As Derb put it way back when: The ordinary modes of human thinking are magical, religious, social, and personal. We want our wishes to come true; we want the universe to care about us; we want the approval of those around us; we want to get even with that s.o.b who insulted us at the last tribal council. For most people, wanting to know the cold truth about the world is way, way down the list. Scientific objectivity is a freakish, unnatural, and unpopular mode of thought, restricted to small cliques whom the generality of citizens regard with dislike and mistrust.
The upshot of this is: Facts don’t matter.
People have been destroying Leftist arguments with facts for 200 years, even as the Left rampages from victory to victory. So either learn to fight like the Left does, or don’t fight at all.
If I were the Propaganda Chief of the Official Dissident Movement ™, I’d have a battalion of social media shitposters on retainer… but they’d be under strict orders to never, ever engage. Find The Current Thing, find a nasty meme to mock The Current Thing, blast it out there, then walk away. Four words: Shit post, mic drop.
The Sneaky Way China Could Win a War Against America Kill the Logistics Fleet: The U.S. armed forces can accomplish little in the Western Pacific without ample and regular supplies of all types, from fuel to ammunition to foodstuffs. China knows this. They will go after the logistics fleet hauling materiel to the fighting forces, making it a priority target set.
This is how France deals with it
— Russian Market (@runews) December 1, 2022
Stephen King Estate Reveals He Died Years Ago And His Twitter Account Is Being Run By A Mentally Ill, Glue-Sniffing Parrot With Tourette’s “We wanted King’s voice to remain relevant in the political sphere,” said Hank Herbert, one of King’s estate managers. “And Penny is just the gal for the job. She’s annoying, she squawks all the time, and she pretty much acts exactly like an angry toddler, making her tweets perfect for King to go viral on lefty Twitter.”
The Ukraine is committing “suicide by cop” | Oh, I get it. USA! USA! USA! And all that crap. And how dare Russia not become just another degenerate globohomo vassal of Western degeneracy. And how dare Russia sell its oil and gas to willing buyers of other countries. How dare Russia reject Western globohomo multiple flavors of gender-bending mentally ill freaks. How dare Russia, despite all its flaws of the past, keep its rich cultural traditions. How dare Russia’s Orthodox Church rejects Western degeneracy. How dare Russia not become a servant of Satan.
As long as Tech MAGA (Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Amazon) have unlimited power to engage in bundling and to act as gatekeepers of competitive products, there cannot be a healthy startup ecosystem.
— David Sacks (@DavidSacks) November 29, 2022
How Juliane Koepcke Survived a Plane Crash Juliane wrote: I lay there, almost like an embryo for the rest of the day and a whole night, until the next morning. Afterthe sun had risen, Juliane’s sedimentary attitude was replaced by a burning desire to find her mother. So, with lollipops from fallen luggage in hand, she began her voyage through the notoriously dangerous jungle.
Ben Franklin: The Thirteen Necessary Virtues These names of virtues, with their precepts, were:
1. TEMPERANCE. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
2. SILENCE. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
3. ORDER. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.
4. RESOLUTION. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
5. FRUGALITY. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.
6. INDUSTRY. Lose no time; be always employ’d in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
7. SINCERITY. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
8. JUSTICE. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
9. MODERATION. Avoid extreams; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
10. CLEANLINESS. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloaths, or habitation.
11. TRANQUILLITY. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
12. CHASTITY. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dulness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another’s peace or reputation.
13. HUMILITY. Imitate Jesus and Socrates.
ITALY – Newly discovered, previously hidden image of Saint George slaying a dragon.
Found during the renovation of the "Basilica" of St. George Mariore, Napoli, Italy.
— nikola 3 (@ronin19217435) November 25, 2022
A new definition of insanity: Treating what for many very young people is a social contagion with powerful, life-altering, irreversible drugs that have never been approved for that use–and then claiming such treatments are a basic civil right. From NYT:
— Byron York (@ByronYork) November 30, 2022
There is a wonderful photograph of Bankman-Fried on a panel with Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, the two of them obviously groveling before the young genius who was worth so much more (in money, that is) even than they. Two former leaders of the free world were dazzled by the $16 billion that Bankman-Fried was worth; never was the worship of Mammon more evident than on the faces of Clinton and Blair. We see from this photograph that Bankman-Fried is a man of principle: He is not prepared to make himself any less of a slob just because the people he is meeting are eminent, or formerly eminent.
Amazon lays off 10,000, SPR depleted, record inflation, winter heating fuel shortage, SBF & Paul Pelosi story disappear, billions more to Ukraine, Biden weaponizing IRS & ATF, 5 million illegals, fentanyl deaths, gender agenda.
But GOP giving press conference about Trump & Kanye.— Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) November 29, 2022
John Fetterman Reckons He Will Go to Washington, Uh, Huh “I’ve beat Oz in the race, uh, huh,” said Fetterman. “Yes, I’m right sure of it. I reckon I’ll go to that lil’ ol’ white building on the corner of First Street and some other street. There’s a bench out front that says ‘Senator Fetterman’s office’ on it. I’ll be sitting there, waiting on ye so we can talk with my closed captioning device. Mhm. ”
Heavy D with a message for Tim Cook.
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) November 29, 2022
The largest quarantine camp in China's Guangzhou city is being built.
It has 90,000 isolation pods.— Songpinganq (@songpinganq) November 27, 2022
Spielberg Has Become Biden – Spielberg is no more of an artist now than Biden is a politician. Both men are propped up by parasites and enablers dining out on their name recognition. Spielberg’s Ron Klain is Tony Kushner, a leftist hack playwright who has been the hump on Spielberg’s back for over a decade. The adult Spielberg, like the child filmmaker of ‘The Fabelmans’, had a knack for capturing dynamic moments, but no grasp of the bigger picture. Like other boomer blockbuster directors, including pal George Lucas, he brought to life the creative influences of his childhood, movie serials and thriller comics, monsters and space aliens, created as disposable rubbish by an earlier generation.
What blacks in ads really sell “Such commercials can tap into unconscious myths in American racial and cultural history. Among the myths are the white male as a Great Father savior, the black woman as sexually available, the black male as absent or lacking authority within his own home, and the white woman as precious and needing protection from black men.” Unconscious myths? Are those tales you tell when you black out? The assimilation of black people bothered segregationist Democrats for a century. Now such an assimilation bothers progressive Democrats. As the starter party for Americans, Democrats should fear assimilation because nothing makes one Republican quicker than a mortgage and a property tax bill. These ads sell products sure, but they promote a way of life the rest of the media mocks.
Riot control police vehicles moved into Shanghai.
— 高大伟 David Cowhig (@gaodawei) November 28, 2022
The agitation machine that is the modern mass media was invited onto Twitter in the early days as a way to promote the product over the alternatives. Twitter was custom-built for the slow-witted, but supremely confident people who make up mass media. All they needed to do is download an app, open it up and begin typing. Limiting it to short messages reduced the odds of them exposing their stupidity.
It did not take long before the mouth breathers of the Left followed the media onto the platform and it became an echo chamber. Of course, it did not take long before the enemies of this unholy alliance of the confidently stupid joined Twitter to mock and ridicule these people. For a short while it was amusing to see someone, probably posting from the john, wrecking the day of sanctimonious simpletons like David French or Max Boot, with mockery and irreverence.
Of course, that is why the whole thing was doomed.
How to Meow in Yiddish: A Peace On Marshy Land In Idaho A crosswise pond is dug and the water comes into it. A shining cross of water is made. Many offerings of peace are made upon the water. Food, flesh and plant, is given for a peace between naked men and hair men. These are ephemeral gifts. They are given in trade also. Hair men are hunters only. Naked men tend corn and squash and bean. Lasting gifts are made of stone. Power is in the stone. Corn in stone. Deer in stone.
Never Yet Melted » The Most Boring Game In soccer, the blame is dispersed and almost no one scores anyway. There are no heroes, no losers, no accountability, and no child’s fragile self-esteem is bruised. There is a reason perpetually alarmed women are called “soccer moms,” not “football moms.” Do they even have MVPs in soccer? Everyone just runs up and down the field and, every once in a while, a ball accidentally goes in. That’s when we’re supposed to go wild. I’m already asleep.
daily timewaster: The Anatolian leopard, which was believed to be extinct in Turkey since 1974, has been seen again, beginning in 2021. In Turkey, the Anatolian leopard was assumed to be extinct due to large-scale poaching, by 1974. However, a campaign was launched to protect and save whatever leopards might still be in the country. It appears the leopards are trickling back in, to prey, undoubtedly, on lonely villages, stray children, and wildlife biologists distracted by their cameras.
The Wondrous History of the Waffle – One day in spring 2020, I was halfway through a very long pandemic walk when I happened to find myself on Eggo Way. I walked along imagining how some poor soul named John Eggo must have been upset when a brand of frozen waffles popped up bearing his name. But at the end of Eggo Way, I found a Kellogg’s factory. Curious, I walked home and started researching, only to find that Eggo waffles do indeed hail from my hometown of San José. But the name “Eggo” was never meant to apply to waffles. Frank, Tony, and Sam Dorsa made mayonnaise. Starting their business in their mother’s house in 1932, they boasted that their version of the condiment used fresh eggs, leading them to name the fledgling company “Eggo.” Riding off their mayonnaise success, the brothers soon turned to potato chips, then a powdered waffle mix. By the 1950s, though, frozen food was on the rise. Frank, the family inventor, engineered a giant waffle-iron carousel, and the Eggo frozen waffle was born.
At its best the Blitz looked very much like a #CancelMob — there are no written orders; hell, there are no real commanders; everyone just does whatever needs to be done in their area of operations. It’s an eerie “school of fish” effect that in itself is highly intimidating, and destabilizing to the enemy’s command-and-control. It looks like there must be detailed operational orders, elaborate chains of command, massive staff work of all kinds… but there’s not. Organizing a counterattack is like swinging blindly at a school of fish, or a swarm of gnats, because the attackers’ c-and-c is both everywhere and nowhere.
The Psychology Behind Why Identical Twins Inspire Fascination—and Fear A history of othering, experimentation, and mystery.
The Chinese military is getting ready
— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 29, 2022
WATCH: Eric Metaxas Explains Why ‘Intellectually Honest’ People Recognize Atheism As ‘Preposterous’ “I don’t have any doubt that if you are intellectually honest, you have to conclude—you must conclude—Atheism is preposterous,” Metaxas told Posobiec. “Now, you have questions about the Bible. You have questions about Christianity or you have questions about faith. That’s great. We can talk about your questions. The thesis is that there is no God. The evidence from science in the last few decades has become so overwhelming. The only thing you can do is ignore it or look away or just say leave me alone. I don’t want to see that.”
10 Ways To Make Soccer Watchable Goalies must be double amputees – no more scoreless draws! Any two limbs will do. Supply one “enforcer” on each team with a taser – finally, the guy thrashing on the ground won’t be faking! Add quicksand so that anyone who takes too long on a free kick gets sucked in – move or die. Have a drunk hobo decide when each half starts and ends – bound to be more sensible than whatever the current system is.
Walk with me, as we take a trip down memory lane…
(slightly off topic but worthwhile)
— unhoodwinked (@unhoodwinked) November 30, 2022
“Your mission is not to save a dying world. No civilization has the promises of eternal life. Your mission is to live out with fidelity and without compromise the faith you received from Christ.” — Robert Cardinal Sarah
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Sadly GV, the war coming, won’t be won with words alone, it is written.
Francis has a great post out, while I agree in general, I disagree regarding the Constitution being dead.
I recognize that is is in fact The Constitution holding us together. A small difference.
Admire my peers here for their wisdom and honesty.
I’m amused daily by my recognition that our Govt is now Communist, and sadly only one way thru communists that’s shoot ‘em in the fucking face. Perhaps I offend our friends here when it’s said openly.
Francis, god bless you, you DO know the ending, your just unwilling to say it. I to am an old man, 66, I have every intention of being apart of the taking back this country. I’ll have it no other way. Our generation is directly responsible for allowing these communist to seize power via corruption, half truths and innuendo.
We have no one to blame but ourselves. I intend to correct my errors in judgement, I owe it to my grand children, the youth of my community.
I’m a few years older than you and I am ill but I hope I get a chance to get involved in the war too. It’s gonna take a lot of GD killing but so be it. I always haul my share of the freight, maybe not as much as the next guy’s but my share none the less.
The left has become a demonic, violent, irredeemable enemy and it/they deserves every moment of pain, horror and terror that can be doled out to them. Harden your hearts, start at the top of your own local infestation, cut the snakes’ heads off and work your way down to the bottom of their dens.
Dirk sed: “I intend to correct my errors in judgement…”
What were your errors in judgement?
Be specific.
I’m trying to understand.
I’m not intending to be a spam-spreading stalker… but someone has to read this…
Thank you for the link.
I second that
Your goal is to daily disobey the govt? To my way of thinking, the govt. has thousands of laws that befoul you, and it’s minute to minute. An honest senate would: 1.) stop convening annually, 2.) sunset most laws on the books, 3.) cease and desist from levying taxes and temporarily reverse the flow of money as a form of reparations, 4.) break up the alphabet agencies and reconstitute very few of them, and headquarters them out in the American states, and no longer in DC, 5.) shrink D.C. and raze most of the housing therein.
Next problem…
Someone said our government is communist, now. It’s something, that’s for sure, and it isn’t a constitutional republic. It’s some sick form of social fascism. It resembles more an SFO bordello than an elected government.
China! Biden’s head is so far up China’s ass that China’d be well advised not to make their Taiwan project kinetic. They’ve got an imbecilic puppet to pull the levers of power for them. Tim Cook being harassed by that intrepid reporter: she needs a promotion and all of out thanks. Tim Cook needs to retire to China and trouble only them for awhile.
Twitter: what Musk is doing is the most entertaining political theater since Trump was elected the first time. In the department of what everybody on the right already knew: our corrupt government froze the news and set us all on an I.V. of propaganda while Biden was stealing office.
Keep your powder dry, gentle people.
Hyland, saw that over at Pete’s place. Lot of truth to it. End of the day, govts gonna govern, men and women are going to be really pissed at the absolute none sense coming out of ALL govt.
It will get real again, I’m not a maniac I truly wish for peace on earth, good will to man. I just understand from A very young age, men are brutal.
I spent 25 ish years on the streets clean up the messes made by ignorant people. I understand carnage in war, but when OUR people butcher others for seemingly zero reasons, when this nation, the system insists on men in uniform “Protect The Infrastructure”,,,,,” Govt”, I laugh out loud.
That definition is a self licking lollipop pop.
To the Constitution, some here see it as a wet old piece of paper, I’ve spent the better part of my adulthood defending it, military, law enforcement,,,,,,,,I’m not about to let communism shred the founding document.
My problem, I drank the “Patriots KoolAid” along time ago I’m a believer in this great nation. I am willing to defend this country, the men and women whom are unable to defend themselves.
Yea it’s cheesy, but I love my country.