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Noted In Passing: At the Elks Annual Chico Car Show

Me: My Lord, man, what is that?
He: International Harvester flatbed dragster.
Me: Where do you park it?
He: On my farm about 20 miles out of town.
Me: What’s it like to own that beast?
He: It’s like eighty dollars in gas to get here.


The War Before the War

Life along the dividing line between Donbas and Ukraine. Interviewed two days before Russia invaded.

There’s nothing one can do. I was born during the war in 1941 and probably I will die during the war. I wish it could be sooner.


Louis Rossman has been tracking the faux New York City recovery for so long that he’s finally moved out of the New York Recovery zone.


Like everything else about this war, this report is retroactively NSFW. “Report by Patrick Lancaster US Navy veteran and independent crowd-funded journalist. Over the 8 years of the Ukraine War I made more video reports in anti-Ukraine Government (Donetsk People’s Republic) controlled territory than any other western journalist. All so covered the Armenian Azerbaijan war reaching over 8 million on his youtube channel with his reports there. I show what the western media will not show you. “

The Z Man is looking at tanks designed for The Fulda Gap coming up againstThe Reality Gap where human beings are ground into paste. Turn around. Go back down. Back the way you came. . . Again.

Now that it is a hot war, the professional warfighters are organizing the ground battles against the Russians in Ukraine. According to Le Figaro senior correspondent Georges Malbrunot, who was on the ground with mercenaries in Ukraine, “Americans are directly in charge of the war on the ground.” Ever the obedient lapdog, Britain has sent SAS trainers to Kiev to train Ukrainian militants.

Now, of course, it is the job of the political class to sell the war to the public, which they have been happy to do. . . [continue reading…]


Noted In Passing: The Flying Tesla

It’s remarkable to see that Model S catch air because it’s a chonker of a car. It weighs in at almost 5,000 pounds or, to use more scientific units, two 2007 Honda Fits. Thanks to its battery pack, its center of gravity is low and near the middle. In fact, it’s a touch tail-heavy, with 52% of its weight in the back. How does a car that heavy get off the ground in the first place and, with a heavier tail, go nose-down during its ignominious flight?


Five Blocks from the War

And the war itself.


Los Angeles Gangs Are Prowling The City In Crews, Targeting And Robbing The Super Rich, Police Say

Transgenderism is an ideology pushed by the mentally ill and their enablers who insist that if we don’t “see” what trannies see (that a man in a wig is as much a woman as your mom), mass suicides will result. Trannies need us to play along or the entire illusion comes crashing down. Think “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” but with a psychologically fragile monarch and a kingdom full of subjects afraid that if they speak the truth, the emperor will kill himself.

America’s key institutions in the mid-to-late 2010s. They got stupider en masse because social media instilled in their members a chronic fear of getting darted. The shift was most pronounced in universities, scholarly associations, creative industries, and political organizations at every level (national, state, and local), and it was so pervasive that it established new behavioral norms backed by new policies seemingly overnight. The new omnipresence of enhanced-virality social media meant that a single word uttered by a professor, leader, or journalist, even if spoken with positive intent, could lead to a social-media firestorm, triggering an immediate dismissal or a drawn-out investigation by the institution.

Trump left this doofus a 1.7% inflation rate. Within a year, Brandon had it at 7.9%. This is deliberate because rising inflation like rising crime hits the middle class hard. Biden is no moderate. He wants to destroy the middle class. All dictators do. Of course, he works for the Big Guy.

Once you know that the government stooges intend to inject, imprison, starve, and eventually kill you and your family as part of the Great Reset, then make them each pay for their bloodthirsty allegiance to Evil. No matter what weapon, adequate or not, you have at your disposal. No matter your enemies’ titles, costumes, or alibis. For the NWO jackboots, their masters, and their bureaucrats: No prisoners.

Amazon Importing Illegals By Air?

“A wind energy company was sentenced to probation and ordered to pay more than $8 million in fines and restitution after at least 150 eagles were killed over the past decade at its wind farms in eight states.

Putin’s Moscow ranks as a second- or even third-tier threat to the US and the West; it certainly comes well behind the number two threat Beijing, and WELL BEHIND, far, far behind, the number one threat to our civilization, the Wokesters within our societies busily destroying our institutions and the underpinnings of our national identity and culture.

Disney still has a profitable kids segment, but its real profits come from overgrown children born into broken families, prematurely coming of sexual age, who are eager to embrace leftist utopian causes and fantasies, who are seeking an identity and an escape at the same time.

Troy Redux, On The Shores Of Kiev Now we see Vlad doing his version of tactical misdirection combined with the coming bludgeon. He and his gang appear (again) to disappear, from the shores of Kiev, (a.k.a. New Troy). And all the idiots manning our watchtowers (think MSM and MIC) are shouting that ‘We did it, we drove them out’! But Vlad will be back, soon. With a vengeance. This time it will be gloves off for the Ukro-Nazis and their Western paymasters. Once the Donbass fire is extinguished, the real carnage will begin. Achilles and Odysseus didn’t come to catch Helen. They came to burn Troy to the ground. Vlad and Kyrill intend to crush the economic and military might of the West. But given the new reality, on the hardware and commodity side of things, it won’t take much. [continue reading…]


Tennyson+ Loreena McKennett. Give in. It will transport you.

On either side of the river lie
Long fields of barley and of rye,
That clothe the world and meet the sky;
And thro’ the field the road run by
To many-towered Camelot;
And up and down the people go,
Gazing where the lilies blow
Round an island there below,
The island of Shalott.

Willows whiten, aspens quiver,
Little breezes dusk and shiver
Thro’ the wave that runs for ever
By the island in the river
Flowing down to Camelot.
Four grey walls, and four grey towers,
Overlook a space of flowers,
And the silent isle imbowers
The Lady of Shalott.

Only reapers, reaping early,
In among the bearded barley
Hear a song that echoes cheerly
From the river winding clearly
Down to tower’d Camelot;
And by the moon the reaper weary,
Piling sheaves in uplands airy,
Listening, whispers “’tis the fairy
The Lady of Shalott.” [continue reading…]


George Orwell: In Front of Your Nose

There must certainly be many people who are capable of holding these totally contradictory ideas in their heads at a single moment.

Medically, I believe, this manner of thinking is called schizophrenia: at any rate, it is the power of holding simultaneously two beliefs that cancel out. Closely allied to it is the power of igniting facts that are obvious and unalterable, and which will have to be faced sooner or later. It is especially in our political thinking that these vices flourish. Let me take a few sample subjects out of the hat. They have no organic connexion with each other: they are merely cased, taken almost at random, of plain, unmistakable facts being shirked by people who in another part of their mind are aware of those facts.

Hong Kong. For years before the war, everyone with knowledge of Far Eastern conditions knew that our position in Hong Kong was untenable and that we should lose it as soon as a major war started. This knowledge, however, was intolerable, and government after government continued to cling to Hong Kong instead of giving it back to the Chinese. Fresh troops were even pushed into it, with the certainty that they would be uselessly taken prisoner, a few weeks before the Japanese attack began. The war came, and Hong Kong promptly fell — as everyone had known all along that it would do.

The UN In order to have any efficacy, a world organization must be able to override big states as well as small ones. It must have the power to inspect and limit armaments, which means that its officials must have access to every square inch of every country. It must also have at its disposal an armed force bigger than any other armed force and responsible only to the organization itself. The two or three great states that really matter have never even pretended to agree to any of these conditions, and they have so arranged the constitution of the UN that their own actions cannot even be discussed. In other words, the UN’s usefulness as an instrument of world peace is nil. This was just as obvious before it began functioning as it is now. Yet only a few months ago millions of well-informed people believed that it was going to be a success.

There is no use in multiplying examples. The point is that we are all capable of believing things that we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right. Intellectually, it is possible to carry on this process for an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield.

When one looks at the all-prevailing schizophrenia of democratic societies, the lies that have to be told for vote-catching purposes, the silence about major issues, the distortions of the press, it is tempting to believe that in totalitarian countries there is less humbug, more facing of the facts. There, at least, the ruling groups are not dependent on popular favor and can utter the truth crudely and brutally. Goering could say ‘Guns before butter’, while his democratic opposite numbers had to wrap the same sentiment up in hundreds of hypocritical words.

The avoidance of reality is much the same everywhere and has much the same consequences. The Russian people were taught for years that they were better off than everybody else, and propaganda posters showed Russian families sitting down to abundant meal while the proletariat of other countries starved in the gutter. Meanwhile the workers in the western countries were so much better off than those of the U.S.S.R. that non-contact between Soviet citizens and outsiders had to be a guiding principle of policy. Then, as a result of the war, millions of ordinary Russians penetrated far into Europe, and when they return home the original avoidance of reality will inevitably be paid for in frictions of various kinds. The Germans and the Japanese lost the war quite largely because their rulers were unable to see facts which were plain to any dispassionate eye.

To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle. One thing that helps toward it is to keep a diary, or, at any rate, to keep some kind of record of one’s opinions about important events. [HENCE THIS BLOG — GV] Otherwise, when some particularly absurd belief is exploded by events, one may simply forget that one ever held it.

Political predictions are usually wrong. But even when one makes a correct one, discovering why one was right can be very illuminating. In general, one is only right when either wish or fear coincides with reality. If one recognizes this, one cannot, of course, get rid of one’s subjective feelings, but one can to some extent insulate them from one’s thinking and make predictions cold-bloodedly, by the book of arithmetic.

In private life, most people are fairly realistic. When one is making out one’s weekly budget, two and two invariably make four. Politics, on the other hand, is a sort of sub-atomic or non-Euclidean word where it is quite easy for the part to be greater than the whole or for two objects to be in the same place simultaneously. Hence the contradictions and absurdities I have chronicled above, are all finally traceable to a secret belief that one’s political opinions, unlike the weekly budget, will not have to be tested against solid reality.


Climb Out On Easter Sunday

“If I take the wings of the morning,
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea….”
— Psalm 139

We rise in a banking curve of morning’s pure velocity
over fallow fields and grids of neighborhoods,
over ponds painted with slick scum oozing
— from the oil pans of countless sunken cars,
— from punctured sacks of toxic trash,
— from fleshless graves of abandoned murders,
of missing persons filed in muck.

We rise embraced by first-class armchairs,
pondering the crisply printed histories
of yesterday’s most meaningless events.
We rise up above our lives and lies,
above, alone, away, alas, good-bye
to families and to friends, to all terrestrial ties.
Our very cellulars, by strict law silenced
so that our murmurs not disturb
the delicate electronics on which so much
at this tremulous moment depends
that we dare not think on it, and so select
music of our choice from mid-heaven’s jukebox.

We rise in the faltering dark
into the pale flicker of a cosseted sun
slatted in flashes through fingers of cloud,
up into the white blood of the sinewed sky,
and so our day and world slips by.

We rise up to where all breath is snow,
so far that all above becomes below,
up until the sky is seen as vapor,
smeared white on blue construction paper
and framed by dark remorseless space.
[continue reading…]


Noted in Passing: Here comes the Son



So let me see if I understand this Easter weekend:

Yesterday, we killed God.
Today, God is dead (but he has a full schedule in Hell).
Tomorrow, God rises from the dead, from Hell itself, into eternal life with the Father but then (with amazing grace) He comes back for the rest of us.
That’s quite a 3-day weekend.


Saturday Matinee — Post Woke: Day 1


[continue reading…]


Especially in its darkest hours.

Keep the Faith.

[HT: Bruceph]


And the richest man in the world has a few things to say about that now as well: [continue reading…]


Of the Day When God Is Dead

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who as on this day rested in the sepulcher, and thereby sanctified the grave to be a bed of hope to Your people: Make us so to abound in sorrow for our sins, which were the cause of Your passion, that when our bodies rest in the dust, our souls may live with You; who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end.” – Titusonenine

And as for Jesus: He is dead at this liturgical moment, the Nietzschean position in the Christian calendar, when one might even say that, “God is dead.” [continue reading…]


“We do not die period. We die comma.” — Rev. Donald Sensing

In all of God’s created universe, in all of God’s given time, one, just one, rose among the thorns is the one we became and which we shall remain until. . . 


The Morning Star

Record Broken: Hubble Spots Farthest Star Ever Seen | Three Times Older Than the Earth [continue reading…]

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