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Baited Ambush by Michael Yon

18 May 2022
Panama City, Panama
Mind Dump, Sans Edit

If you are a Cop or Combat Soldier you know about a baited ambush. Pashtun love to fight and they are good at baited ambush and a lot more.

Baited ambush is one of the endless fighting techniques. US military also makes common use of baited ambush. Amazingly, though we all know the moves, the moves often still work. Like a chokehold. Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you.

Never underestimate your enemy, and never be frozen by fear. When in doubt, attack. When confused, attack. When defending, attack. When outgunned and you have means of escape, run like hell. When you sense ambush, leave the kill zone at once unless the enemy is close — when close, attack.

Our enemies are sowing confusion and tossing chaff.

Notice the UFO squirrel. We’ve had generations and yet they wheel it out now.

The Buffalo shooting is not sticking. We sense another trap. They never stop lying. We ain’t buying their bullshit so they whip out UFO — and Fox runs with UFO. What is Fox up to? If they don’t produce little green things, they are either fooled, fooling, or both.

Authoritarians just ripped the heart out of much of the world with the manufactured pandemic.

Then poison jabs.

And a baited US-Russia war in Ukraine.

Now comes epic energy and food catastrophe set to greatly reduce the world population. All while invading our borders and creating hate crimes around the country principally by fatherless blacks on blacks, and on everyone, and blamed on white folks.

Most of this is a product of the Democrat Party since before the Civil War, and then with their Ku Klux Klan, and on and on and on, targeting and ripping apart black families so they never can get a hold. Democrats have been fixated on controlling blacks since the beginning.

Democrats are responsible for aborting millions of babies in their Democrat eugenics.

Democrats baited the Mexicans and Japanese into wars, and now Russia.

Not that Mexico or Russia were innocent babes that needed much provocation, but the Japanese required severe provocation, and yet even today most Americans seem to think we were just sipping iced tea when Japanese Zeros started rolling in on our fleet. That was all heavily provoked and baited. Japan was backed into a corner. We and our allies cut Japan’s oil, rubber, tin, and more. Japanese were desperate and trying to negotiate. Finally, backed into a corner, Japan attacked.

The dirty warmongering Democrats did similar on 06 January and stole an election. And constantly provoke white folk now to make some bold move that Democrats can use to unleash hell inside America as they have done with Mexico, Japan, Ukraine, and beyond.

Democrats continue to trot out their bait. Such as Dementia-Joe, and Harris the bar-tramp. Now their diversion is some black-gay-something to replace dodo-Psako as the new spokes thing — diversion — which of course Fox chases and diverts from the more serious problems.

Biden is not President. We all see.

And he didn’t win those votes.

Separately, at least millions of Biden’s Twitter followers apparently is just Twitter making up air. Twitter is so fake that their board and leadership all shit plastic turds. Parag Agrawal is so fake she does not even need toilet paper. She just throws her plastic turds out with the recycling.

All this UFO stuff is a diversion from the actual ambush unfolding. Why now? This is a multi-dimensional fight. War is not 4d, but more like 1,000d. This all is as easy as 3x 1.

But there are a few simple combat rules that can help in most situations.

Such as:


We are at war.


Hungry? You will be.


File Under: “From your lips to God’s ear.”


When your grifted mansion’s rockin’ Candace Owens comes a knockin’!

Their grift is deep. Deep and criminal. Criminal and perverted. Perverted and vile. But with their protective fear-founded force fields folded around their decrepit, putrescent,  and flatulent souls they will never spend a day in prison or a dollar on lawyers. Perhaps Satan is puffing on the coals of their dedicated rotisseries. I live in hope. 

BLM ‘transferred millions to Canadian charity run by wife of co-founder for Toronto mansion’

  • Black Lives Matter ‘transferred millions to Canadian charity run by the wife of co-founder Patrisse Cullors to buy Toronto mansion formerly owned by the Communist Party’
  • BLM Canada in the summer of 2021 purchased a three story Victorian mansion in Toronto to turn into a 10,000 sq ft arts center and meeting space
  • The $6.3 million mansion was bought by M4BJ, a Toronto-based non-profit set up by Janaya Khan – wife of BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors
  • On Saturday, The New York Post reported that the funds for the arts center, named Wildseed, were provided by Black Lives Matter Global Network 
  • Cullors was executive director of the group until she resigned in May 2021 amid scrutiny of her $3.2 million property empire 
  • On Thursday, The Washington Examiner reported that no one seemed to know who was currently running BLM, or managing the group’s $60 million funds

“Tax returns filed by BLMGN in 2019 give an address in Los Angeles that does not exist; when a reporter with The Washington Examiner went to a similar address, and same zip code, a security guard said that many people make the mistake but there was no BLM presence in the building.

An unnamed BLM spokesman told the paper by email: ‘In response to your request for a copy of Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation’s 2020 Form 990, we wish to inform you that at this time we do not maintain a permanent office.’ “


Broomstick riding monster now in charge of food for America’s Babies

House Appropriations Chair Rosa DeLauro has introduced a spending bill that includes $28 million to stem the baby formula shortage.


Strange Daze: From Russia with Love

Fresh from the Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg: Russia won’t export food. Zakharova tells Kuleba to ‘Swallow’ and other stories from SpB

Ancient Active Shooter These historical mug shots reveal intriguing criminal stories, 1880-1930 I   n February 1926, Frank Carter, dubbed the “Omaha Sniper,” terrorized the city of Omaha. He shot people at random, sometimes using a silencer on his pistol.

Omaha newspapers recommended a blackout, as people were shot as they stood at their lighted windows. Carter brought Omaha to a standstill, with empty streets, for over a week.

He was captured on Feb. 26 and tried for the murder of two people, but he claimed to have killed 43. His lawyers tried to plead insanity, but he was found guilty and executed by electrocution in June 1927. Carter’s last words were reported to have been “let the juice flow.”


I suggest a disguise if you want to attend and film…. : 

If you go down in the woods today, you’d better not go alone
It’s lovely down in the woods today, but safer to stay at home
For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain because
Today’s the day the teddy bears have their picnic

[continue reading…]


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Our new national Karen, er “Karine,” — Karine Jean-Pierre (“BLFR” Black!, Lesbian! Female! Rejoice!) — launches her career as the 1st something or other of the Biden gang by drooling out a long stream of baffle, waffle, and BLF.


Noted in Passing: W is as sharp as ever


“After all I’ve seen, if someone wants to spend a lifetime they’ve only just started, writing computer software for a living, as a contractor or FTE, I would have to incorporate this into my advice if they come asking. You can get these jobs in red states, I’m told. . . for this reason or that reason, that has not been my chosen path. By default, you’ll be working in deep blue, one gig after another after another.

“And so before we get into data structures and algorithms, first get yourself accustomed to living in places governed by “leaders” who have neither the time nor inclination to admit to mistakes, nor to learn anything new. Get used to the signs of liberalism. Tents under bridges, needles and human feces on the ground, etc. Lots of tightly packed “income inequality,” together with loud opinionated people complaining about it. Get used to all that, first, then let’s talk about the bubble sort and the binary search trees. Also, get used to “middle of the road” types telling you to pay no attention to politics or liberals…while the politics and liberals are literally in your face, all of the time, whenever you’re not in the office coding.

“The blue-brains can’t answer simple questions about their own positions. “If recent policy changes are not responsible for high gas prices, then what is?” “If the unborn baby is not a baby, then what is it?” “How would this latest round of new gun laws have prevented that shooting?”

“They can’t answer these questions. They have no wish to do so. They just want to be popular…like in sixth grade.” == House of Eratosthenes

And now for extra credit something on children “scolding” adults:

When I see a mentally handicapped truant Swedish child scolding an international body of delegates and the delegates cheering for the scolding — at them — what I see is a room for mental health patients, filled to capacity plus one. Nobody of sound mind should cheer scolding at them. It tells me all the “civilized” nations of the world are maintaining a habit, without borders, of investing real authority and influence in mental midgets. I don’t know why all these supposedly advanced nations have all slipped off their rockers this way at the same time, and I don’t really care. It’s evidence that I can’t trust what authorities say, because the authorities by default are cuckoo. It really doesn’t help matters that the “facts” being dished out by the young Swedish mental patient are nonsense.


Morgan posts from time to time at the House of Eratosthenes. Not that many people read him. More should. (And he makes one mean, memorable smoked and barbequed pork shoulder.)


Something Inspired: The Shadow Band


In June of 2021, one of Portland’s Rapid Response Team’s cops was indicted for playing a little rough with an Antifa sally. The team decided to have a protest of their own and every member quit and went back to regular police work, leaving Portland without riot police. Put a Fork in Portland –


The two biggest revelations of “The Boys Behind the Curtain” at Twitter over the last couple of days has been the trolling of “Tweets” (employees of Twitter) by Project Veritas. In gathering its stealth videos of Tweets caught telling the truth Project Veritas used the time-honored technique of the “honey trap.”

In the world of espionage, a “honey trap” is an attractive female who teases and seduces the target of the mission through the promise or use of sex. Her, shall we say, “honey pot” makes a man “hongry.” After being stung several times by honey babes Twitter put out an internal memo warning its “hongry” Tweets to beware of such hetero-slanted     dating        get-laid-right-now apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Happn. Strangely for a company based in the gay Eden of San Franciso they did not include “Grindr” on their list.

What is “Grindr?” Well according to its own web site Home | Grindr is [all caps sic]  “THE WORLD’SLARGEST SOCIAL NETWORKING APP FOR GAY, BI, TRANS, AND QUEER PEOPLE.”  This is an especially, even embarrassingly, queer omission. Grindr exists on every gay phone in the world so that the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ crowd is supplied everywhere with the vast number of essentially anonymous sexual partners they seem to need. Insert usual dickclaimer  “Far be it from me, etc.”

So instead of a “honey trap”, I guess we could substitute “honey stick.

It might have been a good idea for Twitter to have included Grindr in their “All Tweets” memo. Then they might have avoided this hot twink’s honey-sticking:

Twitter Executive Mocks Elon Musk for Believing Public can ‘Make Their Own Decision’ on Platform … ‘The Rest of Us Who Have Been Here Believe in Something that’s Good for the Planet, and Not Just to Give People Free Speech’

• Project Veritas published a new story on Tuesday night featuring footage of Twitter Lead Client Partner, Alex Martinez, discussing the company’s ideology, criticizing the acquisition of the company by Elon Musk and, at times, denigrating Musk for his expressed views on free speech.
• Martinez: “Right now, we don’t make profit. So, I’m going to say ideology, which is what led us into not being profitable.”
• Martinez on free speech: “The rest of us who have been here believe in something that’s good for the planet and not to give people free speech.”
• Martinez on censorship: “People don’t know how to make a rational decision if you don’t put out — correct things that are supposed to be out in the public, right?”
• Martinez on Musk: “Elon Musk as a person is whatever. I don’t, like, he’s a loony toon. He has, he has Asperger’s.”
• Martinez on Musk: “He has Asperger’s… So he’s special. We all know that. And That’s fine. So here, no wonder he’s going to say some f***ing crazy sh*t because he’s special.”

Last May, as he was hosting Saturday Night Live, Musk revealed that he was the first person to host the show with Asperger’s. In the video published on Tuesday, Martinez can be seen saying, “I’m like- you’re special needs! You’re literally special needs, literally though, you really are. So, I can’t even take what you’re saying seriously cause you’re special.”

Ironically enough, Martinez can also be seen in the footage discussing an internal company memo Twitter administrative staff sent in the aftermath of Project Veritas’ first part of the series.

“It’s [Project Veritas] like some group that’s just trying to out the employees,” Martinez says. “Like, they’re trying to go on dates with them, like this, and record them.”


The Ancien Régime**

The tumbrils creak and rumble on
Upon the road of Slate,
Retracing rutted Years of sand
Whose distance Storms debate.

Its passengers stand fixed as stone
While faces cheer from Snow.
The blade awaits its midday meal,
When Above becomes Below.

Innovations carved from clouds
Give despair and dance New measures.
The blade reflects its evening meal
When kings slake peasants’ pleasures.

Arrived at Hope they gaze towards mist
Where granite horses roam.
Their schedules as fixed as Dark.
Their future — White as bone.

The Head within the Basket sees
Vast Parliaments of Sky.
Its ears hear but the fading surf
Where the past gone Years reply. [continue reading…]



Tired of wading through the open sewer of this society?  This will heal you. (Via The New Neo)


Strange Daze Digest Compressed

The Unceasing Cessna Hacienda • A stall at this height, with no airspace to recover before impact, would kill the pilot just as surely as a fall would kill the refueler. Nevertheless, the man tasked with refueling lowered the winch until workmen in the truck could reach out and attach the fuel line to its hook. He then raised it back up, inserted the line into the fuel port, and gave the signal to begin pumping. For three long minutes⁠⁠—and a distance of more than three miles⁠⁠—truck and plane were attached by a fragile, flammable umbilical cord until the belly tank was satiated. They then lowered the fuel line, and the Hacienda pulled up and away for another twelve hours of flight. If they were going to beat the record, they would need to refuel like this at least 92 more times.

Retribution is not vengeance, retribution is the price of moving forward.

Kathy Boudin’s Delusions Did Not Die With Her –  
The strongest bones on the planet hold important clues  
Elbows Out: Houston birthed the slabs, a car culture of its own –
Choice Quotes from Bill Gates’s New Book 
Author Benjamin Myers on the crop circle makers who ‘blew people’s minds’   
How, exactly, do the likes of WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WEF founder and chief Professor Klaus Schwab and world beating do-good wizard Bill Gates propose to enforce their plans?      
Ukraine War Day #76: The Curious Story of Wali And Friend | Wali and Sniper had to witness a young Ukrainian soldier have his legs blown off when he made the mistake of leaving his trench to have a smoke.  
WWIII is not inevitable, but it is increasingly likely now due to the conflicting interests of those who possess the ability to start it.
No baby formula for you, non-aborted birthing persons of America!  
It does not escape the attention, however, of some people on deck that the US ship is riding lower in the water each day. 
The first order of business in whatever new republic arises is a need, a demand that all who participated in the destruction of the old republic be held personally and directly responsible for their actions.  
Why I’m holding on to my iPod classic even as Apple finally kills off the iPod . 
Bay Area housing crisis sparks new rental concept that includes sleeping pods in shared home for $800 a month.


Psyop MyAss

Doom Weaver — 12 days ago — “Any deception aims to either increase or decrease the level of uncertainty, or ambiguity, in the mind of the deception target. This ambiguity has the potential to compel the target to mistakenly perceive friendly motives, intentions, capabilities, and vulnerabilities thereby altering the target’s assessment.”

Think of who this video is aimed at and who was meant to consume it. Think about their motivations.
This video glows, by the way. You’re guaranteed that these people hate you.”

This new Army recruitment video is a case study in psychological warfare Col. Chris Stangle, commander of 4th PSYOP Group, told Task & Purpose on Friday that the video was created in-house, both as a recruitment effort but also to literally show people what they can do — part of psychological operations is creating persuasive media.

Stangle said that the artist behind the video tailored it a bit after iconic horror film JAWS, where the filmmakers showed restraint in actually showing the shark. Instead, viewers knew it was lurking just below the surface.

“Drawing on this approach, we kind of sought to create a piece that doesn’t show what a PSYOP soldier does necessarily, because it’s so complicated and there’s so much about it — quite honestly. It’s just not incredibly sexy — but what it feels like to do our craft when we’re successful,” Stangle said. “And we think that kind of allows the audience to immerse into what our world is, and what our craft is.”