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Solutions: Be the One Guy

7-Minute Antithetical Video

Comments from Strange Daze: All Aboard the Armageddon Express:

Dirk May 2, 2022, 10:06 AM So I’ll ask again, what’s the solution? Do you here, think this problem is self-correcting? Do you realize the first pic, “ the nice man with a long-range rifle” Is likely an integral part of the solution?  Everybody here understands if you use the media platforms, you’re a huge part of the problem. The indoctrination is dam near complete. We all know the difference between the truth and a lie, we all know right from wrong.

Dirk May 2, 2022, 11:50 AM:  I hate what parts of our country have become. The problem is we can choose to run to little tiny communities of like-minded folk, yet “they “are always right behind. These people are in fact deadly cancer. Cutting it/ them out is clearly the only solution.  Of course, that “ cleansing” will be required every 100 yrs or so. I’ve zero illusions about where this ends. What has to happen.

Dirk May 2, 2022, 6:59 PM:  If we don’t agree on a solution pronto, won’t matter what you teach the children. The state and the Federal Govt will take over raising our kids, and our future. That threat is ongoing as I write this. “I dunno”, just isn’t working anymore.  I get it, I too just want to be left alone. I recognize your answer’s straight-up honesty. Daily bread? What say you when the food shortage is causing our youth to go hungry, will that change your mind, would that motivate you to seek frank tough choices?

So you’re a prepper, you have food for years. Are you able to protect that food from raiders criminals or even the govt who’s going to take what you saved for prepared for and saved to put away? Cuz they are hungry.

Do you live In A place you can simply disappear? Can your family make it work?

We are fast approaching a time when reasonable solutions have been taken away. By design, we are fast approaching a time in space wherein. Citizens are literally placed in boxcars and shipped off to institutions. BLM and Antifa run the streets, and are the enforcers for state and fed local control.

I ask about solutions often. The blog daddies talk shit all day every day, addressing the problem. Their quick to point out the sky’s falling. It is rare possible solutions are offered. When they are offered we’re pack animals, we eat our own.

Prayers, family, and our circles of friends ARE what’s at stake.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I see a reckoning coming.


Delivered with a shovel. To the face.


Heavy Fuel

Laughing Gas, or nitrous oxide, has been used as an intoxicant since about ten seconds after it was first synthesized by Joseph Priestly in 1772. That, however, does not mean that by the 1960s laughing gas was regarded as passé. Au contraire since you have to remember that in those days people were trying to dry, roll, and smoke the inside of banana skins. In those days, nitrous was just another established “fun” recreational drug. In those days you could buy a tank of nitrous oxide just by saying you needed it for underwater welding. Yes, underwater welding.

A friend I knew in those days discovered that taking a hit of nitrous “helped” him with his creative writing. In a way he was right. He did create very clever and interesting short stories when he’d had a few whiffs from the tank. Indeed, in the spirit of the 60s drug counter culture in Berkeley and San Francisco, he became convinced that if any drug was worth doing, it was worth overdoing. (A common American attitude that persists to this day.)

He was 24 years old and impatient for fame.

In pursuit of more and more “creative push” from his tank of nitrous, he designed a mask that would fit over his nose and mouth and be held there by some complicated elastics so he could type with both hands while whiffing from the tank.

It worked pretty well and I recall noticing that his writing did indeed get better and more interesting. Right up to the morning when they found him slumped dead over his typewriter with the mask fixed firmly over his nose and mouth, and the tank still hissing away.

He was 24 years old and impatient for fame.

He left behind two binders with his writings in them. The stories were good and full of promise. I still have the binders somewhere. I think.

If not they are moldering in a sub-sub-basement of a Brooklyn Heights brownstone on Pierrepont Street.

He “lived fast, died young, and left a good-looking corpse.” And two forgotten binders of “promising” work.

Too much too soon. Too much heavy, heavy fuel…

When my ugly big car won’t a-climb this hill / I’ll write a suicide note on a hundred dollar bill [continue reading…]


The jaws and Adams apples tell you all you need to know.

It will never be known what acts of cowardice have been motivated by the fear of looking insufficiently progressive. — Charles Péguy

“This is This” | So, you have a chief executive (“JB”) compromised mentally and legally, and installed via a janky primary and a dubious election, and, some young cookie fresh out of the Princeton fellowship bakeshop is going to defend him like Wonder Woman wielding her Magic Lasso of Aphrodite? Homey don’t think so. Homey think the whole wretched episode of orchestrated national mindfuckery is about to come a’tumblin’ down, along with the miserable ghoul in the Oval Office. And that will be followed by the fun of seeing them try to eject Kamala Harris from the scene and replacing her with the likes of Barack or Michelle Obama. (Don’t believe it? Just watch.)

This works wonders: Attain, record, and discretely distribute to other interested parties, the names and home address of every classroom Hitler you can determine. What you do with this info is up to your imagination. They have your home address. Correct? Get theirs and distribute in you group.

Too many of our churches have watered down Christianity into a church of cowards, too cowed to speak up. They are told that “Jesus would never behave that way.” Jesus behaved exactly that way. He was strong, not wimpy. He got angry, He didn’t slink away when confronted with disbelief and evil. He challenged His followers to give up everything for Him, to be strong and courageous, not towussout. He went to the cross for fallen, sinful human beings and never shrank from His mission like many of today’s churches are doing. Those churches are insipid, lukewarm, beige imposters pretending to be real food and drink real sustenance. In reality, their spiritual diets are poisoning their customers. All that being said, there is a great comfort, happiness, and true, deep joy in the Christian life when lived rightly and understood clearly.

Behavior Predicts Why Some People Spend Their Lives In Poverty And Social Dysfunction

EXCLUSIVE: Joe’s missing millions! Financial records reveal Biden had $5.2million in unexplained income – as emails show he paid Hunter’s legal bills for one megabucks Chinese deal and was tapped as ‘big guy’ to get a 10% cut in another

Former Rolling Stone Editor: The Liberal Media’s Campaign of Protecting Joe Biden Is Beyond Absurd You can’t keep this game up forever, guys.


7th Grade in Sweden. This will end well.

When I see a mentally handicapped truant Swedish child scolding an international body of delegates and the delegates cheering for the scolding — at them — what I see is a room for mental health patients, filled to capacity plus one. Nobody of sound mind should cheer scolding at them. It tells me all the “civilized” nations of the world are maintaining a habit, without borders, of investing real authority and influence in mental midgets. I don’t know why all these supposedly advanced nations have all slipped off their rockers this way at the same time, and I don’t really care. It’s evidence that I can’t trust what authorities say, because the authorities by default are cuckoo. It really doesn’t help matters that the “facts” being dished out by the young Swedish mental patient are nonsense. [continue reading…]


Interviewed by Gerard Van der Leun

Allen Ginsberg: “Born June 3, 1926, the son of Naomi Ginsberg, Russian émigré, and Louis Ginsberg, lyric poet and school-teacher, in Paterson, New Jersey. High school in Paterson till 15, Columbia College, merchant marine, Texas and Denver, copyboy, Times Square, amigos in jail, dishwashing, book reviews, Mexico City, market research, Satori in Harlem, Yucatan and Chiapas 1954, West Coast Howl 1955, Arctic Sea Trip & then Tangier, Venice, New York Kaddish 1959, returned to SF & made record to leave behind and fade awhile in Orient.” —(Autobiographical statement in The New American Poetry)

After fading out into the Orient in 1959,
Allen Ginsberg reappeared on the steps of the Sheraton Palace Hotel in San Francisco in the fall of 1963, as a vocal participant in the anti-Madame Nhu Vietnam demonstrations.

The springboard that the Berkeley Free Speech movement was to give to political activism on a nationwide basis was still a year away. Vietnam was a distant police action involving American troops in an “advisory capacity,” and with no plans for “expanding our present operations and commitments in Southeast Asia.” A ‘revolutionary’ was someone who invented striped toothpaste, or smoked a cigar in Cuba and had a funny beard. If anyone in the United States of America dreamed of violent confrontations with the police and the National Guard, either on the campuses or, God forbid, in the streets, they kept it to themselves and read theory.

There were no conspiracies then. No one knew what one was or, if they did, had absolutely no idea what to conspire against. The cerebral fog of the fifties was only beginning to lift from the street corners of America and petitions for the redress of grievances, non-violent sit-ins, and quite negotiable, reasonable demands were the order of the day. The odor of the day was “Compromise.”

Before Allen Ginsberg faded away towards Satori in the Orient and India, his most well-known poem, “Howl,” had spoken eloquently if not bombastically of his perception of America in the fifties:

Moloch whose mind is pure machinery!
Moloch whose blood is running money!
Moloch whose fingers are ten armies!
Moloch whose breast is a cannibal dynamo!
Moloch whose ear is a smoking tomb!

Allen Ginsberg, sitting on the steps of the Sheraton Palace Hotel in 1963, seemed in his rightest of minds. On the large hand-lettered placard he carried were the words:

I am here saying seek mutual surrender tears
That there be no more hell in Vietnam
That I not be in hell here in the street
War is black magic

The sixties were a schizophrenic time for prophecy in America. In the center of the cultural arena, things were never groovier. Rock came into its own with the immaculate conception of the Beatles and proved itself able to captivate the bodies, change the heads, and empty the pockets of millions of young Americans. Marijuana and LSD began to share a place on the spice shelf and in the icebox alongside the buttermilk and the Wheaties. Everything everywhere seemed to be happening at once. Surely some Second Coming was at hand. Surely Bliss Consciousness was just around the corner. Five-hundred mikes and a set of stereo earphones attested to that. There was no getting away from it, Utopia was here now and here to stay.

‘With America gnawing at its own throat like a demented bat, prophecy was a hard row to hoe.’

While the culture rose higher and higher, the political horizon sunk lower and lower. From the time of the Madame Nhu demonstrations to the current buggering of the body politic by Milhous Nixon, the government’s unwavering policy of containment in Southeast Asia managed to get 40,000 young Americans in various stages of dead along with untold thousands or millions of their Vietnamese brothers. Repressive, racist attitudes and tactics on the part of the police and the silent majority had never been more twisted or more deadly.

With America gnawing at its own throat like a demented bat, prophecy was a hard row to hoe. Total immersion into both the cultural and political psyches of America does not recommend itself as a way to prolong life and attain peace of mind. “Sometimes you gotta take your ass in both hands and jump,” said the cowboy in the Cadillac. And jump is what Ginsberg did—down the rabbit hole for seven years.

Everywhere Ginsberg went some new cause or new happening seemed to need him to read, discuss, plan, organize, chant, evaluate, or simply be there. The United States Senate called him to testify before its various impotent committees on marijuana and acid rituals.

During a European reading tour, he visited Prague where the students immediately crowned him King of the May. Czech-Marxist police just as promptly beat him up and threw him out of the country. The Human Be-In in San Francisco in the Summer of 1967 was part of Ginsberg’s doing. He originated and developed some of the basic attitudes and tactics for street theatre during the Vietnam Day marches in Oakland in 1965. He was at the Pentagon Demonstration in the fall of 1967 and participated in the exorcism rites to levitate that chunk of Moloch through chanting. He helped plan, publicize, and participate in the demise of the Democratic Party in Chicago, even though it was a birth and not a death that he intended to celebrate.

And if all that weren’t quite enough, he managed to produce a monolithic body of poetic work that chronicles the myriad events of the sixties and the hopes, insights, visions, trips, illusions, and dreams that grew from and were manifested throughout the decade.

Over the years since his reemergence in 1963, Ginsberg has become more than a poet or “spokesman for his time.” He has become, through a complex interweaving of accident, design, and circumstance, one of the American Bards that Walt Whitman wrote of in the preface to Leaves of Grass, more than 115 years ago:

“In the make of the great masters the idea of political liberty is indispensable. Liberty takes the adherence of heroes wherever men and women exist…but never takes any adherence or welcome from the rest more than from poets. They are the voice and the exposition of liberty. They out of ages are worthy of the grand idea…to them it is confided and they must sustain it. Nothing has precedence of it and nothing can warp or degrade it. The attitude of great poets is to cheer up slaves and horrify despots.”

The room in which the following conversation takes place is rather small. Its single window looks out on the trees and the rooftops of North Beach. It is neat, furnished simply with a small pallet on the floor for sleeping, sitting, smoking, writing, meditating, et cetera. There is one comfortable armchair, some tables of various heights and styles, a couple of undistinguished lamps, and one bookcase that seems to hold every title ever published by City Lights. Under the window is a slab of blue-veined marble set eight inches above the floor on chimney bricks. On the slab rest a bronze Buddha, an incense holder, two ashtrays, several vases of flowers and greens, and a pack of Ginsberg’s ever-present Pall Malls. [continue reading…]



Sunday Call to Prayer for Motus

Half of the stalwart team at what was “Michelle Obama’s Mirror” is facing a very difficult passage:

MOTUS A.D.: A MOTUS Health Update We both have a long haul ahead of us. So I’m sure you will all understand that as we depart for the Great Lakes bunker, I will have to put the blog on hiatus. We will try to post a monthly update as my treatment/progress continues. It’s the best I can promise for now. The blog will still be here for you to congregate and continue to solve the world’s problems.

There are no words to thank you all for your support, prayers, good wishes and watchful care. All I can say is thank you, and acknowledge it is now out of my hands as I pray for strength and fortitude to make it through this. I know the road will be long, there will be clouds, but also sun on the other side.


Thumbs Up for Rock and Roll

“It almost looks like genius. Let’s call it a flash of genius, but this has always been in the peasant ambit. Making this child into a child star would be quite the error. I am pleased that we don’t know his name. If this video makes you smile and be grateful for this bit we have retained in our culture, then we are fellows. This is what we should conserve.”—    On Slow Horses – by Michael DC Bowen – Stoic Observations [Recomendó]


Take It Where You Find It by Van Morrison

The world is too much with me so I’m going to take this weekend off.

Men saw the stars at the edge of the sea
They thought great thoughts about liberty
Poets wrote down words that did fit
Writers wrote books
Thinkers thought about it

Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it

Many’s the road I have walked upon
Many’s the hour between dusk and dawn
Many’s the time
Many’s the mile
I see it all now
Through the eyes of a child [continue reading…]


America by Allen Ginsberg [Emphasis Added]

America I’ve given you all and now I’m nothing.
America two dollars and twentyseven cents January 17, 1956.
I can’t stand my own mind.
America when will we end the human war?
Go fuck yourself with your atom bomb.
I don’t feel good don’t bother me.
I won’t write my poem till I’m in my right mind.
[continue reading…]


202 seconds to London

A chilling segment from what I assume to be Putin-approved Russian television.  It’s little wonder the DC-Progs don’t want easy access to this sort of thing by Americans. Not relaxing. Nothing you want up on the scoreboard video during the 7th-inning stretch.


Winston Churchill Speaks for Me.

For the pace is hot, and the points are near,
And Sleep hath deadened the driver’s ear;
And signals flash through the night in vain.
Death is in charge of the clattering train!

Does he speak for you? Call for votes.


And every day you discover the Thing rots in more fetid and disgusting ways than the day before.


Los Angeles
San Francisco
New York

During the years when I belonged to the cities, returning to New York by air at night mesmerized me during the long approach.  Sliding down over the Alleghenies from the west, curving in over the Atlantic from the South, or throttling back and easing off the Great Circle Route from Europe, the emergence of the vast sprawl of lights that defined the Hive always enraptured me. On moonless nights, after the humming hours held in that aluminum cylinder hoisted into mid-heaven, you saw the long continents of dark water or land dissolve into shimmering white-gold strands connecting to clusters of earth-anchored constellations that merged to expanding galaxies of towns, suburbs, and cities until all below was a shimmering web of man-made stars.

As you swept down still lower, these massive meadows of stars resolved to highways and streets, boroughs and neighborhoods, houses and buildings, and the yellow prongs of headlights darting under the streetlights. Then you were over the outer boundary, the runway blurring just beneath your seat. A bump and a bounce, engines reversing, weight shifting forward then back, and you were down and rolling towards the gate. If you were coming in from the Caribbean there was grateful applause for the pilot for the miracle of a safe landing.

You deplaned, grabbed your bags, hailed a cab, and soon lurched along the Long Island Expressway, part of those headlights hazed beneath streetlights you’d looked down on only minutes before. The meter clicked past $50.00, the skyline of Manhattan rose behind the gravestones of the vast cemetery, a bridge, and a toll and you were back in the Hive.

I loved the Hive across all the long years I lived within it. It was at once exciting and exasperating, densely communal and achingly lonely, empowering yet eviscerating, inspiring but degrading. The Hive never stopped coming at you and, on those days when your mental defenses were weak and your emotional shields wavered, it could shatter your soul. The same random evening stroll through downtown that would show you six people ambling along dressed as gigantic baked potatoes (complete with a pat of butter, gob of sour cream, and chives), would also show you a wizened bum so diminished that he would drop his trousers, squat, and defecate in the middle of the sidewalk as bond traders in bespoke suits and handmade English shoes stepped carefully around the spectacle seeing nothing, nothing at all.

An old friend with little use for it describes the Hive as, “Hell… with good restaurants.”

Yes. Yes. True that. Very true but then. . . well, it could also deliver — for gold or glory or God — moments like this.

From: The Hive and the Town


Twitter Insider Leaks Audio Recording of Internal All-Hands Meeting Following Elon Musk Takeover – 

As is written in the holy texts of Crosby, Stills, and Nash; “We have all been here before, we have all been here before.”  Yes, yes. I know. Here the schadenfreude is all in the audio; a crisp audio with just a whisp of having been smuggled across some digital Checkpoint Charlie and out into the free world. And, having gotten here the smooching by the forelock-tugging CEO is almost deafening. And his blather runs in a sloppy counterpoint to the insufferable Nurse Ratched sneeringly talking about mind-control and censorship as “health.” The tone of voice alone makes me want to reach for the frying pan.

Listen to this secret recording. We all know these two types.

Comment by ralph holiman: The disconnect between these people and what their censorship actions over the last few years have amounted to, is astounding. It’s like a bunch of bank employees who have been embezzling customers’ money for years, finding out that new management is coming in, and talking about how concerned about their customers’ accounts being embezzled by the new management instead of them, and how some of them may just leave if they are not allowed to continue to embezzle.


STRANGE DAZE: April Showers Bring Freaky Flowers

The awful truth is dawning: Putin may win in Ukraine. The result would be catastrophe The broader, negative political impact of the war, should it rage on indefinitely, is almost incalculable. The UN’s future as an authoritative global forum, lawmaker and peacekeeper is in jeopardy, as more than 200 former officials warned Guterres last week. At risk, too, is the credibility of the international court of justice, whose injunction to withdraw was scorned by Putin, and the entire system of war crimes prosecutions.

Sense of Events: Canada to build border wall, demand Twitter pay for it

Read this and let it sink in: Ann Barnhardt has/had a bigger audience than CNN . Tell me more about how “there’s nothing we/I can do.”

OC man arrested for allegedly threatening to bomb Merriam-Webster offices over definition of female

“A Sword was Seen in the Sky”: *A True and Wonderful Narrative* (1763) – We hear with the greatest Astonishment, that near Riga in Livonia, has been seen in the open Sky, a fiery Rod, which struck about it, and the Points of the Rod were full of blood. Four great Swords stood at the Stary Heaven, which very often vanished, and soon appeared again; they did strike together like Flashes of Fire round a House it was frightful to behold. Likewise was to be seen with Horror, a pretty large Coffin, which was covered with three Dead heads; also a Pyramid and Serpent.

I’m just here for the headline, which is run-away brilliant. I’m talking “Headless Body In Topless Bar” brilliant: Seattle Man With Self-Inflicted Knife Wound Exposes Himself After Setting Car On Fire – YouTube

Note to America: DO NOT LOSE A WAR ON YOUR OWN LAND. EVER.[ See below] [continue reading…]


Ansel Adams’ Lost Los Angeles

Unknown photographs from when Adams was, if only for a few days, an urban photographer.

I don’t recall what I was searching for when I came across the Ansel Adams photographs of Los Angeles at the beginning of World War II, but I don’t think it was a handsome rendering of Half Dome or a Moonrise in New Mexico. It was something much more gritty. On reflection, it might have been photographs of my original elementary school, Benjamin Franklin in Glendale.

In any case, I was running a search in the Los Angeles Public Library’s immense online collection of photographs when something in a record caught my eye, the name “Ansel Adams.” The image attached to this record was of a parking lot with cars jumbled together around a prominent No Parking sign.


I don’t normally associate Ansel Adams with ironic snapshots of parking lots or small format urban photography at all. Like you, a photograph by Adams means the classic evocation of the great American wilderness. It never crossed my mind that he had photographed any of the cities of men, much less Los Angeles. But there it was. Maybe, I thought, there were more.

I backed up to “New Search” in the LAPL’s database and, entering “Ansel Adams,” got 189 records. All photos were from Los Angeles in 1940 and all of them made with a small square format camera. Then I backed to Google and ran a search to see what other notes had been made of these images. Nothing other than a few hits coming out of the same database emerged. The standard biographical pages for Adams made reference to his work at the Los Angeles Art center during this time, but there were no references to this particular series of photographs.

A call to the Reference desk at the LAPL’s photo collection brought the information that the images were from “negatives given to the Library in the early 1960s” by Adams himself. The librarian told me that the photos were done “on assignment from Forbes magazine.” I subsequently called Forbes in New York to find out if they had any record of this, but was referred to their legal department for reasons that are obscure — other than that any question a functionary for a magazine cannot answer is always forwarded to the legal department. [continue reading…]


VIA EMAIL: “I have the link to mom’s headstone fund, below. We have been able to have everything else taken care of, and my younger sister has put together something for dad. Thank you again for everything you put together in mom’s memory. Please do not feel obligated to put too much of your own money into this. A lot of little things add up, anything is appreciated. I understand that this is a gift.
God Bless, Julia”

==> LINK HERE: Fundraiser by Mary Atkins : My mother needs a headstone <== LINK HERE