April 6, 2016

So long Merle. See you a little further down the road.

Well I thought I had found me a girl
Sweetest little thing in the world
But all my jokes went up in smoke
When I caught her makin eyes at Merle

He said, sweet little honey
With her eye on your money
She's gonna take every penny you got
I said she's never gonna get it
Cause I've already spent it
Merle, It's all goin' to pot

It’s all going to pot
Whether we like it or not
Best I can tell
The world’s gone to hell
And we’re all gonna miss it a lot

The poets tell how Pancho fell,
And Lefty's living in cheap hotels
The desert's quiet, Cleveland's cold,
And so the story ends we're told

Pancho needs your prayers it's true,
But save a few for Lefty too
He only did what he had to do,
And now he's growing old

All the Federales say
We could have had him any day
We only let him go so long
Out of kindness, I suppose

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 6, 2016 11:57 AM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

What a ride that was.

Thanks, Merle, for all of it.

Posted by: Rob De Witt at April 6, 2016 12:59 PM

He was something else back in the day. Saw him and the band at a packed roadhouse on US-17 many years ago. Drunken Guineamen and Porter Wagoner suits. Heard he wrote a song commemorating what happened in '08. Cain't be true, lessin' he picked up again...

him and The Ohio Kid, behind the bricks:


Posted by: Will at April 6, 2016 1:51 PM


Posted by: Jonathan Cook at April 6, 2016 5:08 PM

See you on the other side, Merle.


Posted by: foodog at April 6, 2016 9:35 PM

Great cover of "Pancho and Lefty" Never saw the video before, but that's Townes Van Zandt strumming the guitar! Had to play "Mama Tried" for my adolescent sons, when they sat down for breakfast this morning....a cautionary lesson for them!
Merle was a treasure.

Posted by: Brother Paul at April 7, 2016 11:49 PM