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WRSA is back and looking spiffy

The new site, after the insects at WordPress.com canceled them without warning, is at Western Rifle Shooters Association – “No one is coming to save you, but people are definitely coming to kill you. That much is now crystal clear.” – WRSA Reader

WRSA is back.
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  • ca June 13, 2020, 4:29 AM

    Thank you very much, sir.

    Looking forward to the ongoing madness.

  • Boat Guy June 13, 2020, 5:43 AM

    Thank you once again for all you do. Giving us a handy link to WRSA is an inestimable service
    “You can’t stop the signal”

  • Kevin in PA June 13, 2020, 6:06 AM

    Many thanks to the intrepid and beloved GVDL.

    For more than a decade, WRS blog has been a daily go-to source for news not found in most other places.

  • Terry June 13, 2020, 12:08 PM


    As suggested, get your Taurus 2-942029 as soon as you can. Stock running low. Ammo is cheap. Let’s Rock & Roll-