If you still need a booster after being fully vaxxed… and still need to get tested after being fully vaxxed… and still need to wear a mask after being fully vaxxed… and still get hospitalized after being fully vaxxed, it’s probably time that you admit that you’ve been conned.
— Errol Webber (@ErrolWebber) January 3, 2022
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Here’s where it’s all headed… unless you stop complying. Stop obeying. Stop it. YOU…. NOW.
Today is my 7th day of fever with coronavirus (tested positive at work last week when I started to feel puny). That is my only symptom, aside from headache, body aches so I guess you call this mild. This after having two shots last year. For some reason I thought a vaccine meant bypassing this part.
My spouse has it too, after 3 shots. I do think the vaccine was oversold.
How in the world do people get this way?
I just don’t get it.
3 shots?
“How in the world do people get this way?”
Answer: Television.
“I do think the vaccine was oversold.”
Reply: Make a written request to a Dr. Anthony Fauci to refund the money you paid him for the non-vaccine.
Here’s a butt-rockin’ tune you’re going to enjoy.
“tested positive at work last week”
Did you know that the PCR test yields over 90% false positives? Yes, it’s true.
All of those “case numbers” that the politicians base their policies of masks, and lock downs, and social distancing are based on bogus numbers derived from a test that the Noble Prize winning investor said was useless.
So after all of the lies that the government and medical community has told us about Covid, I would never believe a word that they said on the subject up to and including that I even had Covid instead of some other garden variety cold or flu.
You aren’t the only one with the ‘I thought a vaccine was supposed to protect against us getting ill’ mindset. Up until recently, this was generally true. Unfortunately – these mRNA treatments don’t actually *prevent* infection, but instead (in theory, at least) they provide your immune system a ‘leg up’ on fighting off the infection. [for this discussion – I’m COMPLETELY overlooking any negative side-effects that mRNA may have]. Since TPTB wanted to still call this a ‘vaccine’ and not just a treatment/preventative – the CDC recently redefined the medical term ‘vaccine’ to say that it isn’t just a medicine that is supposed to prevent infection, but instead it helps your immune system fight the infection. Similar, but not the same. Unfortunately, this is the root reason that the ‘vaxx’ doesn’t prevent transmission either – because it doesn’t prevent you from ‘falling ill’, it just (may) help you not be as deeply infected (and may even be asymptomatic) and (may) help the infection have a shorter duration. Things formerly known as vaccines did in fact keep one from being infected – and hence stopped transmission in it’s tracks.
Unfortunately, such a large definition change done by a single external authority (CDC/Big Pharma) doesn’t readily replace the definition in our heads that we’ve lived with all our lives. So even those of us aware of the definition change suffer some mental discomfort when hearing these mRNA treatments described as vaccines, and cringe when folks wonder why they don’t work like they internally believe vaccines should (i.e. – provide immunity to infection).
I am 68 and remain unvaxxed. Not that I know anything about how this “vaccine” works, but because—as the feminists yelp at every opportunity—“my body, my choice”. Also, those in authority who desire to force this “vaccine” on me—Biden, Gates, Fauci, the Democrat Party—are also people who hate my guts. I tend not to obey those who want me—and everyone like me—dead.
Mike, I couldn’t agree with you more!
And to, Susan Wright, I am sorry for your suffering, but you are absolutely correct -“I do think the vaccine was oversold.”….and to me, that was a key factor in losing trust in the “experts”.
A bit of anecdotal evidence; My Mother passed in 2018 at the ripe old age of 95. I cared for her during the final 10 years, as dementia took hold. She pleaded with me not to put her in a home. Mom never took a flu shot. Not once in her lifetime. Mom also prayed everyday.
Neither will I take this so called “vaccine”, nor any flu type shot…..and I try to pray every day.
And how do you pray? How do you pray? I wish I knew how to pray when I need nothing. How do you pray?
I once asked that question at a Scripture study group and I was reminded…
Matthew 6 And Christ Said:
9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
A more detailed guide is found at:What Jesus Christ Taught About Prayer | Complete List of Verses | Anchored in Christ
Amen, brother.
I recently had a conversation about “Forgive us our debts”, as opposed to how I was taught to say the Lord’s Prayer, “Forgive us our trespasses”.
As I understand it, debts are contractual obligations. Christianity teaches us that owning a debt requires one to fulfill the terms of the contract, or be cast as a sinner for stealing, lying, or cheating….and the Good Lord is not in the business of paying your check for worldly obligations.
Trespasses, by contrast are violations, wrongs, sins. One must recognize their own transgressions and then, asks for forgiveness of one’s sins.
It seems to me that there is a distinct difference between owing a debt and committing a trespass. Am I wrong?
“…and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us…”
Trespasses—or debts if one prefers—are sins against God. An unconfessed sin is a debt to God that must be paid, either on earth or in Eternity—and Eternity means Heaven or Hell. Of course Catholics believe in Purgatory, where unconfessed venial sins are paid for. Everyone in Purgatory will eventually get to Heaven after his debts are paid in full. No debtor can possibly get to Heaven.
But then comes a very hard saying: When you pray the Lord’s Prayer you are asking Him to forgive your sins in the same manner and to the same extent that you forgive the sins of others. Who can do this?
In God all things are possible. Be of good cheer, for He has overcome the world.
Hi Mike,
I’d like to recommend the book which contains the quote by Jewel shared here and there a few times, lately: Beginning to Pray by Anthony Bloom.
There are times, so many times, when we simply don’t know or have the words. In those times, even saying the Our Father might seem too much, too difficult. For myself, when I was a prodigal trying to return home, I couldn’t even think the name of Jesus without feeling a sense of revulsion. I am long past that now, by grace, but it was a difficult time. What did work for me then was simply opening myself to the Lord’s presence.
Eventually, the words will come, but they don’t have to be elaborate. They don’t even have to be nice. It is perfectly okay to rage at God, so long as you are actually talking to Him.
I start with the Lord’s Prayer.
I’ve never felt that I “need nothing”.
Here’s a partial list; forgiveness, direction, guidance, relief from my depression, truth, wisdom……
I must say, Mike, I am surprised that you ask a nobody like me. IIRC you are a minister? Or do I have you confused with someone else who comments here at AD?
How do you pray? This is something I’ve pondered for a while. A friend with health challenges? I used to pray something like, “Dear Father in Heaven: Please watch over John and send your healing presence; thank you for sending your wisdom to his doctors, blah blah blah.” Then I would think, “But god is already watching over John, I don’t have to tell him to do something he’s already doing. So then I would talk to God like this: “Dear God, thank you for watching over John and guiding the hands of his caregivers.” From there I would be stumped.
I’ve now reached the point where I just talk to God like I would anyone else. I mean, he knows everything about me, right? Now its: “Yo! God! I had a great day today. Thanks. I don’t know how John is doing in the hospital right now but I’m glad you’re there, so thanks.” etc. I just have a conversation with him. I’ve even said the f word in our talks. Since he knows me to the depths of my soul, he knows I drop a curse word now and then.
So, basically, gratitude is prayer. If you have everything you need, you have a lot to thank God for.
And for anyone who needs to hear this, my amazing mother taught me something powerful that I use to this day and taught my children. When you see an ambulance or fire truck, or any kind of emergency vehicle, say a prayer, whatever you want. But the prayer I use the most when I see them is this: “Where that is, God is.” Then I let it go.
God bless you all.
I’m kinda’ shy about sharing matters of Faith. And there was a time when I had the Jesus Willies, as Julie describes, only infused with my own particular brand of asshole-ism. I hated the whole Jesus thing with a passion. I swore I’d never have anything to do with religion or churches.
This isn’t the time for a long testimonial. Let’s just say, that God had other plans for me. I got beat down hard enough to pray. It was just a little at first, but then the prayer grew. Now it opens and closes my every day.
I will share this now for the very first time.
It’s not the whole thing, just the core:
Show me the way that You would have me follow,
Teach me the path on which You would have me walk.
May the Holy Spirit
Temper my emotions,
Shape my intentions,
Inspire my thoughts,
Choose my words,
And guide my deeds…
Lord, what would you have me do this day?
I recall those first two lines, and look at the bookmarks on my desktop. They’ve changed a lot. I’m not sure quite how this happened, but suddenly the “A” list is all full of Roman Catholics. Seems like every time I read someone who makes the list, I find out later that I’ve added another. If I weren’t so dense I’d guess I was being sent a message.
I’m going to let this rest right here, for now.
What a beautiful devotion! Thank you for sharing it. Very similar to O Holy Spirit, Soul of my Soul
I thought I had already had my devotional time this morning, and then I stop by here and see these inspirational words on prayer in response Mike Selye’s wondering how to pray. The words of encouragement offered are powerful, and the guidance of how to pray sound. I’ll also add to this for Mike Selye, actually all who are looking to God, something which is very important, at least in my mind, these words from Romans 8:26:
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
I take encouragement from this Srcipture passage because it tells us that when we have difficulty expressing our desire for God’s daily assistance in our lives, or during especially trying times, the Spirit is which dwells within us is bringing all our worries and fears to God’s ears, even when we cannot adequately articulate them.
All those who seek Christ will find Him. He is always right there awaiting the knock on the door.
I have found it helpful to ask God to help me pray. My prayers are like a conversation with my father, because that’s what they are.
All of the prayer responses here are excellent and have blessed me greatly. Now, may I throw in my nickle. (It used to be two cents but, inflation, you know.)
I have heard it said that all prayer can be reduced to one word, “Help!” That is not exactly true, though, most of us start there. There are prayers beyond “Help!”. “Thanks!” is one which has already been mentioned above. “Sorry” is a prayer that has been hinted at in the comments. That is a really crucial prayer that moves one beyond “Help!” Personally, I like to start with prayers I call, “Wow!” Not really a cry for help in those prayers but they naturally flow into prayers of “Sorry.” When you experience the promised response to “Sorry” (ask and you will receive… forgiveness) only a blockhead would not say “Thank you!” By then you are probably getting a pretty good perspective to start asking for help in getting what you really need instead of what you want; like, help me not to have to say “I’m sorry” tomorrow. Perhaps “Sorry” is a kind of cry for “Help!” and “Thanks!” may be a special form of “Wow!” but I think the distinctions are important.
I used to think that “Wow!” and “Sorry” and “Thanks!” and “Help!” covered all prayers, but that was quite naive. The crys of the heart in psalms of lament and Job and elsewhere are not really covered in those four words. Letting God have it, what you really think and feel may be an “advanced” form of prayer and it seems to be where the scriptures want to take us. God is not surprised by what is in our hearts, though often we are. He can deal with it, even though we usually can’t. That may be the point of prayer anyway. He wants to deal with what is in our hearts and needs us to face it ourselves so we can work it out together.
Then there is silence. Not just silence ourselves so that we can hear what He wants to say to us, because prayer is supposed to be a dialog not a monologue, right? But also silence from Him. It is just the awareness of His presence around and inside us and knowing His love and acceptance regardless of what is happening outside in the world. Kind of like when, in the movie Chariots of Fire, Eric Liddel tells his sister, “He also made me fast and when I run, I feel His pleasure.” That is a kind of prayer beyond words, isn’t it?
Prayer is a deep pool with lots of eddies and currents. Hope my nickle helps someone get wet.
@Mike, @Kevin, &@Susan – While I believe that choosing to take or not take this mRNA treatment they’re calling a vaccine is a personal choice, and must be made with full knowledge of your own risk factors for both the shot and the consequences of NOT taking it, in the interest of full disclosure: I WILL NEVER TAKE IT, and neither will my wife, nor my brother in-law and his family. WHY NOT?, you might ask. It’s pretty simple, actually:
1) I’m healthy enough and only in my early 60’s such that getting the ‘rona (especially Omicron) is a non-issue for me.
2) My wife, her sister, and my brother-in-law have already had earlier variants of it – and therefore have natural immunity, which has been shown to be significantly better than what the ‘shot’ can give.
The rest of the family is either young enough and w/o significant co-morbidities as to not require nor desire the shot – or they’ve had it already (my parents fit into this category).
…and like Mike – I really don’t like doing as I’m told, when I don’t see that it’s right and proper what I’m being asked to do. And as he says – I also tend not to obey those who want me – and everyone like me – dead.
I know this may sound odd, but I halfway wish that I could catch the damn Wu-Flu and get over it.
Though I have come to the conclusion that even natural immunity won’t satisfy the hysteria of the fear-mongers.
I want this shit-show to be over and to become a distant memory. We are, after all, heading into year three of this nonsense.
Why would you care a wit for satisfying ” the hysteria of the fear-mongers”. Let them wallow and keep your own counsel.
“whit” Damn misspell -check
Sodoconned, friend.
The thing about this whole charade is there has been almost no talk of treatment up until fairly revently. DeSantis was one of the first to recommend and extol the use of monoclonal antibodies, which now he’s unable to get to Florida. And once the orange Man suggested that HCQ could be an effective treatment, it was all over for that drug. Same with ivermectin. I believe that if you maintain your immune system, you stand a pretty good chance of having mild symptoms. If you have one or more underlying medical conditions, you should be extremely cautious.
Keep the sheep afraid. They’re alot easier to herd. But more and more sheep are less and less afraid, regardless of what Brandon and the NIH dwarf say.
What vaccine? There is NO VACCINE. Who in this world believes ANYTHING a puke from a government says? And yes, the medical hacks are now under the total control of government. I am told the hacks get a bonus for death certificates stating ’cause’ as being C*V*D or related to CV.
It is past laughable how stupid people have become.
I haven’t yet seen any trustworthy proof that a virus or a vaccine exist.
Everything, EVERYTHING, news is 99% bullshit now.
Until that changes each of us is on our own, as it should be.
There is no nationwide, or state wide, or even county wide, cohesion among people.
Just individuals and perhaps small tribes.
The millions of micro-headed individuals are the fuel for the fires set by TPTB and until they die out this hysteria will likely continue.
Tom’s vid link is well worth the watch. The vax passport on your phone is the same as a yellow Star of David sewn on your coat. It’s a collar and a leash.
What do I know about vaccines and medicines? Absolutely goddamned nothing. I have no medical degree of any kind, and I have no trusted news or agency of any kind for which to turn for authoritative data.
If there is a cleric with any trust or authority on the subject, I have yet to meet him.
The politicians and bureaucrats are utterly corrupt.
That’s my report. Have a nice day.
The Rhodes Scholar/ DAVOS Set pretending to govern us is a club for Graffiti Artists, not for serious policy makers. To them America’s civil society and parliaments are so many brick walls and urban freeway piles to deface with slogans, not august forums deserving careful participation and respect.
“I wuz here.” Alar bans, global cooling hype, Ebola, drinking straw hysteria, CRT, global warming hype, “Wars” on poverty/racism, La Raza/BLM/Antifa movements, etc. These are just a few of the fresher tags that I can recall squirming at in recent history.
This dead-end is where the Progressive’s over-reliance on marketing, narratives and “stories” inexorably leads. Through the nineties and oughts, it was “Just go out there and show that you can execute a campaign that leaves a mark – any mark – on the American ‘face.'” Now, with “convergence,” there is an increased focus on collusion and curating in the Graffiti, but its choreographed format today in no way distracts from the fact that it targets the monuments, constituents and facades of heritage America in its cheap logos, tawdry slogans and blood libels.
They have no stomach for hard policy fights in parliament nor for the serious work of shepherding our Republic. They are only interested in defacing our mien in the global arena.
Scared of COVID yet? And this is American’s “government” today, determined to ride the wafts of rotten marketing campaigns to new heights of prestige and perfidy, if only to pass an “equal pay amendment,” legislate another pay-off to the California and Illinois public pension plans, or to simply drive a stock higher in a congresswoman’s portfolio.
China bug hustles over when YOU say it is.
Nobody gets to tell you it’s on, or if it’s off. Drink the kool aid, don’t drink the kool aid.
Friends it really is that simple.