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Joe Rogan: “It’s good to have some haters.”

Rogan talks about being mobbed by Woke cancel culture and brain dead “rainbow warriors”. He has no hard feelings but we have some concerning this old needle damaged junkie,

And his rollicking sidekick, Princess Puffball ( who needs to just step away from the rouge pot):








And this morning Dave Rubin (Newly escaped from California to be reborn in the Free State of Florida) offers some perspective on the argument:

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  • Richard January 31, 2022, 9:00 AM

    Before this Spotify kerfuffle, I had no idea who Joe Rogan was. So, well played, Young and Mitchell, now I do. He gives every appearance of being thoughtful and fair; a true Liberal in its original and positive definition.
    A word of caution for Mr. Rogan, however: When you have a couple of intellectual luminaries such as the following calling for your censure, you might want to re-evaluate your entire world view. Or, not.

    • ghostsniper January 31, 2022, 10:26 AM

      Does anyone really care what Me Again and her idiot wife Harriet think?

      How the hell would this pair of dunces know what is disinformation?

      Britain is well rid of them.

      –from the comments

      • Jack January 31, 2022, 1:10 PM

        Yeah and it’s too damned bad we got ’em. Rogan should really fear these two.

        • ghostsniper January 31, 2022, 1:49 PM

          Especially if he has snakes in his basement.
          The proud nail gets the hammer.

  • His Father Smelt of Elderberries January 31, 2022, 9:07 AM

    Haters are weak Worldlings and their gibberish prattle is to be answered with an insane blast of flatulence or a dirty look as they scurry back to the Fauci shrine to light another votive candle.
    The teevee box will be turned on then so that they can download another soundbyte braindead fake insincere slogan about the Great Reset Leap Forward as they rage on behalf of the machine.

  • n January 31, 2022, 9:37 AM

    If Joni Mitchell knows anything, she knows Dis-Information.
    She’s been called out repeatedly for believing in her very own medical hoax, Morgellons Disease.
    Wikipedia says:
    “Morgellons is the informal name of a self-diagnosed, scientifically unsubstantiated skin condition in which individuals have sores that they believe contain fibrous material….. the general medical consensus is that it is a form of delusional parasitosis. The sores are typically the result of compulsive scratching, and the fibers, when analysed, are consistently found to have originated from cotton and other textiles”

    I demand that Spotify remove her for promoting this dangerous disinformation about a non-existant “disease”. Twitter should ban her too. And Facebook.

    • Jack January 31, 2022, 10:19 AM

      Meh….leave Joni alone. She can enjoy aging and whatever ill health she desires and it’s no skin of anyone’s nose.

      Whether you like her or not she is one of the finest poets and singer/songwriter performers to come along in the last 100 years and I’m sure that she’s stunned to know that she is being accused by Rogan of writing Chuck E.’s In Love.

  • Richard January 31, 2022, 9:57 AM

    Apropos to this thread and cancel culture: For those who may not be aware of this, and who give a damn. This joker lost me after President Trump was just elected. He sent a blast e-mail to his customer base in which he insulted and seriously pissed-off a huge portion of his company’s base. I’ll say this for him, however: Even though he’s a moonbat, he’s a true believer who’s willing to hemorrhage money. It’s good that there are so many other places to buy herbs and spices.

  • Mike Austin January 31, 2022, 10:19 AM

    Joe Rogan said this about Christianity:

    “The whole thing’s so stupid. Just stop and think how f****** stupid that thing is…The New Testament is utter horseshit.”

    Ok Joe, good to know where you stand. I hope you don’t mind if I pay you no heed. I tend to ignore admitted and public enemies of Christ. Don’t take it personally. On second thought, please take it personally.

    I can hear the yelps now: “But…but…Rogan says some good stuff!” No doubt. But then, who does not, from time to time, stumble into “good stuff”? Blind pigs, acorns, and so on. If you are thirsty on a hot day, and someone offers you a cool glass of spring water, but then puts a drop of sewage in it, would you drink it?

    • Jack January 31, 2022, 10:26 AM

      One thing I have always done…from day one in my memory….is I have thought for myself. I’ll listen, digest, sort through my conclusions and move or not move on a thing accordingly and suffer the good or bad without accusation.

      When it comes to politicians, pundits, extreme left or extreme right points of view, accusers and deniers I always listen carefully and sort more so because 99% of what most of them say is pure bunk, fit only for general cowards who desire to be lead or to follow.

    • ghostsniper January 31, 2022, 1:51 PM

      It takes only one drop of cyanide to poison the whole barrel.

      • Jack January 31, 2022, 7:24 PM

        That’s true and it’s a great reason to drink alone.

    • Mike Austin February 1, 2022, 7:41 AM

      So Joe Rogan stands tall—until he doesn’t.

      “One of things Spotify wants to do, that I agree with, is that at the beginning of these controversial podcasts—specifically the ones about COVID—is to put a disclaimer and say that you should speak with your physician and that these people and the opinions that they express are contrary to the opinions of the consensus of experts, which I think is very important. Sure. Have that on there. I’m very happy with that.”

      Spotify cracked the whip, and Rogan bent the knee and obeyed his master. Some example. Some tough guy. Some backbone.

      • Mike Austin February 1, 2022, 1:39 PM

        Hey Joe! I guess kneeling before your enemies didn’t even by you a moment’s peace.

        “White House Recommends Spotify Do More to Censor Joe Rogan.”

        Hey Joe! Maybe you can try kneeling even lower. With your tongue out. While wagging your tail. With your butt in the air. Good doggie!

  • Hyland January 31, 2022, 10:47 AM

    This article is a fine summation of the polarity of late. First of all, believe nothing, then think again. Too bad about Joni. I adored her so much that when we passed each other all I said was “Hi” because I didn’t want to bombard her privacy. If I started telling her how much she meant to me I would have been sprayed with mace and dragged down the sidewalk by her ankle. “Hi” was enough. Now “Bye.”

    • Vanderleun January 31, 2022, 10:50 AM

      I second that link!

      • Mike Austin January 31, 2022, 1:57 PM

        And I third it. I have thought since becoming an adult that most actors and most pop musicians were quite stupid—irrational dullards, in fact. They work hard every day to prove my point.

        • Terry January 31, 2022, 4:48 PM

          I fourth it. Also, check out the T shirts offered by vendor at the end. Damn cool!

  • ambiguousfrog January 31, 2022, 11:09 AM

    All the headlines I see today seem to say he “apologized”, not sure I see it this way. Not sure I care at this point what Joe’s opinion about Christianity is today, as long as whatever he says irritates the left, it’s a win for me. It’s the small things that bring me joy today in a world full of garbage.

  • Hyland January 31, 2022, 11:12 AM
    • Hyland January 31, 2022, 11:48 AM
      • Jack January 31, 2022, 1:21 PM

        My grandmother’s name was Lillian Belle. When I first heard that song and that reference I bristled and it still kind of irks me. I haven’t bought a Neil Young album since Harvest and I haven’t changed my opinion of him since I first heard Southern Man. His lanky, flat falsetto Canadian ass would not even consider playing venues across the South.

  • azlibertarian January 31, 2022, 1:32 PM

    I’ll give Rogan this….in this bizarro world, he, of all people, has most stepped into the ample void of long-form talking left by the passing of Rush. Like Rubin, and Russel Brand (of all people), among others, Rogan is a lefty who actually questions everything, and Rogan will occasionally step off the Left’s plantation.

    I wanna like Rogan, and mostly I do. I recently listened to his podcast with Carrottop. As you might expect, it was mostly about This-was-how-Stand-up-Comedy-was-done-back-in-the-day schtick, but it did hold my interest for most of his 2 hours.

    On the other hand, I’m a bit more than halfway through his recent interview with Jim Gaffigan, and it includes a couple of moments that had me turning to whatever device I was using to listen in and ask myself: “Are you freaking kidding me? You actually still believe that?”

    Cases in point: At one point the conversation went to the January 6 thingi. Gaffigan matter-of-factly referred to it as an “insurrection”, and Rogan made the point that some of those arrested had zip ties, and that these could have been used to restrain, or even kill, some Congressmen. AYFKM? Am I supposed to believe that in a country where, conservatively, there are more guns than people, that an insurrection….an actual attempt to illegally overthrow the government…..was launched by a couple of people with freaking zip ties?

    Case 2: Of course, the topic of who the D’s should run for President came up again. And guess who Rogan and Gaffigan both agree on? Yeah, you’re right: Michelle Obama. I’m paraphrasing, but Rogan thought that she was beautiful (What?), talented (What, again?), and qualified (What, thrice?). Rogan called Obama the “best President of his lifetime”. Obama–the guy who at the 2011 State of the Union address, actually proposed a platform to “Win the Future”. “Win the Future”…..WTF…..was what Rogan’s “best President of his lifetime” would have done to us. This was all done with serious faces, and we weren’t supposed to notice that WTF actually meant something else.

    I like Rogan….he’s interested in a wide variety of topics, and he presents his podcast in an interesting manner. But like Sinema, I will not make the mistake of believing that he has drifted away from where he began. He may dip his toe into unfamiliar waters every now and then, but he is a committed leftist.

    • Mike Austin January 31, 2022, 2:03 PM

      More reasons to distrust the fellow. He sounds like an enemy who is able once in a while to make cooing, soothing sounds.

      “…one may smile, and smile, and be a villain.”—Hamlet

    • ghostsniper January 31, 2022, 2:18 PM

      You already know he’s a shyster.
      Act accordingly.

    • Vanderleun January 31, 2022, 5:07 PM

      Gaffigan is a special blend of malicious, stupid, and unfunny. His schtick is mostly done via exagerated inflection. His brain wheezes and that four-day-old t-shirt odor is implied by his posture.

  • KCK January 31, 2022, 1:34 PM

    “Misinformation” and “disinformation” are words in the contemporary lexicon that could’ve come straight out of George Orwell. Who uses words like that? Answer: Big Tech Media, like YouTube and Twitter. The White House spokespersons. News media. Senators.

    Much has been written here lately about Lenin and Mao; it is bell-weather and essential stuff. We are in new times, and whatever form of government they’re developing for us has some really shitty elements. Covid Camps, disinformation bureaucrats, political officers in schools and businesses and the military, armed political thugs in the streets, institutionalized voter theft rackets. Imbecile presidents.

    Yesterday, Trudeau was talking shit about the truckers, and saying they held “unacceptable beliefs.” What kind of fukn Goebbels bullshit is that?

    The time is coming very soon when, if someone says that kind of thing to your face, you need to slap them upside the head for it.

    • Mike Austin January 31, 2022, 2:07 PM

      It is true: We are in new worlds now. Nothing makes sense but chaos. The irrational has become official policy. Our ruling classes do not come across as quite human, as if they had escaped from Boston Dynamics a bit too soon.

    • ghostsniper January 31, 2022, 2:24 PM

      Casey sed: “The time is coming very soon when, if someone says that kind of thing to your face, you need to slap them upside the head for it.”

      Well that’s the thing, you don’t associate with people like that so that moment you suggest will never come. I’ve been so deep into the Remus mantra (avoid crowds) for so long it’s unlikely I’ll ever encounter any of those misfits. I’ve structured my existence so that not being involved in society is normal. In order to finish, you have to start.

  • Lagman January 31, 2022, 3:15 PM

    Whatever Neil Young was, whatever Joni Mitchell was … it’s history. Their music and “poetry” from the past lives on … and, in many ways that is a good thing.

    But, they never evolved, they just added years to their youth. Just because they were relevant for a period of time does not make them relevant today. …

    Many a (fill in the blank) is successful at (fill in the blank) and over a certain number of years (fill in a number, e.g., 3, 5, 7, … rarely 10) they develop an expertise and “cumulative knowledge”, but if they do not evolve then they do not develop additional “experience”. This is the problem with bureaucrats (public and private), corporate manager / executive and every other worker / artist / actor / “political celebrity” … if one does not evolve, then all they offer is (fill in a number, e.g., 3, 5, 7, … rarely 10) experience as the denominator and “years at it” as the numerator. …

    This is perhaps a justification for why we should (tragic as it is (and I have had a brutal 10 years of losses)) celebrate “death” as a “spiritual promotion”. … How much better off might we all be if certain careers (e.g., politicians, government employees, …) resulted in a permanent inability to continue after say (fill in a number, e.g., 3, 5, 7, … rarely 10) ?

    Separately, I don’t know much of Rogan but have listen to “clips” presented elsewhere (< one hour total); like Rubin (same: I don't listen) serves a societal purpose. But as Rubin says in the "clip" offered, Rogan felt the need to explain himself and accept a disclaimer is problematic. Either these "podcasters" are for "free speech" or are just "entertaining" because it's "their turn". … And, I'm good with capitalism; as Sowell says (I paraphrase): "Want to make money, give your fellow man what he wants."

  • Lagman January 31, 2022, 3:17 PM

    Whatever Neil Young was, whatever Joni Mitchell was … it’s history. Their music and “poetry” from the past lives on … and, in many ways that is a good thing.

    But, they never evolved, they just added years to their youth. Just because they were relevant for a period of time does not make them relevant today. …

    Many a (fill in the blank) is successful at (fill in the blank) and over a certain number of years (fill in a number, e.g., 3, 5, 7, … rarely 10) they develop an expertise and “cumulative knowledge”, but if they do not evolve then they do not develop additional “experience”. This is the problem with bureaucrats (public and private), corporate manager / executive and every other worker / artist / actor / “political celebrity” … if one does not evolve, then all they offer is (fill in a number, e.g., 3, 5, 7, … rarely 10) experience as the denominator and “years at it” as the numerator. …

    This is perhaps a justification for why we should (tragic as it is (and I have had a brutal 10 years of losses)) celebrate “death” as a “spiritual promotion”. … How much better off might we all be if certain careers (e.g., politicians, government employees, …) resulted in a permanent inability to continue after say (fill in a number, e.g., 3, 5, 7, … rarely 10) ?

    Separately, I don’t know much of Rogan but have listen to “clips” presented elsewhere (< one hour total); like Rubin (same: I don't listen) serves a societal purpose. But as Rubin says in the "clip" offered, Rogan felt the need to explain himself and accept a disclaimer is problematic. Either these "podcasters" are for "free speech" or are just "entertaining" because it's "their turn". … And, I'm good with capitalism; as Sowell says (I paraphrase): "Want to make money, give your fellow man what he wants."

  • brio January 31, 2022, 3:58 PM

    Previously posted under wrong link.
    You are heartless with your side remark about Joni Mitchell. I had to laugh.

    She is one of my favorite musicians/singers, but I never worried about her politics, even now. I must have 10 of her CDs. I play them repeatedly. I also play a lot of Nina Simone and I hated her politics too.

    I don’t pay attention to what musicians, actors–any celebrity–have to say outside of their real talent.

    • Jack January 31, 2022, 7:42 PM

      Exactly. I’ve listened to her music and to a lot of what she’s had to say about different subjects over the years and she usually speaks from the viewpoint of a creative artist. She’s not a politician or a political pundit and like all of us she has opinions and no one on the planet should expect her to agree with anyone lock step. Her points of view as a woman, her insanely tremendous musicality and the way she has written and sung about them have touched me on many levels and I’ll damn sure not talk smack about her.

  • Rob Muir January 31, 2022, 6:59 PM

    The real culprit here is Neil. His letter to his agent demanded something he had no right to enforce since he sold his catalog for millions of dollars. Once he pulled that, I think that Joni, out of sheer loyalty to him, made a bad decision to stand by him. I believe that her early influence on his behalf gave Neil his career.

    Joni hasn’t done anything truly meaningful in over 30 years, but her work up to that point was, IMO, truly spectacular. A couple weeks ago I received the DVD of Shadows and Light, and I love it. When Court and Spark came out, that was apparently a favorite of the boys in Led Zeppelin. I think her work with the various jazz players was incomparable. I don’t remember the entirety of the story, but someone told her about Jaco and said that she would love his playing because he never played the tonic of the chords.

    It’s just my opinion, but in the latter half of the 20th century, I consider her and Miles Davis to be the true musical geniuses and so highly influential. That her work has been tainted by the whole Morgellon thing and now this issue is truly sad.

    • Hyland January 31, 2022, 7:26 PM

      I endorse everything you’ve said here, Rob. I read a recent interview of David Crosby and he’s been in touch with Joni, sounds like quite regularly. He says she’s had several strokes, not just the big one 5 years ago. I cringed with the thought she might side with Neil… that was early in the week, and then she actually dove in, too. He must have phoned her up and her attention and sentiments are quite malleable at this point. I used to draw portraits of Joni, her face is so classically beautiful. I saw her perform with Jaco Pastorius, Lyle Mays and Pat Metheny at Red Rocks. She loved visiting New Mexico and said she’d probably live here except for LA and BC where she’s been firmly planted. I had a crush on her a long, long time. These are the truthiest of times. People are literally wearing their fear and ignorance on their faces.

  • Hyland January 31, 2022, 8:39 PM

    The “good citizen” dude who wrote the excellent Twilight Zone article above also wrote the view from the mountain top at year’s end which many at AD enjoyed. This one is from a couple of weeks ago describing the sheep, the shot and the shit they believed to “do the right thing.”

  • Hyland February 1, 2022, 11:42 AM

    The irony of Neil Young’s censorship stand is growing enormous. Jimmy Dore has produced a 10 minute expose connecting Neil’s dubious connections to parties that have paid him big time for his catalog. This censorship stunt of his is stupefying. Jimmy has traced ownership of Neil’s music all the way up to the Blackstone group which has been accused of raping the Amazon rain forest… and millions of folks who have lost their homes, too. The link to Jimmy’s video: https://rumble.com/vtixze-neil-young-blamed-gay-people-for-aids-now-blames-joe-rogan-for-misinfo.html

    The song from Harvest Moon titled “Natural Beauty” is Neil’s lament for the disappearing Amazon. This is all too strange. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCCpzW7AFU

  • james wilson February 1, 2022, 2:59 PM

    Rogan is a superior interviewer, which is a very particular and peculiar talent not related to other accomplishments. He is also an airhead, which is hard to pair with his talent, but I’ve seen the result too often to ignore it. In one ear and out the other 24 hrs later. To what extent heavy weed use plays in that I do not know. He appears to do better in Sober October.
    Rogan is first and last a performer. It’s almost never a good thing to know too much about one you like.