In June of 2021, one of Portland’s Rapid Response Team’s cops was indicted for playing a little rough with an Antifa sally. The team decided to have a protest of their own and every member quit and went back to regular police work, leaving Portland without riot police. Put a Fork in Portland –
Bored with all the boards? Don’t put a fork in Portland, set a match to it.
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kindle a maelstrom with a naptha-soaked mayor, governor, and two pan-penguins.
call it “The Summer of that Odd, Sickeningly Sweet Smell of Combusted Prog Suet” so the Jeernoswine have a ready-made name for it.
now I’m off to vespers.
Portland, and many other places, because of it’s consistent nasty behavior has surrendered it’s right to have a name. Those places, that I will never see again, are now just ghetto’s. Dumps. Landfills. Human Destruction Hives. Poisonous places decent people avoid and eventually destroy.
I nominate this thing for Portland’s Depraved & Putrid trophy winner…
I second the nomination. I can think of at least a dozen different ways to put that miserable little sob out of his misery.
What does Portland have now except voters who vote to pick everyone else’s pockets in Oregon?
There’s probably a worthwhile disintermediation analysis to be done here. In the past, the big cities were needed every bit as much as the rural areas, and they treated each other as equals and they were. Now, the big cities treat the rurals and small cities as helots. Hence, all the Oregon counties beyond the Portland-Salem-Eugene axis trying to get away, move to Idaho or Jefferson.
I think it’s the case now that the cities are dependent on the rurals much more than the rurals need the cities. The cities will fight like hell to keep their helots. For, what’s a city-state without the capability to feed itself, and without it’s own guaranteed water supply? Not everybody can be Singapore, and the mental midgets consumed by power-lust that infest our governments are definitely not capable of figuring out how to survive on their own, so consumed they are and captive to their own narrative that they would rather die and take everyone with them rather than accept the world as it is.
they’ll take more, to the east.
I visited Portland one time, in 1976. Spent three or four days there to attend a friend’s wedding. I remember thinking it was a really beautiful small city, and much more charming than San Francisco.
Three days of dealing with the locals were more than I needed for two or three lifetimes. Sanctimonious, hippier-than-thou, snot-nosed bunch of death pale, sun-deprived asswipes. Everyone had to remind me: “You’re from LA? LA is screwed.” And I do believe that the transplants were worse than the natives. I bought a case of Henry Weinhards on the way out of town, (it was good beer) and was glad to get my ass out of there.
The Oregonisms did do me one very good favor. They made me completely re-evaluate my hometown. For all its faults, (circa 1976) LA was friendly, open, and congenial whether you were out surfing, making a visit to kooky Hollywood, or just going out for a night of partying. Even the localism at So Cal surf spots was rare, mostly just bluster. It drove it home to me. I am an Angelino. This is my home, my ecosystem, my habitat. As one Chola girl put it,” LA: We hate to love it, and we love to hate it.”
I know.
Y’all don’t have to remind me what has become of LA.
But the Oreganisms of Portland can burn in hell.
I lived in Portland off and on for 30 years (1959 – 1993) Unless you lived through the transformation of a normal Oregon small town to a rabid and depraved dystopia you really cannot understand the city at all. Today’s Portlanders support what has happened to their city. To them, all is good and all is well.
Just to let you know: My last trip to Portland was in 1996. I flew there from Buenos Aires to see my mom. I took public transport to the city center just to walk around a bit. That day was some sort of “pride” celebration for sodomites. There were parades and flags and yelping and Dionysian revelry all around. My favorite was a float that boasted a “Catholic” priest and a “nun” engaging in anal sex. The crowd was delighted, and it included a visibly proud father with his young daughter clapping at the performance.
If God does not destroy this city the He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
Ashamed really. Portland literally was The City Of Roses. She was stunning,,,,, in her time!
Not just downtown!
Hawthorne Bank of America on 37th se all boards.
Terrorists have wrecked my city.
Rule 308 engaged.
Terrorists didn’t wreck the city. They were invited to wreck the city by all the white people who voted for them to do so. White, middle class people wrecked the city. The first step to reversing it is to accept the personal responsibility for what you did and what you think, and stay and fight for change.
The first Sino-American Friendship Center should open in Portland.
The comrades need to experience the real communism and not their delusions of UBI, EBT, muh weed and video games all day.
I grew up in the mid-Willamette valley and used to visit family up there and attend an occasional concert. The Saturday market on the downtown waterfront was at one time a great place to go for music, food, and well-made hand-crafted items. The last time I went to Portland for anything was 15 years ago for a Brewfest on the waterfront. It was at one time a very nice place to visit though I never wanted to live there and honestly at one time very beautiful. Now? I agree, put a match to it. When I head north to visit my daughter I get through as quickly as traffic allows. I moved to Southern Oregon 10 years ago and have no desire to move back to the valley.
I had to turn it off halfway thru. I know it was intended as parody…………but I just cain’t get into a place where I could ever think the deconstruction of our culture was funny.
Last year at this time I wrote about all the incoming movers arriving in self drive moving trucks. 15-20 a week from May through October. Most of these people were coming from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Portland, Seattle, etc. This year I have been told that the number of arrivals across the Rocky Mountain Front is down to 4 or 5 week. Let’s see what happens this summer!