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Tightest band ever, wound even tighter by drummer Mel Taylor seen here in full-blown beast mode.

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


Noted in Passing: Jane Goodall wants a purge

Jon Rappoport notes 88-year-old Jane’s calm call for global genocide and has just a few questions in Jane Goodall: reset world population at 461 million

Primatologist Jane Goodall says major current global issues would be solved if we went back to the population level of 500 years ago. That’s 461 million people. Down from 7.7 billion.

I have questions for Jane.

First, the tiresome obvious ones: Who’s in charge? Who decides who’s left after the culling? Who’s left after the culling? Does Joe Scarborough have to survive?


Will you start the ball rolling by killing yourself, Jane?

Will any chimpanzees be wiped out?

Will Chelsea Clinton and Meghan Markle make it through?

Will officials announce the culling? In what tone of voice?

Would you favor a vaccine as the method, Jane? For example, the current COVID shots?

Will the 461 million people who survive do so by sheltering together in one place? Vatican City? The South Side of Chicago?

Can we vote to make sure certain people are wiped out?

If I want my NFL Sunday package to survive, which cable provider do I pay? Or should I assume the talent on the field will be so watered down, the games will be unwatchable?

What will the people in charge do, once the population is reduced to 461 million, to make sure the numbers don’t escalate again?

Will my beloved Amazon Alexa make it through the culling?

What about Law & Order reruns?

Why don’t you want to eliminate all humans?

Or start over with, say, 10 non-binary identifiers, and see how they sort themselves out?

I think it’s high time to secure specific details from the depopulation experts. I don’t favor a general prescription. You go to your doctor, he makes a diagnosis and gives you a (toxic) drug. He doesn’t say you’re sick and randomly grab some pills out of a drawer.

How many people will die on Day One of the cull?

READ ALL THE OTHER QUESTIONS AT Jane Goodall: reset world population at 461 million


The lightning bolts add that special sauce. Note to self,  don’t get under a tree even if a mile offshore.

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926



Noted in Passing: “And so say we all. . . .”

Plus this bonus bon-bon:

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


America you don’t really want to go to war.
America its them bad Russians.
Them Russians them Russians and them Chinamen. And them Russians.
The Russia wants to eat us alive. The Russia’s power mad. She wants to take our cars from out our garages.
Her wants to grab Chicago. Her needs a Red Reader’s Digest. Her wants our auto plants in Siberia. Him big bureaucracy running our filling stations.
“America” by Allen Ginsberg

Seems to me that if the Biden wants to go to war with these folks the Biden needs to ask itself  one question,

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


Never a Biden Flag at a Boat Parade

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


And the beat(off) goes on. . .

Kamala Harris’ chief speechwriter quits as VP office faces staff exodusVice President Kamala Harris‘s top speechwriter will leave her role after less than four months, following a string of other departures from the White House.

Meghan Groob, Ms. Harris‘s director of speechwriting, is the latest employee expected to leave the vice president’s office, according to Politico. Hired in April, Ms. Groob replaced Ms. Harris‘s first speechwriter, who left the job at the end of February.

Ms. Groob previously worked as a speechwriter for Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and as an editorial director for Gates Ventures.

The  Groob (“She can breath okay as long as nobody unplugs her”) replacement interview:

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


Door. Ass. Bang.

Liz Cheney says: I am big, it’s Wyoming that got small – The New Neo

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


On False Friends (An Excerpt) by Martin Geddes

A (now former) friend once observed that I am very “values-driven”, as if it were a charming defect in a world of realpolitik. What I have learned is that nothing will make me sell out to lies or wickedness, or sacrifice a fellow human for my own selfish interests. I have many faults and failings, and make endless mistakes that are a cause for embarrassment. Just none of that really matters; those are issues of personal morality, and not an ethical failure in dealing with the innocent, notably children.

The refusal to budge is extremely painful in a context where the masses have been brainwashed and hoodwinked into supporting downright evil authority. I have lost sleep many nights churning over the personal betrayals, the stunning self-justified wrongdoing, and the absence of love and care in my direction. Those who have adopted collectivist ideals and communist methods are willing to try to break my will for my apostasy from their depraved mania.

They have tried to force me into subjugation to sustain their own delusions. It saddens me, but I have found that I can live with persistent sadness. I have discovered that I cannot be broken by ostracism, false witness, denouncement, hijacking of my parental role, loss of normal family joys, neglect, or lack of resources. Quite the opposite: the more they try to control me, the more determined I become not to let it happen. The quiet and sensitive person I am in private has located a warrior inside, and unleashed him. Circumstances have forced me to fight, and I have come to rather relish it.

The same former friend taught me in any upheaval to pay attention to what isn’t changing. I tend to avoid writing about my own spiritual beliefs in public, especially as there is little agreement over terminology, and easy misunderstanding. Occam’s Mirror has, however, greatly clarified where I stand. What you worship — i.e. hold in such esteem that you are willing to die for — is your invariant “pole star”. I do not worship temporal institutions, and do not accept them as arbiters of morality or reality. The distress of the last few years has forced me to look inside and grasp my spiritual core, and acknowledge its unchanging relationship to the cosmos.

When I survey those around me, what do I see in the mirror? On the one hand, there are the egotistical ones, whose surface veneer of good manners and civil discourse hides a ruthless dedication to lazy selfishness and cowardly unaccountability. I now understand why pride is the worst of the sins, since it triggers an endless doubling down; the person who was conned cannot admit to it, so they magnify their error until the cost becomes catastrophic. Looking back, I can now see the origins of their own downfall, in a mix of wicked spirit, and early life trauma.

The people who we thought were friends turned out to be merely acquaintances with a shared context and past. They didn’t understand who we really are in terms of our values, and neither did we see them clearly for who they are. The scamdemic in particular has resolved such misconceptions, as you cannot hide whether you are a colluder or resister. Those with whom we share a blood relationship may have notionally been family, but many have belatedly realised there was no true love there, and that duty was one-way.

We are having to build new families of choice, as our families of origin have abandoned our delight in life for an adulation of death. Once someone starts to suffocate and imprison children, indoctrinate them into premature and perverse sexualisation, and inject them with poisons, there is no going back to how we used to relate. Occam’s Mirror has shown the stark divide between those willing to engage in human sacrifice, and those who will resist it with all their might — and make sacrifices to do so.

To discover that your parents or siblings will maim and sterilise their own children for group approval is disturbing, but at least we now know. No matter how difficult things have been, there is no way I would want to go back to the world we had 5, 15, or 25 years ago. I have looked in the mirror, and seen both the beauty and ugliness in far starker terms than ever before. I am no longer confused by claims that prettiness is putrid or vice versa. The transvestigated false idols in the mass media look hollow and pathetic. In contrast, fluffy clouds and fruity bushes have become magical wonders of everyday living.

I have found who my true friends are, and it is those who will not compromise when it comes to harming children.

READ THE REST OF THIS ESSAY AT What I saw in Occam’s Mirror – by Martin Geddes

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


Decades Later He’s Still On the Road ***

Here is Bob Dylan performing live in 1966. He’d continue to do so for the next 56 years (and counting):

Dylan’s 80 now but he still performs in sold-out venues around the world dozens of times a year:

Dylan wrote:

Don’t be bewildered by the Never Ending Tour chatter. There was a Never Ending Tour but it ended in 1991 with the departure of guitarist G. E. Smith. That one’s long gone but there have been many others since then: “The Money Never Runs Out Tour” (Fall of 1991) “Southern Sympathizer Tour” (Early 1992) “Why Do You Look At Me So Strangely Tour” (European Tour 1992) “The One Sad Cry Of Pity Tour” (Australia & West Coast American Tour 1992) “Outburst Of Consciousness Tour” (1992) “Don’t Let Your Deal Go Down Tour” (1993) and others, too many to mention each with their own character & design.

His subsequent touring schedule has continued to be referred to as the “Never Ending Tour” by most media outlets.

According to Swedish researcher Olof Björner, Dylan played his 2,000th show of the Never Ending Tour on October 16, 2007, in Dayton, Ohio. He played his 3,000th show of the Never Ending Tour on April 19, 2019, in Innsbruck, Austria

And so on into 2022: 
On Tour and Setlists 2022| The Official Bob Dylan Site

Like all prophets, Dylan foresaw all this long ago:

***“But me, I’m still on the road
Headin’ for another joint
We always did feel the same
We just saw it from a different point of view
Tangled up in blue”

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


We have now won two world-wars, neither of which concerned us, we were
slipped in. We have leveled the powers
Of Europe, that were the powers of the world, into rubble and
dependence. We have won two wars and a third is coming.

This one—will not be so easy. We were at ease while the powers of the
world were split into factions: we’ve changed that.
We have enjoyed fine dreams; we have dreamed of unifying the world; we
are unifying it—against us.

Two wars, and they breed a third. Now guard the beaches, watch the
north, trust not the dawns. Probe every cloud.
Build power. Fortress America may yet for a long time stand, between the
east and the west, like Byzantium.

—As for me: laugh at me. I agree with you. It is a foolish business to
see the future and screech at it.
One should watch and not speak. And patriotism has run the world through
so many blood-lakes: and we always fall in.
— Robinson Jeffers

And THIS from the masterful Losing the War – by Lee Sandlin

So while their colleagues fell into daydreams of imminent victory, the few remaining rational men of the Axis bureaucracy grew just as convinced that surrender to the Allies on any terms was tantamount to suicide. As far as they were concerned, every additional day the war lasted — no matter how pointless, no matter how phantasmal the hope of victory, no matter how desperate and horrible the conditions on the battlefield — was another day of judgment successfully deferred.

This is the dreadful logic that comes to control a lot of wars. (The American Civil War is another example.) The losers prolong their agony as much as possible, because they’re convinced the alternative is worse. Meanwhile the winners, who might earlier have accepted a compromise peace, become so maddened by the refusal of their enemies to stop fighting that they see no reason to settle for anything less than absolute victory. In this sense the later course of World War II was typical: it kept on escalating, no matter what the strategic situation was, and it grew progressively more violent and uncontrollable long after the outcome was a foregone conclusion. The difference was that no other war had ever had such deep reserves of violence to draw upon.

The Vikings would have understood it anyway. They didn’t have a word for the prolongation of war long past any rational goal — they just knew that’s what always happened. It’s the subject of their longest and greatest saga, the Brennu-njalasaga, or The Saga of Njal Burned Alive. The saga describes a trivial feud in backcountry Iceland that keeps escalating for reasons nobody can understand or resolve until it engulfs the whole of northern Europe. Provocation after fresh provocation, peace conference after failed peace conference, it has its own momentum, like a hurricane of carnage. The wise and farseeing hero Njal, who has never met the original feuders and has no idea what their quarrel was about, ultimately meets his appalling death (the Vikings thought there was nothing worse than being burned alive) as part of a chain of ever-larger catastrophes that he can tell is building but is helpless to stop — a fate that seems in the end to be as inevitable as it is inexplicable.

For the Vikings, this was the essence of war: it’s a mystery that comes out of nowhere and grows for reasons nobody can control, until it shakes the whole world apart. Njal’s saga ends with a vision of war as the underlying horror of the world, always waiting underneath the frail mirage of peace. In a final dream image, spectral women are seen working an occult and horrible loom: “Men’s heads were used in place of weights, and men’s intestines for the weft and warp; a sword served as the beater, and the shuttle was an arrow. And these were the words the women were chanting:

Blood rains
From the cloudy web
On the broad loom
Of slaughter.
The web of man
Gray as armor
Is being woven.

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


Site Notes: We Make Haste Slowly

Out front, I’d like it all to exude this “crisp and professional”attitude

Backstage it’s a bit more like this.

There are a lot of things, a LOT of things, that come up when you are splitting cloning (re)shaping a web journal with a lot of interests and entries. If there was only one system (substack) it would be limited but straightforward. Alas, there is another system, Ghost, with more features and more creative freedom; and hence more complex with a lot more tubes leading to tubes leading to an internet of tubes. Sigh. The short form is that there are two to three new software programs to learn to drive. That takes some time and I am not yet happy with the result. 


Strange Daze: Lost in the Crazyzone Again

“Civil Rights”? After Breonna Taylor, SESAME STREET Lynchings? I SPIT ON THEM, by John Derbyshire Civil rights never became self-regenerating as the Americans of 1964 had hoped it would. The legitimacy of civil rights legislation rested on the belief that it would be a transitional measure, leading to a stable, racially mixed society. Professing to oppose racial distinctions in the South, while introducing them on a nationwide basis via affirmative action and other programs, would have been illogical, hypocritical, and unjust if done on a permanent basis. The extra rights of protection and redress that minorities enjoyed were admissible as stopgaps—not as permanent parts of the Constitution.

Permanent, though, is what they became. In a world in which no one was able to say what he really thought, American politics turned into a bizarre tacit bargain, like an embarrassing family secret kept among 300 million people. White people were supposed to console themselves that their superior economic standing somehow “compensated” them for their inferior status as citizens. As their economic standing eroded, though, the consolation rang hollow and the compromise grew unstable.

Hyland: The late great Remus produced a marvelous meme to answer this challenge to describe the beauty of western civilization. A darling little girl is on the phone with her grandma and proclaims to her mother standing by, “Grandma says it’s okay to be white!” Remus continues… “Yes, little one, dear old grandma is right. It’s okay to be white, even though your parents, teachers, friends, the news media, politicians, advertisements, and movie stars tell you it’s not. No, you’re not the enemy of decent people in this world. No, you are not to blame for the stupidity and failure of others. You’ve been lied to and betrayed by everyone who should protect and encourage you. It’s awesome to be white. Western Civilization… leading the world since 1,000 BC.”

The World’s Tallest Building Should Never Have Been Built. Change My Mind.

James 3:9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. 11 Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 12 My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.
[continue reading…]


Lex Fridman has his hopes and dreams but Bustamante observes that Russia has won. Why? Because Russia has to win and Europe doesn’t really need an independent Ukraine after all. Nor does anyone, not even Ukraine.

UPDATE: Today’s highly detailed and map-driven report: Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 13.08.2022

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


The Hand in the Pocket

Washington, D.C., circa 1911. “National Photo Co. postcard shipment.” A very young-looking Herbert French on the left with his associate “Artie” Leonard at their H Street studio. 8×10 glass negative.

Daily life, as recorded on 8×10 glass negatives fromShorpy Historical Photo Archive :: The Young Entrepreneurs: 1911, is often seen in more detail than our faux-vintage Instagram age.

How Many Photos Will be Taken in 2022?    Around the world, people are taking more photos, with the global photo-taking total to reach an estimated 1.5 trillion photos in 2022, according to Rise Above Research, a consulting firm that provides market research for the digital imaging industry. 2022’s total number of photos taken equates to about 188 pictures per year for every man, woman, and child in the world, considering a global population of 7.95 billion in 2021.

One of the persistent pleasures in very old photographs is that they hold a lot of detail if you care to look; details that tell you the things behind these images lived. I went into this — in some detail — myself in The Summer of Our Content. I notice it again here in one telling detail from the photo cited above from Shorpy. Only this time it is a detail in the hands of the men pictured. With the man on the left, his left hand casually grasps a claw hammer as he strikes the casual pose of a man taking a brief portrait break.

This is not at all that remarkable. Hands holding tools are common in all photography of the men from a time when men actively built the nation. But if we look closely at the man on the right we can see the small confirmation of this lost moment in time in Washington DC over a century past. We see this:

It’s by way of this kind of detail that these sections of times lost beyond recall hold their fascination. That moment when time had a stop and we can see down into the marrow of things; into the weight and the heft of the fabric of trousers stretched over the knuckles of a now long dead hand. For all the trillions of images that we capture now, we won’t leave that much of a mark.

Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


Gerard Van der Leun // 1692 Mangrove Ave Apt: 379
Chico, CA 95926


Throughout history, the poets, the prophets and mystics have usually done a better job of predicting the future than pundits, politicians or scientists. Generally the reward for their perspicacity is to be ignored or laughed at, but luckily they are usually far enough from the centre not to notice or care.

The French mystic and thinker René Guénon, who was doing his best work nearly a century back, was one of them. In his two books (The Crisis of the Modern World and The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times), Guénon laid out his notion that the modern world had deteriorated into a realm of pure materialism as a result of what he called the “Western deviation” from eternal truth. He called this the “reign of quantity”, and predicted its future collapse. But Guénon was not simply talking economics or politics. What was going on, he said, was something akin to a spiritual war, and as a Sufi Muslim he wasn’t shy about naming its antagonist. To this age, he wrote, “the word ‘Satanic’ can indeed be properly applied”.

Presenting disorder as order and truth as lies — this, wrote Guénon, was the way that Satan rolled. The “more or less direct agents of the Adversary”, he explained, using the Biblical name for what Europeans would later come to call the Devil, always aimed to invert reality. Right is wrong, black is white, up is down, there is no truth, do what thou wilt: this has always been the Adversary’s line, and today it is prominent in all quarters.

The heterodox Catholic philosopher Ivan Illich, who died in 2002, also believed we were living in the time of Anti-Christ, but for different reasons. For Illich, any claims that we lived in a “secular age” were nonsense. The modern West was still Christian, he said, but it had disastrously attempted to codify the spontaneous expressions of love which Christ had shown to be God’s desire for humanity within systems and institutions. First the Church, and then the supposedly “secular” liberal states which had succeeded it, had attempted to transmute Christian love into obligation and enforce it by law, thus twisting it into a new form of oppression. His biographer David Cayley explained in a recent essay that Illich’s work “emphatically rejects the idea that ours is a post-Christian era. ‘On the contrary’, he says, ‘I believe this to be the most obviously Christian epoch, which might be quite close to the end of the world.’”

A decade or so before Illich was writing, the Jewish Beat poet Allen Ginsberg was also attending to the dark spiritual undercurrent of the age. He had a different interpretation of its source — or perhaps he was just using a different name. In Howl, he identified the forward march of industrial modernity — and especially the hypocrisy and brutality of the American empire — with the pagan god Moloch, who demanded human sacrifice from his devotees:

Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money! Moloch whose fingers are ten armies! …

Moloch whose love is endless oil and stone! Moloch whose soul is electricity and banks! Moloch whose poverty is the specter of genius! Moloch whose fate is a cloud of sexless hydrogen! Moloch whose name is the Mind!

[continue reading…]