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Open thread 1/2/24 (plus note)

NOTE from Neo:

This post was originally scheduled to be published on Monday, January 1, 2024, at the usual hour (8 AM Pacific Time). But for unknown reasons the scheduling failed. My guess is that it had something to do with the transition to 2024 – the WordPress software may have had some trouble handling it that day. At any rate, I noticed, fixed it, and now the post is published.

I’ll also mention that I’m getting close with Gerard’s book. The editing plus the logistics of figuring out the best way to publish it have been more complex and time-consuming than I had originally imagined. But the whole thing is now about 85% done. I took a break from Thanksgiving through New Year’s, but I’m starting a push that I hope will see the book finished and available for purchase by some time in February. I’ll keep everyone posted. Happy New Year!

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  • ghostsniper January 2, 2024, 1:12 PM


  • ghostsniper January 2, 2024, 1:15 PM

    One Year Ago Today
    See the original at the link below.

    by VANDERLEUN on JANUARY 2, 2023
    Gerard has asked me to post this message for him. I’m a friend with whom he’s been in touch. He was hospitalized a couple of days ago with COVID, because his oxygen levels were somewhat low. Fortunately that’s now been stabilized. He would have been released from the hospital over the weekend, except for the fact that he’s now in a lot of back pain that they’re investigating. Prayers and good wishes are welcome, and Gerard or I will keep you updated.


  • ghostsniper January 2, 2024, 4:12 PM

    Alright Now
    This’n always gets the blood pumpin’.
    Fairly easy to play.
    Watch at 3:55 where he changes from bridge to neck PU – the notes sound fatter.
    I used to have an LP just like that back in the 70’s but mine had 3 PU – yeah, a black beauty (Frampton).
    Traded it for a .357 when I went to AK – wish I still had it (both the LP and the 357) as they (LP) cost $3-4k these days. Oh well.


  • brinster January 3, 2024, 2:46 AM

    Had a cherry sunburst LP deluxe back in ‘73. Bought for $473.00 from 8th Street Music in Philly when I was serving in Uncle’sNavy. God knows what it’s worth today. Pawned for $150.00 to my eternal regret. Needed food.

  • jd January 3, 2024, 8:17 AM

    Thank you so much, Neo, for your faithfulness to us and of course to Gerard.
    I wish you a happy and healthy New Year as well, and blessings.

    New Year blessings to you and yours too, Ghost, and to all who still visit.

  • Casey Klahn January 3, 2024, 2:40 PM

    Thanks for the update.

  • Kerry January 7, 2024, 4:19 PM

    Happy new year, Neo!

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