“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
― George Washington #FreeSpeech pic.twitter.com/1sdN4AebMA— A Beautiful Culture (@ABeautifulCult1) August 16, 2021
Sophia Loren, Venice 1955 🇮🇹 pic.twitter.com/yPltxB42Rw
— A Beautiful Culture (@ABeautifulCult1) July 14, 2022
San Francisco, California 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/NVBY4Cm48g
— A Beautiful Culture (@ABeautifulCult1) July 25, 2022
by Richard S Johnson, American painter 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/Y4Fx45pIVC
— A Beautiful Culture (@ABeautifulCult1) July 25, 2022
The village of Bunny in Nottinghamshire. pic.twitter.com/w1uTbnmJPh
— A Beautiful Culture (@ABeautifulCult1) July 25, 2022
Early 20th century gas stove in the kitchen of Pittock Mansion, Portland, Oregon 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/IozgusAL4A
— A Beautiful Culture (@ABeautifulCult1) July 24, 2022
— emily🇧🇷 (@walkones) July 22, 2022
Cloisters at Salisbury Cathedral. 🏴
It looks like a cool place to pass the time in a heatwave. pic.twitter.com/nmjDVXcrfy— A Beautiful Culture (@ABeautifulCult1) July 11, 2022
Where did they all go? pic.twitter.com/lIk6m2pElW
— A Beautiful Culture (@ABeautifulCult1) July 11, 2022
Irene Ryan, better known as Granny on the Beverly Hill Billies approximately 1912. pic.twitter.com/inL5y1ybNj
— A Beautiful Culture (@ABeautifulCult1) July 11, 2022
— A Beautiful Culture (@ABeautifulCult1) July 11, 2022
— emily🇧🇷 (@walkones) July 22, 2022
A maiden in contemplation 1900 by Gaston La Touche, or de La Touche 1854 – 1913, French painter, illustrator, engraver and sculptor. pic.twitter.com/vZPvj6fDlr
— A Beautiful Culture (@ABeautifulCult1) July 16, 2022
President Theodore Roosevelt on horseback jumping over a fence in c 1902 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/NE2gq441gt
— A Beautiful Culture (@ABeautifulCult1) July 23, 2022
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What a wonderful collection of nostalgia producing emotions. I haven’t thought about chenille in decades, but I remember the one on my bed when I was a kid – yeah, the one my twin and I set on fire when playing with matches while hiding underneath the bed. Fortunately, mom was nearby and kept us and the house from going up in flames. We got spankings for that bit of naughtiness.
I never knew how stunning Irene Ryan was as a young woman, but her characterization of Granny was a thing of beauty, too. Sophia Loren – stunning, even now.
File these under “How Beautiful We Once Were”.
Several lifetimes ago an acquaintance and I were dead drunk in one of those villages that comprise Cinque Terre. He said, “There are only two good things about Italy, and Sophia Loren has both of them.”
Yes, Italy WAS the teat of civilization.
Are you a mind reader, Gerard? Why, just the other day I was musing, “Was Granny Clampett a hottie in her younger days?”
Why is that portrait of Irene Hervey all over the internet identified as Irene Ryan? Look at the signature!
She has also been misidentified as Irene Dunne, at least she looks more like Irene Dunne than Ryan.
Just Wikied up this Irene Ryan hottie. She was born in 1902, so that pic has to be from the 1920’s, perhaps 1922
That’s a pretty fancy human feces dump in San Francisco.
If we are reminiscing, then Victoria Secret model, Jill Goodacre in the late 80s wins as the most beautiful woman to ever walk the planet. I prefer dark complexioned women, like my stunning Filipina wife, but Jill in her youth, was simply smoking.
I agree. She’s is still unbelievably stunning but when she was modeling for VS I think she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
So many cultures have gorgeous women and to illustrate, I was recently watching (again) the NF series called Marco Polo which featured a number of unforgettably beautiful Asian girls in key roles: The Chinese actress Zhu Zhu, South Korean Claudia Kim, Canadian Olivia Cheng, Chinese-American Joan Chen were four who starred in that series and noticeably, although the series featured a lot of full frontal nudity, I’m pretty certain that none of these actresses let it all hang out. If they did, it was not a featured shot, despite Harvey Weinstein’s financing of the film.
What is NF?
I don’t watch TV so I’m not familiar with the series he mentions.
Thanks. We don’t do NF.
Snakepit, you have good taste in women. It corelates exactly with mine.
Look at the signature on the photo of “Granny.” You might want to issue a correction.
There is a video of Erik Satie’s “Gymnopédies” set to a series of paintings of inter war Paris. The music is utterly beautiful, sad, reminiscent, and the views of the city are spectacular. That is the peak of European culture.
WASP means White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant (male), and is too restrictive a title for this post.
WASP….you are correcto regarding the definition. Nuts and bolts….the wonderful thing is that there was not a single photobombing negro or negress in any of these photos, not even a hint of one, and that world is a beautiful place.
They want to destroy beauty because they can’t create any themselves. That house in SF is so beautiful. Imagine waking up in it every morning.
…and smell the feces?
Actually my first thought was “how would I ever repaint all that gingerbread?”
My first home was a Victorian. Not near as nice as the one pictured but I enjoyed restoring what I could in the few years I lived in it. To this day, victorian leaded glass is a big influence on my work.
MMinWA sed: “To this day, victorian leaded glass is a big influence on my work.”
I’d like to hear (and see) more about that.
Enjoy-I know you being a craftsman will appreciate it.
DAM! It’s late, I only took a small look, but tomorrow I will ingest it. May have further comment.
The little I saw was very impressive.
I looked everything on your site over in detail and I am in awe.
Knowing several people that have been involved in glass art I must say that what you’ve done is nothing short of spectacular and very, very impressive. I did a search for your glass on the web and found this one: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ba/a7/e5/baa7e591924395994e33b7b6e6b51b63–stained-glass-windows-peacocks.jpg
That one is particularly fetching. Especially the background glass to the organic art. Almost looks like the ice that covers mud puddles in the winter. How big is that particular piece? I’m guessing the glass, sans the wood frame, is around 24″x24″? Curious, what does something like that cost? I know you’re work is way beyond my budget but I’ve been known to buy a lottery ticket now and then so you never know…lol
Truly, you enjoy the hell out of your work and it shows.
Ghostsniper, off topic question. I recall you mentioning having sycamore trees in your neck of the woods. So do I. I’m wondering if the sycamores in your neck of the woods have shed bark as prodigiously as the ones in my neck of the woods. In the 30 years I’ve live here in GR, Michigan, I’ve never seen the sycamores shed as much bark as this year. Piles of it. I know they shed bark every year, but I haven’t seen them shed like this.
Yes we have sycamores John. Yes they are shedding bark. In fact I’ll be firing up a blower this afternoon to deal with all of it on the deck and bridge between my office and the house. I can’t say if it is more or less or the same this year.
Why thank you. Coming from a detail oriented man like yourself, I greatly appreciate the compliment.
The window that came up on your link, Trumpet Vine & Clematis, is about 30″ x 40″ + the frame. The background glass has ground glass fired into the surface to give the effect of shading. Some pieces have been fired 9 times. It’s technique so laborious that this is the only window where I’ve used it throughout a panel. Most of the glass in the window was rolled out in my studio. A collector purchased the panel last year for $29K.