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OK, that’s enough. Now you’re just fucking around with us. [Updated + ]

Please don’t find out. You won’t like it if you find out.

Meanwhile, things aren’t looking up for England’s “leadership” either:

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  • ThisIsNotNutella July 27, 2022, 9:33 PM

    Not going to click on any video containing that (redacted).

    Here’s a long video but really worth your ears:

    Roundtable #5: Johnson, McGovern, Postol

    Gonzalo Lira running a round table with three wise, wizened old Cold Warriors on How the Sausage is Made.

  • Size 22 Clown Shoe July 28, 2022, 3:08 AM

    She is married to BlackRock who owns the gov.
    The new Mount Rushmore will have her and Chairman Mao along with Hussein Hopenchange.
    Historic Fundamental Transformation.

  • Mike Austin July 28, 2022, 3:16 AM

    Should we call Barnum or Dante? Or perhaps Ionesco? Kafka? Borges?

    The evolutionists and their avatars in Anthropology are wrong on every point. Man and his works never evolved from a low order to a higher one. In fact, the opposite is true. Wherever one looks these days one sees devolution. Things are falling apart; the center is not holding.

    Kamala Harris is skilled only in the habits of the harem and the cat house. No matter how hard she tries she cannot be another Zenobia or Elizabeth I or Hatshepsut. Even a Mata Hari would escape her. Her time in the White House—assuming she achieves it without succumbing to some unfortunate and accidental accident or illness—will be a source of laughter for centuries. A collection of her speeches and utterances would make fine reading for the insane or for those on Death Row.

    And the US, once a “shining beacon on a hill”, will continue its decline into oblivion and irrelevance. Whether Kamala is at the helm or some other puppeteered prop will matter not at all. And in the future, when the history of 21st century America will be written by a new Gibbon, I hope he can stop laughing long enough to complete his work.

    • TrangBang68 July 29, 2022, 6:52 AM

      The fellatio expert had to look down to see what color dress she was wearing. She’s been off stage for awhile. I wonder if she went to rehab for her cackling disorder.

      • Mike Austin July 29, 2022, 7:40 AM

        She was checking to see if the stain was gone.

  • ghostsniper July 28, 2022, 4:04 AM

    You can take this shit show seriously, or you can try to ignore it.
    I choose the latter.
    I see no benefit in the former.

    • Mike Austin July 28, 2022, 4:32 AM

      I pay attention to it only so that I can reasonably discuss such things in “polite company”. I do not like being caught unawares. It has been a very long time since I became agitated at the doings of the noisome parasites in Washington DC. They resemble little more than thousands of maggots wriggling about in a rotting corpse. Anger at them has no benefit for me, thus it is a waste of time—and at 69 years old, I have little time to waste.

      When I observe the American elites in action I fully understand that I might as well be observing the doings of an alien and hostile nation—for the US ruling class is “American” only in the geographic sense. It is a foreign entity—unelected, uninvited, unwanted. It is so corrupt and decadent that its evil is spread inefficiently and haphazardly. By the time its repercussions reach down to my level, I hardly notice it. It is a passing nuisance, an unpleasant odor—the stench of decay.

      Most all of humanity in all of History were aware that they could have no effect upon their rulers. So they simply lived their lives in whatever circumstances they could carve out for themselves. It is the same in the US.

  • Ed P July 28, 2022, 4:34 AM

    Boston Dynamics new robot appears to be malfunctioning. Their robot dog performs much better than this – perhaps the software needs a reboot?

  • Paul M July 28, 2022, 7:07 AM

    Olympus has fallen.

    …right off the cliff into the moronic pigsty. Yet they relish the wallowing embarrassment, proudly wearing it like a new suit of clothes. God help us.

  • Joe Krill July 28, 2022, 7:21 AM

    This is a sad illustration of the State of our Union. We should never forget the sage words of Thomas Jefferson. “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

    • Mike Austin July 28, 2022, 7:40 AM

      No it cannot. But the US got a reprieve with the overturning of Roe. Recall Jonah and Nineveh. Have you any sackcloth and ashes handy?

      • Joe Krill July 28, 2022, 8:00 AM

        I am familiar with Jonah as I am with Ezekiel 16:49-50. For those who are not familiar with Ezekiel 16:49-50, it tells the real reason why Sodom fell. I sometimes wonder why the pablum pukers in the pulpits do not point out Sodom’s sins and compare them to America today.

        Japanese Proverb, ” Truth hurts, but it’s the only remedy.”

        • Mike Austin July 28, 2022, 8:11 AM

          The answer is that the “pablum pukers in the pulpits” are as corrupted and worthless as the US elites. These divines—true citizens of Sodom—are almost to a man heretics, blasphemers, sexual degenerates, and God-haters. Expecting truth from such creatures is like expecting kindness from a rabid dog.

  • Mumblix_Grumph July 28, 2022, 7:26 AM

    And the Democrats have no idea why they are losing the Working Class voters. Silly shit like this is NOT going to woo them back. These Ivory Tower Mandarins might as well be from another planet.

  • mary July 28, 2022, 7:26 AM

    I saw this somewhere else and my comment was: I am so embarrassed that person is pretending to be the vice president.

    • Mike Austin July 28, 2022, 7:58 AM

      Just curious, Mary: Why embarrassed? You did not create the idiot; you did not vote for the idiot; you do not support the idiot; her claim to the vice-presidency is wholly fictitious and known by all and sundry—from potentates to ditchdiggers around the world—to be so. Harris may as well be the Assistant Water Commissioner of Ouagadougou, for all the imprint she will have on affairs.

      My usual refrain when some fool berates the US government in my presence is to say, “It’s not my government.” I have as much attachment to the Washington regime as I do to the government of Djibouti.

      So sit back and learn to enjoy the decline. I actually embrace it, knowing that the sooner the regime collapses the sooner we can piece together some semblance of normalcy. Harris in the White House thus helps our cause, and the farcical nature of her administration will provide comedic relief.

      Who does like a good joke once in a while? Harris promises many such as long as she is around.

      • mary July 30, 2022, 8:51 AM

        I am embarrassed that the lovely country we had has come to such a pass. I am arrogant in thinking we might have done something to stop this.

        God is in charge, and I know it, but meanwhile, I mourn.

  • A Nonnymoose July 28, 2022, 7:41 AM

    Okay, but can we get a little more context in this clip? It’s so moronic there has to be more to it. What was she trying to say? Who was she addressing? Garment industry execs? That may explain the reference to her wardrobe. Or maybe advocates for the Blind? Geez, so confusing.

    • julie July 28, 2022, 9:55 AM

      The description of her appearance is for the blind. The discussion, however is about “the impact” on many people of suddenly losing a constitutional right – by which she means not the 1st or 2nd amendment, but the Dobbs decision. She’s called this important meeting to rage about the injustice of allowing unborn children to live.

  • Dirk July 28, 2022, 9:17 AM

    She is proof “ They” are rubbing our noses in it . FBI lying cheating hiding evidence of Young Delaware Douches crimes. The hypocrisy’s unreal. And we site on our asses, talking shit. “ I’m in that bunch aswell”

    Na, ain’t no fixing this. Line em up, machine gun em all. Dig a hole throw em in.

  • PA Cat July 28, 2022, 10:54 AM

    Meanwhile, things aren’t looking up for England’s “leadership” either.

    Rumor has it that Boris Johnson might succeed Jens Stoltenberg as secretary-general of NATO.

    Mais quelle surprise! Macron disapproves, having previously described BJ as “a clown in charge of a circus”:

    • TrangBang68 July 29, 2022, 6:59 AM

      Boris Johnson was the likely choice for Secretary General of NATO seeing as his doppelganger, Moe Howard is dead and not available. Larry Fine of Blackwater can replace Larry Fine of the Stooges and Curly Klaus Anal Schwab will make a fine punchable face.

  • Dirk July 29, 2022, 7:41 AM

    Johnson to NATO, who’da ever seen that happening. Na these one worlders have their brothers and sisters backs.