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Open thead 8/5/24

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  • G706 August 5, 2024, 8:45 AM

    Looking back on a great weekend. Spent Sunday at the Great Oregon Steamup with my brothers and a friend. We go early and go to the church service and then wander around the grounds and look for interesting old tools at the flea market. The smell of wood smoke and hot oil and the rythmic popping of hit-and-miss engines permeate the atmosphere. Ate homemade ice cream mixed with Farmall Cub power and served by pretty girls. A great time. My sons and their friends went there on Saturday and I got a text that afternoon “Dad do you want a Ranger?” So I met my son at the Wheatland Ferry landing and handed him 20 pictures of Andrew Jackson and he brought home a nice blue ’93 Ford Ranger 4×4 with manual transmission. Now I get to visit the DMV ladies.

    • Snakepit Kansas August 5, 2024, 11:01 AM

      I bought a ’94Mazda B4000/Ford Ranger about 20 years ago. 100K miles 4X4 v6 w/5 on the floor, extended cab and good AC. I’ve put another 100K miles and it still rolls. Put in manual lock in hubs as the factory autohubs are junk. New AC compressor and weird things start wearing out on older vehicles, of course. Best $2K I ever spent. Hopefully you will have equal luck as i have had with mine.

    • ghostsniper August 5, 2024, 12:12 PM

      You did good Pilgrim. That could possibly be the last vehicle you ever buy.

      Saw the eye doctor this morning. She skwurted stuff in my occulars thaqt fukked em all up, still ain’t right 6 hours later. Looking at light is unbearable. I’ll be OK when this shit wears off.

  • Anonymous August 5, 2024, 10:45 AM

    All painful on the news front, really. I came here to complain that 2 men posing as women boxers are vying for the Wimmin’s Boxing Gold in Paris. But, with the world economies shedding close to 2 trillion dollars and the Black Monday crash, not much else needs to be said.
    Biden saying: “I cured the economy”.
    RCP has the presidential race tied this morning.

    Any good news? Glad to read the G706 post upthread. I am fighting the weather and responsibilities to be in the art studio daily. I’m framing a small lemon for its trip to NYC (Pastel Society). If things don’t turn around in America, I’ll be using shopping bag paper instead of fancy French paper for my surfaces.

  • Snakepit Kansas August 5, 2024, 11:03 AM

    Now that the S&P500 and down have taken a big hit, time to sell off some bond funds and buy. You only lose money if you sell low.

  • ghostsniper August 5, 2024, 1:50 PM

    Honest Abe overthrew the notion of State’s rights. Something the founders worked hard to maintain. Woodrow Wilson put the stake in the heart of the states when they turned the Senate into nothing more than a glorified “house of representatives”. States lost everything at that time and became nothing more than wards of the Federal Government.

    The House of Representatives = the people.
    The Senate = the state
    The Presidency = the Federal government.

    The House of Representatives = the Federal government.
    The Senate = the Federal Government.
    The Presidency = the Federal Government.

    There is no balance of power. The compromises to guarantee equal power to the people, the states and the Federal government were overthrown by honest Abe in his war against the southern states.

    It’s hard waking up one morning and learning that everything you were taught in your youth was nothing but propaganda bull shit. But I am glad I have learned it.

    • DT August 6, 2024, 4:47 PM

      One of many reasons Ol Abe is not on my list of best; closer to the top going the other way. Like that Kenyan fellow, just another Illinois lawyer.

  • ghostsniper August 5, 2024, 2:20 PM

    DNA Test Reveal!
    Kamala Harris actually 98% Vodka!


    • Daniel K Day August 5, 2024, 9:07 PM

      Keep ’em coming, GS.
      Even some of the No entiendo inglés illegitimate voters might become disgusted enough to vote against her if enough of these videos get around.

  • ghostsniper August 5, 2024, 2:50 PM

    A law firm was looking to hire a female for a partnership in the firm. They narrowed the field down to three candidates and asked them the same question:
    “If you were walking down the street and happened upon a paper bag containing $50 thousand dollars, what would you do?”
    The first one said, “I would take it to the police and also advertise that such was discovered. That way the rightful owner would have their money rightfully restored to them.”
    The second one thought for a moment, “I would put the money in a high-interest yield investment, advertise the found money in the most obscure place possible, then split the profit among the Partnership.”
    The last one said, “Just keep the money and we can all have a nice holiday.”
    Who do you think got the job?

    Men are men, it was given to the one with the nicest boobs.


  • ghostsniper August 5, 2024, 5:20 PM

    I used to be bothered with the Islamists reference to the USA as the “great Satan.” I haven’t watched any of the Paris Olympics but after reading about the shit show that spectacle has been, I get it. Why would they want western democracy? What does the west represent anymore?

    1. Abortion.
    2. Out of control, emotionally challenged loud mouthed women in positions of power.
    3. Tampons being placed in the kindergarten boys bathroom out in the “great” state of Oregon.
    4. Pornography.
    5. Transvestites.
    6. Insurmountable debt.
    7. Perpetual war.
    8. Celebrities.
    9. Transgenders.
    10. Willful mutilation of our youth.
    11. Turning all of our men into eunuchs.

    I’m sure there are many more. Why would any sovereign nation want what the west has to offer? Money? Trillions of dollars in debt? There is no money. We, the USA, are poorer than the poorest nations on the planet. Sure we all have smart phones and 70 inch teevees but everything is so buried by debt nobody owns anything. That is worse that poverty.

    The USA, the west in general, is the great Satan of the world.

    Best if you see things the way they are rather than as you’d like them to be, or the way they used to be. Patriot, your uniform is your skin.

  • ghostsniper August 5, 2024, 6:01 PM

    I have lost all interest in the Presidential election. It is such a disgrace that I just can’t permit myself to get emotionally invested in the outcome.

    First of all, we all know quite well that the Presidency doesn’t really matter as the hand picked individual that sits in that seat will continue to spend money we don’t have, perpetuate America’s continual state of war and ignore the Constitution.

    They all do the same thing when they are in positions of power.

    None of them attack the true issues that are dismantling the good ole USA. Republican, Democrat, Independent, Constitution, Green, Commie, it doesn’t matter, the outcome is always the same.

    I swallowed this black pill back in the W presidency days.

    Today I focus on local matters as much as I possibly can.

    Just got my property tax notice from my County Assessor. I have a $1400 increase with no tax increases. Why? Property values. The geniuses have found a way of increasing taxes without actually increasing taxes. Just increase the property values ‘wink wink’ and then tell the public that they didn’t increase tax rates.

    We are so boned in this Country. Nobody in power gives a fuck. The American public immerse themselves in the Olympics watching male boxers abuse female boxers and don’t give a damn.

    That’s why we are boned. I’d say “God help us” but I don’t think God gives a fuck anymore.

    Who knows. If there’s a Lord up there, maybe His desired outcome IS the dismantling of the USA and it’s breakup into smaller nations that mind their own business and and do nothing more internationally other than arranging friendly trade relationship with their neighboring nations.

    Our foreign policies for the last 70 years have been the stumbling from one disaster to the next. The failed Vietnam War is a prime example. Our MIC will be the primary reason for the original USA going completely bankrupt with a ruined dollar as the cherry on top.

    • DT August 6, 2024, 4:49 PM

      We won’t be the good guys in the coming adventures.

  • Anne August 6, 2024, 6:58 AM

    OK Gentlemen–you want an old truck story?
    In 1985 my DD bought a brand new 1985 Toyota Pick up truck. 4WD (manual hubs) five speeds forward stick shift. No air conditioning, but a fabulous heater. I inherited the truck several years later. For twenty years that thing was glued to my bottom. Up and down, back and forth the freeways of Seattle. At least 24 round trips from SEA to MT. In all, I have put close to 240,000 miles on that little truck.
    It was TBoned at an intersection in Seattle with no signs.
    It was rear-ended by some woman more interested in her telephone than in driving her car. The funny thing about that incident was that she was driving a brand new Toyota Cruiser. The accident bent my tailgate and bumper, but totally destroyed her car–it was all plastic. This was in the heart of downtown Seattle traffic. After chatting with the police and being approved to leave, I drove about 1 mile and stopped at a traffic light at a major intersection. I was stopped behind some gal in a Subaru. She had tried to cross the intersection, but the light turned yellow and she thought better of it. Rather than making the sprint across the intersection, she put her car into reverse and backed up behind the crosswalk. I waited through the entire light, praying that she would remember to shift into Drive. She never did. Of course when the green light came on, she stepped on the gas and backed into the front of my truck! Not to worry–she started to cry and waved at me and begged forgiveness. I couldn’t stand another hour with one of these and the truck was old so and my head was huring so I let her go.

    The worst attack on my poor little blue truck came about in the residential area of Mill Creek. We parked the truck at the curb on the street behind DD’s house. About 3:30 we heard a loud crash and looked outside but couldn’t see anything for the trees. When we went out to get in the truck the next morning it was sitting up on the sidewalk slammed against one of the trees! The entire back end was bashed in! We were able to still drive it but it was a mess. We backed it up and parked it in the same place again. It was a hit and run so you would think–“man we’ll never know who did this.” But you would be wrong: about four days later a young Asian male driving one of those cheap little two door cars my DH refers to as “tin dicks” came cruising up the street and saw us with the truck. Laughing and pointing at the truck and then pointing back at himself he made it very clear that he was the one who had bashed my truck. When we realized what he was saing he just sped off. I don’t know what he was driving when he did it, but it wasn’t thate little tin dick.

    We used that truck to teach both of our daughters how to drive stick shift, so of course we had to replace the clutch. But other than that nothing serioius in all these years. DH has been genius in dutiful maintenance. It’ll still go up to sixty, but that is pushing it–it likes to go about 50mph. It does go faster downhill than uphill 😉 We will be using it this week to pick up some lumber. It doesn’t look very pretty but it still works!

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