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Something Wonderful: “So many miracles.”

Miracles. I’ve had mine. You’ve had yours. Here’s a group of family and friends that just happened to record their miracle in the mountains of Utah.

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  • Mike Austin February 13, 2022, 1:51 PM

    A mature man with eyes wide open can look back over the decades of his life and pinpoint the times when miracles happened. He might not understand why the Angels came down just then and just there. But Angels are messengers. Who is the Sender? There is a reason for everything, there are no coincidences, and your life has a purpose. Part of your job on this earth is to find it. There will be an enemy who will try to divert you. He will come at you when you are at your weakest. But then the Angels hear their summons and head your way. Yet another miracle.

    You are here only temporarily. Make good use of the time. You are being watched. When trouble comes—it always comes—the Watcher knows. And be not afraid. From this moment until the moment when God calls you home, you are invincible. Act like it. Live your life as if you are surrounded by bodyguards, Because you are.

    • Joe Krill February 13, 2022, 2:53 PM

      Mike Austin,
      Thank you for the very “mature” message of a well examined life.

    • Kevin inPA February 13, 2022, 4:30 PM

      Amen, brother!

  • gwbnyc February 13, 2022, 2:57 PM

    I see ya up there, Mike.

    My life is a series of synchronous and serendipitous events, interventions, and purposes for the last 39 years.

    What a way to live.

  • Kevin in PA February 13, 2022, 4:33 PM

    Yeah, I feel ya.
    If 40 years back I had thought I would be where I am today having lived the experiences I have had, I would have said not possible….and well, here I am. I thank God for it all.

    • Mike Austin February 13, 2022, 4:56 PM

      Let’s see: 40 years ago I was 28. If I were to meet that man today I would put a bullet in him. He would be a stranger, an enemy, a monster.

      • ghostsniper February 13, 2022, 6:56 PM

        The me I was 40 years ago (1982) is far different than the me I am today. A very distant memory. I was 27, single, in between shitty jobs, doing what I had to to get by. It was a rough period.

        A year later I would have the best “job” I ever had, meet my future wife (38 years this week) shortly after, and though I didn’t know it at the time, was well on my way to becoming a business owner, and still am.

  • Terry February 13, 2022, 4:38 PM

    Did I hear a stall warning horn a few seconds before the aircraft stopped flying?

    • gwbnyc February 13, 2022, 5:39 PM

      I believe so.

    • Jack February 14, 2022, 6:38 AM

      I heard the stall warning while he was over the lake and again when he was telling everyone to relax. It looked to me that his nose was a little too high and he applied too much left aileron. They were very fortunate.

      • Dan Patterson February 14, 2022, 9:32 AM

        “Gear down…”
        Uh, wut? No wonder the engine separated; everybody can be a critic, but dang.

  • TrangBang68 February 13, 2022, 6:19 PM

    I can look back through these old eyes and remember getting out of a car minutes before it got totaled, feeling a bullet whiz past my head on bunker duty at Fire Base Ayers in Hau Ngiah province in ’68. I remember a random RPD round hitting my buddy in the throat 6 inches away outside Cu Chi base camp. Why him, not me?
    I remember prodigious amounts of drugs that killed my running partners but not me. Most of all I remember Jesus rescuing me off the scrap heap of life and hooking up the spiritual I.V. when I was flat lining. Miracles are for sure.

    • gwbnyc February 14, 2022, 12:12 PM

      Occasionally I encounter people whom my lifetime would fit into a week of theirs.

      My pleasure.

  • greg February 13, 2022, 8:42 PM

    “We believe that the sun is in the sky at midday in summer not because we can clearly see the sun (in fact, we cannot) but because we can see everything else.”
    ― C.S. Lewis, Miracles

  • andre February 13, 2022, 9:31 PM

    Angels are around us protecting all the time. Driving 60+ on the freeway in LA and something tapped me on the shoulder. I changed lanes. Then I saw up front of me a car was stalled in the lane I was in. Would have been a collision. But this is just one event.

    The power of the name of Jesus.

  • John A. Fleming February 13, 2022, 11:15 PM

    Yes, you heard a stall warning horn. That horn sounded shortly after they lost power. When that happens, you have to push the nose down to gain airspeed. Each plane has a known power-off airspeed that provides the best glide ratio. Losing power right above the ground is not a good idea, because there’s so little time to find a suitable landing spot. At least the pilot did that right, because if they had actually stalled, the plane would have dropped like a rock right into the lake.

    Since I didn’t see any smoke, it looks like fuel starvation. Which means the pilot mismanaged his fuel. Planes have two or more fuel tanks, and the pilot must switch from one to the next on a regular basis. The problem is, if he forgot to switch the tanks and the engine fuel-starved and stopped, there’s no time for an air-restart when the plane is that close to the ground.

    This was an avoidable accident. It pretty much looks like the pilot was dicking around and goofing off with his friends as seen in the video. When the pilot starts doing that, he starts losing track of what he is supposed to be doing. Most of the time it’s harmless, and a few times it’s fatal. When flying that low, the pilot’s attention should have been 100% on the proper operation of the aircraft. Especially when flying low, and 100% for the rest of the flight also.

    I don’t think of flying as “fun”. It’s a challenging and extremely satisfying activity, operating your personal magic carpet. The pax can be goofing off and giggling, but never the pilot. While in flight, the pilot is 100% in the here and now, aviating, navigating, and communicating. The extreme satisfaction comes at the end of the flight, when the pilot knows that the mission of the flight was completed.

    • ghostsniper February 14, 2022, 3:39 AM

      Grab assin’.
      Mandatory for people under 40 yo these days.

    • gwbnyc February 14, 2022, 12:14 PM


  • Dan Patterson February 14, 2022, 3:34 AM

    Lots to talk about here, angels and their whimsy included.
    Much love to everyone saved by miracles, and much sorrow to those passed by. Whether angelic beings are looking over us or we just make up stories to make us feel better has yet to be decided, but the human experience is filled with happenstance and fate, along with guidance and mercy.

    The camera shows the flight of family and friends as if they are in a minivan on the way to the beach, so there is something to be said about comporting yourself appropriately in an aircraft, PIC most especially. Also something to be said about that stall warning horn.

    I’ve been intimately connected to commercial aviation since 1987 and one fundamental truth has yet to be disproven: Those damned things are trying to kill you. Technician, pilot, innocent passenger, support staff, are all at risk. Yes they are, don’t effing start with statistics about the danger of the trip to the airport. When something goes wrong it goes wrong big and bad; the only reason more slaughter is not common is the skill of flight crews and the attention the aircraft gets from maintenance. So shut it.

    I’ll save the discussion about chance versus celestial oversight for another day, and for now join with those thankful this disaster was not worse.

  • Steve (retired/recovering lawyer) February 14, 2022, 3:35 AM

    Yrs, yes, yes, yes, yes to everything in this Comment thread. And also, “Amen.” I have been witness to a miracle in my own life, seeing the resurrection of my beloved wife from near death to life again among the living. A dark, dark, dark passage, but one that, with God’s intervention we have passed through. Water piled high on either side, but dry ground to walk upon. Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow. And may He continue to bless each and every one of you, beginning with Our Gracious Host.

  • Dan Patterson February 14, 2022, 3:45 AM

    Additional information about the flight, and crash, are linked. Very interesting footage of discussions before the flight, and the link shows some serious beliefs of the passengers regarding angelic intervention.


    • Mike Austin February 14, 2022, 8:57 AM

      The pilot’s name is Shadrach, the same name as one of those guys tossed into a furnace by Nebuchadnezzar II. He emerged from the fire unscathed. The plot Shadrach survived the crash. Both Shadrachs Saw the Hand of God:

      “I absolutely know that God had his hand in this,” Shadrach Feild said. “It’s a miracle.”

      The original Shadrach would have agreed. His tormentor Nebuchadnezzar II certainly did:

      “Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him…”

  • FLSTF February 14, 2022, 8:57 AM

    What a great video (and comments) to start off the week.
    I hope this will help more people to realize that miracles happen to us and to those around us, every single day.
    All that’s needed to know these miracles is having open eyes and an open heart.

  • James ONeil February 14, 2022, 11:32 AM

    Not denying miracles but training and experience are worth the investment if we want to keep on trucking.

    Among my strongest memories of over 65 years ago, flying lessons in south Florida; stalls and loss of power.

    2500 or so feet up, instructor cuts engine, “Hey Jim, you last power, do something.”. In the glades many emergency landing sites scarified, as Homestead AF Base was a training site for WW II pilots. Find one, orient, power off approach. If I done did right, or wrong, power back on at about a hundred feel elevation and away. However if I did wrong a long discussion after we were back on the ground.

    One learns to unconscionably track possible emergency landing sites. push stick forward if you stall, step away as you hand prop an engine, remember on takeoff you can drop 3-4 feet as you pass beyond the warm air rising from the tarmac into cooler air, etc.

    I expect such had a lot to do with those folks survival.

  • Callmelennie February 14, 2022, 11:41 AM

    Best I can come up with .. My family has a legacy of prostate cancer. My Dad was at a convention in Vegas 35 years ago when he was awakened from his sleep by extreme pain from urinary blockage. Turned out the source was a cancerous prostate. He took whatever treatments he could, but succumbed six years later. As I now realize, the extreme suddeness of the blockage was a sign that it was already too late .. the entire prostate was at Stage IV

    And in spite of this I dawdled a bit in getting the fickle finger and PSA test. That is, until my older brother turns up positive for PC. So I went in for a check, just to humor my wife .. but, hey I was only 50, theres no crisis. Nobody gets PC at 50. Besides, Elderbro has a flair for overdramatizing sh*t

    Turns out I was half right; Older bro had a false alarm, but Baby Bro had the real thing. A few weeks later, surgery revealed a positive margin. The cancer came THIS close to escaping into the rest of the body. As it is, there is a tiny remnant in my body which restricts a lot of what I can eat and do

    So without the fate of my Dad and older bro’s overreaction to a FALSE ALARM, I would have dawdled a while longer and PC would have taken another member of our clan

  • gwbnyc February 14, 2022, 12:53 PM

    I see a lot of doctors.

    one finds a protein, tells the cardiologist, he makes an appointment with hematologist.
    protein is indicative of lymphoma hematologist tells me, takes a marrow sample and schedules a scan of lymph glands.

    marrow negative. I decide not to get scan because I don’t have cancer. a day later, friday, I go anyway, I don’t know why. took the bus, a friend I hadn’t seen in 15 years walks next to the bus for four blocks- I see him, he not me*. get the scan. monday cardiologist calls says there’s a large aneurysm on the aorta under the sternum that showed up in the scan. he walks me thru everything and the aneurysm is repaired that friday, I’m realeased from the hospital the following friday. the surgeon said the aorta would have blown within the year.

    surgeon found four more, the last two repaired by providence with a Hail Mary in the ’20 shutdown.

    *I’m never alone.

  • James ONeil February 14, 2022, 1:21 PM

    Just came across this video of the survivors visiting the crash site a year later: https://youtu.be/2iOrFvUxTRQ

  • nunnya bidnez, jr February 14, 2022, 4:58 PM

    “Preliminary flight track data …. climbed northwest over mountainous terrain. … turns west and continues to climb to an altitude of 12,927 ft msl. The track then decreases in altitude as it turns southwest approaching a large canyon. Shortly after the flight track data stops at 11,575 ft msl. The accident site was about 7 1/2 miles south of the last flight track.”
    “The open field [crash site] is on the banks of Moon Lake at an elevation of 8,100 ft mean sea level (msl). ”

    OK, I only skipped through the video,with the audio off, but I did notice that the pilot did not have an oxygen mask on. Are they no longer required for (at least)the pilot when flying above 10,000msl?

    • Veeze February 14, 2022, 6:44 PM

      No, 10,000 msl is the military requirement. Civil requirement is (basically) 12,500 msl.