and host you will have a designated amount of storage, say, 100gb, but you’ll need to check with the host and find out.
Now, you’ll need to have a software to upload the video files from your computer to the host server.
In the distant past I have used a program called CuteFTP (FTP = file transfer protocol) to do so.
It used to be free and appears to still be free.
You can download CuteFTP here:
Hello Anne,
I tried writing to you the last time you asked but for whatever reason my
text would not go through. The only computer system I trust is Michael McKibben’s which is
in the Beta stage. Michael McKibben is the person who actually invented social media before
it was stolen by the government. He has been fighting for his rights in the courts ever
since but we all know how that goes. With what your BH (I assume that stands for
beloved husband) is trying to accomplish, he probably knows how to figure out new software
unlike yours truly. I would highly recommend he at least investigate it.
Hope the link works. If it doesn’t, try
Whatever he does – the best of luck to him.
Thank you so much for your insights regarding uploading, videos, etc. I am very grateful!
He will be 82 in three days and he is doing a master’s level course trying to bring some disciplined inquiry back into the conversation about decision making–not just coming up with answers, but rather the discipline of inquiry. This is a subject long gone from the university syllabus!
He has an appointment with the Doc on Monday to put his head in the oven. I told him not to rely on whatever pictures came out because I would not let the little anomalies of our basic old age interfere with his work! Thank you all!
Of course we’ll help when we can, you’re part of the gang …
Love you all–each and every one of you are special to me and my days! I reported his age incorrectly. On Monday my DH will be 81!