“I curse BIDEN’S head and all the hairs of BIDEN’S head; I curse BIDEN’S face, BIDEN’S brain (innermost thoughts), BIDEN’S mouth, BIDEN’S nose, BIDEN’S tongue, BIDEN’S teeth, BIDEN’S forehead, BIDEN’S shoulders, BIDEN’S breast, BIDEN’S heart, BIDEN’S stomach, BIDEN’S back, BIDEN’S womb, BIDEN’S arms, BIDEN’S legs, BIDEN’S hands, BIDEN’S feet, and every part of BIDEN’S body, from the top of BIDEN’S head to the soles of BIDEN’S feet, before and behind, within and without.”
“I curse BIDEN going and I curse HIM riding; I curse HIM standing and I curse HIM sitting; I curse HIM eating and I curse HIM drinking; I curse HIM rising, and I curse HIM lying; I curse HIM at home, I curse HIM away from home; I curse HIM within the house, I curse HIM outside of the house; I curse BIDEN’S WIFE, BIDEN’S child, and BIDEN’S slaves, black and white and wise Latina and Islamic whores who participate in BIDEN’S deeds. I curse BIDEN’S crops, BIDEN’S cattle, BIDEN’S wool, BIDEN’S sheep, BIDEN’S horses, BIDEN’S swine, BIDEN’S geese, BIDEN’S hens, and all BIDEN’S livestock. I curse BIDEN’S halls, BIDEN’S chambers, BIDEN’S kitchens, BIDEN’S stanchions, BIDEN’S barns, BIDEN’S cowsheds, BIDEN’S barnyards, BIDEN’S cabbage patches, BIDEN’S plows, BIDEN’S harrows, and the goods and houses that are necessary for BIDEN’S sustenance and welfare.”
[There’s more. Much, much, much more. But you get a general idea and… Well… if you insist:]
May all the malevolent wishes and curses ever known, since the beginning of the world, to this hour, light on the Bidens. May the malediction of God, that fell upon Lucifer and all his fellows, that cast the Bidens from the high Heaven to the deep hell, light upon the Bidens.
May the fire and the sword that stopped Adam from the gates of Paradise, stop the Bidens from the glory of Heaven, until they forebear, and make amends….
May the evil that fell upon cursed Cain, when he slew his brother Abel, needlessly, fall on the Bidens for the needless slaughter that they commit daily.
May the malediction that fell upon all the world, man and beast, and all that ever took life, when all were drowned by the flood of Noah, except Noah and his ark, fall upon the Bidens and drown the Bidens, man and beast, and make this realm free of the Bidens, for the Bidens’ wicked sins.
May the thunder and lightning which rained down upon Sodom and Gomorrah and all the lands surrounding the Bidens, and burned the Bidens for the Bidens’ vile sins, rain down upon the Bidens and burn the Bidens for the Bidens’ open sins.
May the evil and confusion that fell on the Gigantis for the Bidens’ oppression and pride in building the Tower of Babylon, confound the Bidens and all the Bidens’ works, for the Bidens’ open callous disregard and oppression.
May all the plagues that fell upon Pharaoh and his people of Egypt, the Bidens’ lands, crops, and cattle, fall upon the Bidens, the Bidens’ equipment, the Bidens’ places, the Bidens’ lands, the Bidens’ crops, and livestock.
May the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific and other waters which they use, drown the Bidens, as the Red Sea drowned King Pharaoh and the people of Egypt, preserving God’s people of Israel.
May the earth open, split, and cleave, and swallow the Bidens straight to hell, as it swallowed cursed Dathan and Abiron, who disobeyed Moses and the command of God.
May the wildfire that reduced Thore and his followers to two-hundred-fifty in number, and others from 14,000 to 7,000 at any, usurping against Moses and Aaron, servants of God, suddenly burn and consume the Bidens daily, for opposing the commands of God and Holy Church.
May the malediction that suddenly fell upon fair Absalom, riding through the wood against his father, King David, when the branches of a tree knocked him from his horse and hanged him by the hair, fall upon these untrue Scotsmen and hang the Bidens the same way, that all the world may see.
May the malediction that fell upon Nebuchadnezzar’s lieutenant, Holofernes, making war and savagery upon true Christian men; the malediction that fell upon Judas, Pilate, Herod, and the Jews that crucified Our Lord; and all the plagues and troubles that fell on the city of Jerusalem therefore, and upon Simon Magus for his treachery, bloody Nero, Ditius Magcensius, Olibrius, Julianus Apostita and the rest of the cruel tyrants who slew and murdered Christ’s holy servants, fall upon the Bidens for the Bidens’ cruel tyranny and murder of Christian people.
And may all the vengeance that ever was taken since the world began, for open sins, and all the plagues and pestilence that ever fell on man or beast, fall on the Bidens for the Bidens’ openly evil ways, senseless slaughter and shedding of innocent blood.
I sever and part the Bidens from the church of God, and deliver the Bidens immediately to the devil of hell, as the Apostle Paul delivered Corinth.
I bar the entrance of all places they come to, for divine service and ministration of the sacraments of holy church, except the sacrament of infant baptism, only; and I forbid all churchmen to hear the Bidens’ confession or to absolve the Bidens of the Bidens’ sins until they are first humbled by this curse.
I forbid all Christian men or women to have any company with the Bidens, eating, drinking, speaking, praying, lying, going, standing, or in any other deed-doing, under the pain of deadly sin.
I discharge all bonds, acts, contracts, oaths, made to the Bidens by any persons, out of loyalty, kindness, or personal duty, so long as they sustain this cursing, by which no man will be bound to the Bidens, and this will be binding on all men. I take from the Bidens and cast down all the good deeds that ever they did, or shall do, until they rise from this cursing.
I declare the Bidens excluded from all matins, masses, evening prayers, funerals or other prayers, on book or bead; of all pilgrimages and alms deeds done, or to be done in holy church or be Christian people, while this curse is in effect.
And, finally, I condemn the Bidens perpetually to the deep pit of hell, there to remain with Lucifer and all his fellows, and the Bidens’ bodies to the gallows of Burrow moor, first to be hanged, then ripped and torn by dogs, swine, and other wild beasts, abominable to all the world.
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and all the PLUGS of BIDEN’S head
Biden is only the face of the evils which afflict America and the world. If you’re going to attempt to invoke a curse, you should be cursing every man and woman who in any way, shape, or form supports what Biden’s face represents, which are the Marxist/Socialist/Fascist/Communist false ideals of a utopian existence in this here world.
Just think only 3 years 6 months to go with the rotten fruit who stole the election.
Oh they will smother this doughnut with a pillow and swap in the lookalike long before then. He’ll roll for a second term easy. And if not, it’s Kamaltoe Kneepads.
I’ll take that on. The NorK Fatso drops a few pounds and everyone is talking about it. It’s pretty hard for the FedGov to pull off a great conspiracy like that, they are incompetent, they can’t even keep a killer CongressCop’s name secret. Soon it will come out that the odious Bloody Nancy ordered the Code Red, and nobody will do anything about it.
Lots of people will notice something’s suddenly off with the Fraudulent. How will they get those people to shut up? Including overseas, how will they keep Ozzie and Brit opinion feeds out of the States?
Here’s how it’d go down. The Fraudulent will make “appearances” by “video” and staged photos for a couple of weeks. It looks like he’s already green-screened for some of his “outings”. Sometime in there the swap will be made. People will notice, report it on social media, and be instantly suppressed. After a couple of weeks. all the vids and pics out there will be of the doppelgänger. The older vids and pics will disappear from the net.
To imagine that happening is to imagine a conspiracy so vast that I don’t think it’s ever been seen. All those Treasury SS thugs and their bureaucrat minders would have to be in on it, and be perfectly willing to forego their oaths. There is always a praetorian just steps away from the Fraud’s corpus and his gertrude. I expect gertrude will be in on it and approve. They would all know. The media and nettech titans would be have to be leaned on really hard, go along or get dead from a sudden vaccine “reaction”. There would be quite a lot of dead horse heads in beds, for even all the little guy mom and pop media operators. The entire WH staff and employees would be told “shut up, ask no questions, say nothing to anyone, just do the job you’ve been assigned, or …”. The demorats and quisling gops would all be told to say nothing and they wouldn’t. The few remaining incorruptibles would be denied airtime, no matter how hard they tried their signal would be stopped.
To pull that off, is to imagine that the entire diseased District must be excised if the rest of us are to survive., as there would be tens of thousands willing to go along with it, and no one of them or their families would be blameless. To pull that off is to imagine that the entire rest of the country will upon seeing this monstrous fait accompli happen, lose all hope and surrender. And that’s the point: they want the rest of the country to see it, know it, and know there’s not a thing that can be done about it.
You ought to stretch that out into (15) 20 page chapters and get it out there.
Title: “Semaphore”
You already have a “writers” name, may as well use it.
Semaphore would be the first in a continuing string of 12 novels.
@John A.Fleming:pardon me sir,but you said “All those Treasury SS thugs and their bureaucrat minders would have to be in on it,and be perfectly willing to forego their oaths.”
The bureaucrats are not their “minders”, they are one and the same. No one needs to be told to “shut up” for there is nothing occurring in their secular hive that is amiss. Oaths? OATHS??
OMFG,that’s what thooose people take. HA! Take an oath to the sacred Starbucks Soylent Greenslop.
The pedo village idiot masquerading as president is not the true recipient of this epic Thomas Becket rant. Even Henry II nods in approval. This curse envelops every human who walked into “public service”, took an oath they privately sniggered at,and spent their short time on earth making other people’s lives miserable. They themselves suffer no consequences,aside from rewards and accolades for their utter failure to do,or produce anything worthwhile.
This monumental curse should be required reading,written in cursive,for all .gov parasites seeking attachment to The People.
The Cursing Stone Curse is all encompassing. When someone curses you with its powerful words, you are thoroughly cursed through and through. There is no room for doubt. When someone has done something unbelievably cruel to one of our family members, my one daughter and I pull up this curse and recite it. We all have a great laugh, but at the same time it is very satisfying.
The reivers were such a problem throughout the Borders that even the church became involved in their bloody wrangles.
In 1525 the reivers had become such a nuisance that the then Archbishop of Glasgow, Gavin Dunbar, put a curse upon all the reivers of the borderlands.
“I curse their head and all the hairs of their head; I curse their face, their brain (innermost thoughts), their mouth, their nose, their tongue, their teeth, their forehead, their shoulders, their breast, their heart, their stomach, their back, their womb, their arms, their leggs, their hands, their feet, and every part of their body, from the top of their head to the soles of their feet, before and behind, within and without.”
“I curse them going and I curse them riding; I curse them standing and I curse them sitting; I curse them eating and I curse them drinking; I curse them rising, and I curse them lying; I curse them at home, I curse them away from home; I curse them within the house, I curse them outside of the house; I curse their wives, their children, and their servants who participate in their deeds. I (bring ill wishes upon) their crops, their cattle, their wool, their sheep, their horses, their swine, their geese, their hens, and all their livestock. I (bring ill wishes upon) their halls, their chambers, their kitchens, their stanchions, their barns, their cowsheds, their barnyards, their cabbage patches, their plows, their harrows, and the goods and houses that are necessary for their sustenance and welfare.”
“May all the malevolent wishes and curses ever known, since the beginning of the world, to this hour, light on them. May the malediction of God, that fell upon Lucifer and all his fellows, that cast them from the high Heaven to the deep hell, light upon them.”
“May the fire and the sword that stopped Adam from the gates of Paradise, stop them from the glory of Heaven, until they forebear, and make amends.”
“May the evil that fell upon cursed Cain, when he slew his brother Abel, needlessly, fall on them for the needless slaughter that they commit daily.”
“May the malediction that fell upon all the world, man and beast, and all that ever took life, when all were drowned by the flood of Noah, except Noah and his ark, fall upon them and drown them, man and beast, and make this realm free of them, for their wicked sins.”
“May the thunder and lightning which rained down upon Sodom and Gomorra and all the lands surrounding them, and burned them for their vile sins, rain down upon them and burn them for their open sins. May the evil and confusion that fell on the Gigantis for their opression and pride in building the Tower of Babylon, confound them and all their works, for their open callous disregard and oppression.”
“May all the plagues that fell upon Pharoah and his people of Egypt, their lands, crops and cattle, fall upon them, their equipment, their places, their lands, their crops and livestock.”
“May the waters of the Tweed and other waters which they use, drown them, as the Red Sea drowned King Pharoah and the people of Egypt, preserving God’s people of Israel.”
“May the earth open, split and cleave, and swallow them straight to hell, as it swallowed cursed Dathan and Abiron, who disobeyed Moses and the command of God.”
“May the wild fire that reduced Thore and his followers to two-hundred-fifty in number, and others from 14,000 to 7,000 at anys, usurping against Moses and Aaron, servants of God, suddenly burn and consume them daily, for opposing the commands of God and Holy Church.”
“May the malediction that suddenly fell upon fair Absolom, riding through the wood against his father, King David, when the branches of a tree knocked him from his horse and hanged him by the hair, fall upon these untrue Scotsmen and hang them the same way, that all the world may see.”
“May the malediction that fell upon Nebuchadnezzar’s lieutenant, Olifernus, making war and savagery upon true christian men; the malediction that fell upon Judas, Pilate, Herod, and the Jews that crucified Our Lord; and all the plagues and troubles that fell on the city of Jerusalem therefore, and upon Simon Magus for his treachery, bloody Nero, Ditius Magcensius, Olibrius, Julianus Apostita and the rest of the cruel tyrants who slew and murdered Christ’s holy servants, fall upon them for their cruel tyranny and murder of Christian people.”
“And may all the vengeance that ever was taken since the world began, for open sins, and all the plagues and pestilence that ever fell on man or beast, fall on them for their openly evil ways, senseless slaughter and shedding of innocent blood.”
“I sever and part them from the church of God, and deliver them immediately to the devil of hell, as the Apostle Paul delivered Corinth. I bar the entrance of all places they come to, for divine service and ministration of the sacraments of holy church, except the sacrament of infant baptism, only; and I forbid all churchmen to hear their confession or to absolve them of their sins, until they are first humbled / subjugated by this curse.”
“I forbid all christian men or women to have any company with them, eating, drinking, speaking, praying, lying, going, standing, or in any other deed-doing, under the pain of deadly sin.”
“I discharge all bonds, acts, contracts, oaths, made to them by any persons, out of loyalty, kindness, or personal duty, so long as they sustain this cursing, by which no man will be bound to them, and this will be binding on all men.”
“I take from them, and cast down all the good deeds that ever they did, or shall do, until they rise from this cursing.”
“I declare them excluded from all matins, masses, evening prayers, funerals or other prayers, on book or bead (rosary); of all pigrimages and alms deeds done, or to be done in holy church or be christian people, while this curse is in effect.”
“And, finally, I condemn them perpetually to the deep pit of hell, there to remain with Lucifer and all his fellows, and their bodies to the gallows of Burrow moor, first to be hanged, then ripped and torn by dogs, swine, and other wild beasts, abominable to all the world. And their candle (light of their life) goes from your sight, as may their souls go from the face of God, and their good reputation from the world, until they forebear their open sins, aforesaid, and rise from this terrible cursing and make satisfaction and penance.”
Oh, to once again have a Pope who stood against evil instead of embracing it like a lover.
Where is God’s Rottweiler and what have they done to him ?
Benedict…where are you ?
I am predisposed with an incredibly painful urge to go Conan on these thugs and I know that we all ‘hate their guts and livers’ but when it gets this serious I work my hardest to fall back upon Deut 30:19-20. I know fully well Who is really in charge and acting within that frame work, hard as it is, is my real battle.
& the Kamel that rode in on him!
Jesus has forbidden the cursing of a man’s soul, although the cursing of his fig tree is an option. Rather, I call for God’s judgment upon every Churchian who votes like a heathen, judgment upon every judge, and the plagues of Egypt upon Washington DC, accompanied by every blessings and curse written in God’s Word.