April 8, 2008

LiveNewsCameras.Com: The Future of News

Above is the current live moderator feed of LiveNews Cameras. (Unless you are viewing during late night hours) This dynamite new site carries streaming live news from dozens of video feeds and cams around the country. The main site is at LiveNewsCameras.com - Watch Live Streaming News From the USA & World - Beta Version.

From About:

"LiveNewsCameras.com brings together the resources of journalists around the world and makes live streaming video easy to find and use on your computer.

As of today, there are nearly 150 channels of live streaming video here - that number is growing every day."

You can preview what is on any given stream just by leaving the site open on your desktop - many of the thumbnail images will refresh automatically every minute or so.

I especially like the concept of live "Moderator" -- or more properly "Pointer" -- who scans across the feeds and, from time to time, gives you a pointer as to what is going on. The Pointer changes from shift to shift, but currently it is one Andy Roesgen, who's doing a flat-out professional job. Not breaking in too much, but when he does he's terse, to the point and very well spoken.

A powerful social feature of this use of a live "Pointer" is that you can keep the site open in a background window and, if anything breaks, you can hear about it and switch in.

You'll have to spend five to ten minutes on the site clicking around to get the feel of the potential power of this news source, but it will be worthwhile.

I'm putting this link on my Toolbar. You might want to do so as well.

It's ironic that on the same day I am commenting on the rolling death of newspapers (More Good News: Seattle Times Axes 200 @ AMERICAN DIGEST ) a person who sees a link to that item and who works at Livenewscameras.com, sends me an email alerting me to this whole new way of getting the news you can use to the user.

Hey, as I once wrote in my 1995 book, Rules of the Net, "You have to give to the net to get from the net."

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Posted by Vanderleun at April 8, 2008 4:47 PM | TrackBack
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Oh. Wow.

Posted by: TmjUtah at April 8, 2008 6:11 PM

Oh! I was excited and then disappointed. This would be great if most of the feeds weren't Faux News.

Posted by: Gizmo at April 8, 2008 6:43 PM

Well, if Sarah Kustok would do it naked, I'd watch all day!

Posted by: markh at April 9, 2008 7:08 AM

And so say we all but we're pigs.

Posted by: vanderleun at April 9, 2008 7:17 AM

Good comments, guys. I linked to this today and frankly have to say, if I don't have anything better to do than listen to this for longer than two minutes, then just come and shoot me, Gerard.

I'm trying to figure out what naked man in the entire world could entice me to watch for longer than that...and can't think of even one.

However if I do, I'll be back to you. Meanwhile, it's raining here and my windows are up. The sound of rain is delicious!

Posted by: Webutante at April 9, 2008 7:58 AM

And the view from the sty can be pleasing...

Webutante: Perhaps they'll find a proper, intellectually stimulating male to capture and hold your interest. For us men, well, it's so much easier. Some elements of us are so very simple.

Posted by: markh at April 9, 2008 8:07 AM

Right now I am wrapping up a faucet repair, by registering my parts for warranty.

I have this window open where I'm typing a comment.

My wife is on IM, from work. On her smart phone.

I have a window open for researching what public spaces in Utah County might be worth my while to go metal detecting after I finish chores this morning... which includes refinishing my oak end tables and low bookcase that I stripped completely yesterday, using a final trick I learned online...

And I've got the intermittent remarks of the news reader in the background pointing me at breaking news - with a link to on-the-scene reporting - if it interests me.

Oh, and I am a pig. Too. NTTIAWWT. To me. Or mom, as far as I can tell. She just texted me "You ROCK" for the shower repair...

Have a great day!

Posted by: TmjUtah at April 9, 2008 10:43 AM
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