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Who was that (un)masked man?

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  • Hyland March 3, 2022, 8:53 AM

    That FJB appears masked, unmasked, then masked again is similar to the color codes of imminent danger W used to invent on a daily basis. The risks of our survivability would go from yellow to orange to red and back down to orange as often as the wind changed direction. The secret mysterious wisdom of our Presidents must be obeyed or else we all shall die. FJB wearing a mask on Wednesday after his triumphant unmasked Stare of the Union address means death is encroaching closer now. Only masks and FJB can save us.

  • Richard March 3, 2022, 9:26 AM

    Local library is offering the taxpayers a crumb or two. As of Monday, adult patrons are strongly encouraged to continue wearing face thongs, but same are no longer mandatory. Children, however, remain required to do so. Leftists seem hell-bent to do as much damage to kids as they possibly can.
    As for LGB and his vacuous on again/off again face-diapering: only the terrorized, most compliant, unquestioning care anymore.
    “Got to keep the loonies on the path.”

  • jwm March 3, 2022, 9:34 AM

    Ragmouth Joe


    • Lance de Boyle March 3, 2022, 4:00 PM

      Good one, JWM!
      Gets funnier with repetition.

  • OneGuy March 3, 2022, 11:33 AM

    It’s all politics. You can’t demand absentee voting and uncontrolled drop boxes without the scare tactics of masks and social distancing. They stole the 2020 election and they desperately need to steal the 2022 election. If Republicans were to solidly win both houses it is possible that they would investigate many of the scandals and the Democrats behind them. For many big Democrats losing power right now could mean exposure of their crimes and even indictments.

    • Kevin in PA March 3, 2022, 1:33 PM

      “If Republicans were to solidly win both houses it is possible that they would investigate many of the scandals and the Democrats behind them. For many big Democrats losing power right now could mean exposure of their crimes and even indictments.”

      It is not just Dems that will be investigated. Plenty of RINOs will be as well. At the local level big things are happening. People are pissed and they are not settling for “we won’t vote our way out of this” talk.
      It starts local with demanding and being there in the polling places and the counting rooms to ensure that the ’22 election is not stolen. AZ and WI are in the process of de-certifying the 2020 election. Big things happening in GA as well. We are still fighting here in PA to rescind ACT 77 which was the lynchpin to stealing the election here.
      There are Dems that see the writing on the wall and are cashing in their chips now, before the trials and prosecutions begin.
      Overwhelming them with the vote is only part of the equation. Speaking truth is another. showing up is another. Don’t surrender your position, your vote or your principals because you have lost hope.
      Keep fighting!

    • ghostsniper March 3, 2022, 5:43 PM

      90% or more of politicians are on the criminal take and none will sell out the others, and even if they did the wheels of justice would drag for decades with no justice actually done at all. From here on out the only justice will be instant and sure and from the barrel of a gun. Politics got us where we are and more politics will get more of the same. Most people, it seems, can’t break out of that dubble bubble.

  • Bill in Tennessee March 4, 2022, 10:52 AM

    Weekly Report on Biden Movements:

    Monday: Nothing

    Tuesday: Nothing

    Wednesday: Small amount, some blood.

    Thursday: Nothing…….

  • Dirk March 4, 2022, 1:44 PM

    Look closely, that theirs what a “ Meat Puppet”. Looks like.