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Singing the First Amendment

A song sent and a tale told to me today in email by “a lurker no more.”

As the new century dawned my husband Generik and I set the Bill of Rights to music.  All 10 Amendments, word for blessed word.   I sat with my high school history text and God granted rhythm and melodies to these noble words.  We recorded them ( I at the piano and vocal and Generik as orator and caller of the Tibetan Bowl).  We played them out at open mics and coffeehouses across the years.  Sometimes folks took note, but the project never really got much traction. The timing wasn’t right perhaps.

So, I am delighted that the Church is now interested in considering Romans 13 and authority and power and inalienable rights granted by our Creator; and, that Pastor John MacArthur’s piece on the subject headlines your site this evening.    I’m called out to share the 1st Amendment with you.  I know you’ll appreciate it and perhaps, being a man about the internet, you’ll share it with others who might learn the words by heart.

Is it possible to retain rights without knowing you have them?   Most folks don’t care to memorize these archaic words.  So strange the way the founders talked, eh?   But in song, they come alive.   Twinkle Twinkle facilitated my mastery of the ABCs.   These tunes have taught me the Bill of Rights.  I’ll never be the same.

Peace to you in these troubled times.   God’s working it for the good, right. I think peaceable assembly is key just now.

Yours sincerely,
Jennifer Clayton Logueflower
SisJustJen of the Bill of Rights Band

The 1st Amendment recorded in 2002 at Jack Sayre’s studio on Few Street in Madison,Wisconsin. Jack knitted the tracks together and added bass, percussive effect and native American flute (a sample from Richard ‘Blackhawk’ Kapusta).

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  • Patrick July 28, 2020, 12:59 PM

    That’s brilliant. Sounds a bit like something songbirds like Gillian Welch or Nanci Griffith would want to cover.

  • ghostsniper July 28, 2020, 1:02 PM

    Amendment Z
    Any person that ATTEMPTS to violate any part of the previous amendments, upon arrest, trial, and conviction within 30 days of said attempt, shall forfeit all assets singularly or jointly, pay a fine of $1,000,000.00, and endure a sentence of incarceration at daily hard labor for a period of 10 years with no parole, probation, or time off for good behavior.

    Yes, the penalty is harsh, in relation to the responsibility one holds at the level to violate the rights of another. The penalty shall serve as punishment to the perpetrator and as a warning to others that may contemplate attempting to violate the amendments.

    Amendment Z would close the loophole created by any administration personnel lacking the moral fiber to adhere to the words of the documents themselves by way of interpretation.

  • Auntie Analogue July 28, 2020, 2:20 PM

    My dear Ms. Logueflower, as John Wayne said: “You did good, Pilgrim.”