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First ( Crazy Cat) Lady Unveils Her Pussy

Because she’s not man enough for a dog! Jill Biden Gets a Cat as Joe Biden Suffers Record Low Approval Ratings In a burst of more than usually redolent moist bullshit the Saki said: “A farm cat from Pennsylvania, Willow made quite an impression on Dr. Biden in 2020 when she jumped up on the stage and interrupted her remarks during a campaign stop,” Biden’s spokesman Michael LaRosa said to Reuters. “Seeing their immediate bond, the owner of the farm knew that Willow belonged with Dr. Biden.”

Oh yeah right. A 2020 campaign stop sighting of her future pussy was something Pottypants’ handler just could not ever forget. And that pussy never ever forgot the nice lady feeding pablum to her man thing.

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  • John Venlet January 28, 2022, 12:14 PM

    Cat hate is going to skyrocket, now.

    • ghostsniper January 28, 2022, 12:49 PM

      I’ve never seen any one harm a cat, but if I do, I’ll knock they’re ass out right on the spot.
      On the 20th of June (the anniversary of my first dog’s birthday) each year I take 100lbs of Iam’s dog food and 100lbs of Iam’s cat food to the local shelter and donate it. While there I talk to and touch, if I can, every single dog and cat and sometimes the other creatures they might have.

      • John Venlet January 28, 2022, 1:00 PM

        Though I am not a fan of cats, in general, I’d never harm one, nor any other critter for that matter, and, like you, if I saw someone harming a critter, I’d employ your corrective method, Ghostsniper.

      • Mike Austin January 28, 2022, 1:42 PM

        In my last year in Buenos Aires (2003) I discovered a abandoned house on a vacant lot about 15 minutes from my apartment. In it lived at least 50 wild and stray alley cats. They were ragged and scratchy things, but still let me pet them. I began to bring them every few days loads of dry cat food. Soon they recognized my footsteps and ran up to me begging for food. It broke my heart when my last day arrived and I brought them their final feast.

        • ghostsniper January 29, 2022, 4:29 AM

          You’re probably the only kind person they ever knew. Go U!

        • Chuck Fire January 29, 2022, 5:37 PM

          TV vet, The Incredible Dr. Pol says, “cats will come around begging for food, when you feed them they move in, take over, and make you their slave”. When I was in Istanbul a few years ago, I went around the city engaging the feral cats that are everywhere. When one returned the love, I was in cat Heaven! There was also one sitting by the road at the Great Wall in China that responded. Cats are independent, solitary hunters; when one engages you, you know YOU are being loved. My cat taught me that for love to manifest, it must be given away.

    • Vanderleun January 28, 2022, 4:13 PM

      Cat haters need to bear this in mind.

      • Mike Austin January 28, 2022, 4:19 PM

        The cat’s paw is not on the trigger. Good gun control.

  • tim January 28, 2022, 12:26 PM

    The (faux) President when asked for comment when asked about the feline: “Jill’s got a pussy, it’s beautiful, the fur is really sum’n, really warm…I’m serious, Man…I love that that…you know the thing. Reminds me of a story…when I was younger…anyways I’m taking too long…true story…as a Biden.

  • Mike Anderson January 28, 2022, 1:17 PM

    Just what the C-in-C needs to add to his woes, a good case of toxoplasmosis.

  • gwbnyc January 28, 2022, 2:32 PM

    “Dr.” huh?

  • Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables January 28, 2022, 2:44 PM

    This story is so fake and scripted that only The View watchers fall for it as they clutch their box wine stash.
    And then the feral cat of muh democracy jumped onstage, darr, derp, drool.

    • Vanderleun January 28, 2022, 4:18 PM

      The Feral Cat has much to teach the drooling Biden:


  • PA Cat January 28, 2022, 3:41 PM

    Note that Willow, aka the new First Cat of the United States or FCOTUS, is a gray female rather than a cat of darker color. Too bad she isn’t black, or she’d be in line for a federal judgeship. Gerard, though, had better be sure the Biden crime family doesn’t send a cat burglar to kit-nap Olive (who, being the Editor of this blog, could easily line-edit the crook’s face).

    Hint, hint: how about a new photo of the First Cat of Chico?

    • Vanderleun January 28, 2022, 4:00 PM

      How can I refuse you, O PA Cat?

      Mistress of Her Domain!

      Formal Portrait

      • gwbnyc January 28, 2022, 4:23 PM

        Cat television.

        We had such a temptress, lived 15 years.

        About the same color, save, and I aint lyin’, for perfect white bikini lines on her front. I dreamt once she had the bikinied body of a woman and sat on the couch with me. Leftover cold scampi prior to bedtime will do that to a man.

  • John G Condon January 28, 2022, 4:02 PM

    Too bad it was a Farm Cat and not a Bobcat.

    • Vanderleun January 28, 2022, 4:20 PM

      Or Olive when just a wee kitcat:


      • John G Condon January 28, 2022, 4:46 PM

        Cats are charming, in a silly kind of way.

        Like, ‘Tommy’ here.

        Perhaps some videos of Olive with you helping it say what it reaaaaally thinks?

        • John G Condon January 28, 2022, 5:08 PM

          Besides, you have an ‘awesome’ (heh) “Morris the Cat” voice.

          • John G Condon January 28, 2022, 5:12 PM


            You’re welcome.

      • PA Cat January 28, 2022, 6:25 PM

        Gerard, thank you for the new photos of the lovely and talented Olive. I hope the former “wee kitcat” has forgiven you for putting her in a box labeled “Fort Asshole”– she has become quite the chatelaine (the French word for the grande dame who rules over a château) of your household. Olive looks especially formidable in her Formal Portrait– long may she reign as the First Cat of Chico.

        • John G Condon January 29, 2022, 5:59 PM

          Yes, PA Cat, the photos of Olive are adorable. Funny how you can read the facial expression under all that fur.

          Btw, Gerard, is that Olive in the photo with the pink marble sculpture just above the Stone-cutters poem?

          The fur and the green eyes do seem similar.

  • gwbnyc January 28, 2022, 4:25 PM

    Ha!! A kyootie.

    They do like their boxes.

    • gwbnyc January 28, 2022, 4:35 PM

      black nose, mouth, feet are traits of a Burmese, IIRC.

  • jwm January 28, 2022, 5:21 PM

    A few years back I captured a little feral who had become my shadow when I worked the night shift cleaning up the local elementary school. I was about to retire, and I didn’t want to leave the tiny thing behind. It took months of patience, quietly coming into the garage, and getting as close as she’d let me come when I brought her food. It took much gentle coaxing, until the little beast finally came around, and became a pet.
    Point is, you don’t just have the hired help, (in this case, no doubt, the secret service) grab an animal, cat or dog, and drag it back to the office as a mascot. That’s how you treat a souvenir, not a living thing. Jill ain’t gonna fool the kitty. I hope the cat pisses on her underwear. Joe, too.


    • azlibertarian January 29, 2022, 11:17 AM

      …I hope the cat pisses on her underwear. Joe, too.

      Would Joe know the difference between that and just any other day?

  • billrla January 28, 2022, 6:48 PM

    Heartwarming. So is heartburn.

  • Jack January 29, 2022, 7:11 AM

    I’m not a cat fancier but I would be if I weren’t allergic to them and if they would simply stay off the kitchen counters. I never met one who possessed those two qualities.

  • James ONeil January 29, 2022, 9:51 AM

    Jill’s pussy, a, we learned well from the Marxists, conservative 5th column?

    Stealthily introducing an established, trained rat catcher into the White House?

  • Yaacov Ben Moshe January 29, 2022, 10:31 AM

    Farm Cat? I don’t think so. Her real name is Fang Fang and she is microchipped – not the way my puppy is! Just wait until old uncle Joe tries whatever it was that got the dog in trouble on this one! See Gerard’s Twain meme above…

  • RedBeard January 29, 2022, 10:49 AM

    They HAD to get that cat– the reason being that now when Americans refer to ‘that pussy in the White House,’ democrats will swear that people are talking about Willow, not Joe.

  • Chuck Fire January 29, 2022, 11:06 PM

    TV vet, The Incredible Dr. Pol says, “cats will come around begging for food, when you feed them they move in, take over, and make you their slave”. When I was in Istanbul a few years ago, I went around the city engaging the feral cats that are everywhere. When one returned the love, I was in cat Heaven! There was also one sitting by the road at the Great Wall in China that responded. Cats are independent, solitary hunters; when one engages you, you know YOU are being loved. My cat taught me that for love to manifest, it must be given away.