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Noted In Passing: Nancy’s Angels

Stick around for the “Credits.”

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  • Lysenko Is The Science October 20, 2022, 11:53 AM

    There are many photos available online of comrade commissar Kemp and his CCP fellow travelers.
    The economic wipeout will be blamed on the Grand Old Politburo and the serfs of Chiquitastan will cheer and howl for more Potemkin kabuki Blade Runner holograms.
    Sportsball, muh democracy fairytales, chill and grill, buffet line blitzkrieg, devil’s excrement teevee and hivemind devolution social media will proceed until demoralization is complete.

  • ghostsniper October 20, 2022, 2:51 PM

    The code word of late is “clear”, or “clearly”. These rotten gov’t employees use that condescending word overtly to belittle the listener(s). This nasty lying nigress deserves to have her fat head slammed against the wall.

    • Jack October 21, 2022, 6:21 AM

      That word should be used against them in all conversations and rhetoric. As for her, I cannot understand why someone, somewhere has not disappeared her. A snatch-n-grab at Walmart or a BBQ buffet would be something to consider.

  • BillH October 21, 2022, 8:17 AM

    SNL should snatch her up after she loses this election. She’s paraded more SNL-worthy material in the last few months than SNL had produced in the last 10 years.

    • Jack October 21, 2022, 2:21 PM

      Except she ain’t relevant or funny but she’s damned evil. I wish to God that Abraham Lincoln had to spend eternity with these nitwits. Fifteen minutes with her and he would rescind his emancipation proclamation.

      • BillH October 22, 2022, 7:22 AM

        “Except she ain’t relevant or funny…” Neither is SNL – except sometimes to early adolescents, young and old.