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Open thread 12/20/23

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  • ghostsniper December 20, 2023, 8:13 AM

    Our north yard is littered with them right now.
    When I can get to it I’ll police most of them up and then right into the fire pit.
    They get all sparkly when they burn.

  • Joe Krill December 20, 2023, 8:19 AM

    “Are we civilized, or merely domesticated?” — Michael Rivero

    • azlibertarian December 20, 2023, 10:00 AM

      “Depends on the day.” — azlibertarian

      • ghostsniper December 20, 2023, 10:13 AM

        “Depends on the time of the day.” — gs, 2099

    • Snakepit Kansas December 20, 2023, 10:38 AM

      Merely docile, but only for the moment. We allow all kinds of perversion and the killing of the unborn to go on, therefore we are hardly civilized. Once those depraved of any sense of morality stray out of their lane and start forcing their beliefs on those who only want to be left alone, that is when it is going to get ugly. The average guy/gal that works and raises a family has a limit.

      • ghostsniper December 20, 2023, 12:54 PM

        Back in the 80’s I knew a woman that was single and slept around like most single women do.
        One day she came by and told me a certain beau she knew had gotten her pregnant and no longer wanted to have anything to do with her.
        Knowing the beau wasn’t going to marry her and not wanting to raise a kid by herself she chose to have an abortion.
        I didn’t try to talk her out of it directly but I told her instead of some of the negative consequences.
        She didn’t care.
        She just didn’t want the burden at her age, 21 years old, and once unburdened maybe the beau would take her back.

        So she did the deed and the beau did not take her back.
        She was crestfallen.

        But she got over it and a few years later she got married to another beau.
        I never did get over it.
        She had become a murderer in my eyes and there was no way for her to fix that.

        Rather than confront her directly I chose to just avoid her immediately after the evil deed was done.
        Whenever she would contact me I’d have an excuse to not spend any time with her.
        Though invited, I didn’t attend her wedding.
        She and her new husband went on to produce 2 daughters that are now in there 30’s and I have never had any contact with them or the husband.

        That woman and husband moved to California where she lives to this day.
        After almost 10 years that woman and her husband divorced and she raised the 2 daughters to adulthood.
        She would send Christmas and Birthday cards and I never responded.
        In the 90’s she would email me and still I didn’t respond.
        Eventually the cards and emails stopped and I lost track of her.

        My real email address is derived from my website so it is myname.com so if you can spell my last name you can find me.
        About 5 years ago she emailed me after many years of no contact.
        I didn’t reply.
        She no longer exists in my mind.

        If a person murders someone and I know about it I will never be their friend again.
        Birds of a feather, and all that.
        And, I would always be worried that the person might murder me.
        And, what do you have to say to a person that murders another person?
        It’s a heavy plank right in the middle of both eyes that blinds you to all else.
        If you have a conscience.
        And a personal constitution.

        Since that time back in the 80’s I have not known any other women specifically that had an abortion.
        So this situation between this woman and I is unique.

        I don’t know if my abandoning that woman for getting an abortion was right or wrong in the eyes of society but I have to live inside my head every day and to know that I gave tacit approval to her behavior would have been too much to bear.
        I have to do what I believe to be right.

        I don’t know if my abandonment of her ever registered in her mind that it was because of the murder she committed.
        Perhaps if others that knew about her murder behavior did the same she would see the error of her ways.
        Perhaps if she saw the error of her ways she would dissuade others from murdering, like her daughters for example.

        It all can get complicated and I prefer simplicity.
        So I took the easy way out.

        That woman is my youngest sister and she emailed me last week and I did not replied.
        Maybe I shouldn’t post this…

        • Snakepit Kansas December 21, 2023, 5:08 AM

          Your sister still longs for you or wouldn’t have reached out so many times. I believe she knows why you have avoided her. We have all sinned and fallen short somewhere. I pray that you can find it in your heart to forgive, and repair that family relationship, as family is so important.

        • Jeff Zindash December 24, 2023, 3:36 PM

          Dude , you’re bitter .
          Let it go .
          You’re suffering more than anyone.
          Turn yer cheek , then turn it again
          You’re missing out bro

          • ghostsniper December 24, 2023, 3:47 PM

            You may very well be right Jeff, Snake too.

  • John A. Fleming December 20, 2023, 11:12 AM

    Those little pine cone buds are actually edible, and sweet. Pick them in spring, if you can get to them. The Scandis and Slavs make jam/jelly/preserves from them. One of those natural-sourced foods that keep you from starving in the spring, when food is not plentiful

  • John A. Fleming December 20, 2023, 11:17 AM

    Is it just me, or is it actually happening? It seems more and more faster and faster more people are going mad, dropping the veneer of civilization, and joining in a mad grab for power. The occurrences/day of mad events seems to have doubled in the last month. Remember the movie “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World?” We are about half-way through that movie, and the frantic pace is picking up.

  • Anne December 20, 2023, 11:54 AM

    Given that Biden is failing and no one wants Harris I decided to think of something positive happening after the 2024 election. Let’s see now h m m . . . how are we going to move 5 million illegal immigrants out of this country in an orderly way? Just wondering.

    • ghostsniper December 20, 2023, 1:15 PM

      My neighbor and I get together and talk about this subject a lot.
      It looms large in both of our brains.
      Neither of us believes there will be another successful national election.
      From here until November the criminals will be pulling out all of the stops to prevent Trump from running. I fully expect attempts to be made on his life.

      So he and I try to imagine what life will be like after.
      Or rather, when, it all comes apart.

      It isn’t just the illegal immigrants that are the problem.
      In fact, they may be a minimal problem.
      The way the neighbor and I think, there are 2 larger problems that MUST be corrected.

      First, the power grabbers must be stopped.
      Second, the parasites and enablers must be stopped.
      You can substitute eliminate for stopped if it makes you feel better.

      In this instance, stopped means preventing them from forcing us to do their bidding.
      Free men cannot be forced.
      This was self explanatory before 1776.
      Back then it was also common knowledge what men needed to do to secure their freedom, every dam day if necessary.

      Most people today have lost that knowledge.
      Most of them losers don’t even care.
      They are major stumbling blocks for those of us that do.
      That will start to straighten out in the near future.
      Things are so hot now just about anything could touch it off.
      I believe something in the financial sector will give way causing a domino effect from coast to coast and then it will be every man for himself.

      He and I believe outsiders will enter the fray.
      My regret is that I am not 30 years younger. but I will do what I must none the less.

      • DT December 20, 2023, 4:44 PM

        I agree with you about no more honest elections … and for sure, neither side will accept any results, honest or not. I doubt DJT will be on the ticket; I question whether he’ll even be alive. I think the only restraint at the moment are the likely after-effects of DJT leaving this mortal coil by whatever means – but some sort of conviction is merely a step along that inevitable path.

        The Republicans don’t have anyone else. Won’t be FJB. RFK2 may live long enough to get votes – he won’t live through a full term (not that I think the next sucker/holder of the esteemed office will survive a full term whoever that person from whatever party may be)

        I fear this will be the last Christmas for what remains of the old America. By this time next year, the election will be over … but likely not resolved. If the Democrats lose, I’m sure they will take the lame-duck period to force as much destruction as they can; if they win … they’ll continue the same. -If- an inauguration is actually held, it will be behind barbed wire and machine guns.

        Have a Merry Christmas everyone … and may old times not be forgotten

    • Terry December 22, 2023, 6:01 PM

      Orderly? Moving these invaders out does not need to be orderly. It needs to be done immediately in any manner that gets them gone. Period.

      The people who made this invasion possible need to be charged, arrested and disappeared. I do not mean imprisoned. They are traitors and scum.

      I have read that the real number is over 15 million invaders and growing at insane rates weekly.

      The clowns who populate Arizona are just as guilty as the fed dot gov perpetrators, in allowing the invasion to keep happening in their gutless state. Yes, a state full of television viewing, buggar-ball fans and pasture pool cart riders.

      Live in AZ? Get off the couch and do something. Start by smashing your TV. The invaders will eventually eat you soft ass Arizonans for dinner.

      Not all Arizonans are soft. Just most.

      Rant finished-

  • ghostsniper December 20, 2023, 2:37 PM

    Bring On The Parasites!

    The New Colossus

    Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
    Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
    “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
    With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

  • ghostsniper December 20, 2023, 2:39 PM

    This is a Doom Loop. All signs presently indicate that The US has entered said Loop. The gravity of the moment we are in cannot be merely dismissed on a whim of ‘hope’.

    There was a time when the United States and its peoples could safely hide behind two Oceans, a robust economy, a homogenous society (ethnic, cultural and religious), technological prowess, etc. However, none of those are extant today.

    America had its chance. It had an opportunity to pursue Empire in some “benevolent” capacity. It had its shot at leading the rest of world in a manner that could have been dignified, measured and temperate. It had all of that and much more.

    But that is all in the past. What remains today is nothing more than “inertia”.

    Men; men more clever, wise, and capable than any of the sorry lot of soy-drinking fools who claim to be “men” today in CONUS and the European satrapies; such men have long passed on. With their passing, what they built can only endure for a bit more at most.

    Make no mistake: The Empire of Lies will not go down without a fight.

    There are however, too many “small brushfires” worldwide to extinguish. Ergo, “Death by a Thousand Cuts” is the name of the game. Defeat is only a matter of time.

    Doubts have already arisen in the Empire’s ability to secure World Trade.

    This is magnified by a loss of deterrence in West Asia, in spite of the multiple carrier battle groups sent to the region to dissuade regional players.

    The de facto blockade of the Bab-el-Mandeb strait by Yemen’s Ansarallah is shaping up to be the “Suez Moment” of American Empire: If the Hegemon cannot lift said blockade and guarantee the safety of global shipping, it is no longer a “Superpower.”


    • John A. Fleming December 20, 2023, 4:41 PM

      Yeah, let’s see, US Standard missiles against $10,000 drones in swarms, each carrying a single small warhead. I guess the DEI/CRT-focused Air Force and Navy doesn’t have time or the inclination to create endless waves of equivalently-priced hunter-seeker drones. The Air Force and Naval Aviation always yammer about first establishing air superiority. Nope, they don’t have it and can’t have it, the Houthis have shut down shipping by flooding the strait with drones and rockets. The Houthis have learned from the Palis: pop up, launch, and disperse in minutes. Whattawegonnado, carpet bomb? And so the unwinding begins, we can’t respond, we will pull back, and large regions will divest themselves of peaceful civilization, and attach themselves to a practitioner of the old ways: become a satrapy and pay tribute, or see your people, towns, cities, nations obliterated. Timur approves.

      • Casey Klahn December 21, 2023, 3:14 AM


        The Hoots survive at the pleasure of the President of the United States, and the US Navy. You know that, right? The Saudis HTF out of the Houthis, and would love to see us rid Yemen of them.

        Choices range from naval escort convoys, WWII style (will the shipping companies go for that?), all the way to open war on Yemen. This ain’t the navy’s first day in the Gulf.

        My guess is the only reason Biden’s clown car doesn’t destroy the launchers and C3 command structure is that his base kinda likes the Palestinian movement. If Biden were a Middle Easterner his name would be AssWad.

        • John A. Fleming December 21, 2023, 12:32 PM

          As that video told us, 18 Standard Missiles at $2M/per, to shoot down 14 drones at $20K/per. Not cost effective.

          Seems like its time for the Egyptians and Saudis to form an alliance and take care of this Houthi issue once and for all, to go all LeMay and Sherman on them. This stuff won’t stop until a few are made extreme examples of using ” the “old rules”, the “old ways”.

  • Casey Klahn December 20, 2023, 4:44 PM

    Yesterday was a relatively slow news day, until I checked the news at bedtime, and HFS…Trump off the ballot in Colorado! Apparently, the people of the USA (not just CO) are too stupid to vote for themselves, so these 4 commie judges (appointees all) decided to take our votes away and call Trump (without a conviction) an insurrectionist. They call him that because, well, the news calls him that. That’s enough crime for a SCOTUS judge: being accused of stupid shit.

    The GOPe in Colorado actually grew a universal set, and told the court to pound sand, they’d skip the vote and caucus Trump in. Bob’s yer uncle! I think it better that way, anyhow, because voting is fraught these days. It was a quaint notion championed by democrats, but it’s day is soon to be over. Look at the illegals voting, the mules stuffing ballot boxes, the online voting machines programmed to flip votes, the destruction of ballots, the illegal mail-in voting, the corrupt precincts where they pull the plug when their candidate isn’t winning, and the next morning their candidate starts winning in the 90% of new votes. Democrats have ruined voting. Back to the Republic we go.

    I understand that Colorado will be set aright by the SCOTUS in DC, but if not then the dominos will begin to fall and other key states will bump Trump and there won’t be legal reasons for why. It’ll just happen. You can’t vote in your popular president because: we won’t let you!

    Denver’s a shithole, anyway.

    • ghostsniper December 20, 2023, 4:57 PM

      Have you heard?
      The amcomms have rendered Thomas and Alito invalid and are working on several more.
      By hook or By crook…

  • ghostsniper December 21, 2023, 3:50 AM

    The criminal-communist dems are absolutely terrified their diaper-child will not win the day (polls) and their practiced illegal voting shenanigans will fail this time. So, like drunken children they are grasping at anything they can.

    Notice if you will that AGAIN they refer to the US as a “democracy”.
    By repeating the lie over and over and over they hope to create new truth in the brains of the immature and easily led.


    California Lt. Gov. calls for state to ‘explore every legal option’ to remove Trump from ‘24 ballot

    A day after the Colorado Supreme Court disqualified former President Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s ballots in 2024, California Lieutenant Gov. Eleni Kounalakis is asking the Golden State’s Secretary of State to “explore every legal option” to do the same.

    Kounalakis sent a letter to Secretary of State Shirley Weber, dated Wednesday, Dec. 20, and referencing Colorado’s recent ruling which stated Trump was ineligible to appear on the state’s ballot as a presidential candidate because of his role in “inciting an insurrection” on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

    “This decision is about honoring the rule of law in our country and protecting the fundamental pillars of our democracy,” Kounalakis, who launched a campaign to run for California governor in 2026, wrote. “Specifically, the Colorado Supreme Court held in Anderson v. Griswold (2023 CO 63) that Trump’s insurrection disqualifies him under section three of the Fourteenth Amendment to stand for presidential re-election. Because the candidate is ineligible, the court ruled, it would be a ‘wrongful act’ for the Colorado Secretary of State to list him as a candidate on that state’s presidential primary ballot.”


  • ghostsniper December 21, 2023, 4:29 AM

    This should happen nationwide and it should have already been the template.
    Notice that the most dangerous place to be these days is behind the wheel when a jackboot pulls you over. At her/his whim you can very easily be killed or caged right on the spot at no fault of your own. Note also that if you even just attempt to protect yourself, like you would do in your own home, there is the likelihood that you will be murdered on the spot. Getting shot with 47 bullets from a total of 119 that were fired by multiple jackboots at the same time from all angles is a reality. Same is true for anyone within 1 mile + – of the criminal target practice. Notice also that they are seldom held accountable for their criminal behavior.


    Cops In California Will Have To Tell Drivers Why They Pulled Them Over Starting January 1
    The new law will switch things up and require police to tell drivers the reason, instead of having them ask drivers if they know why they were stopped


  • ghostsniper December 21, 2023, 4:39 AM

    Probably the funniest thing you’ll see today.
    You’re welcome.


  • ghostsniper December 21, 2023, 4:49 AM

    What’s good for the goose…..

    Republicans Threaten to Take Joe Biden Off Ballot in States They Control

    • azlibertarian December 21, 2023, 9:36 AM

      Yeah, the D’s don’t seem to think through their strategies*, and this little thought-experiment ran through my mind yesterday…..

      So Colorado has removed Trump from the ballot next year (at least until the Supreme Court certainly overturns their ruling), and California is threatening to do the same. Let’s say that a number of other Blue states do this too….so many, in fact, that there is no math that would allow Trump to get to 270 Electoral Votes.

      And as you note, Ghostsniper, the Republican states are threatening to pull Biden off their ballots too.

      So what happens if neither of the two candidates from the major parties can make it to 270? There is a process for this….the decision on who will become President is left to the House of Representatives, with each state given one vote to decide upon as a delegation (and we’ve used this process twice…Jefferson, and John Q. Adams).

      Can you imagine the outroar? Do the D’s hate Trump so much that they would accept this outcome?

      The two viewpoints in America….Left and Right; Liberal and Conservative….should always set whatever policies they favor, but imagine the opposite party administering those policies.

      * Even though the D’s appear to not care about the precedents they set, if it will get them a short-term victory, it does seem to work for them.

  • Snakepit Kansas December 21, 2023, 5:26 AM

    I went to one of the local shopping malls last night. I am there no more than once per year, already know what I want, get it and get out. I don’t like “shopping”, unless it is a gun show. What I noticed through the mall was the number of youthful fatties. There were so many fat kids, teens and young adults that I found it shocking. I recall being in grade school during the 70s and every class had on average one “husky” kid. One. Not more than half the class. As we age, we are less active and most folks, including me wouldn’t mind losing 5-10 pounds. We are no longer of military age nor trying to look good to attract and keep a mate. I am calling out this pre-Diabetes 2/Hot Pocket generation that don’t want to work, want free stuff and color their hair purple.

    As expensive as food is, it is plentiful and relatively inexpensive based on our income or handed out on EBT cards. Food insecurity? Bullshit. Wal-Mart is full of fatties. I cannot help but look in the shopping cart of fatties in the store. PotatoE chips, soda pop, hot pockets and other bullshit.

    I went to the gun range last night to get a red dot for my son for Christmas, and out from the pistol range came this rather tall, sharply dressed young black girl. Very athletic figure. Polite and cute as a bug. The only memorable non-fattie that I had seen all day.

    • ghostsniper December 21, 2023, 8:43 AM

      If there ever was a pandemic in this country it is the HUGE amount of obesity. I don’t know what to make of it. Drive past any restaurant and the parking lot is slammed. Walk into any grocery store and the meat dept is vacant because of the Howard Hughes prices. Go into the produce dept and it too is vacant because nobody likes that stuff. Suits me fine, the vacancy. The bulk of my grocery buying is in the produce area. I go there every 2-3 weeks or so. Most of the meats I buy are canned and all of the staples, carbs. starches, dried herbs and spices, and condiments are purchased online and delivered. We’re stocked to the rafters with everything but produce.

      Got to yappin with an old dood the other day at the grocery store and was surprised he was 80 years old. He works part time in the deli at that grocery store. I commented on how well he gets around for being 80. He told me he works full time as an aide at a hospital. He said his wife died 12 years prior and he decided to not sit around and mope. His last smiling words to me were, “Keep movin’, never sit, keep movin’.

      Remember how much we “moved” in our youth in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s? Walking, running, biking, skateboarding, roller skating, just moving all the time. Our mother did not let us watch TV during the day and very little at night. In the summer she would tell us to get out of the house cause she’s got housework to do and didn’t want us in the way. “AND DON’T COME BACK TIL SUPPERTIME.”

      When I’d ride off on my bike at age 12 she probably thought I was going maybe a block or 2 away. I wonder what she would have thought if she found out I was 5-10 miles away, on the other side of town, exploring. Our TV only got 3 or 4 channels so it wasn’t much of a thing in the first place.

      Reading, and physical stuff was our limited options, but they were only limited in hindsight. At the time there was always something interesting to do. Walk right out into the middle of a dairy cow field on a bright summer day and lay right down and stare at the clouds and dream out loud. Imagination is a wonderful, lifelong thing and seems to have drifted out of style, replaced by laziness, contempt, and sense of entitlement and an abundance of obesity. I avoid public places because viewing giant people is depressing, among other reasons. As Remus said, “Avoid crowds.”

  • ghostsniper December 21, 2023, 6:52 AM

    So now it’s against the law to enforce the law.
    The exact opposite of what it should be.
    Every MF behind this should be arrested and incarcerated without bail for attempted violations of the constitution.

    Yes, in my opinion it should be a MASSIVE crime for anyone, anywhere to ATTEMPT to violate the laws of the Constitution. Spend some quality time deep inside your skall pondering how much time, effort, and money is spent each year in trying to violate the laws of the Constitution and all of the repercussions because of it. It’s MASSIVE.

    What we know about Texas’ new law that lets police arrest migrants who enter the US illegally


    How far can a state go to keep migrants out of the U.S.?

    The answer may soon come out of Texas, where a new law signed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott this week will allow police to arrest migrants who cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally and give local judges the authority to order them to leave the country.

    Acting quickly, civil rights groups and a Texas border county filed a lawsuit Tuesday that seeks to stop the measure from taking effect in March, calling it unconstitutional. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre also blasted the Texas law but wouldn’t say whether the Justice Department would challenge it.

    Here are some things to know:

    The measure allows any Texas law enforcement officer to arrest people who are suspected of entering the country illegally. Once in custody, migrants could either agree to a Texas judge’s order to leave the U.S. or be prosecuted on misdemeanor charges of illegal entry. Migrants who don’t leave could face arrest again under more serious felony charges.

    Arresting officers must have probable cause, which could include witnessing the illegal entry themselves or seeing it on video.

    The law cannot be enforced against people lawfully present in the U.S., including those who were granted asylum or who are enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

    “The goal of these laws is to make sure that when they see somebody crossing over the border, as the National Guard see, as the Texas Department of Public Safety see, they know they’re not profiling. They are seeing with their own eyes people who are violating the law,” Abbott said Monday.

    However, critics, including Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, worry the law could lead to racial profiling and family separation. American Civil Liberties Union affiliates in Texas and some neighboring states issued a travel advisory this week warning people of a possible threat their civil and constitutional rights violations when passing through Texas.

    During a news briefing Tuesday, López Obrador said Abbott was looking to score political points with people’s lives.

    “The Texas governor acts that way because he wants to be the Republican vice-presidential candidate and wants to win popularity with these measures,” López Obrador said. “He’s not going to win anything. On the contrary, he is going to lose support because there are a lot of Mexicans in Texas, a lot of migrants.”

    It can be enforced anywhere in Texas.

    Republican state Rep. David Spiller, who carried the bill in the Texas House, says he expects the vast majority of arrests will occur within 50 miles (80 kilometers) of the U.S.-Mexico border.

    Some places are off-limits. Arrests can’t be made in public and private schools; churches, synagogues or other established places of worship; hospitals and other health care facilities, including those where sexual assault forensic examinations are conducted.

    Under the Texas law, migrants ordered to leave would be sent to ports of entry along the border with Mexico, even if they are not Mexican citizens.

    Legal experts and immigrant rights group have said the measure is a clear conflict with the U.S. government’s authority to regulate immigration.

    A key claim in Tuesday’s lawsuit filed by the ACLU and other groups is that it violates the U.S. Constitution’s supremacy clause. The suit accuses Texas of trying “to create a new state system to regulate immigration that completely bypasses and conflicts with the federal system.”

    Opponents have called the measure the most dramatic attempt by a state to police immigration since a 2010 Arizona law — denounced by critics as the “Show Me Your Papers” bill — that was largely struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. The court’s 2012 decision on the Arizona law stated the federal government has exclusive power over immigration.

    Abbott and other Republicans have said President Joe Biden is not doing enough to control the 1,950-mile (3,149-kilometer) southern border.

    “In his absence, Texas has the constitutional authority to secure our border through historic laws like SB 4,” Abbott said in a statement.

    The U.S. government has not said whether it will challenge the Texas law, as it did with Arizona’s measure.

    Mexico’s president has indicated his country will intervene.

    Abbott signed the law Monday amid an increase in border crossings that has stretched U.S. Customs and Border Protection resources. Troy Miller, the agency’s acting commissioner, has called the number of daily arrivals “unprecedented,” with illegal crossings topping 10,000 some days across the border in December.

    Thousands of asylum-seekers who have crossed are sleeping outside along the border overnight as they wait for federal agents to process them. Most are released with notices to appear in immigration courts, which are backlogged with more than 3 million cases.

    Many are crossing at the Texas cities of Eagle Pass and El Paso, where federal officials suspended cross-border rail traffic in response to migrants riding freight trains through Mexico, hopping off just before entering the U.S.

    The U.S. government also recently shut down the nearby international crossing between Lukeville, Arizona, and Sonoyta, Mexico, to free Customs and Border Protection officers assigned to the port of entry to help with transportation and other support. The agency also has partially closed a few other border ports of entry in recent months, including a pedestrian crossing in San Diego.

  • Anne December 21, 2023, 9:15 AM

    And, so I ask again–how are we going to get these hordes back across the border?

    • ghostsniper December 21, 2023, 9:51 AM

      It’s not going to happen Anne.
      There will never be “hordes (going) back across the border”.

      Assume for a moment that is true, what is the 2nd option?

  • Univ of Saigon 68 December 21, 2023, 11:15 AM

    Just re-read “One Moment in Time: The Winter Solstice Seen from Newgrange” Great piece.

    P.S. – Bob’s still an ass.

  • ghostsniper December 21, 2023, 11:25 AM

    On sale, come n get em.

    At least ONE of these should be in your kit.
    Having said that, if you aren’t educated or experienced with this stuff you should be.
    Youtube can be your friend at times.

    For what it’s worth, I have several layers of water filtration kits on hand, from individual similar to the LifeStraw, all the way up to a double 5 gallon bucket model. An expanded Sawyer version is in my truck pack.


  • ghostsniper December 21, 2023, 12:19 PM

    The seeds of Terra’s galactic empire were first sown in the early 21st Century, when Italian scientists from the Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus observed neutrinos traveling faster than light. Initially believed to be the result of equipment failure, it was only a matter of time before those neutrinos were succeeded by spaceships. Transdimensional travel had unlocked Man’s path to the stars.


  • ghostsniper December 21, 2023, 5:55 PM
  • Joe Krill December 21, 2023, 7:02 PM

    This is what is happening right now and has been happening for 3 years.

    • Casey Klahn December 22, 2023, 7:19 AM

      When I went to army basic, in 1976, there were about 5 or 6 guys at the reception station who spoke not a word of English; they spoke Spanish. The recruiters had filled their quotas, and the poor guys shipped, spent a few days at reception, and then went away. Probably back to their place of entry.

      It has ever been so that the army has allowed non-citizens in and given the successful soldiers US citizenship. Since it’s not new (Durban’s blowing sunshine) I doubt the YouToober has found the reason for the influx.

      My estimate on why immigration is out-of-control in Europe and the US is that there are high ranking democrat and liberal guys huddled in smoke-filled rooms (whore-filled islands?) who want to overwhelm the civilized West. Their desire is to control and dictate, and chaos is the agency for getting there. It’s insidious and it’s evil.

      My 2 cents.

  • Joe Krill December 21, 2023, 9:07 PM

    According to Hollywood this is what is “planned”.


    • Casey Klahn December 22, 2023, 8:02 AM

      Greetings, Joe. Scary days indeed. I think the dems have done some very civil wary things lately and the Colorado ballot thing is the topper.

      democracy now

      Who wrote that rock song: “send lawyers, guns, and money”? That may’ve been the most intelligent thing ever written by a rock band, and might contain a plan for America now. Imagine an army of lawyers descending on every state dem HQ, with the ability to strong-arm these bastards and contain their electoral shenanigans. I get that, no matter how delighted I’d be to chain the doors and outlaw the dem party (oh God, please…), it is the obvious wrong move and just a lil’ bit too dark. Something executive, powerful, and extreme is needed, though, because dems have run amok. The Colorado thing stands shakily on the 14th Amendment, which was specifically a post Civil War proscription against Confederates running for congress. The president don’t enter into it. Also, a judge calls Trump names, and this replaces due process? If he’s an insurrectionist, then prove it, bish!

      So, we begin by lawyering up and by that I mean an army of legal eagles with blood in their eyes. Isn’t a Michigan city taking the lawfare route by claiming itself a 2A sanctuary, and forming a militia as a legal buttress against gun control larks? It might be a good model in some form or another, and I say take the offensive and get some suits in their faces and on their doorsteps.

      Lawyers, guns, and money. We’ve done a fantastic job of gunning up in America. Our gun ownership numbers are outlandish, and I think unprecedented. It’s a gigantic fuck you to the libs and I’m sure it keeps them awake at night. Surround the gun factories and ammo factories with angels and archangels and lawyers and militiamen for their protection. Move them all to red states.

      Money. It’s unfortunate that the super rich all love the dems but as the right succeeds, the moneyed will follow on. They don’t win by opposing the political winds. That’s why many of them support liberal causes – because they think it’s the strong man.

      OK. Solved that problem. Now off to grocery shop for Christmas dinner.

      • ghostsniper December 22, 2023, 9:23 AM

        Just got back from Kroger so I’ll take that baton off your hands.
        That Kroger run cost me $185 and that didn’t include $29 for $2.69/gal gas.
        All total, that’s the last money I’ll spend until next year.
        Unless silver takes a dip then I’ll be all over jmbullion.com like steenk on a munkee.

        The other side of the coin is that the CO governess has attempted t0 prevent CO voters from voting for Trump. Yes there are some there, plenty, and with a stroke of the pen they have been shoved into the dem basements never to be seen again. The media won’t tell you, but I bet the CO rep voters are seething or worse. Same with those in the “middle”.

        But I’m 99% sure the supers are gonna vamoose her bullshit and I wish there was a built-in mechanism to punish her ass hard.

  • Kerry December 24, 2023, 8:14 AM

    Send Lawyers Guns & Money was done by Warren Zevon.

  • Jeff Zindash December 24, 2023, 3:38 PM

    Dude , you’re bitter .
    Let it go .
    You’re suffering more than anyone.
    Turn yer cheek , then turn it again
    You’re missing out bro

  • Bob Clark December 26, 2023, 9:29 AM

    Ghostsniper, even though your sister is guilty of an error in judgement back when she was young, there is always forgiveness and redemption for you to consider. It’s not like you must change your belief system, which is very strict, and I admire you for it, but refer back to what Snakepit Kansas said. I think the redemption in forgiveness benefits you.

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