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Open thread 12/18/23

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  • ghostsniper December 18, 2023, 8:20 AM

    “Time for Us to wake up. The choice could not be more clear. If you want a Fascist Dictatorship, choose Trump. If you want to preserve American Democracy, choose President Biden.” — Hollywood pundit Rob Reiner on X (Meathead, then and still)

    • Casey Klahn December 18, 2023, 2:46 PM

      I came to AD this afternoon with the same stuff on my mind. I read Twitter more and more, and there you can get a barometer of what the Left feels, and what the country thinks and feels. Musk has described, in a graph, how the readership and engagement on Twitter rehabilitated themselves when free speech was re-established there: the lines drop, then rise, forming an “X”. Readership plunging, then rising, forming the x. Very illuminating.

      Rob Reiner, ever the acolyte of the late Norman Lear, has produced a movie about the strawman: American Christian something-or-other. Christofascism? Christian nationalism? Anyway no such thing exists. We live in a day and age where alphabet agencies dress their men up as naughtzees and as Magats and carry flags through the streets as if they’re Brown Shirts or some shit. Feds LARPing is now a thing. This is a type of moralism in the arts; a proscriptive film intended to produce some social change. That’s what Maude and Archie Bunker were full of: moralizing but from the immoral Left. Ever get bile stuck in your throat? I did whenever Bea Arthur came on the screen.

      Civil War (2024) is another attempt at materializing some bad future. It’s proscriptive art and Hollywood is hoping to Hell we’ll split as the states and start killing each other.

      I’ll remind the readers of some very truthful things I’ve heard said. One is that if you disarmed democrats, the mass shootings and gun crimes in America would drop to near-zero. If you turned off the TV (or any old school media) 99% of the world’s problems would fade away. There’s a meme somewhere with an Anish man being asked by a reporter why they haven’t any Covid in their community, and his answer is they haven’t any TV.

      I’ll admit my choice of entertainment is also proscriptive – John Wayne and White Christmas and such. I want my own pattern of moral America, and my film choices show that. Film is really a low art, isn’t it? But we persist.

      Trump a fascist? Reiner is an idiot. Trump is the nemesis of the Big State, which makes him the direct opposite of a fascist. Trump avoided like the plague firing back at Iran one time when the Gulf was heating up. He was so phobic of war, and by the same token he did what he could to advance our military prowess (could’ve made it bigger, though). Now, under Biden and 5G Warfare, we have the following threats of war: NATO vs Russia, China vs Taiwan and the Pacific powers, Venezuela as a Russian surrogate and war with Guyana, Serbia, again, Israeli-Palestine, Yemen in the Gulf, kinetics in Syria (Trump turned the burner down in Syria and Iraq), and (drum roll, please) a pending threat of Civil War in the US. Trump: near-zero wars/ Biden: every kind of war imaginable.

  • jwm December 18, 2023, 8:31 AM

    What truly amazes me is that this meathead, no doubt, believes every word of that. He needs to be beaten about the head and shoulders with a large thorny stick. It wouldn’t knock any sense into him, but his pain would be well deserved, and amusing to all the right people.


  • Snakepit Kansas December 18, 2023, 10:11 AM

    Reiner embarrasses himself but he is oblivious. He hates the US and anything that isn’t left wing pinko marxist commie trash.

  • John A. Fleming December 18, 2023, 12:03 PM

    Norman Lear will miss it, but hopefully the Meathead will live to see the rehabilitation of Archie and the exposure of the Meathead as a fraud.

    • ghostsniper December 18, 2023, 1:01 PM

      Speaking of Lear:

      What we haven’t discussed so much is how the Left subverted so many of our institutions. I think we have the why down pretty well, but let’s go to the “how” of the situation.

      It starts with Vladimir Lenin: “Give me your four year olds, and in a generation I will build a socialist state.”

      Yup, Lenin said that. Or at least someone typed that he said that. I mean, someone besides me. And when Lenin said it, it was probably in Russian and I imagine he needed a breath mint, because I always imagined he’d smell like cabbage and B.O.

      Regardless, Lenin’s idea was to propagandize kids from the start. And, in the Soviet Union, he could get away with that because the Soviets had the secret police and the bravado and the people thought they were at their mercy. I think Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn said it best:

      And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!

      If . . . if . . . We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.

      In the United States we were entirely different – there has yet to be a secret police that could act with impunity against Enemies of the State. Oh, sorry, forgot about Ruby Ridge and Waco and January 6 protestors and the ATF and FBI. I guess we do have one, but ours is on a shorter (for now) leash since they still have to pretend that the Constitution exists.

      But to get to where we are now, things had to start to rot. The rot in America really started in academia, specifically colleges. And, the colleges that were targeted were the education departments of the colleges. Why?

      Here’s Lenin’s statement again: “Give me your four year olds, and in a generation I will build a socialist state.”

      Now, in my experience, teachers generally start teaching when they’re in their early 20s and stop sometime after they become petrified wood. I think my kindergarten teacher was born in the late Triassic, but my first-grade teacher was maybe 22.

      If you’re a Lefty in a rural farm school district, you’re not going to get away with much, especially if the other teachers are all married and religious conservatives. But over time, bureaucracies always swim Left. I recall the first really Leftist teacher that showed up at my school. She was fresh out of college, and was a substitute. She went on a long rant about income redistribution and lots of other commie talking points.

      Since it was middle school and she was a substitute, she got about as much respect from the students as Joe Biden would if he guest-hosted Jeopardy!, which is zero. “You know, you have to answer the question in the form of a question like my dead son, who was in the military did.”

      These teachers had to bide their time, move into the administration, and slowly build a majority. Of course, this didn’t happen all at once, it evolved. And once it evolved, it did what Leftists always do: they radicalized themselves more and more until only the most Leftist idea survives. I was blessed to have “conservative” and left-leaning teachers, but no real Leftists.

      But in the big cities and in Blue State?

      Lenin would be proud.

      But that’s only a part of it. Pop culture is important, too. I recall reading once that because Fonzie in Happy Days said, “The Fonz don’t go to sleep without sweet smelling teeth,” that toothbrushing doubled among the 8- to 14-year-old set.

      Propaganda works, and the younger you get the kid, and the more hours that you have with the kid, the deeper the hook sets. That’s where television came in.

      Before the big cable invasion, before the Great Fragmentation of the streaming services and multitudes of video sharing services, there was the Big Three. CBS®, NBC™, and ABC©. These three dominated the airwaves, and produced content that was beamed directly into the brains of Americans from when they got up to when Pa Wilder turned off the TV after watching the 10:30 weather.

      In between, it was filling brains with Leftist propaganda. Norman Lear (who just died) was one of the biggest proponents of Leftist propaganda on television, and made tens of millions. It really was Lear who made me question if the ideas of freedom and nationalism that I’d had since I can remember could ever be funny, or if the only humor could come from the Leftist perspective.

      Of course, I know now that the brainwashing didn’t hold, and that we’re actually a lot funnier than the Left because our humor is based on Truth, and the only way that they’re funny is when they set up a construct. In order to poke fun at the Right, they had to construct an Archie Bunker and use him as their strawman. And Norman Lear created him. And had shows that showed that stronk womens don’t need no man (One Day At A Time).

      Those shows weren’t aimed at parents – they were aimed at kids, so Norman could pump his Leftism into their brains when the teachers were off duty.

      Norman made millions attempting to destroy everything that made American culture strong, and when Reagan was elected, Norman took is tens (if not hundreds) of millions and tried to continue on building a cultural subversion mechanism, People for the American Way©, which, even now, funnels money to Leftists.

      This subversion took decades, of course, and it brought us to where we are.

      Thankfully, the tide is turning. Home schooling is great for counteracting Leftism impact on kids and more people are opting for it. Places like Modern Mayberry don’t care much for Leftism in schools. The media chokehold the Left had forever is weakening – they can’t channel our minds on just three channels for 12 hours a day.

      Let’s look at the other side:

      “Give me your four year olds, and in a generation I will build a state of free men that won’t yield to tyranny.”

      Do we want to win? We have to show up. With our children.


  • ghostsniper December 18, 2023, 1:19 PM

    Ridin’ the Hershey Highway
    Shitty deal all the way around.
    I mentioned this the other day.

    (retards pik at link below – and yes, it looks like what you’d imagine)

    A 24-year-old legislative aide who allegedly filmed himself having sex with an unidentified man in the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing room has been ousted from his job with Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD).

    “Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate. We will have no further comment on this personnel matter,” a Cardin spokesperson said in a brief statement.

    Maese-Czeropski did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    Social media blew up on Friday night after right-wing outlet The Daily Caller published a short graphic video of two men engaging in sexual intercourse on the dais of the Senate hearing room floor. The video came just hours after another conservative site reported on the existence of the video, claiming it had been posted to a public Twitter account and “conspicuously and deliberately contain the staffer’s face.”

    Following the Daily Caller’s story, the United States Capitol Police announced that they were investigating the matter for any potential criminal violations, stating that “we are aware and looking into this.”

    Maese-Czeropski, meanwhile, took to his LinkedIn account on Saturday morning to suggest he was seeking potential legal action. At the same time, he didn’t fully deny that he filmed the amateur sex tape and even admitted to “poor judgement,” instead only outright saying he was not involved in an unrelated incident involving Rep. Max Miller (R-OH).

    “This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda. While some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgement, I love my job and would never disrespect my workplace,” he wrote. “Any attempts to characterize my actions otherwise are fabricated and I will be exploring what legal options are available to me in these matters.

    Maese-Czeropski added: “As for the accusations regarding Congressman Max Miller, I have never seen the congressman and had no opportunity or cause to yell or confront him.”

    Prior to announcing that the Senate staffer had been fired, Cardin’s office said in a statement: “We have seen media reports. As this is a personnel matter and under review, we will not be commenting further at this time.”

    Before coming to work for Cardin, where he quickly moved up from staff assistant to foreign policy legislative correspondent to legislative aide, Maese-Czeropski had been a climate and energy fellow with the non-profit group Friends of the Earth and had been a field organizer for the Democratic Party of Virginia. His work for the DNC in Virginia even got him featured in an ad for Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.

    Now, he’s out of a job—and getting mocked online by disgraced former Congressman George Santos, of all people.


  • ghostsniper December 18, 2023, 7:08 PM

    Amboyna Burl
    Is this the most beautiful thing you have ever seen or what?
    20″ x 17″ x 2″ thick
    Too rich for my bluh.

    But a hoon can dreem, can’t he?


    • Casey Klahn December 18, 2023, 7:55 PM

      As God is my witness, we had burl tables up to our ears in my hometown. Most families had them because dads brought them home from the woods. Amazing to see that $2K price tag now.

      • ghostsniper December 19, 2023, 3:48 AM

        We have a conservatively estimated 10,000 trees on our small acreage and I have been pulling regular inventory on all of them since 2006 when we moved here. In all that time I have only seen one wild burl growing on a tree. The tree was a maple and that burl was growing on the side of it about 30 feet up in the air on steep terrain that made accessing it impossible. I watched that burl for more than 10 years, always trying to find a way to get it.

        Mother nature eventually helped me out with a windstorm that made the burled tree horizontal but in a very difficult position to access. But access it I did, about 3 years ago. Both ends were on the ground but about 30′ of it was suspended over a ravine – the tree was under tension and dangerous. With chainsaw, bottle jacks and chains and ropes and long boards, I snagged that burl and 5 pieces of wood from either end flanking it and hauled all of it out of that difficult terrain on my back.

        All 10 pieces of wood, and the burl, were painted with white latex to prevent fast shrinking and cracking and are waiting on a shelf in the workshop for me and my lathe to make time for them. Those pieces of wood are about 14″ in diameter x 18″ long and that burl is about 24″ diameter x 24″ long. 2024 may be the year I make time for them. In the meantime I am watching the woods almost every day hoping to find another burl.

        • Casey Klahn December 19, 2023, 8:28 AM

          Your story of acquiring the burl makes it way more valuable than some internet listed burl of $2K.

          Keep in mind that where I grew up trees are not the same as anywhere else on the planet. They are giants, and they grow where only Paul Bunyon men can get to them. I say this to say that getting burls was a pass time for my father’s generation, and not out of the way, so to speak.

          I recall my dad building my brother and I a bunk bed out of peeled timbers that were easily 12″ in diameter. Although he did enjoy building structures and furniture, I can’t recall that bed going into service for us. Maybe he sold it or maybe it didn’t work out. But the point is it was timbers he brought home from work. Wood grew on trees, so to speak.

          Best of luck on crafting that burl table. It’ll be a keepsake, I’m sure.

          • Snakepit Kansas December 19, 2023, 6:17 PM

            I would love to see the finished product. Ghost would make something very nice. Sometimes you find a piece of wood that is unique. We got in some equipment at work from over seas on some odd looking wood pallet. I took that pallet home and took it apart. The wood was open grain like Mahogany but this had odd streaks of color. Once sanded down it showed some beautiful grains. I ended up making and end table out of it, very unique. I was out of town one weekend and someone broke into my house and stole some stuff, including that small end table. Almost felt like a compliment.

          • Bluebird December 20, 2023, 10:28 AM

            Hi Casey, Back in the early 70s I was living in Moclips and worked at the Aloha Mil for three years mostly pulling green chain. I was a Wobbly. At the time I had no idea what that meant. 100% Western Red Cedar, big ones. Wonder how many mmbf of that beautiful wood I pulled off that chain. Most of it is probably gone now as is the mill. Last time I checked the Aloha Tavern was still there across the road. Many good memories of that beautiful country. That was the start of my life in the mountains. I have been blessed. Merry Christmas!

  • ghostsniper December 19, 2023, 4:26 AM

    Below is a recent Trump quote. Sane people agree with it. The quote makes insane people even more insane. The barrel holding insane people in the US seemingly has no bottom.

    “And I will make clear that we must use any and all resources needed to stop the invasion of our country, including moving thousands of troops currently stationed overseas in countries that don’t like us. They laugh at our current president, they think he’s a fool, and we shouldn’t be there. We have to protect our own borders first.”


    • Casey Klahn December 19, 2023, 8:40 AM

      In the bit of traveling I’ve done, I don’t find that other countries hate us. They do one of several things: they love us, or they admire us, or they envy us, and in that regard resent comes into play. I suppose some do hate us, and I suppose that’d be in the Middle East (where I’ve never been, unfortunately).

      Military logic demands a forward defense. Take Taiwan, as a for instance. You want your troops as close as possible to the imminent fight. I’d say the same for Poland. BTW feelings don’t enter into my calculations in these things. You defend where you must and it’s as simple as that.

      I completely agree that we can leave the Middle East now and redeploy to the Mexican border. But the big answer to immigration issues in the US and also in Europe will be a swift and deep change of heart. We need a political come-to-Jesus moment and we need to give up on the liberal cringey disaster of open borders. It’s about climate migration, or social change, or vote-stuffing, but in actuality these migrants suffer horribly, and liberal policy is to blame. I’d be in favor of taking the policy-makers and exporting their fool asses to the Sudan or Ethiopia or somewhere dank like that.

  • ghostsniper December 19, 2023, 6:40 AM

    The 2024 Old Farmer’s Almanac
    Paperback: $9.86
    Hardcover: $13.29

    A staple around these parts.
    I get the hardcover every year.
    You don’t have to be a grower to enjoy the contents.
    Mine stays on the porch table all summer, then onto the bookshelf in the fall.


  • ghostsniper December 19, 2023, 11:13 AM

    Rep. Clay Higgins tells reporter that he has SEEN VIDEO EVIDENCE of POLICE walking into rooms, and then RE-EMERGING, dressed as TRUMP SUPPORTERS and CONSTRUCTION WORKERS. Also, GROUPS of what appear to be TRUMP SUPPORTERS roaming the HALLS OF THE CAPITAL well before the BREACH!


  • Joe Krill December 19, 2023, 1:45 PM

    The implications presented are extremely powerful. The “police” involved are pure subversive cowards who have sold their country out. They may workout at the gym, pump up their muscles, act tough, but anyone who sells out their country is pure cowardly. On judgement day may George Washington do their judging. One more thing–snipers (acting as law enforcement) who shoot AMERICANS, while hiding behind whatever they can hide behind, are mentally sick.

    • ghostsniper December 19, 2023, 5:23 PM

      Joe sed: “…are mentally sick.”
      They are lured and driven by the idea of access to huge volumes of stolen money.
      You know, money that is stolen from the taxpayers under threat of caging or murdering.
      The criminal gov’t employees that wear law enforcement garb are always on the lookout for more ways to better their station in life and if that means other citizens must pay a serious penalty their could not care less.

      Gov’t employees are some of the worst vermin on this planet and I wish very painful deaths to all of them, post haste.

      • Terry December 19, 2023, 6:39 PM

        I have a story to tell concerning sheriff dept. thugs, dressed in combat gear, wearing current military body armor, weapons and etc. This was four tattooed, body builder cowards, attempting to intimidate my wife and I in a matter that caused property damage on our property in Nevada. Property damage was done by a retired cop from S. California. A new neighbor from the big city.

        We had driven to the cop shop in town with the purpose being to file a report on the damage. The retired coward must have watched us with binoculars taking pictures of his handy work and contacted his homo buddies at the Sheriffs office in town.

        That is all I want to write at the moment, but the whole story is extremely horrid. Also, this thug display was inside the cop shop.

        We are living in a hell and advanced police state. Body builder buffed cops are no match for a martial trained killer. (Not me of late at 78 years.)

        I truly wish I could divulge more, but my cautionary nature has a grip on me.

        One other thing, I starred straight into the eyes of whichever one of the four was making a speaking noise with his mouth. That made all four of these creeps very nervous. If you practice this, be sure to never blink. If you must blink, look away quickly, blink and get back on eye to eye. I learned that from a spetznatz trained Ruski.

        • John A. Fleming December 19, 2023, 8:20 PM

          I thought the proper procedure when in a confrontational situation was to keep your eyes on the others’ hands. Hands kill. If you’re eye locked on the adversary, you’ll never see it coming.

          I’m just asking. How do know when to eye lock, and when to watch hands? Officialdom uses all these domination tactics to control the encounter, I’d be interested in knowing how to negate their tactics so it’s at least on the level. Shiny badges don’t give them extra rights, and they’re just another citizen who ought to be behaving neighborly if they don’t have probable cause that a crime has been or is in progress.

          Seems like, if I’m watching hands and they get all bent about it, “Whatcha looking at?”, and I say “Your hands, hands kill”, that might let them know that I’m prepared for their violence.

          • Terry December 20, 2023, 5:15 PM

            I would like to expand a bit on the encounter my wife and I experienced above, but my better side says not to do so until we are finished with the repair work.

            Watching a threat by direct close up eye contact can have several psychological effects on an individual. That is from my schooling on close up communications. We, wife and I, were no threat to these cops and we were not verbally abusive. We were unarmed and checked at entry to the building for metal and pocket contents.

            I don’t imagine watching a cops holstered hand gun would convey anything but fear on our part. We formerly ran a training program which was relatively effective in getting people confident in dangerous situations. We were in no danger at the cop shop. Who knows what to expect as these thugs gain more “freedom” to do as they please versus citizens and be immune to any legal recourse.

            What little respect we had for the “police” vanished. We previously supported this very Sherriff’s department financially. That ended during Ahab war II. That era is when we and the people working for us concluded that many journeymen cops are un-trainable. Not all, but enough to taint the crowd.

        • ghostsniper December 20, 2023, 4:13 AM

          Would like to hear more on this story Terry, but I understand your position. Hang in there dood, and don’t let a thug manipulate you into getting killed. Document everything and have your wife as witness.

  • Snakepit Kansas December 19, 2023, 6:31 PM

    I largely agree. Recently I bought a 4×4 truck for my daughter to traverse with to/from the local state U. I went to the tag office a half hour before it opened to hopefully beat the crowd. There was a significant line already. 30 people in front of me already. Joy. Doors opened and to my shock it was well organized and folks got processed quick. I was in and out of there in no more than 15 minutes. Chic Fillet couldn’t have been any more efficient, and it was a Gubmint office. Whoever ran that office knew their stuff and certainly learned it in the private sector. Not typical for Gubmint services for sure.

    • ghostsniper December 20, 2023, 4:11 AM

      Sometimes you hit a lucky spot. The DMV here in Brown County has been mostly efficient the few times I have been forced to deal with them. I believe the smaller the community the better the response from the gov’t employees, after all, they live here and there’s the offhand chance they could get body slammed in the grassy parking lot at dusk by a local that stuck it to a couple weeks prior. There’s something to be said about not shitting where you eat. But, all of that is slowly changing here, little by little, sliding into tyrannical tyranny. like everywhere else. Eventually it will ‘splode. It always does.

  • ghostsniper December 19, 2023, 6:50 PM

    Well, well, well.
    I was vaguely wondering why mention of the actor Matthew Perry keeps showing up in my news feed.
    Seems to be more nefarious than you might imagine, with lots of BIG money behind it.
    It’s always about money idn’t it?

    Is ketamine the new ivermectin?
    Don’t discount this.

    Matthew Perry Had More Than Just Ketamine in His System

    We’ve heard a lot about ketamine lately. If you were watching the Maya Kowalski trial, you learned that ketamine has many uses for people in pain. Still, despite promising outcomes for many patients using it for pain relief, depression, addiction, and more, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital tried to demonize it during the nine-week civil trial to cover up their involvement in the medical kidnapping of a child and the suicide of her mother. It was JHACH’s argument that they “saved” Maya from ketamine, and her mother surely would have killed her with the ketamine infusions she was receiving from doctors outside JHACH. The jury disagreed and found JHACH liable for battery, false imprisonment, and driving Beata Kowalski to suicide.

    JHACH is refusing to pay the court-ordered $261 million their client owes the Kowalski family and is instead tying it up in court with foot-dragging and ridiculous motions for a new trial based on the way one juror writes his “s’s.”

    Meanwhile, the news is all over the place that Matthew Perry died of the “acute effects of ketamine.”

    That’s convenient. I don’t think I had heard of a high-profile ketamine death until now. While every outlet is running with the approved narrative being pushed out by the Industrial-Medical Complex that ketamine is bad and scary and should be immediately regulated by the FDA, the facts of Perry’s death, to this curious journalist, simply don’t add up to ketamine alone.

    Buried in the articles about the toxicology report reveals that Perry was on a cocktail of dangerous drugs while also suffering “chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, and diabetes.” Also in his system were buprenorphine, which is an opioid, and lorazepam, which is a benzodiazepine. Two of those drugs have a serious warning of coma or death. Lorazepam and buprenorphine together can cause “central nervous system depression” that can lead to “respiratory distress, coma, and even death,” according to Drugs.com.

    Forbes, at least, picked up on the comorbidities Perry suffered that contributed to his death. “If used in high doses, ketamine has been known to cause dangerous changes in blood pressure that may be particularly deleterious in patients with cardiovascular disease, which Perry had,” Forbes admitted. But none of the articles I read reported on the other drugs and their known risks of death when taken together…which seems rather significant.

    But in almost every article, the main cause of death is listed as “acute effects of ketamine” instead of “lethal cocktail of prescription drugs.” I don’t know why the LA County Coroner went with ketamine only. PJ Media has reached out to that office and asked for clarification. If they respond, we will update the story.

    It seems irresponsible to me to blame one drug when there were so many other contributing factors. Is this the beginning of the medical mafia using the death of a beloved figure to push their usual scare tactics that could have the effect of harming millions of people who are currently being helped by ketamine therapy? It’s almost like a memo went out demanding ketamine be demonized because one of their own just lost a giant medical malpractice case involving the drug and they don’t want to pay. The People didn’t buy the scare stories about ketamine in the courtroom, so maybe they’ll believe it if the media says it’s true.

    If it’s true that Perry had a large amount of unprescribed ketamine in his system, and he got into a hot tub knowing he had just taken a medicine that causes dissociation and drowsiness, it appears to be a very bad decision. Adding to that bad decision was another one of ingesting an opioid and a benzo that are contraindicated. That right there is a recipe for a very bad day.

    That’s all very sad. But it has nothing to do with the people who are using ketamine under a physician’s supervision and are experiencing relief from their symptoms. Don’t let Big Medicine gin up a campaign to “protect” us from a therapy that is working for many people by using the bad decisions of a TV star to terrify you into giving up more personal freedoms.

    Free people should not be dictated to by unelected bureaucrats at the FDA who are more motivated by political favors and cushy appointments than our health. Further, big conglomerates that owe the victims of their medical malpractice $261 million but are refusing to pay should not be given one more reason to continue abusing their victims through endless litigation after the People have spoken against them. Maya Kowalski never used ketamine outside of a physician’s supervision. Her use of the drug to control complex regional pain syndrome is not anywhere near the same as Perry’s recreational use. That’s hard to hear for his family and friends who believed he was sober, but his toxicology report tells a different story. Addicts and their sad plight should never decide the parameters for non-addict use of available therapies for human illnesses.

    If you see a relentless campaign in the next few months to demonize ketamine use, do not underestimate the pull of a multi-billion-dollar conglomerate that was just humiliated by “six people from the bus stop.” That’s how JHACH’s attorney, David Hughes, described the jury. That’s the level of respect they have for you, John Q. Public.

    It’s time to tell the Industrial-Medical Complex and their friends in the corrupt media who take the majority of their advertising from Big Pharma to leave us alone. We’re more than capable of trying therapies and taking risks after informed consent if we want to. No one, especially the government, should be allowed to tell us what we can and cannot do with our own bodies. Just ask those abortion nuts! Our bodies, our choice, right? Or are we going to only demand the right to murder our offspring but give up the right to try alternative therapies that might heal us?

    If you don’t want to die from ketamine, don’t overdose on it, and for God’s sake, don’t get into a hot tub after downing benzos and opioids and ketamine and go for a swim. Congress doesn’t need to act to tell us that’s a bad idea. On a separate note, I am sorry Perry died early due to his addiction struggles, and I’m sure he wouldn’t want his death used to restrict others from therapies they want and need.


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