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Who Am I? by Carl Sandburg
My head knocks against the stars.
My feet are on the hilltops.
My finger-tips are in the valleys and shores of
universal life.
Down in the sounding foam of primal things I
reach my hands and play with pebbles of
I have been to hell and back many times.
I know all about heaven, for I have talked with God.
I dabble in the blood and guts of the terrible.
I know the passionate seizure of beauty
And the marvelous rebellion of man at all signs
reading “Keep Off.”
My name is Truth and I am the most elusive captive
in the universe.
Duty, Beauty, Liberty, Country, Honor, Family, Faith — Plus a few simple easy to follow rules for guys
The Vault
Take It Where You Find It
Men saw the stars at the edge of the sea
They thought great thoughts about liberty
Poets wrote down words that did fit
Writers wrote books
Thinkers thought about it
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Many’s the road I have walked upon
Many’s the hour between dusk and dawn
Many’s the time
Many’s the mile
I see it all now
Through the eyes of a child
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Lost dreams and found dreams
In America
In America
In America
Lost dreams and found dreams
In America
In America
In America
And close your eyes
Leave it all for a while
Leave the world
And your worries behind
You will build on whatever is real
And wake up each day
To a new waking dream
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Change, change come over
Change come over
Talkin’ about a change
Change, change
Change come over, now
Change, change, change come over
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I see my light
See my light
See my shining light
I see my light
See my light
See my shining light
Comments on this entry are closed.
Charles Muth – The Honey King of Cincinnati: Inventor of the Honey Jar
You can see a Muth honey jar here:
Honey bees are in a precarious position these days. Pesticide, fungus, mite infestations, natural disasters and global warming have caused their populations to dwindle. Man – they just can’t get a break! But they are the most important pollinators for flowers, fruits and veggies, and without them, many of our food sources would be gone. There’s a local organization whose mission it is to increase the bee population and raise awareness of their plight. It’s called SWOBA – the Southwest Ohio Beekeepers Association. It brings together beekeepers from Hamilton, Butler, Clermont and Warren Counties to share best practices for sustainable beekeeping. It’s gotta be the cheapest club to join at just $5 a year.
What’s unknown to many is that Cincinnati was home to the man who took beekeeping from a small cottage industry to a larger more commercial one nationally. Charles F. Muth (1834-1898), an immigrant from Hessen, Germany, was given the title Honey King of Cincinnati. He was a resident of the Brighton neighborhood northwest of Over-the-Rhine. He earned the title for his prominence in the field for over 30 years, during which he invented the first set of square jars made specifically for honey and other beekeeping products. His family continued the honey business he started into the third generation, making it one that lived 92 years.
Charles F Muth was born in Felsberg, Hessen, Germany, on April 23, 1834, to Charles F and Carolina Schmith Muth. He was educated in Hessen and came to Cincinnati in 1853 at the age of 19. He began his career as apprentice dyer to his father, who was connected to the grocery of Henry Frank & Co., on the corner of Vine and Canal Streets. But the dying trade wasn’t in his stars. Charles F. Jr. clerked at the grocery for three years, but that wasn’t how he wanted to roll. Then he moved west, spending a few years in Minnesota and Kansas, working in land speculation and cattle raising. That didn’t fulfill him so he returned to Cincinnati in 1860, spending a few years at the grocery of Joseph Taylor. Then in 1862, he bought a grocery on the corner of Western Row and Freeman where he operated until 1883. It was here that he found his calling – in the honey bee trade. It’s not known where or how he picked up this interest, but he began adding honey, beeswax and beekeeping supplies to his grocery, many of which he improved upon and branded under his name.
By 1857, Charles had found his Honey Queen, marrying Carolina Muth, daughter of August Muth. She was from a different Muth family that were bakers and also lived in Cincinnati. He drug her out west with him and maybe it was she who motivated their move back to Cincy. Charles and Carolina were the parents of ten children, six of whom lived to adulthood: August J., Henry E., and Fred W. were all part of the “& Sons” associated with their father’s business, and then they had three daughters, Carolina, Stella, and Nellie.
As Cincinnati’s lone Honey Baron, Charles developed at least five beekeeping products that he supplied to beekeepers all over the U.S. Only one, the Muth Honey extractor was patented. It was a two frame extractor with a tapered basket, granted as patent 208,327 on September 24, 1878 and featured a crank high above the top of the extractor, a honey reservoir and a honey gate.
There was the Muth Honey Knife, which looked very much like the standard cold Bingham uncapping knife used at the time. He also sold a Muth Cold Blast Smoker, model “Perfection, which was all tin including the bellows. It also had a valve in the bent air-tube, to prevent the smoke from being drawn back into the bellows. Another addition was a muzzle feeder, somewhat like the style on the standard Bingham’s and the extra covering on the fire pot to prevent burned fingers.
There was the Muth Wax Extractor, especially useful to makers of beeswax candles and other products.
Finally, and the product he is most known for is his Muth Honey Jar. Muth developed in about 1879 the first square jars – in four sizes (2 #, 1#, ½ # and ¼#) – to be used specifically for honey. There were only a few glass companies at this time that made the square “pickle and horseradish” jars. They were Illinois Glass of Alton, Illinois, K.G.B. in Steubenville, Ohio, Whitall Tatum & Co. of Millville, N.J., and a couple of unlisted manufacturers such as” Z” and “C.C.S.”
He and his sons operated the honey and seed business on Central Avenue near Freeman. He owned the building in which the store was located, above which they made their family home. He also owned a farm in Morristown, Indiana, which is presumably where the hives were from which his hired hands extracted the honey. He visited the farm and supervised the extraction on a weekly basis.
Like a true industry baron, Muth was a joiner – President of the National Association of Beekeepers of the United States and Canada for many years, was a Director of the Workhouse, was President of the German Orphan Asylum, member of Hanselmann Lodge, Masons, and a trustee of St. John’s Lutheran Church.
In his later years, Muth came into poor health as a result of two sunstrokes he succumbed to. And it seems he was mortgaged up to his eyeballs. Between his farm, his store, his house, and another property he was mortgaged to three banks to the tune of about $42,000 on property not worth much more than that. So, given this situation, he decided to and unfortunately carried out his suicide by shooting himself in the head in the bedroom of the cabin on his farm.
After Charles Muth’s death, his business was taken over by his son, Frederick William Muth (1869-1949). He married Freda Charlotta Muth (1869 -1949) and together, they had three children: Martha, Edna and Clifford Frederick Muth, (1897-1952).
His clerk C. H. W Weber took over the old store on Central and continued to supply honey and beekeeping supplies, including the still highly popular Golden Italian honey bees. The Muths may have been responsible for making the Golden Italian honey bee the predominant bee used by American beekeepers.
Fred located the Muth business to 51 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. In a 1907 advertisement, Fred mentioned that he sold a Muth Special Dove Tail beehive. In 1912, a fire destroyed the building that Fred was using for the business and so he found a suitable building down the street that he could rent. He eventually purchased that building at 204 Walnut Street. Fred used a 1912 Model T Ford Delivery Car to deliver his honey to wholesale customers throughout Cincinnati. Then, in the 1920s, he purchased a larger Clydesdale Motor Truck, which were made in Clyde, Ohio, from 1917 – 1939. These trucks had a good service record with the military in Europe, and the one that Fred used had a “war transport body.”
Items sold in the 1925 Muth Catalog, were as follows: Bingham uncapping knives, the “Novice” or Root honey extractor, a Kelley smoker, the Root hive tool with clover insignia, the Muth “Ideal” veil (which was really a Root veil), and the only honey containers at that time were tin pails. From the 1920s through the closing of the company they sold Gold Medal brand extracted honey in tapered jars.
In the 1906 Illinois Glass catalog, the Muth jar is listed, as a honey jar. On special orders, a screw top lid was available. In the 1926 Illinois Glass catalog, the Muth jar was not listed, but in its place was a Diamond Fluted honey jar. The Muth jar and the things that Fred’s father had invented and developed had been eliminated.
Charles’ grandson Clifford, followed in his footsteps, developing a few beekeeping products. He was a graduate of the Walnut Hills High School and the University of Cincinnati College of Engineering, serving as a bomber pilot in World War II. He developed the Muth Bee Brush, made from sea weeds that were light in color to prevent stinging. Clifford also was granted the patent 1,849,331 on March 15, 1932, for a machine for making sheet foundation. He would also become the Vice President of the Fred Muth Honey Company from 1947-1949. The company passed leadership to Edward A. Fleckestein and closed in 1953, after Clifford’s death.
Over 140 years later, honey is still sold in the square Muth-style glass jars, which make a much more elegant package than the squeezable plastic Sue Bee type. But then you need the honey stir bar or a spoon for dispensation.
Pix at the link:
Democrats are trying to remove Trump from the ballot in multiple states because they say he engaged in “insurrection” on January 6th.
Trump was in office until January 20th.
So Trump was trying to overthrow – himself?
Since when do those people care about facts? They just get in the way of the narrative.
Widow-Maker tree in the picture.
Bullet point comments loosely related if at all.
Mr Reagan, the YouYube conservative content creator, feels that Trump’s winning strategy will be to overwhelm the cheaters with votes. Win by winning, but YUGE winning. I like it. A bit of lawfare wouldn’t hurt.
Lawfare is also a good strategy for defeating the gun grabbing politicians and bureaucrats. The Hon. William Kirk is the YouTube guy whose a lawyer in WA state and he runs a channel called Washington Gun Law, where he reports news from actually many states with gun law issues. Worth your watch because he says it clearly; I told him in his comment section that this is the year to go nationwide and give the WA part to his protege (if he’s got one). We need lawyers like no other time before because failing that it’s the unthinkable.
Epstein’s Island, unlike Gilligan’s Island, is no laughing matter. Injunctions, I guess, are delaying the guest list full release. What’s the going price for changing your name to “REDACTED”? – many are wondering.
Biden, who I’m sure cannot get one IRL, nevertheless has a hard-on for global war. Let’s hope his rhetoric about the potential for war with Russia is just more of his endless, mindless, discourse with the wall.
What will the economy actually do in this next year? Team Biden will do whatever possible to lower gas prices, lie about unemployment and business numbers in the economy, and in reality businesses will be scared to death for the future and I would guess will not invest or produce very much until the POTUS election is over.
See that to-buy list on your desk? The one with wanna-gets that includes gunsandinfrastructure… Get busy on that.
I wanna build an AR10 – got some of the parts already, none of the major stuff yet.
I want to build it to look exactly like an Army M16 cept with a 24″ fluted barrel. (long range accuracy)
I also want to build another AR15 almost exactly like my other one cept with a piston.
And, I still have that .50 cal flintlock pistol I started last year and then got stalled out on.
Finishing that out will give me the nerve to start on the Hawken .58 cal long gun.
I still need to get all the black powder accessories too.
Here it is early Jan and I already have the whole rest of the year jammed up with stuff to do…..
…get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’. – Andy Dufresne
“…I also want to build another AR15 almost exactly like my other one cept with a piston….
I bought a Sig 516 (a piston AR) in 2016. At the time I was able to take advantage of a special dealio where I got a good price and ordered it straight from Sig. I really bought it because I also bought a Sig suppressor under the same deal and the 516 has an adjustable gas block with a setting for suppressors.
As it turns out, Sig stopped producing both the 516 ( in 2019) and the suppressor I bought. My suppressor is made of titanium and now all of Sig’s suppressors are of inconel. I can’t say why Sig made this change.
My rifle has given me no troubles at all, but with that said, I don’t shoot it much either. I am aware that the 516 had reliability problems. Failure to feed, mostly, but also problems with Last Round Bolt Open. Apparently, Sig designed the 516 for the higher pressure of the 556 round and the buffer spring isn’t meant for the .223. This article…..
….tells me that cutting coils off the buffer spring can get it to run, but Sig just wasn’t willing to adopt that solution.
Ruger has come out with the SFAR, small frame AR, that is chambered for .308/7.62 or 6.5 Creedmor. It’s not much larger or heavier than a AR-15, and for $1300 msrp. I haven’t seen recent reviews of the SFAR, how well it stands up to serious use and accuracy. It’s intriguing. I reckon that all the AR parts manufacturers will soon make downsized lowers, uppers and BCGs for the .308/7.62×51, up until now they’ve been closely following the Armalite AR-10 form factor. The Ruger SFAR with a 20″ barrel for 7.62 is 7.3 lbs. That’s like 3 lbs lighter than a stock AR-10.
So if you haven’t bought yet the AR-10 lower, upper and BCG, maybe start looking to see who if anyone is following Ruger’s lead.
Gentlemens, my AR10 build will be based upon the template I created when I built my AR15 5 years ago. I can’t stress enough the amount of utter bullshit on the web now that must be sorted through to find what you need no matter the subject. For every tidbit of useful material I found I had to go through many, many instances of erroneous info, wrong info, and flat out retard endeavors, and it seems like everyone these days talks everything to death before finally getting to the down and dirty parts that matter.
From Jan to Jun of that year I spent a lot of time consulting hundreds of websites, including parts manufacturers, gun sites and blogs, hundreds of youtubes, etc., etc., to find the info I needed. All of this retardation caused me to go down many wrong avenues and make purchases that were invalid for a plethora of reasons. It was only through diligence over a 6 month period and a “never give up” attitude and a decent size ass pocket that my AR15 got done.
Because of all of that I almost have enough parts to build another one, though they are not the parts I would choose if I was to build another AR15. So they sit in that cabinet over there with nothing to do.
The lower and upper receiver, barrel, bolt carrier group, will come from the same companies that provided the first go around. They have a proven track record. All of the accessory parts will be purchased, if I am able, from companies I have already done business with. My days of trusting questionable sources on the web resulting in purchases that didn’t work will be strongly curtailed this go around.
In the 5 years since I built my AR15 I have also built several other guns in a similar manner and all of them have performed amazingly. A Remington 870 12ga shotgun, a Ruger 10/22 rifle, a Smith & Wesson M+P pistol (I have another one of these I have been working on for the past year) and have started on my .50 flintlock pistol. During this 5 years I have some how acquired a vast amount of spare parts, gun tools, and gun accessories – stocks, magazines, slings, sights – flip ups, reflex, tactical variables, red dots, etc. I’m kinda getting used to how all of this stuff works. 🙂
My experience to date is similar. All I’m saying is, good ol’ American free enterprise is alive and thriving in the firearms market, and the products and parts from the long-established and 2nd and 3rd tier manufacturers are evolving quickly. People are redesigning and trying out absolutely everything to improve the product. And in a perverse “the more you tighten your grip the more star systems will slip through your fingers” situation, all the obstacles the blue hives enact cause the evolution and adaptation to accelerate.
It’s not that the parts bought three years ago are obsolete, they aren’t, it’s that there are more options now than then, enabling all of us to get a more satisfying build optimized closer to our intended purpose.
And the big manufacturers are keeping up: you can get under 6 lbs and sub-MOA, you can get extreme long range with sub-MOA, for modest prices. Or you can empty your wallet and get a Barrett. Buying a stock handgun can be just a starting point to replace every part in it to suit yourself. Likewise for a 10/22, there’s somebody out there offering an upgrade for every part.
Point taken, John.
About my 10/22 build, sometime I’ll tell you about my frustrating experience with a major manufacturer of 10/22 parts (very expensive triggers) and their childish method to try to milk me out of even more money. I didn’t let them, and became a better (amateur) gunsmith as a result.
I recently finished my home office. In the midst of getting books and things out of boxes and situated in the office, I found some AR parts…rummaging around some more, I realized I had an entire rifle sans delta ring. Got it on amazon for about $20. It’s a frankenrifle with mismatched manufacturers for the various pieces parts, but who cares?
Mismatched is almost mandatory. On my AR build I have a Spikes lower, a Black Rain upper and barrel. A Magpul stock, a Troy fore end, and an ATI grip. The Magpul, Troy and ATI are flat dark earth and everything else is black. My mags are half and half of each color – I prefer the “window” type. I have quick detaches on the scope, bipod and sling.
For accuracy, get a bolt gun. If you are really intent on a 7.62 AR style weapon, Ruger has the weapon and it is accurate out of the box. It is also scaled as per the original AR’s, small upper & lower receivers. Light weight and reliable. Very nice piece.
For an affordable precision bolt gun check out the Ruger Precision Rifle. The Ruger 6.5 Creedmoor is a 1/4 moa (or better) tack driver. A member of our circle has one. My grand niece puts ten rounds in an apple sized target at 1000 meters with her Ruger PR 6.5 CM. No custom work, runs factory ammo but, she is an expert operator. Her father is a world champion precision rifle competitor.
I have experience with many defensive weapons and have seen the proliferation of “gadgets” over the decades that have taken a relatively reliable weapon, and destroy it as a grab and fight tool.
Tuning a custom AR in any caliber is a job for someone who really understands what the dynamics of the system operation is. This means choosing one load, and testing buffer, spring, gas port diameter, bolt weight and so on. Testing has to include ambient temperature extremes. Testing means running hundreds of rounds down the barrel.
If the thing is not dead nuts reliable the operator will be dead nuts.
Keep it simple. Use loads that work in your weapon. Never run hot loads in your defensive weapons.
Again, keep it simple.
Blade Runners
Approximately 3000 ULEZ cameras have been disabled, damaged, or disappeared in London during 2023.
The Blade Runners are at the forefront of a multi-faceted peasants revolt that will continue into 2024, mass non-compliance is our way out of this, with more people waking up every single day.
We are winning, but shit is about to get a little tougher.
So remember we the people are the ones with the power👊
Bring on the New Year.
Silent Lucidity
A masterpiece on many levels.
Reminds me of a book I read many years ago, “Journeys Out Of The Body”.
When I heard this 30 years ago I immediately had to figure it out on an acoustic.
Then the electric.
President Trump Releases Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States
Good idea to post this; it crossed my mind to do so. It is a kind of archive, and a good brief on Trump’s point of view. A hundred thousand votes here and a hundred thousand votes there adds up, and yet the Left claims there is no evidence of vote anomalies. When they’re feeling scruples, they sometimes add “no significant evidence” of such. Excuse me, but in logic one cannot say zero of anything and then prove that assertion. Never say never or none – it’s a big universe of votes and…anyway it’s rhetoric for the simple minded.
My argument is that I watched the key states shut off the lights overnight, and in the morning they switched on the lights and the tallies had changed. I can hear the libs saying: “who are you going to believe; the courts, or your own lying eyes?”
On the subject of evidence or briefs, we have the Eps client list. Name a living republican on that list. The only GOPe related guy I saw as Kissinger. Otherwise, it seems like all flipping Libs and greasy, smarmy ones at that.
Thank you Casey; It is a good idea, just wrong venue.
It should be noted that even with all the evidence that has been presented so far the average American just does not give a hoot. How quickly Americans forget their roots and what it took to get here. And that is a big reason for our downfall. God save America.
In 2023, we saw the outbreak of a banking crisis (that isn’t over), a new Middle East war break out in Gaza, two states ban Trump from the ballot in the 2024 elections and the mainstreaming of AI, among other things.
All I can say is strap in, because 2024 is setting up to be even more chaotic than 2023.
more here:
All I can say is strap in, because 2024 is setting up to be even more chaotic than 2023.
The distinct possibility of 2024 being chaotic, is one of the main reasons I am selling my house in the city and permanently moving north to my trout camp where there are only 14 people per square mile, most of whom remain staunchly American.
And what a fine place to be, you lucky devil.
Do you think biden has ever been punched in the face?
I don’t, and this is why.
Look at his general disposition, and go back as far as you can, and you’ll see he’s always been an “in your face” arrogant asshole. FWIW, my memory of him only goes back about 30 years or so when his nickname was “Plug”. Prior to that I just didn’t have any interest or even curiosity of politics.
But yeah, that asswipe biden talks a lot of hollow shit and is quick to get in someone’s ass about it. People that have been punched in the face, and have a reasonable IQ, become a little more humble afterwards. They know what the word “consequences” means and they know they can hurt like 4 mf. People that have been PITF know how to read the room and avoid situations that could get them PITF again.
biden has managed to surround himself with pussy boys that also have never been PITF. When biden gets all up on his hind legs and runs that jibber the PB’s cower cause they’re afraid biden will punch them in the face. Cowards are funny people. In a group of cowards all of them try to out-coward each other. Then a biden comes along and he realizes he can push cowards around as much as he likes and none of them will do anything about it. In fact, biden laughs at their cowardly asses and bully’s them even more.
People like biden have no friends because everybody is scared of him (pussy boys) or cannot put up with his shitty demeanor (normal people). So the only people that associate themselves with biden are the ones that can make some sort of monetary gain from it. Nobody likes to hang with cowardly bully’s.
Ever seen that video that’s out there where Trump clotheslined that pro-wrestler dood? Vince somebody. Yeah, Trump dropped him like a used rubber. I’d like to see Trump do that to biden. Now THAT would be funny. I’d pay 1000 of my favorite legal tenders to watch that up close and in person. Hell, that would most likely break bidens hollow, plastic backbone, and I would have to go over there and get a couple rib kicks in, maybe another one upside that plugged noggin.
I need to get my ass back to work and quit day dreamin….
In case you hadn’t seen that vid, here it is.
For John Venlet: Clear a large area around your new home–you need to see quite a ways. Stay safe!
Sound advice, Anne, and as such your suggestion has already been addressed. Our place is quite defendable, even if miscreants can make the bridgehead.
Best not to attempt to protect your house from your, house.
True, Terry, that’s why I know the woods which surround my grounds.