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Man, you gotta go

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  • enn ess May 21, 2021, 11:04 AM

    Wonderful video & message for all ages – Because you annoy have this lifetime and can only go around once – Don’t waste it – Live it….
    But I digress, being a motorcycle rider. Having worn out 7…. Actually worn out ..

  • EX-Californian Pete May 21, 2021, 11:27 AM

    Man, that hit home pretty hard.
    And the timing is amazing- I just finished a full rebuild on my carb just 2 days ago, and popped it back on my Fatboy, which is now running smooth as silk. Of course, I had to immediately “road test” it and put some serious mileage on it.
    Running perfect, perfect roads, scenery, weather, and time of year for it. Even better- most of the bugs & critters aren’t out in full yet. And there’s no helmet law here.

    Even though each ride tends to remind me of all my riding brothers and sisters who have passed away over the years, every single ride is always better than the last one, and probably always will be. There’s no better therapy on Earth than a long ride on a smooth road, on a bike that you know every nut and bolt of.

    Old saying- “You never, ever see a Harley-Davidson in the parking lot of a Psychiatrist or Psychologist’s office. Unless it belongs to the Doctor.”

  • ghostsniper May 21, 2021, 12:46 PM

    Make mine a goldwing…3 wheeler.

  • PA Cat May 21, 2021, 12:58 PM

    FWIW– Robert Pirsig on why he enjoyed motorcycling, and his appreciation of Japanese “hogs.” It’s a short video (under 5 minutes) that includes clips of him on the open road:

  • LP May 21, 2021, 1:13 PM

    We should all just live this way from now on.

  • Mike Seyle May 21, 2021, 1:14 PM

    Thank you, PA Cat. I enjoyed watching that. I’m probably the only person here who hasn’t even sat on a motorcycle. I was introduced to them by my older brother, though. He got on one once and found out how to stop by heading into a barbed wire fence. Or “bobed-war fence” as we said back in Texas. Always thought they’d be a hoot though, and I understand the draw.

  • Mike Austin May 21, 2021, 2:06 PM

    I taught US History to Middle Schoolers in Oklahoma City for 15 years. I showed this video to every class. There was seldom a dry eye in the class. At some level all those 13 year olds got it.

    I am now almost 68 years old. I lost two friends this year, one to Goddamn—I am using this word correctly—diabetes, the other to Goddamn cancer. If they were still here maybe we would motorcycle around the US.

    Even though I have solo backpacked in Central and South America for 35 years, have bikepacked with tent and stove and Smith & Wesson for thousands of miles, and still do those things, I can feel the cold hand of biology. She is a relentless bitch, red in tooth and claw. She can be slowed down, but not stopped. Someday my body will just say no. No complaints here, just an observation.

    Deus vult.

  • jim May 21, 2021, 2:25 PM

    As said above, yeah that hits home with me too. Really would rather go out having fun, than sitting waiting for the grim reaper. Gonna happen no matter what, might as well be happy and laugh while you can.
    Another great read, thank you so much for this blog. It is a treasure, and always hits my old soul just right.

  • mmack May 21, 2021, 4:41 PM

    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Thank you Gerard for this. I laughed aloud and loudly when the one gentleman slammed his fist on the table and shouted “Let’s Ride Motorcycles!”

    Death comes for each of us. We should not live in fear, but as a movie and philosopher once said, suck the marrow out of life.

    Speed and freedom figured large today for the Lovely ☺️ Mrs. and I, as we went to IMS for the last day of Practice before Indy 500 qualifying. The idiot mayor of Indianapolis wants us to mask 😷 up and social distance.

    95% of attendees (including us) said “Forget that! We’re going to enjoy the sunshine and fast cars sans masks.” People are tired of cowering, and want to live life. 👍🏻

  • Dave May 21, 2021, 4:45 PM

    For 30+ years, I have been honored to help boys become men in the Boy Scouts. I cannot do the 50-mile hike on the PCT anymore, but I can still lead canoe trips. This year for the first time I get to lead a group of girls on their first canoe trip where I have introduced more than 100 people to the wilderness.

    Showing others my favorite place is similar to the senior men in the video. It keeps me sorta young even though at 75 I can feel the miles start to add up.

    But I have miles to go before I rest. Miles to go.

  • Nori May 21, 2021, 5:48 PM

    More humanity packed in those 3 minutes than anything I’ve seen in a long,long time.
    Thanks for the road trip,gentlemen.

  • jwm May 21, 2021, 7:46 PM

    It does get’cha all misty.
    I’ve logged my share of motorcycle miles. I’ve done five coast-to-coast runs by five different routes, including three trips to Sturgis. And I never wore a helmet except when forced by law. But I’m done with motorcycles. I have taxed the patience of my Guardian Angels far too many times.
    And speaking of Pirsig, my first bike was a 305 Honda like the one he rode in “Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. I later had a BMW similar to the one his pal had, only I had the sport model, R69S. In 1973, I found myself on that BMW in the middle of Death Valley as the day was getting very late, and (of all things) a heavy rain was starting to fall. I pulled into the first campground I saw. There were two motorcycles parked at a campsite, and two guys who were setting up a tent. One of the guys had a 305 Honda. Sure, it was cool with them if I parked there…
    Anyway, I spent that night with my sleeping bag in the public restroom. Sometimes just staying dry is a good break.


  • nunnya bidnez, jr May 22, 2021, 6:54 AM

    Sweet Jane:

    “And there’s even some evil mothers
    Well, they’re gonna tell you that everything is just dirt
    And that life is just to die”

    well, fuck them

  • Novadog May 22, 2021, 7:51 AM

    Great video. Strong message in a small package. Really appreciate your posting this.

  • gwbnyc May 22, 2021, 12:39 PM

    may they pass while there’s still a free China.

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