"The majority of left-wing blogs are absolutely loving the financial crisis. It's the rapture of the marxists." - Comment @ Marginal RevolutionFire sale:
“‘Global warming’ is sub-prime science, sub-prime economics, and sub-prime politics, and it could well go down with the sub-prime mortgage.” (Philip Stott, September 21) -Global Warming PoliticsCrash! Global Warming Gains Of 30 Years Wiped Out Classical Values Odd indeed:
"How odd that while the media informed us that Obama's Harvard education was a pivotal consideration, we were never reminded earlier of any advantage in Bush's own as lengthy pedigree in the Ivy League." -Works and Days サ Elitism, the Culture Wars, and the CampaignGetting hard to know where reality stops and parody begins:
The Jewish Council for Education and Research -- a new pro-Obama political action committee -- is organizing "The Great Schlep," in which hundreds of Jews will make the Southern exodus on Columbus Day weekend, Oct. 10-13. They will travel to the Fort Lauderdale area, where they will visit their grandparents, organize political salons in their condos and eat incredibly bad food - Off on the Great Schlep - Los Angeles TimesHuffpo Bimbo calls for Congress to impeach itself:
The first and frankly most preferable option is for Congress to immediately begin impeachment proceedings against the members of this latest Business Plot. - Larisa Alexandrovna: Welcome to the final stages of the coup...PDS - Collect the Whole Set! Palin Derangement Syndrome Database Created and updated by Doug Ross. Whitewashing the Red Mentor:
"The influential Associated Press (AP) wire service has belatedly run a story about Barack Obama’s Marxist mentor without mentioning the smoking-gun evidence that the mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a Communist Party member. The dishonest story, which represents damage control for the Obama campaign, was written by AP writer Sudhin Thanawala." -AP Lies About Obama’s Red MentorNew York - Hell with Stupid Restaurants:
"The thing's so small you need a microscope to locate it and yet the waiter reels off 300 things it has - cumin, ginger, a touch of lime reduction (everything always has some stupid reduction), a dash of cilantro, a splash of ginger, a soupcon of duck broth, a scent of thyme, a shred of shrimp behind, a flick of alfalfa seed, a whisk of rosemary, a dollop of creme fraiche, a smidge of scallion." -FINE WHINING OVER CHIC DINING - New York PostPosted by Vanderleun at September 21, 2008 9:23 AM | TrackBack
The notion that Obama, who was schooled in leftist philosophy by Frank Marshall Davis, had no idea who Ayers and Dohrn were until after he met them is ludicrous.
Posted by: Beto Ochoa at September 21, 2008 1:06 PMGeez, no wonder Stalin wanted Czechoslovakia, as did Hitler. Attractive native women are an existential threat to any country, ask the Sabines.
Posted by: chuck at September 21, 2008 6:28 PM"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated to combat spam and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.