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Open thread 10/25/23

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  • Anne October 25, 2023, 10:00 AM

    This picture comes at a perfect time.
    Let me explain:
    We have an old cabin built in 1960. The structure is sound as is the metal roof. However, the rock and mortar foundation is failing. It has a solid metal roof with no overhang, this causes a snow build up at the side of the building which lasts until June. The cabin sits at the end of a slope on a flat ledge overlooking a view I will not give up! DH refuses to repair and I refuse to build new given the high cost of construction. He as agreed to take steps to prevent further damage and to stabilize the current building.
    For weeks now I have been trying to decide which is the best next step to control the water damage to the foundation the from freeze/thaw sequence.
    1. snow stop on the roof
    2. rain gutters
    3. insulation under the metal roof–I just tore down the interior sheetrock ceilings–a good first move!
    4. I understand that we need a system of French drains, but they are costly and we have first to understand if we can stabilize the structure.

    Note: the structure was stable until we built the newly required drain field which seems to have exacerbated the foundation problem given that it is uphill from the building.
    So you see how this picture came at the right time. I am now sitting at my window looking at snow covered ground. Our next step has to be simple in order to slide in before really bad weather.
    I would appreciate thoughts from all of you on this dilemma!

    • John A. Fleming October 25, 2023, 11:27 AM

      Hi AnneDoes the snow pile up on the uphill side? Or all sides? Would a vigorous winter-long campaign of snow-blowing help to keep the snowbank away from the house and foundation?

      I think from your description you need a means to divert away from the cabin the snowmelt flowing down the slope. Yeah, french drains might do that. In general, you want water to flow away from the cabin in all directions, I think that is just good building practice.

      Mid-winter dry snow might insulate the foundation and cabin, but I think as soon as it starts melting it has to be removed from the cabin walls and surrounds. Minimize the opportunity for meltwater to wet the foundation.
      The only other thing I can think of is a moisture barrier. It would rise above ground level at the cabin foundation and walls, and then be buried in a diagonal away from the cabin.

      It seems like no matter what, a long-term solution involves earthmoving, expensive in either your money or your time and energy.

    • ghostsniper October 25, 2023, 11:46 AM

      Your new drain field is up hill from the house?
      That requires a pump station.
      It also requires a perimeter drain to siphon the runoff away from the house.
      There could be biohazard issues as well.
      Where is your well in relationship to the new drain field and the run off slope?
      Code requires at least 100 feet between the 2.

      Gutters and downspouts and drains will help but I believe the damage is already done to the primitive foundation, and it will continue to worsen. The permanent cure is difficult and expensive.

      You have either a crawl space or a basement.
      Using a series of beams and floor jacks the weight of the house must be transferred off of the existing foundation. Then the existing foundation must be removed and a new poured concrete foundation installed. Cost? You said cabin, not house, so I’ll ASSume it is about 1000 to 1200 square feet. The new foundation will cost at least $10k-12k.

      Here’s the part that blows. You HAVE to get it done.
      As I said before, the damage is already done and will keep getting worse.
      The existing foundation cannot be repaired.

      Now, having said all of that.
      You need to speak to a local contractor that has a relationship with a structural engineer because there may be options available to lessen the cost.

      For example, a network of wooden beams can be installed in the crawl space to support the existing floor. The new beams would be supported by pier footings located at the corners and at intermediate locations, leaving the rest of the crawl wide open. In cold climates it best to have the crawl enclosed completely for floor insulation purposes and to prevent supply pipes from freezing and to keep critters out.

      I’m giving you a long range set of general ideas and it’s best to get local advice.

      FWIW Our 20 year old furnace is failing and just now a replacement company person left. It’s going to cost almost $4k for a new furnace and we may have snow flying around here next week. We have back up heat sources but still. $4k, man. Expenses like this are a kick in the ballz. Good luck with your issues Anne. If you have any additional questions just ask and I’ll answer the best I can.

  • ghostsniper October 25, 2023, 12:13 PM

    Wood Lathe and Dashed Dreams
    I’ve been dealing with a too small wood lathe for years and after drooling over bigger ones for years I was going to buy myself a nice, larger lathe as a Christmas present to myself. A Grizzly G0632Z – 16″ x 42″ Variable-Speed Wood Lathe.

    This lathe would launch my wood turning into the new millennium.
    More power, more capacity, more utility all the way around.
    With outboard turning I’d be able to turn would 48″ in diameter. WOO!

    But not now.

    As mentioned in the Anne comment, I have to buy a furnace instead.
    It always seems to work that way.
    I keep putting off buying nice stuff for myself fearful that I’ll need the money for other things.
    Then, over a long period of time, I finally convince myself to do what I want to do, and when I do BLAM! out of the blue a big major cost crops up.

    I can’t help but wonder if I hadn’t told my wife I was going to go ahead and buy this lathe if the furnace wouldn’t have started acting up. Am I second guessing myself? Yes I am.

    Here’s what my dashed dream looks like:

    • ghostsniper October 25, 2023, 12:14 PM

      wood not would sheesh…

  • ghostsniper October 25, 2023, 12:45 PM
    • Daniel K Day October 26, 2023, 9:40 AM

      GS, the link does not work. Can you trim it down to something that will?

      • ghostsniper October 26, 2023, 1:37 PM

        Dam my miserable ass Daniel, for not trying the link when I posted it. It doesn’t work for me neither, and I don’t remember what it was. A mind is a terrible thing….(Dan Quayle).

  • Anne October 25, 2023, 3:43 PM

    Thank you both for your thoughts and wise counsel–they are a gift. You have given me several things to think about.
    Ghostwhisper–not to worry about the sloping drain field–it is also level as is the cabin, but both are at the end of the slope. The well is good and approved by the county–the water is cold and sweet. We got lucky there!
    With regard to jacking up the cabin. That is my first concern because one side is starting to sag and the other side is a little lumpy (girl talk) sorry! 🙂

    • John A. Fleming October 25, 2023, 9:35 PM

      If the drain field is between the cabin and the uphill slope, then the water from the drain field is flowing/seeping/migrating downhill underground under the cabin and then toward the bench lip. Maybe activating bentonite swelling in some places, and causing displacement in others. If the underground drain field water freezes in the winter, it creates voids that allows for additional flow after the melt. Oh my. I hope the drain field is off the side, and not between the cabin and the uphill slope. Putting in the drain field has modified the subsoil structure and cohesion for quite a ways around it. Imagine a big underground wet spot as the water spreads out. Eventually the water will reach the edge of the bench, and then start flowing downhill, creating a siphon that pulls on the water behind it. That underground stream will start modifying the surface level. Ah, the joys of living out in the country. So many things to deal with, more so than the city dwellers. Heat, cold, fire, drought, snow, mud, fresh air, sunshine, views, peace and quiet.

  • ghostsniper October 25, 2023, 6:03 PM

    You label me, I label you.
    I dub thee unforgiven.


  • ghostsniper October 26, 2023, 3:57 AM

    What a load of wet diapers these people have become. I waded down through all of it and they tried their best to hit all the key “whiney crybaby” terms and phrases. It’s sort of an amazing read. It’s entertaining on one hand, but disappointing and depressing on the other. A whole lot of people needin’ to be disposed of.

    “His best prospect for returning to the White House may be to steal the election, with assistance from MAGA leaders running the House.”


    • Casey Klahn October 26, 2023, 8:30 AM

      Interesting to see this because I came in AD this morning to write on the topic of the Trump trials and the elections.

      Consider that everyone knows that polls are handicapped to favor the dems. If I had a discussion with a lib or a weak-kneed GOPe who believes that Trump lost 2020, all that bullshit, I’d not argue but say the following. You know, given the surge in the polls where Trump is so popular, and Biden so unpopular, there’s no reason to even have an election in 2024.

      The layers of that onion. I’d love to watch the slow-burn unrolling of Lefty’s head as he un-peels it all.

      I well-recall how that in Georgia, the counties that hold Atlanta and Fort Fukn Benning, went, iirc, somewhere in the 90 percentage points for Biden. Explain to me, with a straight face, how the hardest-ass army voters went for Biden.

  • ghostsniper October 26, 2023, 4:54 AM

    When I refer to a person of limited mental capacity I use the pronouns “it” and “that”.

  • Joe Krill October 26, 2023, 5:58 AM

    I am glad that this has happened. Now we have to turn up the heat and expose all the corruption that the left” has brought on.

  • Anne October 26, 2023, 9:18 AM

    Good Morning John, et al!

    I would like to add to that list of rural qualities:
    3 mountain lions wandering across the creek
    1 grizzly bear on the quarter-mile trail down to the river
    1 brown bear on the quarter-mile trail down to the river
    eagles nest:When she visits DD has to keep little white dogs on a very tight leash–the eagles are BOLD!
    unlimited supply of deer–and some elk
    not to mention the breakaway cows from the neighbor’s herd (they can be heeded easily–not to worry)
    best of all is the silence–absolute– until something stirs the animals, or until the coyotes light off at night
    Thanks to all of you again for helping with your wise counsel! If you have an RV and want to camp let me know.

    • John A. Fleming October 26, 2023, 1:51 PM

      Ooh, mountain lions. They are stealth hunters, dawn and dusk. Don’t walk alone, carry heat. ML’s have been known to successfully attack people on mountain bikes, I wonder if they would do also for people on ATVs. They are just great big wild kitty cats. The rancher neighbor probably keeps them in check, or maybe there’s enough deer and elk to keep them from pursuing exotic game like slow elk and hoomans.

  • Anne October 26, 2023, 9:27 AM

    With regard to prosecuting the Biden family, et al. Who is going to do that?
    For fifty years the Democrats have destroyed this country one step at a time–primarily by using “non-profit law groups, i.e. ACLU Southern Poverty, NOW, etc. What non-profit collections of lawyers do the conservatives have? You see– nonprofit is the operative term. It allows millions of dollars to be paid to attorneys and then those monies are deducted from the donor’s tax bill–sweet ay? To my knowledge, the Republicans have not done that very well. If you want to start to see change in this country IMHO that is what you should look for–the growth of non-profit conservative law groups.
    Otherwise, as my DH would say the R’s are just Pi**ing up the wind! (Just not in our creek! )

  • ghostsniper October 26, 2023, 10:12 AM

    From over at Kim’s place.

    The Pussification Of The Western Male

    We have become a nation of women.

    It wasn’t always this way, of course. There was a time when men put their signatures to a document, knowing full well that this single act would result in their execution if captured, and in the forfeiture of their property to the State. Their wives and children would be turned out by the soldiers, and their farms and businesses most probably given to someone who didn’t sign the document.

    There was a time when men went to their certain death, with expressions like “You all can go to hell. I’m going to Texas.” (Davy Crockett, to the House of Representatives, before going to the Alamo.)

    There was a time when men went to war, sometimes against their own families, so that other men could be free. And there was a time when men went to war because we recognized evil when we saw it, and knew that it had to be stamped out.

    There was even a time when a President of the United States threatened to punch a man in the face and kick him in the balls, because the man had the temerity to say bad things about the President’s daughter’s singing.

    We’re not like that anymore.

    Now, little boys in grade school are suspended for playing cowboys and Indians, cops and crooks, and all the other familiar variations of “good guy vs. bad guy” that helped them learn, at an early age, what it was like to have decent men hunt you down, because you were a lawbreaker.

    Now, men are taught that violence is bad — that when a thief breaks into your house, or threatens you in the street, that the proper way to deal with this is to “give him what he wants”, instead of taking a horsewhip to the rascal or shooting him dead where he stands.

    Now, men’s fashion includes not a man dressed in a double-breasted suit, but a tight sweater worn by a man with breasts.

    Now, warning labels are indelibly etched into gun barrels, as though men have somehow forgotten that guns are dangerous things.

    Now, men are given Ritalin as little boys, so that their natural aggressiveness, curiosity and restlessness can be controlled, instead of nurtured and directed.

    And finally, our President, who happens to have been a qualified fighter pilot, lands on an aircraft carrier wearing a flight suit, and is immediately dismissed with words like “swaggering”, “macho” and the favorite epithet of Euro girly-men, “cowboy”. Of course he was bound to get that reaction — and most especially from the Press in Europe, because the process of male pussification Over There is almost complete.

    How did we get to this?

    In the first instance, what we have to understand is that America is first and foremost, a culture dominated by one figure: Mother. It wasn’t always so: there was a time when it was Father who ruled the home, worked at his job, and voted.

    But in the twentieth century, women became more and more involved in the body politic, and in industry, and in the media — and mostly, this has not been a good thing. When women got the vote, it was inevitable that government was going to become more powerful, more intrusive, and more “protective” (i.e. more coddling), because women are hard-wired to treasure security more than uncertainty and danger. It was therefore inevitable that their feminine influence on politics was going to emphasize (lowercase “s”) social security.

    I am aware of the fury that this statement is going to arouse, and I don’t care a fig.

    What I care about is the fact that since the beginning of the twentieth century, there has been a concerted campaign to denigrate men, to reduce them to figures of fun, and to render them impotent, figuratively speaking.

    I?m going to illustrate this by talking about TV, because TV is a reliable barometer of our culture.

    In the 1950s, the TV Dad was seen as the lovable goofball — perhaps the beginning of the trend — BUT he was still the one who brought home the bacon, and was the main source of discipline (think of the line: “Wait until your father gets home!”).

    From that, we went to this: the Cheerios TV ad.

    Now, for those who haven’t seen this piece of shit, I’m going to go over it, from memory, because it epitomizes everything I hate about the campaign to pussify men. The scene opens at the morning breakfast table, where the two kids are sitting with Dad at the table, while Mom prepares stuff on the kitchen counter. The dialogue goes something like this:

    Little girl (note, not little boy): Daddy, why do we eat Cheerios?
    Dad: Because they contain fiber, and all sorts of stuff that’s good for the heart. I eat it now, because of that.
    LG: Did you always eat stuff that was bad for your heart, Daddy?
    Dad (humorously): I did, until I met your mother.
    Mother (not humorously): Daddy did a lot of stupid things before he met your mother.

    Now, every time I see that TV ad, I have to be restrained from shooting the TV with a .45 Colt. If you want a microcosm of how men have become less than men, this is the perfect example.

    What Dad should have replied to Mommy’s little dig: “Yes, Sally, that’s true: I did do a lot of stupid things before I met your mother. I even slept with your Aunt Ruth a few times, before I met your mother.”

    That’s what I would have said, anyway, if my wife had ever attempted to castrate me in front of the kids like that.

    But that’s not what men do, of course. What this guy is going to do is smile ruefully, finish his cereal, and then go and fuck his secretary, who doesn’t try to cut his balls off on a daily basis. Then, when the affair is discovered, people are going to rally around the castrating bitch called his wife, and call him all sorts of names. He’ll lose custody of his kids, and they will be brought up by our ultimate modern-day figure of sympathy: The Single Mom.

    You know what? Some women deserve to be single moms.

    When I first started this website, I think my primary aim was to blow off steam at the stupidity of our society.

    Because I have fairly set views on what constitutes right and wrong, I have no difficulty in calling Bill Clinton, for example, a fucking liar and hypocrite.

    But most of all, I do this website because I love being a man. Amongst other things, I talk about guns, self-defense, politics, beautiful women, sports, warfare, hunting, and power tools — all the things that being a man entails. All this stuff gives me pleasure.

    And it doesn’t take much to see when all the things I love are being threatened: for instance, when Tim Allen’s excellent comedy routine on being a man is reduced to a fucking sitcom called Home Improvement. The show should have been called Man Improvement, because that’s what every single plotline entailed: turning a man into a “better” person, instead of just leaving him alone to work on restoring the vintage sports car in his garage. I stopped watching the show after about four episodes.

    (The Man Show was better, at least for the first season — men leering at chicks, men fucking around with ridiculous games like “pin the bra on the boobies”, men having beer-drinking competitions, and women bouncing on trampolines. Excellent stuff, only not strong enough. I don’t watch it anymore, either, because it’s plain that the idea has been subverted by girly-men, and turned into a parody of itself.)

    Finally, we come to the TV show which to my mind epitomizes everything bad about what we have become: Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. Playing on the homo Bravo Channel, this piece of excrement has taken over the popular culture by storm (and so far, the only counter has been the wonderful South Park episode which took it apart for the bullshit it is).

    I’m sorry, but the premise of the show nauseates me. A bunch of homosexuals trying to “improve” ordinary men into something “better” (i.e. more acceptable to women): changing the guy’s clothes, his home decor, his music — for fuck’s sake, what kind of girly-man would allow these simpering butt-bandits to change his life around?

    Yes, the men are, by and large, slobs. Big fucking deal. Last time I looked, that’s normal. Men are slobs, and that only changes when women try to civilize them by marriage. That’s the natural order of things.

    You know the definition of homosexual men we used in Chicago? “Men with small dogs who own very tidy apartments.”

    Real men, on the other hand, have big fucking mean-ass dogs: Rhodesian ridgebacks, bull terriers and Rottweilers, or else working dogs like pointers or retrievers which go hunting with them and slobber all over the furniture.

    Women own lapdogs.

    Which is why women are trying to get dog-fighting and cock-fighting banned — they’d ban boxing too, if they could — because it’s “mean and cruel”. No shit, Shirley. Hell, I hate the idea of fighting dogs too, but I don’t have a problem with men who do. Dogs and cocks fight. So do men. No wonder we have an affinity for it.

    My website has become fairly popular with men, and in the beginning, this really surprised me, because I didn’t think I was doing anything special.

    That?s not what I think now. I must have had well over five thousand men write to me to say stuff like “Yes! I agree! I was so angry when I read about [insert atrocity of choice], but I thought I was the only one.”

    No, you?re not alone, my friends, and nor am I.

    Out there, there is a huge number of men who are sick of it. We’re sick of being made figures of fun and ridicule; we’re sick of having girly-men like journalists, advertising agency execs and movie stars decide on “what is a man”; we’re sick of women treating us like children, and we’re really fucking sick of girly-men politicians who pander to women by passing an ever-increasing raft of Nanny laws and regulations (the legal equivalent of public-school Ritalin), which prevent us from hunting, racing our cars and motorcycles, smoking, flirting with women at the office, getting into fistfights over women, shooting criminals and doing all the fine things which being a man entails.

    When Annika Sorenstam was allowed to play in that tournament on the men’s PGA tour, all the men should have refused to play — Vijay Singh was the only one with balls to stand up for a principle, and he was absolutely excoriated for being a “chauvinist”. Bullshit. He wasn’t a chauvinist, he was being a man. All the rest of the players — Woods, Mickelson, the lot — are girls by comparison. And, needless to say, Vijay isn’t an American, nor a European, which is probably why he still has a pair hanging between his legs, and they’re not hanging on the wall as his wife’s trophy.

    Fuck this, I’m sick of it.

    I don’t see why I should put up with this bullshit any longer — hell, I don’t see why any man should put up with this bullshit any longer.

    I don’t see why men should have become feminized, except that we allowed it to happen — and you know why we let it happen? Because it’s damned easier to do so. Unfortunately, we’ve allowed it to go too far, and our maleness has become too pussified for words.

    At this point, I could have gone two ways: the first would be to say, “…and I don’t know if we’ll get it back. The process has become too entrenched, the cultural zeitgeist of men as girls has become part of the social fabric, and there’s not much we can do about it.”

    But I’m not going to do that. To quote John Belushi (who was, incidentally, a real man and not a fucking woman): “Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?”

    Well, I’m not going to quit. Fuck that. One of the characteristics of the non-pussified man (and this should strike fear into the hearts of women and girly-men everywhere) is that he never quits just because the odds seem overwhelming. Omaha Beach, guys.

    I want a real man as President — not Al Gore, who had to hire a consultant to show him how to be an Alpha male, and french-kiss his wife on live TV to “prove” to the world that he was a man, when we all knew that real men don’t have to do that pathetic crap.

    And I want the Real Man President to surround himself with other Real Men, like Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft, and yes, Condi Rice (who is more of a Real Man than those asswipes Colin Powell and Norman Mineta).

    I want our government to be more like Dad — kind, helpful, but not afraid to punish us when we fuck up, instead of helping us excuse our actions.

    I want our government of real men to start rolling back the Nanny State, in all its horrible manifestations of over-protectiveness, intrusiveness and “Mommy Knows Best What’s Good For You” regulations.

    I want our culture to become more male — and not the satirical kind of male, like The Man Show, or the cartoonish figures of Stallone, Van Damme or Schwarzenegger. (Note to the Hollywood execs: We absolutely fucking loathe chick movies about feelings and relationships and all that feminine jive. We want more John Waynes, Robert Mitchums, Bruce Willises, and Clint Eastwoods. Never mind that it’s simplistic — we like simple, we are simple, we are men — our lives are uncomplicated, and we like it that way. We Were Soldiers was a great movie, and you know why? Because you could have cut out all the female parts and it still would have been a great movie, because it was about Real Men. Try cutting out all the female parts in a Woody Allen movie; you’d end up with the opening and closing credits.)

    I want our literature to become more male, less female. Men shouldn’t buy “self-help” books unless the subject matter is car maintenance, golf swing improvement or how to disassemble a fucking Browning BAR. We don’t improve ourselves, we improve our stuff.

    And finally, I want men everywhere to going back to being Real Men. To open doors for women, to drive fast cars, to smoke cigars after a meal, to get drunk occasionally and, in the words of the late Col. Jeff Cooper, one of the last of the Real Men: “To ride, shoot straight, and speak the truth.”

    In every sense of the word. We know what the word “is” means.

    Because that’s all that being a Real Man involves. You don’t have to become a fucking cartoon male, either: I’m not going back to stoning women for adultery like those Muslim assholes do, nor am I suggesting we support that perversion of being a Real Man, gangsta rap artists (those fucking pussies — they wouldn’t last thirty seconds against a couple of genuine tough guys that I know).

    Speaking of rap music, do you want to know why more White boys buy that crap than Black boys do? You know why date rape is supposedly such a problem on college campuses*? Why binge drinking is a problem among college freshmen?

    It’s a reaction: a reaction against being pussified. And I understand it, completely. Young males are aggressive, they do fight amongst themselves, they are destructive, and all this does happen for a purpose.

    Because only the strong men propagate.

    And women know it. You want to know why I know this to be true? Because powerful men still attract women. Women, even liberal women, swooned over George Bush in a naval aviator’s uniform. Donald Trump still gets access to some of the most beautiful pussy available, despite looking like a medieval gargoyle. Donald Rumsfeld, if he wanted to, could fuck 90% of all women over 50 if he wanted to, and a goodly portion of younger ones too.

    And he won’t. Because Rummy’s been married to the same woman for fifty years, and he wouldn’t toss that away for a quickie. He’s a Real Man. No wonder the Euros hate and fear him.

    We?d better get more like him, we’d better become more like him, because if we don’t, men will become a footnote to history.

  • ghostsniper October 26, 2023, 10:15 AM

    This one should be read BEFORE the last one.

    After The Pussification
    For those who’ve been living on another planet for the past two decades, I once wrote a screed called The Pussification Of The Western Male, which took about an hour to write and was a stream-of-consciousness rant against the demeaning of men in Western society. The piece garnered an immediate and voluminous online response (thank you, Insty), caused my host’s (website and email) servers to crash and necessitated finding a new host because they kicked me off. The responses I got in the mail — I didn’t allow comments at that stage — were interesting. A large number, of course, were vituperative squeals from feministicals and their girlymen cohorts, and included death threats and threats of violence against me and my family. (Most of those disappeared when I responded to them by email with my home address, and an invitation to take their best shot — and to bring a gun, because I surely would.) All sorts of liberal websites climbed on, garnering me awards such as “Worst Blogger On The Internet” (although, upon recollection, that award may have been for Let Africa Sink, another crowd-pleaser).

    Almost all the hysteria was pure projection, for example: “He wants men to go back to being cavemen!” when even a cursory reading of the essay would have noted that I wanted precisely the opposite.

    Another example: “OMG! He wants to take the vote away from womyns!” when all I actually wrote was that giving the vote to women may not necessarily have been a Good Idea because since that time, government has become increasingly nanny-ish and intrusive (which is true in almost every country in the world, and not just in the United States). I even offered a reward of $10,000 to anyone who could find — anywhere in my writings, not just in Pussification — an instance where I’d actually advocated disenfranchising women. Crickets.

    What was also interesting was that I got several thousands of emails from men who agreed with me — and well over five hundred from women who likewise felt the same and were either married to Real Men themselves, or who wanted real men to come back.

    What I didn’t write in the essay, and should have, was to predict that if men continued to be marginalized, they would eventually quit the game altogether — because men, accustomed to playing competitively, have a keen sense when the rules of the game are tilted against them and just quit as a result. In modern-day parlance, this would be the Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) movement. Here’s an old joke about just that:

    Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl “Will you marry me?” The girl said, “NO!” And the guy rode motorcycles and went fishing and hunting and played golf a lot and drank beer and Scotch and had tons of money in the bank and slept with lots of different women and left the toilet seat up and farted whenever he wanted and lived happily ever after.

    The End.

    I also didn’t predict — because, as I said, I wrote the piece in an hour and didn’t think through the process — that men would start using the outcome of feminism to their own advantage: that if women were entitled to be like men and have casual sex like men, then men could take advantage of that mindset and design a process to make the whole thing a lot easier (because men build systems; it’s what we do). Thus the Pick-Up Artist (PUA) movement, which basically teaches Beta men how to simulate being Alpha and score with women. (Alpha men already know how to seduce women, and don’t need to have it systemized and codified.) Here’s an example of how a PUA turns a situation around:

    She: “You’re not my type.”
    He: “You’re not my type either. But you’ll have to do until someone thinner comes along.”

    It’s a masterpiece: using a prime part of female negative self-image (all women think they’re overweight, regardless of actual tonnage) to throw her off-balance and make her vulnerable to his next approach. Another classic, this time in a debate or argument:

    She: A man shouldn’t date a woman for over a year without making some kind of commitment.
    He: I guess I missed the memo that gave you the power to decide how I should act.

    At some point, of course, men were bound to rebel against this crappy status quo; my little rant was just a precursor to the reaction. (Note that I’m not claiming any kind of authorship of, or responsibility for that rebellion — I’m not that big-headed. But I think that my rage was indicative of what was to follow.) And if those feminists and liberal girlymen had listened to what I was actually saying and not projected all their silliness onto my words, they would not have been at all surprised by situations like GamerGate, Sad Puppies, the alt-Right (an interesting take on the last can be found here), and the like.

    There was also bound to be a reaction against political correctness as well as to the pussification of men — the two are linked, albeit tenuously at times. It seems clear, however, that the liberal establishment (which included feminists and academia) were blinded by their own arrogance and feelings of moral superiority. Well, guess what? Not everyone was going to submit to their little control-freak games, and now we have an interesting cultural polarization which rivals the political polarization. It’s the same phenomenon: don’t minimize me and set me apart, then complain when I create my own rules for my own game. When the rules are tilted and people feel slighted, they are inevitably going to withdraw from the process, whether it’s Brexit, MGTOW or electing Donald Trump as President.

    (For those who are curious to see what all the fuss was about, I’ve re-published Pussification under the fold. Bear in mind that this was published in 2003 so many of the references are pretty dated by now, but the main thrust of the argument is still relevant today. And by the way: I’d also like to thank all those assholes out there who published the piece in its entirety without my consent and despite my complaints / requests to desist, and who even bowdlerized the fucking thing so as not to offend the tender sensibilities of their few readers. Did I already mention they were assholes?)

  • ghostsniper October 26, 2023, 11:04 AM

    If you’re a person on the Right, there is NOTHING going on in this contry, or in this world, that poses a greater danger to you than your gov’t slowly but surely turning you into an enemy of the state for your beliefs.

    Nothing else even comes close.

    Keep calm, and identify local collaborators.

    Your liberties aren’t dying.
    They’re being killed by people with names and addresses.

  • Anne October 26, 2023, 1:54 PM

    The real damn tragedy is this–NOW. The National Organization of Women! The communists that took control of America’s women. The amazing irony is this: some of the NOW leadership are the daughters of the greatest wealth in America. Go figure!

  • ghostsniper October 26, 2023, 2:16 PM

    “We don’t know this person. This is not him,” she said.
    A fambly member supposedly said that about the Maine shooter.
    Yeah right.

    He’s already in custody, where he’s been all along, as they prep the time and space that he will be “caught”.

    Then you’ll hear endless over the top self praising of the hundreds of gov’t employees “doing their jobs as they should” and this magnificent effort.

    Just like they do in all the “cop” shows on TV. You know, the ones slammed with diversity hires, women acting like men, and everybody acting in perfect unison to overcome/thwart crime and ne’er do wells world wide.

    No, I do not believe a word of any of it.
    You only get one chance to lie to my ass.
    After that everything you say is a fucking lie and I will condemn you to rear most part of the room forever more.

  • Casey Klahn October 26, 2023, 2:26 PM

    Just think about the percentage of M. Shooters who are white, and then also of those who are “tripwire” veterans. It is very, very small. Yet, the public will be groomed to believe that profile is the number one enemy on the street.

    On the day news breaks that the FascistBureauofIntimidation probably has Biden with a pair of pliers around his nuts, we have this event in ME. I don’t blame anyone for calling BS on the event.

    The perp. skis away on a jet ski. Up the block, agents in a black SUV door quietly shut their doors, and wheel away…

    This time Biden will blame the black rifle, and the white veteran.

  • ghostsniper October 26, 2023, 7:29 PM

    Corruption in High Places
    It is alleged that former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was working as an informant for the FBI against Donald Trump… while President Trump was in office!

    BREAKING: Allegedly Mark Meadows worked for the FBI as an informant and wore a wire to record all conversations with President Trump, while he was the Chief of Staff to him. This is not only unconstitutional, but it’s criminal. This is the government we live with. It’s up to us to change that.

    I’ve received confirmation from multiple members of Congress and Confidential Informants that this is true. Not only have I received calls from current members of Congress, I received calls from media, who know that I know about this information. I’ve received calls from former members of Congress, who have also explained the same thing to me. This is worse than Watergate. This is going to be the destruction of the FBI.

    Ryan Fournier, 26 October 2023
    I’m a very skeptical individual, and while I had no doubt that the Surveillance State was spying on President Trump for decades, including while he was in office, the allegation that it even suborned his Chief of Staff is incredible.

    If this is confirmed, it means that the worst suspicions of the most paranoid conspiracy theorists may actually be on the conservative side of the truth. It means that literally nothing in Washington can be taken at face value. Republican, Democrat, democracy, representation, none of these things are real. None of these things can be taken seriously.

    It means all American politics are simply theatre for the masses. And while it doesn’t seem likely, if these revelations actually did eventually lead to the end of the FBI, that would almost certainly be a good thing.


    • John A. Fleming October 26, 2023, 10:17 PM

      Well, that site has been knocked off the intertubes. Either it’s being overwhelmed, or somebody doesn’t want the information getting out. Strange.

      • ghostsniper October 27, 2023, 6:31 AM

        Back up right now, 9:30am, EST

        Most recent post (I seen elsewhere yesterday):

        At this point they don’t even care if you think they are lying.
        Won’t be long til the hobnails come out.

        Glowy McGlowerson
        Apparently we’re supposed to believe these messages posted to Discord are the virtual “manifesto” of the latest wind-up toy therapized into shooting complete strangers for the purposes of pushing unconstitutional gun control laws.

        [11:23 PM] RobertCard: I can’t stand these damn non whites ruining our country. They don’t deserve to live.
        [11:25 PM] RobertCard: I’ve had enough of this political correctness bullshit. It’s time to take matters into my own hands.
        [11:27 PM] RobertCard: I’ve been trained to kill and I’m damn good at it. These people will pay for what they’ve done to our country.
        [11:30 PM] RobertCard: It’s time to make a statement. I’ll show them what a true American is capable of. They won’t know what hit them.
        [11:33 PM] RobertCard: I’ve got my guns and plenty of ammo. Let’s make America great again by getting rid of these scum.
        [11:37 PM] RobertCard: I won’t stop until every last one of them is gone. This is my duty as an American.
        [11:40 PM] RobertCard: They can’t hide from me. I know their patterns, their hangouts. I’ll hunt them down and take them out one by one.
        [11:43 PM] RobertCard: The army trained me to be a killer and I’ll use every tactic I learned to make sure these non whites regret ever stepping foot in our country.
        [11:47 PM] RobertCard: No one will stop me. I have a mission and I’ll see it through until the end. God bless America.

        The Maine Manifesto, Glowy McGlowerson, 25 October 23
        Of all the fictional dialogue that was ever written, this may actually be the most obviously fictional. It’s not even AI-level fiction, it’s bad “I’ve read too way many Boomer memes” fiction. The funniest thing is the way that the federal employee who wrote it couldn’t even bring himself to use any of the printable slurs, much less any of the unprintable ones, and instead went with “non whites”. And he used it twice!

        Because no one is more sensitive to other people’s feelings than mass murderers, after all.

        Also, if you’re going to try to pass off a mass shooting as the work of a true American white supremacist patriot, you probably shouldn’t choose one where white people are shot. In Maine, of all places.

        This is so bad that I think it’s far more likely to be a /pol/ gag mocking the glowies than it is to have been written by anyone who ever shot anybody.

    • Casey Klahn October 26, 2023, 10:18 PM

      The amount of subterfuge in the Trump inner circle, cabinet and WH staff was breathtaking. The GOPe are a bunch of damn liars and in cahoots with the FBI. If I thought the FBI was worth keeping, I’d suggest forming a new alternate FBI somewhere outside of DC and the beltway. In fact, perhaps the DIA or the federal police/federal marshals need to begin looking at adopting the actual legal and fundamental tasks of the FBI. Soon! Same story with the CIA.

      The WH CoS wore a wire! What did he record? Obviously nothing or it’d be in court now. In the court of consequences, Mr Meadows is due a long walk off a short pier (metaphorically speaking).

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