Of all the firearms in the world owned by private citizens for non-military purposes, half are in the United States of America. In number they exceed the country’s population: 393 million for 328 million people. This is no coincidence, nor a matter of market alone: it is rather a matter of tradition and Constitutional guarantee. It is the history of the Second Amendment, ratified in 1791 to reassure the inhabitants of the newly independent territories that their Federal Government could not, one day, abuse its authority over them. Two hundred and fifty years later, the Second Amendment is still entrenched in all aspects of American life and this book frames its current status through what are seen as four fundamental American values: Family, Freedom, Passion, Style. More at The Ameriguns – Gabriele Galimberti

Joel, Lynne, Paige and Joshua (44, 43, 5 and 11 years old) – Austin, Texas
(They don’t want to show their last name – The firearm you see in the photo are just 80% of the whole collection)
Both Joel and Lynne were born and raised in Austin, Texas.
They met 14 years ago and they have been together since then. They define themselves
“compulsive buyer and serial collectors”.
Joel collects watches, motorbikes, RC cars and various other things. Lynne collects mostly jewels
and guns. More than 90% of the guns present in their house belong to her.
“I love guns and I love to shot them every day. I can’t stop buying them. I am not sure about the
exact number but I probably have more the 170 firearms. I think from the moment I bought the
first one I then kept buying around 5-6 guns every month and I think I’ll keep buying them with
the same rhythm in the future.” She says laughing. “I also love to customize them and make
every piece unique. This is also why I have never been able to sell any of my guns”.
Lynne and Joel have two children, Joshua and Paige.
“Joshua is 11 now. He started to shoot guns when he was 6. Now he has his own gun, which he
built by himself. He’s really proud of that. He has made it by assembling pieces that he have
chosen from an online catalog. Sometimes we also let Paige shot some guns, but she’s still too
small to be able to handle one alone”, she says.
Lynne and Joel run a business together, they are dealers for luxury watches and jewels.
Contacts: Lynne – lynne.simon@gmail.com +1 512 731 5635 Joel – rigbot@gmail.com
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Yell Heah, baby!
That’s gotta make the CommiTards shake in their boots.
what’s that mag-foreward target pistol, front row center, last foto?
I have a Hammerli 120 singleshot free pistol, one of my two best triggers, lifetime.
I bet Sister on the Front Walk did some duty time.
Just got back into town today from an extended vacation.
Went to Camp Perry for the airgun & s.c. matches, and it was a hoot. (even saw & shot some full auto air rifles!- best was a STEEL “MP40” that sells for under $200)
Can’t wait until next month’s CMP match with big bore rifles. There’s going to be some fierce competition- from a lot of very qualified folks.
Got a little sidelined after meeting a few like-minded folks there, went camping for a couple days in the deep northern Ohio woods, and then attended a private auction in the area (of 2 combined estate gun collections) that resulted in my going nuts and spending an insane amount of coinage. My only regret is using my platinum credit card for a bit of it, as I absolutely had to nail down a certain lot of milsurp rifles that I couldn’t let “get away.” Most of the stuff I bought was “cash & carry” by Ohio laws, but the credit card purchases will be ‘on file’- normally not a concern, but we’re in the “Biden era” now. Big bonus- 9 spam cans of soviet 7.62 x 54 ammo, @ 24 cents per round. (yeah, Berdan primed)
Looks like now I’ll have to get off my duff and assemble & weld up the 3/4″ trench plates I bought a while back into a basement vault, as I otherwise won’t have near enough room to store my new hardware. Now to find a large enough (and affordable) safe door or vault door ( 4′ to 6′ wide x maximum 6’3″ tall) for an entrance to it. Anyone have one in my area you’d like to sell for cheap?
Life in a red state- ya just can’t beat it.
I love guns even though I don’t own one, have never fired one and cannot be trusted with one.
Don’t mistake infatuation for love.
Pete, buy a tig rig and make your own.
Don’t forget to drill down through the slab from INSIDE the unit and set the steel anchors.
Ex Pete-
grew up in NE Ohio, knew several people who competed at Perry.
there was an older fellow, Art Hart, who had a gunshop in Chesterland on Rt 6. I bought an item or two from him in my early 20’s. he got to talkin’ one day and showed me his dated 1000 yard team foto posed at Perry- every one of them wore eyeglass frames with a series of small flipdown lenses attached to the righthand stem.
he was a interesting gentleman.
years later I read in a book about an American bolt action made rifle in the 30’s (I forget the name) and Arthur Hart was listed as a gunmaker in Cleveland. He manufactured his own line of bolt guns at that time.
That 325 million number of guns in private hands has been floating around for years while the gun business has been setting sales records almost every year, and the 325 number was way low 25 years ago. A gun lasts for an incredibly long time with minimal care, I have several over 100 years old that ammunition is still available for and they work just fine.
No one knows how many ar-15s there are as 80% lowers and 3D printers produce an unknown number of lowers and the rest of the gun is just parts that anyone with minimal skills can assemble, and now the same thing is happening to Glock style pistols.
A much more accurate figure would be 700 million plus.
Seven pistols – revolvers & semi’s, various cal’s from .22 – .45
Four rifles – 5.56 semi’s, .270 bolt action and a .30 – 30 lever
Six shotguns – O/U’s & SxS in 12 Gauge, 1 Semi. in 20
Beretta, Browning, Colt, Krieghoff, Ruger, Sako, S&W, Walther, Winchester and one hermaphrodite that’s one of my fav’s for many reasons.
James Archer is correct.
No one knows how many guns are in the hands of the American citizenry. As you mention, there have been a hell of a lot of 80% lowers sold in the last 20 years or so. Additionally, many members of the military from years past brought home guns taken from enemy soldiers in many parts of the world. There are also guns that have been home manufactured. I have shot some of those and they are remarkably robust and accurate weapons….no FFL paperwork on any of those.
My son and I have been doing a lot of playing in the yard lately, shooting black power; my 12 gauge Diablo double barrel pistol and .50 cal Hawken.
The Diablo uses 209 shot shell primers, which are now impossible to find in a store for love or money, I was able arrange through a friend of a friend of a friend to purchase 500 of them on a street corner though.
I still have around a hundred #11 percussion caps but they’re becoming quite dear as well. I need to get around to machining a set of dies so I can make my own from sheet copper or beer can aluminum. I’m saving all my spent 209 primers for reloading, building those itty bitty anvils, etc. from scratch, might be able to but would never want to, think I’d convert to matchlock first.
My son and I have been doing a lot of playing in the yard lately, shooting black power; my 12 gauge Diablo double barrel pistol and .50 cal Hawken.
The Diablo uses 209 shot shell primers, which are now impossible to find in a store for love or money, I was able arrange through a friend of a friend of a friend to purchase 500 of them on a street corner though.
I still have around a hundred #11 percussion caps but they’re becoming quite dear as well. I need to get around to machining a set of dies so I can make my own from sheet copper or beer can aluminum. I’m saving all my spent 209 primers for reloading, building those itty bitty anvils, etc. from scratch, might be able to but would never want to, think I’d convert to matchlock first.
Dang, it’s shucks when you get old, don’t know if I hit the submit button on this or not, if I did please disregard this double posting.
A couple’o items poking out from my OCD…..
* On the flamethrower pic….It has all been obviously staged for the photographer, and it is a great image, but a number of those guns are pointing right at the guys in the pool. My Gun-handling OCD siren is blaring.
* Last pic…..Nice looking lady, and well armed, but what’s up with the basketball in the driveway? And who is that photo bombing from the living room window?
The basketball has a flat and the kid in the window is standing on the stair landing.
And that’s the 3rd pic not the last.
Mighty nice display of ironworks,one and all.
Not sure it’s a good idea posting pics of yourself,your family,where you live and what you have online. I get the Molon Labe sentiment,but why make it so easy for the digital commie trash to track you down?
They can,and will,make your life a living hell;they are salivating to do so.
We’re in enemy territory,no matter where one is.
Most of those folks in the photos have tactical stuff. Nothing wrong with that but my preference is a bolt gun with wood furniture, that also, with my own hand loads, shoots sub-MOA. I have three large safes, each having its own name: Ruger Safe, Winchester Safe and Remington Safe. Each predominately holds firearms related to its proper noun. This is also why I drive a POS truck and an old Caddy, as I do not invest much in vehicles. As long as the AC and 4X4 work in Bucket, I’ll keep it rolling along.
Tambien, I work at a gun range. So many AR15s are sold there I have a hard time believing that 80% lowers make up even 1% of total viable and existing ARs.
Ghost- I’m building everything BUT the door- if it’s an actual vault or safe door (manufactured under certain specs, etc.) then a separate search warrant has to be procured to open it, by law. And hell yeah- bolted down every which way, and on an elevated concrete pad.
Gwbnyc- You were born a BUCKEYE, huh? Way cool.
I haven’t heard of that particular Art Hart, but there’s an FFL out of Michigan by that name who has a kind of “mad dog” reputation. Maybe the same guy? I don’t know, I haven’t met him.
I agree with Nori- seems like a bad idea nowadays to post “showoff” pics on the net.
And maybe I’m just a picky bastard, but I have a serious disagreement with laying nice, quality, beautiful firearms on freakin’ CONCRETE SLABS. The chances of that causing cosmetic damage to the wood or steel is just too likely- no matter how delicately they were placed there.
And speaking of “cosmetic,” please tell me that the guy in the pink shirt by the fireplace isn’t wearing mascara or some kinda eye makeup, because it really looks like he is!
Side note- went to the bank and immediately paid off the credit card before the bill arrived. Not one mention or detail about what was purchased- just “X amount of money” to “so-and-so auctioneers.”
Very cool.
@Pete, do a web search for vault doors. They are expensive. 10 years ago I designed a custom home for the owners of a very prominent company here in hoosierville and the husband has a massive firearm collection and is a deep prepper and survivalist and has the coin to make it happen. The basement is enclosed with soil on 3 sides and a 30’x30′ portion of the basement is the “SafeRoom” which has it’s own basement underneath it. Yes, a 2 story basement with 10″ thick double steel reinforced poured concrete floors, walls and ceilings and a 4′ wide by 8′ tall $9000. vault door. 30’x30′ x 2story = 1800 sf living area completely cut off from the world. This was the first safe room of this size I had ever done so extensive research was required. There are no windows and the space is airtight. So I designed a system to allow a controlled amount of outside air in so that no one could accidently become trapped in it and die.
Ex-cal pete; This place:
Ghost- yep, they are pricey, pricey little bastards.
And if building a vault, I figure ya might as well go full throttle. Plus, whatever the costs are right now will be 1/10th of the cost a few years from now. And besides, Brainless Biden could end up outlawing building/owning a vault… who knows?
Hell, Biden’s new ATF nominee freakin’ ADMITS he’s in favor of banning and confiscating AR-15’s-
https://www.weaselzippers.us/469794-bidens-atf-nominee-admits-hes-in-favor-of-banning-and-confiscating-ar-15s/ What a commie POS.
I decided that a dehumidifier with battery back-up is a necessity, and maybe an alarm system that’ll notify me remotely. I’ll probably end up making provisions for making a “safe room” or “bunker” out of part of it.
An option I might have- on the other side of the foundation (basement) wall where I’m building the vault is a huge cistern from when the house was built. (1925) It’s about 12′ x 10′ x 9.5′ deep. It was fed by a spring or well, (now capped off) and is NOT on any county records or blueprints. I discovered it months ago when I was doing landscaping and found the concrete ‘hatch.”
I think I’m the only one around here who knows about it. Could turn into something handy.
Anonymous- thanks for the lead- I left a message at LoneStar, and will see what the price and shipping costs are. Meanwhile, I found a semi-local guy with a huge, empty safe (with a 5’h x 4’w door) that I might go for, and sell the rest of the safe for scrap. Bad part is it’ll need to be “cracked” by a locksmith- at who knows what cost.
Saturday morning, I get to go pick up my new “sporting goods” items from the auction. I rented an enclosed, lockable trailer for the transport. Should feel like a kid on Christmas morning when I get it home and unpack it.