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The Day Collusion Died

Two long years ago
the probe began and many thought
that someday it would make them smile.
And those who said it had no chance
were scowled upon and seen askance
so desperate was the hope to see a trial.

But February made them shiver
as it came clear he’d not deliver.
The news that they desired
was not to be acquired.

I know that many people cried
when they read the news, it hurt their pride,
so deeply in the pipe dream mired
the day collusion died.

So bye, bye to the collusion lie,
Russian Agents, Putin’s Puppet and a plot to deny.
From each new event how the conjecture would fly.
Can they let it go and just let it die?
Let it go and just let it die.

We all know that he’s corrupt
and his list of crimes is building up
so I’ll just list them down below.
While emoluments could’ve kicked the goal
collusion was their chosen roll
investigating all of it real slow.

Well, the Media then lost their mind
as they blundered backward fully blind.
Collusion became news,
evidence not vital for clues.

The other news stories all were then chucked
while collusion filled every news truck
But I knew they ran out of luck
the day collusion died.

But they kept singing
Bye, bye he’s a Russian ally
Putin Puppet, Russian agent and a treasonous spy
and every day, more wacky theories would fly.
Time to let it go and just let it to die.
Let it go and just let it die.

Now when Mueller issued his report
the media could not contort it
to save face though they did try.
They lost all credibility.
Embarrassed is what they should be,
and the damage done they cannot deny.

They gave victory to the president,
validation as if heaven sent.
The courtroom was adjourned,
no verdict was returned.
And now when he screams about fake news
he’ll be correct thanks to their ruse.
The “Witch Hunt” he’ll rightfully accuse
the day collusion died.

‘cause they were singing
Bye, bye he’s a Russian ally
Putin Puppet, Russian agent and a treasonous spy
And every day, more crazy theories would fly
time to let it go and just let it to die.
let it go and just let it die.

I met a girl who sang the blues.
She she asked me for some happy news.
I offered but she just turned away.
Those who followed actual facts
instead of “liberal media” hacks
would know that Mueller knew the only way.

He farmed out criminal indictments
to seven districts, there’s excitement,
all of them pardon-proof,
not like the collusion spoof.
So carefully he did anoint
a prosecution starting point
the outcome couldn’t disappoint
the day collusion died.

Yet they’re still singing
Bye, bye he’s a Russian ally
Putin Puppet, Russian agent and a treasonous spy.
The Russian hysteria was misplaced outcry.
Time to let it go and just let it die.
Let it go and just let it die.

So, bye, bye to the collusion lie,
Collusion obsession-gave the press a black eye.
And if they persist the damage will amplify
Time to let it go and just let it die.

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  • RosalindJ April 28, 2019, 4:05 PM

    Very clever, playing both sides for the feelz clicks, no?
    In the description on the yt page;

    “According to a new report from the New York Times, Mueller has farmed out federal indictments to the SDNY, in Manhattan, the EDNY, in Brooklyn, the EDVA in Virginia, the U.S. Attorney’s office in LA, the U.S. Attorney’s office in DC, the DOJ National Security Division, the DOJ Criminal Division. All of Mueller’s existing indictments reside in a “presidential pardon proof” prosecutorial district as long as the charges aren’t violations against federal law. Meanwhile, the investigation has led to 199 criminal charges, 37 indictments or guilty pleas, and five prison sentences. The string of crimes that have already been unearthed is staggering and unprecedented in our nation’s history.”

    You go git ’em, Parody Project, right?

  • RKV April 28, 2019, 8:23 PM

    13 of 34 indictments are for Russian nationals who will never stand trial. And please don’t try telling me the US never interfered in other countries elections (e.g. see Obama spending US taxes to interfere in Israeli elections in 2016 [search for One Voice]). Papadapoulis got a sentence of 14 days for a process crime manufactured by the DOJ. Manafort is going to jail and Democrats who did the exact same thing in Ukraine are walking the streets. And Killary is still an unindicted felon due to partisanship in the DOJ for violation of our laws regarding the handling of classified information that have put others away for years for a tiny fraction of the crime. Then there is Carter Page who was spied on for a year and has not been indicted for any crime. Reciprocity is coming. Soon.

  • Tom Hyland April 29, 2019, 8:00 AM

    A worthwhile read from zero hedge… why Mueller ended the investigation… when he could have kept on keeping on…. the conclusion regarding every promise Trump has broken, amounts to the same old thang. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-28/tit-tat-why-did-mueller-let-trump-hook

  • Richard April 29, 2019, 8:32 AM

    And Killary is still an unindicted felon due to partisanship in the DOJ for violation of our laws regarding the handling of classified information that have put others away for years for a tiny fraction of the crime. +++++++++++++
    Damn straight. The thing that continues to baffle me is why the Commiecrats didn’t just keep finding votes in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and elsewhere and just steal the election. There was plenty of precedent with the 1960 election. The machinery was all in place. The Republicans, after perhaps, a little grousing would have decided that securing the victory for Trump was yet another “hill they were not prepared to die on”. The Dept of Just-us had been deeply penetrated and corrupted. The DNC was already in for a penny, in for a pound with the phony FISA request. So why did they stop short, and not simply pull the trigger for the Beast? Just don’t get it.

  • Anonymous April 29, 2019, 8:51 AM

    “So why did they stop short, and not simply pull the trigger for the Beast? Just don’t get it.”

    The most common hypothesis I saw was that she thought those states were in the bag, so they didn’t bother cooking the ballots.
    On a more existential plane: God moves in a mysterious way, when he is hiring the Assyrians to shave his corrupted people.