September 21, 2007

A Shoot-First Policy Might Cut Down on This Sort of Thing

Star Simpson: MIT Moron Mascot. Really bad hair too.

MIT Student Arrested With Fake Bomb -

An MIT student wearing what turned out to be a fake bomb was arrested at gunpoint Friday at Logan International Airport and later claimed it was artwork, officials said. Star Simpson, 19, had a computer circuit board and wiring in plain view over a black hooded sweatshirt she was wearing, said State Police Maj. Scott Pare, the commanding officer at the airport..... The battery-powered rectangular device had nine flashing lights, and Simpson had Play-Doh in her hands, Pare said.

A Massachusetts Port Authority staffer manning an information booth in the terminal became suspicious when Simpson _ wearing the device _ approached to ask about an incoming flight, Pare said. Simpson then walked outside, and the staffer notified a nearby trooper.

The trooper, joined by others with submachine guns, confronted her at a traffic island in front of the terminal.

"She was immediately told to stop, to raise her hands and not to make any movement, so we could observe all her movements to see if she was trying to trip any type of device," Pare said. "Had she not followed the protocol, we might have used deadly force."

UPDATE: Blog reactions to this marching moron are swift.

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Posted by Vanderleun at September 21, 2007 12:20 PM | TrackBack

"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Wow! Judging form your headline you are a disgusting little facist.

Posted by: Eli at September 21, 2007 1:01 PM

Judging from your sentiments, you have no concept of “just asking for it.”

Lucky for the dim “Star” she didn’t take her little stunt onto a bus or a train where there would be no trained officers to protect her.

“She wore the white circuit board on her chest over a black hooded sweatshirt, Pare said at a news conference. The battery-powered rectangular device had nine flashing lights, and Simpson had Play-Doh in her hands, he said.’

To those not in on the dim “Star’s” brainwaves this would appear as a “bomb.”

Try it yourself and see. Please.

Posted by: vanderleun at September 21, 2007 2:01 PM

Cops should have smoked her.
Stupid B*tch.

Posted by: Mr_Ramirez at September 21, 2007 2:05 PM

She's OJ's love child--would explain the really bad hair as well as the lack of common sense underneath it.

Posted by: Connecticut Yankee at September 21, 2007 2:59 PM

So if she intended that little stunt as a kind of "performance art", then she should realize that a prison sentence may be a part of the "performance". Presumably she's OK with that.

Posted by: rickl at September 21, 2007 5:55 PM

@Lucky for the dim “Star” she didn’t take her little stunt onto a bus or a train where there would be no trained officers to protect her.@

According to news reports, Simpson rode the "T" to the airport. That's Bostonian for "subway." And the "fake bomb" description was an invention of the state police, who knew moments after they stopped her that her blinkie gadget was no such thing.

The lack of common sense here is the police blowing the whole thing way out of proportion, probably because this Maj. Pare is a publicity seeker.

Posted by: Benny Golson at September 23, 2007 1:43 AM

When the time comes to raise the minimum voting age to 21 Star Simpson will be cited as one of the justifications for it.

Moms and dads, let your kids climb trees and fall out of them. Let them fall into bodies of water. Let them get sunburned, poison ivy, chased by dogs, their knees/elbows/chins scraped, fingers jammed, willies caught in the zipper. Let them do stupid shit that gets them injured, because it's the only real way for them to learn that stupidity has consequences. You do them no favors by keeping them utterly safe from harm.

And when your little Suzi has her broken arm set and put in a cast you can look at her and say, "Bet you won't do that again."

Posted by: Alan Kellogg at September 23, 2007 9:16 AM

"who knew moments after they stopped her that her blinkie gadget was no such thing."

And what about BEFORE they stopped her? What should be the proper procedure for handling something like this, oh wise one?

If I carry a box of playdoh labeled "BOMB" with flashing lights on it into an airport, would it be unreasonable to expect the police might react in a somewhat unpleasant fashion? How about an unmarked box overflowing with something that looks like putty, with a flashing light gadget on it? Okay, scale it down a bit - how about handfuls of stuff that looks like plastic explosive? Should the police just shrug, look the other way, and let it by?

Sorry - but the idea that the police should NOT be concerned with unusual things being carried into airports just doesn't cut it. Not these days.

Posted by: JLawson at September 23, 2007 10:54 AM

My dad, who is very liberal, commented that if he were the Dean of MIT he would expel her on the grounds that the school does not accept morons as students.

My comment is that she is a lab accident waiting to happen, and I pray that her major did not include nuclear engineering.

Posted by: Mikey NTH at September 23, 2007 4:06 PM

madrid bombers used cell phones to set off bombs.
11th sept hijackers used box cutters

note to self- make home-made blinkie gadget look like it was bought at walmart, then freaked-out americans (who's only knowledge of technology stems from sci-fi television and movies) will feel safe.

Posted by: rule britannia at October 1, 2007 9:41 AM
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